The 7 Main Signs & Symptoms Of Ketosis

keto diet

The ketogenic diet is straightforward—you drastically cut carbs, and before you know it, your body shifts into fat-burning mode, known as ketosis.

But figuring out when you’re actually in this metabolic state? That can be the tricky part.

When I first started experimenting with keto to optimize my health and running performance, I was intrigued by the concept of ketosis.

It took some trial and error, but the benefits were undeniable once I found my groove.

In this article, I’ll share what I’ve learned about recognizing ketosis and the symptoms that show you’re on track.

What’s the Ketogenic Diet?

The keto diet is high in fat, moderate in protein, and very low in carbohydrates. Typically, it comprises 70-80% fat, 15-25% protein, and 5-10% carbs.

The goal? To push your body into ketosis.

To achieve this, most people must limit carbs to 10-30 grams daily. I’ve already written a full guide to the ketogenic diet as well as how to train for a marathon on keto. Feel free to read these guides at your own pace.

Now let’s talk more about ketosis.

What Is Ketosis?

Key-tow-sis is a metabolic state in which the body metabolizes fat instead of carbs to produce ketones, employed by our cells to provide energy to perform their normal function.

Under normal conditions, your body uses carbs to sustain its energy needs. But when you drastically cut your carb intake, ketones are produced by the liver and released into the bloodstream as a reaction to inadequate glucose in the body.

Technically, ketosis is attained when blood ketone levels are around 0.5  mmol/ L. 

How to Get Into Ketosis

The best way to get into ketosis—and as fast as possible—is to eliminate all major carbohydrate sources in your diet, usually to less than 30 net grams of carbs per day.

The more restrictive your carb intake is during the early stage, the sooner your body enters ketosis. So it’s goodbye to bread, rice, pasta, peas, fruits, sugary drinks, chocolate, etc.

Instead, you’ll eat plenty of healthy fats, moderate amounts of lean proteins, and some vegetables. This first step seems brutal, but it’s worth every headache.

Here’s the full keto food diet list.

Note: Remember that 30 grams of carbs is the equivalent of 3 large carrots, one large banana, or two slices of white bread.

How Fast Can You Get Into Ketosis

If you’ve been on the low-carb, high-fat diet for at least a couple of weeks, then you should enter ketosis within three to four days—seven days max.

Most people can generally access light nutritional ketosis—about 0.6 to 1.0 mmol/L within two to three days.  It often takes more than two weeks to get into optimal and steady ketosis of 1.5 to 3.0 mmol/L.

Research on Ketosis Symptoms: What the Science Says

Research published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism found that approximately 30-40% of people starting a ketogenic diet report symptoms consistent with keto flu. These symptoms often include headache, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and irritability. On average, these symptoms peak within the first 2-7 days and gradually improve as the body adapts to burning fat instead of carbohydrates.

Interestingly, research also shows that after the adaptation period, many people experience improved mental clarity and stable energy levels. A study in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that ketosis may help provide a steady fuel source for the brain, potentially improving focus and reducing the energy crashes common with high-carb diets.

How to Tell If You’re in Ketosis: 7 Key Symptoms

Wondering how to tell when your body has made the switch? Here are seven key indications that signal you’ve entered the fat-burning state:

1. Reduced Insulin Levels

As carbs decrease, so do insulin levels, which regulates blood sugar levels. When I cut carbs, I noticed fewer energy crashes, more consistent energy throughout the day, and even better mental focus. For people with blood sugar issues, ketosis can significantly improve insulin sensitivity.

Science backs this up.

According to research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, diabetic subjects on a low-carb diet for two weeks normalized their glucose levels. They reduced average blood sugar by 30 mg/dl.

Do the following to ensure low sugar levels don’t interfere with your life.

  • Have more meals. Plan to eat every four to five hours once you take your first few steps on the ketogenic path. This will help keep you satisfied and your blood sugar levels in check.
  • Reach for mineral-rich drinks. Instead of drinking plain water, opt for mineral-rich drinks between meals. These include high-quality electrolyte beverages or organic broths.
  • Have some Exogenous ketones. These are a great way to train your body to rely on ketos for energy before it’s efficient at producing ketones.

2. The Keto Flu

The dreaded keto flu—a term you’ve likely heard—hits hard in the early days of ketosis. Also known as “induction flu,” the keto flu mimics the signs of the flu. It consists of a bout of lethargy and flu-like symptoms experienced the first week or so as your body begins to make the transition from burning fat instead of glycogen.

Think of the keto flu as your body’s carbohydrate withdrawal syndrome.

When I started, I felt the keto flu within the first three days.

This is what I hated the most about the keto diet early on.

I remember it vividly. On day three or four, I got brain fog, and I was in a hazy state where I’d walk into a room and couldn’t remember why I’d gone in there in the first place.

It was really bad.

In most cases, the keto flu kicks at the 48-to-72-hour mark. Symptoms include:

Fortunately, the symptoms are not permanent, and it’s a good sign that your body is now burning fat. 

Once your body has adjusted, these usually resolve within a few days—often up to a week.

To ease the keto flu, drink plenty of water, increase your dietary fat intake, and consider opting for a sugar-free electrolyte drink.

3. Bad Breath

One of the first signs I noticed when I entered ketosis was a fruity or metallic breath odor—a common symptom caused by the ketone acetone being expelled through the breath.

Acetone is released in the liver and expelled via the breath. This is also a chemical used in producing nail polish removers and some paint thinners, and it is expelled through urine and breath.

Because of the same reason, some people may notice a slightly metallic, or even fruity, taste in their mouth.

While the bad breath may ruin your mood (or that of those you interact with), fortunately, it also indicates that your ketogenic diet is going well.

To mask this symptom, brush your teeth more regularly, add essential oils to water, mouthwash, or chew sugar-free mints.

Or, simply grin and bear it. It’s, after all, just a question of time as the stinks fades away.

4. Short-Term Fatigue

During the first few weeks—not days—you’ll feel less energy than usual when working out, especially when doing high-impact cardio sports, such as running.


The initial drop in performance is caused by the reduction in muscles’ glycogen stores, which is the primary and most efficient energy source for all forms of high-intensity training.

While the drop in energy output is a good sign of ketosis, it can be discouraging as it can negatively affect your workouts. It’s one of the main reasons beginners—especially the super active— quit the diet before fully keto-adapted.

On average, it may take 10 to 30 days before you’re in full ketosis. Complete keto-adaptation can take up to three months.

To help get over this initial hump, take electrolytes supplements to help replace those lost in droves. 

As a rough guideline, aim for 3000 to 4000 mg of sodium, 1000 mg of potassium, and no more than 300 mg of magnesium daily.

What’s more?

Take it easy during the adaptation period. Reduce your training load. Use less weight, fewer reps, take longer breaks between sets, and reduce the length and intensity of your cardio sessions.

Add an extra rest day if you need to.

5. Digestive Issues

I should also warn that it’s common to experience digestive issues like constipation or diarrhea on keto. These unwanted side effects are likely the results of eating more healthy fats than your digestive system is used to dealing with.

Limiting carb intake removes a lot of fiber, such as fruit, grains, legumes, and cereals, which may result in constipation.

On top of that, revving up fat intake may cause diarrhea.

That’s why digestive issues are like rites of passage for keto initiates.

As we have seen, most of these issues should subside after the transition period.

To ease your digestive issues, do the following:

  • Adding keto-friendly high-fiber foods.
  • Consuming plenty of fiber from non-starchy, low-carb vegetables.
  • Getting enough salt or magnesium.
  • Drinking plenty of water.
  • Cutting on dairy and nuts.

Keep in mind that some people have no trouble. So, just because you’re not suffering from any stomach issues doesn’t mean that the ketogenic diet isn’t delivering.

Everybody and every BODY is different. That’s why everyone’s digestive system may react differently to a drastic change in diet, such as cutting down on carbohydrates.

6. Reduced Appetite

One of the coolest perks of ketosis? You may find that your appetite decreases. Once I hit ketosis, I felt fuller for longer and didn’t need to snack as often. High-fat meals are incredibly satiating, and ketones can naturally suppress hunger.

So once you’re keto-adapted, expect long periods without feeling hungry. That’s why intermittent fasting is pretty common among established Keto’ers.

There are a few reasons why ketosis can tame your appetite. You’ll mainly consume healthy fats, lean proteins, and fibrous vegetables on the keto diet. These are the most satiating nutrients that affect appetite hormones, which tames your desire to eat.

Because of this, you’ll rarely feel hungry or need grazing or snacking throughout the day.

7. Increased Ketones

The main goal of the ketogenic diet, as previously stated, is to get your body to ramp up production of ketones.

Blood sugar levels fall, and the body releases fatty acids into the bloodstream.

Stay committed to the low-carb high-fat diet for a while, and ketones will be the main energy source.

Here’s the good news. You can easily measure ketone levels in the blood using a specialized meter. This meter measures your ketone levels by calculating the amount of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), one of the three primary ketones released into the bloodstream once you reach full ketosis.

Technically, a blood ketone level of 0.5 mmol/L is the threshold for entering ketosis.

Various devices measure the presence of ketone bodies in the body, whether in the breath, urine, or blood. This provides an accurate biomarker of your level of ketosis.

According to most experts, measuring ketosis through blood is the most accurate, even though using a glucose meter is more expensive.

This is reliable because it measures endogenous (created by ketogenic eating, fasting, and exercise) and exogenous ketones, such as HVMN ketone.

Remember that this method can be expensive and invasive, requiring a small pinprick to draw blood from your finger. -That’s why most people will only perform one test per week or every other week.

If you’d like to put your ketosis doubts to rest by testing your ketones, Amazon has got what you need.

Managing Ketosis Symptoms

Here’s how I managed the initial symptoms of ketosis:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking water and replenishing electrolytes became a daily priority.
  • Gradual Transition: If you find the keto flu too intense, consider easing into it by reducing carbs more slowly.
  • Add Fiber: Increasing fiber from low-carb veggies helped manage digestive issues.
  • Take it Easy: During my first few weeks, I avoided pushing too hard in my workouts, giving my body time to adapt.

When to Seek Medical Help

While most keto symptoms are temporary, if you experience signs of severe dehydration or diabetic ketoacidosis (e.g., rapid breathing, nausea, confusion), it’s important to seek medical help. For most people, though, the keto flu passes after the first week.

Frequently Asked Questions

I know that you have more than one pressing question about ketosis. Let me address some of the most common concerns.

How long does ‘keto flu’ last?

Most people experience keto flu symptoms for 3-7 days as their body adapts to a low-carb, high-fat diet. Symptoms like headache, fatigue, and irritability typically improve within the first week.

To speed up recovery, focus on staying hydrated and increasing your intake of electrolytes—particularly sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Adding a pinch of salt to water or drinking electrolyte-rich broths can help reduce symptoms faster.

How can I prevent muscle cramps on keto?

Muscle cramps on keto are often due to low electrolyte levels, particularly magnesium. Consider taking a magnesium supplement or soaking in an Epsom salt bath, which allows magnesium to be absorbed through the skin. The Mayo Clinic suggests that moderate salt intake on a low-carb diet can be beneficial, especially during the initial keto adaptation phase.

Is it safe to exercise while adjusting to keto?

Yes, but take it easy during the first week of ketosis, as your body adjusts to burning fat for energy. Light exercise, like walking or gentle yoga, is generally fine and can even help reduce some keto flu symptoms. Once you feel more energized, you can gradually reintroduce higher-intensity workouts. Endurance athletes often benefit from a few weeks of adaptation before resuming intense training.

What foods should I eat to stay in ketosis?

Focus on high-fat, low-carb foods like avocados, eggs, leafy greens, fatty fish, and olive oil. Avoid starchy vegetables, grains, and sugary foods. Checking labels for carb content can help you stay within your daily carb limit.

The Conclusion

Ketosis symptoms vary from person to person. But all in all, chances are you’ll find that at least a few of the above signs of being in ketosis hold true for you.

Ultimately, if you’re applying the tenets of the ketogenic eating plan and stay consistent, you’ll, sooner or later, enter the state of ketosis.

The common thread in the above symptoms is that once your body makes the full transition, most—often all of—the symptoms should subside.

Once you make the full transition, your energy level will start to rise, and the keto flu is but a distance memory. Just be patient.

How long will that take depends on your particular case, genes, diet habits, activity levels, and age.

Just keep in mind that these symptoms do not affect everyone, so if you’re still hesitant about giving keto a shot, try it and see for yourself.

The 13 Best Exercises To Improve Running

Strength Exercises For Runners

Are you looking for the best exercises to improve running skills? You have come to the right place.

Once I started strength training regularly, I became a much more efficient and injury resistant runner.

And I believe the same could happen to you if you only just heed the advice I’m going to share with you in today’s post.

In fact, increasing total body muscular strength should be a part of every runner’s cross-training fitness plan.

Backing your road miles with off-road strengthening exercises will not only assist in injury prevention, but also turn you into a stronger, and more efficient runner.

And that’s a good thing if you ask me.

In other words, strength training is the backbone of great running training—no matter what your goals are.

Why do you need to strength train?

Well, for many reasons, including:

  • To increase strength and power in key running muscles such as the calves, quads, glutes, and hamstrings. This translates into better athletic performance both on and off the running track.
  • To fix muscle imbalances. Research has linked muscles imbalances (when a muscle group is stronger or weaker than the opposite group) to all sorts of overuse injuries, such as Runners Knees, IT band syndrome and the like.
  • To improve running form. Your muscles play a major role in helping you develop and keep proper form—especially when fatigue starts to set in. That’s why increasing strength in your core and upper body muscles is crucial. Doing so also provides you with more stability and support throughout a running gait.

Of course, as a runner myself, I’m assuming that you want the above things as well.

The 13 Best Exercises To Improve Running

Without further ado, here are the exercises most appropriate for runners.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 1. Forward Lunge

This asymmetrical standing exercise is among the most running friendly exercises out there—and for many reasons.

Lunges are convenient, versatile, and focus on the muscles runners use the most: glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

Plus, they also increase the range of motion and improve balance and coordination—key running skills.

Proper Form

Begin by assuming a feet shoulder-width apart while holding a dumbbell in each hand.

Next, step forward with your right foot, shifting your weight to that foot’s heel.

Step far enough forward that both of your knees are bent at about 90-degree angle.

Lower your body until the front knee is positioned over the ankle and the back knee is a few inches off the ground. Make sure to remain as stable as possible with spine neutral throughout the movement.

Then step back to starting position, and repeat on the other side.

Perform 12 to 16 reps to complete one set. Aim for three sets.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 2. Planks

One of my favorite core exercises of all time!

Your core muscles, including the lower back, glutes, rectus abdominis (the six-pack), transverse abdominis (the “deep” abs), and obliques, work together to maintain pelvis neutrality and hold proper form when you run.

Plus, a strong core also reduces energy waste, preventing a litany of injuries and boosting your stride power. As you already know, runners are all about preventing injury and improving performance.

Proper Form

Begin by propping yourself on your elbows with the feet slightly apart.

Keep your abdominals engaged, back straight,

and shoulders directly above the elbows down and back, arms parallel to the body.

Instead of locking your knees, make sure to keep them slightly bent.

Hold this position for one full minute to complete one set.

Gradually add time (or weights!) as your gets stronger.

Additional Resource – Your guide to weighted vests for running.

Strength Exercises For Runners

Exercise To Improve Running No – 3. Push-ups

Just because you’re a runner does not mean that upper body strength is trivial.

The fact is, as already stated in this post, proper upper body strength is key for both efficient running and proper form. No doubts.

Not only that, but it also helps take the pressure off your hips, knees, and ankles as fatigue sets in.

And when it comes up building upper body strength and power, you cannot go wrong with pushups.

This symmetrical exercise helps develop upper body and core strength and endurance like nothing else.

More specifically, pushups target the pectoralis muscles of the chest, but they also train the triceps—the muscles at the back of the upper arms, and the shoulders.

Proper Form

Assume a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart, back flat, and feet slightly apart.

Next, lower your body by bending your elbows to a 90-degree angle, keeping them relatively close to your torso, until your chest hover the ground.

Keep your glutes engaged and torso rigid throughout the exercise—hiked, or sagging hips is a sign that you lack enough strength to perform the exercise properly.

Then press back up to starting position and repeat.

Do as many push-ups as possible with good form to complete one set. Aim for three sets.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 4. The Twisting Lunge

This lunge variation is a great core exercise that also increases lower body strength, coordination, and balance.

Also, the twisting motion forces the glutes to contract more fully while it engages the core.

Proper Form

Assume an athletic position while holding a dumbbell or a medicine ball in front of you with elbows bent at approximately 90-degree angle.

Step forward with your right foot into a lunge position.

Then, while keeping your knee on the right foot, twist your upper body to the right.

Maintain a 90-degree angle bent in the front knee, then straighten and engage your rear leg.

Last up, slowly press back to starting position.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 5. Russian Twists

These are one of the best exercises for working the obliques—the muscles that help rotate the torso and stabilize the spine.

Plus, Russian twists can also target the hips, back, arms, and shoulders, depending on the weight apparatus used and/or loading of the movement.

Proper Form

Begin by sitting down on the floor while keeping your back at 45-degree angle, both feet either flat the floor (easy) or in the air (more advanced) so your body is forming a V shape.

Make sure to keep your back flat at this angle throughout the movement. Do not hunch your shoulders forward.

Next, twist your upper body to the right, hold for a count of three, then slowly rotate back to starting position.

Repeat on the other side.

For more challenge, hold a dumbbell in each hand as you twist.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 6. Squats

If I had to pick one exercise that fits perfectly with the demands of running, then it would be squats.

This fantastic exercise boosts leg power, improves knee stability, increase the range of motion—all of which can prevent a plethora of overuse running injury.

For the full guide to squat variations, check my post here.

Proper Form

Assume an athletic position with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing ahead, while holding dumbbells at shoulder-height.

You can also perform this without weight while holding your arms extended in front or overhead.

Next, lower down by sitting back as if there is a chair behind you.

Lower your hips down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, forming a 90-degree angle. Just do not let your knees go past your toes.

Then press back up to starting position.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 7. The Bridge

This is one of the best exercises for strengthening the core stabilizer muscles, specifically the transversus abdominis and multifidus muscles.

The bridge also helps prevent lower back pain.

Not to mention that it’s the go-to move for toning the gluteus medius muscle—one of the three muscles responsible for creating the ever coveted lift.

Proper Form

Begin by lying down on your back with arms to the side, palms facing down, knees bent, and heels on the floor.

Next, raise your hips until knees, hips, and shoulders are in straight line. Squeeze your abs and glutes as you reach the top of the movement. Do not overextend your back during the exercise.

Hold the bridge post for a couple of seconds before easing back down.

Last up, slowly lower your hips back to the floor and allow to briefly touch the floor before completing another rep.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 8. Wall Sits

This isometric exercise is one of my favorites!

It’s an impressive lower body move that builds strength and endurance in the calves, glutes, and more importantly, the quadriceps.

Walls sits are also easy on the knees and can be performed by almost anyone.

Proper Form

Stand roughly two feet away from a wall.

Next, press your back against the wall with your feet shoulder-width apart and slide down the wall until you end up in a sitting position. Imagine there is a chair under you.

Keep your thighs parallel to the ground and feet firmly planted on the ground throughout the hold.

Hold the position for as long as you can. And remember to engage your legs and core muscles, while keeping the back flat throughout the hold.

Last up, slide up the wall to starting position to complete one set.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 9. The Deadlift

The deadlift is the mother of all full body exercises.

In fact, it’s one of the most basic powerlifting exercises.

The classic deadlift hits almost every muscle in the body, including the quads, calves, lower back,  and the core muscles.

Furthermore, study shows that the deadlift can also increase strength and muscle mass by boosting the release of the growth hormone.

Proper Form

Start by placing a heavy barbell on the floor in front of you, positioning your feet about halfway under the bar—roughly 3 inches from touching it.

Next, while hinging at the hips and keeping your back straight with the core engaged,  bend over until your shins touch the barbell then grab the loaded barbell.

Next, to pull the barbell off the ground, extend your hips and knees until you’re standing up straight.

On the way down, slowly lower the weight to the floor until you’re back to the starting position.

Perform 8 to 10 reps to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 10. Overhead Lunge

This is a quite challenging variation of the classic bodyweight lunge that targets the shoulders, the core, the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps—making it a total body exercise per excellence.

Not only that, but overhead lunges will also help you build and increase flexibility in the hip flexors.

Also, they are ideal for challenging your balance, proprioception, and overall mobility.

Proper Form

Start by standing tall with feet shoulder-width apart while holding a plate, a pair of dumbbells or a barbell straight above your shoulders.

Please, make sure that your arms are straight with the elbows locked.

Next, while keeping the weight directly overhead (in line with the shoulder joint )take a large step forward with your right leg and lower your body until your right knee is bent at 90-degree angle.

Last up, return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg to complete one rep.

If this is too challenging for you, then feel free to hold the weight at shoulder level.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 11. The Chin-up

Another awesome upper body weight that’s guaranteed to help you achieve the kind of upper body strength you always wanted.

This ideal exercise targets the core, the back and biceps muscles like nothing else.

If performing straight chin-up is too much for you, then feel free to use a chair assist for more help.

(check the YouTube Tutorial for how).

Proper Form

While using a pull-up bar, grab it with your palms facing you and with hands a bit wider than shoulder width apart.

Next, while keeping your core engaged and letting your body hang, raise yourself up until your chin is parallel with or over the bar.

Then, slowly release and repeat.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 12.  Kettlebell Swing

You might not be familiar with this kettlebell exercise, but kettlebell swings are some of the best functional and total body exercises that there is.

This particular exercise is good for runners because it can help you boost endurance, core stability, strength, and balance—all of which can help you improve your overall running power for any distance and running terrain.

Proper Form

Start by standing tall feet hip-width apart while holding a dumbbell (or a kettlebell) with both hands at arm’s length.

Next, bend your knees slightly, rock back and lower the weight to between legs until it’s below your butt.

Then, with a hip snapping motion, thrusts the hips forward and swings the kettlebell forward to shoulder height.

Please do this while keeping the arms straight and core engaged through the movement.

Continue swinging back and forth, allowing momentum to swing the kettlebell upward instead of trying to actively lift it with the arms.

Do 12 to 16 swings to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Exercise To Improve Running No – 13 Front Squat to Push Press

Also known as thrusters in the CrossFit circles, and it’s a mix of the classic squat and the powerful push press exercise.

This exercise hits almost every major muscle group in the body with the added benefits of increasing total body endurance, flexibility, mobility and coordination like nothing else.

Just be careful.

This is an advanced exercise.

You can only start doing it after mastering basic squat variations as well as the stand push-press exercise.

Proper Form

Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart while holding hold a sandbag on the shoulder and upper chest (or a barbell across the front of the shoulders).

Next, while keeping the core engaged and back flat, lower Don by pushing your hips back and bending your knees until you are in a full squat position.

Hold for a moment, then from the bottom position, explode back and stand back up as hard as you can while pushing the weight overhead, with the legs straight, shoulder stacked over your hips and arms fully extended.

This is one rep.

Do 8 to 12 reps to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.

Click HERE to learn more about The Runners Blueprint System today!

5 Quick HIIT Workouts for Beginners

HIIT Workouts for Beginners

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will take your workouts to a whole new level? Well, get ready to dive into the invigorating world of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with me.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. HIIT has gained quite a reputation for its intensity, and that can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to the fitness game. But here’s the truth: you don’t have to fear it. In fact, you’d be making a big mistake by shying away from this powerhouse training method.

Why? Because HIIT is a game-changer when it comes to boosting your fitness levels and torching that stubborn fat. It’s like a secret weapon that unlocks your body’s full potential. And let me tell you, the results are worth every drop of sweat.

Today, I’m your guide to conquering HIIT workouts with confidence and without risking injury. I’ll show you how to customize your workouts, ramping up or dialing down the intensity to suit your needs. Because hey, we’re all on our own fitness journey, and it’s important to honor our bodies along the way.

But wait, there’s more! I won’t just leave you hanging with theory and advice. I’ve got a treat for you. I’ll be sharing a collection of workout routines specifically designed for the complete beginners among us. These routines will ease you into the world of HIIT, helping you build a strong foundation and gradually increase your stamina and strength.

So, are you ready to unleash the power of HIIT while keeping your well-being in check?

Let’s go!

What’s HIIT?

Alright, listen up, fitness enthusiasts! We’re about to unravel the secrets of one of the most powerful training methods out there: High Intensity Interval Training, HIIT for short. Now, forget everything you thought you knew about exercise because HIIT is about to blow your mind.

Picture this: instead of spending endless hours on the treadmill, mindlessly jogging at a steady pace, HIIT shakes things up with its explosive bursts of all-out effort followed by moments of well-deserved recovery.

Here’s the deal: you don’t have to be a superhuman athlete to tap into the magic of HIIT. That’s right, even if you’re a complete beginner, HIIT can work wonders for you. But hold on tight because things are about to get intense. I’m talking heart-pounding, sweat-drenching, muscle-burning intensity. And with great power comes great responsibility.

You see, HIIT pushes your body to the limits, and if you don’t approach it with caution and follow some essential guidelines, you might find yourself dealing with unnecessary wear and tear. But fear not, my friends, for I’m here to equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the world of HIIT safely and injury-free.

Let’s get to it.

The Beginner Tips You Need

Here is how to take on high-intensity interval training workouts most effectively as you work your way toward achieving your fitness goals.

And just because the routines shared below are for beginners, that does not mean, by no means, they’re easy.

Stay Within Your Fitness Level

Now, when it comes to HIIT, one cardinal rule reigns supreme: stay within your fitness level. Trust me, this is the golden ticket to success, regardless of where you currently stand on the fitness spectrum or what your training goals may be. It’s like walking a tightrope—finding that perfect balance between pushing yourself and avoiding overexertion.

Sure, HIIT workouts are all about intensity, but going all-out too soon can be a recipe for disaster. I’m about talking injuries, painful burnouts, and a whole lot of regret. And let’s be honest, nobody wants to deal with that. So, here’s a simple strategy for you: listen to your body and adjust your training approach accordingly. If something feels off or too challenging, take a step back and reevaluate. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where you’re pushing your limits without pushing too far.

Now, my friends, as a beginner, it’s important to keep an eye on that heart rate of yours. It’s like a compass guiding you through the HIIT wilderness. If it starts to skyrocket and you feel like you’re about to keel over, take a breather. There’s no shame in taking breaks or modifying exercises to match your current fitness level.

Remember, progress is a journey, not a race, and you want to build a strong foundation before conquering the mountaintop.

Don’t Do HIIT Every Day

Speaking of taking breaks, let’s address the burning question: should you do HIIT every single day?

The answer is a resounding no! I know, I know, those short and intense workouts can be addictively tempting, but overdoing it is a recipe for disaster. Your body needs time to recover and rebuild. It’s like a car that needs regular maintenance to keep running smoothly.

So, my dear beginners, start with two HIIT sessions a week and gradually work your way up to three or four. This allows your muscles, joints, and mind to recharge, preventing overuse injuries and the dreaded state of overtraining.

The Warm-up

Before you jump into those heart-pounding intervals, take a few moments to elevate your training experience with a proper warm-up.

Trust me, it’s like laying the groundwork for a masterpiece. The warm-up is your chance to elevate your body temperature, get your heart pumping, and activate those muscles that are about to go full-throttle. I’m talking injury prevention and optimal performance here.

So, how do you craft the ultimate warm-up sequence? It’s all about finding that perfect balance. Start off with a 5 to 10-minute session of slow jogging or spinning, getting that heart rate up and those lungs in gear. You can even get creative and jog or march in place if you’re limited on space. The goal is to get those engines revving and ready to take on the challenge ahead.

Once you’re feeling warmed up and in the zone, it’s time to dive into some dynamic stretches that will have your muscles firing on all cylinders. We’re talking about exercises that target major muscle groups and leave no stone unturned.

Perform moves like standing crisscross crunches, inchworms, side lunges, high kicks, leg swings (front to back), and squats. These power-packed moves engage your upper body, lower body, and core, ensuring that every inch of your being is primed and ready for action.

Form is Key

Form is everything. That’s right, whether you’re hitting the pavement for your first 5K or stepping into the world of resistance training as a beginner, nailing your technique is the key to success. It’s more important than the number of reps you do or the speed at which you perform them. Trust me, it’s worth repeating: technique reigns supreme.

So, as you embark on your HIIT journey, I implore you to prioritize form above all else. Remember the mantra “form first, speed second” and etch it into your mind. Don’t even think about attempting an exercise if your technique isn’t on point. It’s better to skip a rep than risk injury or compromise your progress.

Think of it this way: just like a finely-tuned machine, your body operates at its best when each component is functioning flawlessly. By mastering your form, you’re ensuring that every movement is executed with precision and efficiency. This not only minimizes the risk of injury but also maximizes the benefits you’ll reap from each and every workout.

5 Quick HIIT Workouts For Beginners

To kick off your HIIT journey without a hitch, here are five fat-burning, muscle-building interval workouts to try.

These routines can take any beginners into elite HIIT beast in just a few months.

Each routine involves performing easy-to-master and convenient exercises, made just for you.

All you need is basic equipment, a mat, water, and some willpower. The rest is just details, as the saying goes.

HIIT Workouts For Beginners – 1: The 15-Minute Full Body Routine

Alright, my friends, get ready to embark on an electrifying workout journey that will leave you feeling like a true fitness rockstar. This workout is designed with the complete beginner in mind, making it accessible for anyone, anytime, anywhere. So no excuses, folks!

Here’s the game plan: Complete the circuit a total of five times, but make sure to give yourself a well-deserved one-minute breather between each round. This will allow you to catch your breath, recover, and prepare to crush the next round with even more determination. And remember, we’re aiming for a 7 to 8 on the RPE scale, so push yourself to find that sweet spot where you’re challenging your limits while still maintaining good form.

First up, pushups that will sculpt those glorious upper body muscles. Don’t worry if you’re new to pushups, I’ve got your back. Check out the link for a handy tutorial that will guide you through the perfect pushup form. Trust me, you’ll be a pushup pro in no time!

Next, we’re cranking up the cardio with 20 jumping jacks. It’s a classic move that gets your heart pumping and your body buzzing with energy. Follow this link for a visual demonstration that will have you jumping for joy in no time.

Now, let’s dial it up a notch with 10 modified burpees. This full-body exercise is a true powerhouse, engaging multiple muscle groups and skyrocketing your heart rate. Not sure how to tackle the modified burpee? Fear not! Check out this link for a step-by-step tutorial that will have you nailing those burpees like a seasoned pro.

HIIT Workouts For Beginners – 2: The 15-Minute Kettlebell Routine

You’re short on time, but you still want to get a heart-pumping, sweat-inducing workout that will leave you feeling like a true fitness dynamo. Well, look no further than the mighty kettlebell—the ultimate weapon in your HIIT arsenal.

Let me tell you, kettlebell training is like a symphony of strength and cardio, perfectly orchestrated to push your heart rate to the max. It’s a powerhouse workout that combines explosive movements with functional strength training, giving you the ultimate bang for your buck.

Now, let’s dive into a heart-pounding routine that will test your mettle and ignite your fitness journey. I’m talking three minutes of intense work followed by two minutes of blissful rest. Trust me, these rounds will challenge you, but they will also unleash your inner beast and take your fitness to new heights.

Are you ready to rock this kettlebell extravaganza? Let’s do it!

In round one, we kick things off with kettlebell sit-ups. It’s an exercise that targets your core, giving those abs a serious wake-up call. Not sure how to perform a kettlebell sit-up with proper form? Fear not!

Check out this link for a visual guide that will have you mastering the sit-up in no time.

Next up, we’ve got American kettlebell swings. These bad boys are a true game-changer, targeting your posterior chain and firing up your entire body. Get ready to unleash the power within you as you swing that kettlebell like a champion.

Don’t know how to swing? No worries! Check out this link for a demonstration that will have you swinging with finesse and grace.

Now, let’s shift gears to the kettlebell clean and press. This compound movement works multiple muscle groups simultaneously, taking your strength and endurance to new heights. Trust me, it’s a total-body burner that will leave you feeling like a superhero. Need some guidance on the clean and press technique?

Look no further than this link for a step-by-step tutorial that will have you conquering the clean and press like a true warrior.

Last but not least, we’ve got the kettlebell goblet lunge. This exercise targets your legs, glutes, and core, sculpting those lower body muscles with each and every lunge. It’s a true test of strength and stability, and boy, does it deliver results.

Not sure how to execute a perfect kettlebell goblet lunge? Check out this link for a demonstration that will have you lunging with confidence and precision.

Additional resource  – TRX exercises for runners

HIIT Workouts For Beginners – 3: The 20-Minute Lung Busting Routine

Get ready to unleash your inner cardio warrior with a heart-pounding routine that will skyrocket your heart rate like nothing else. This circuit is a cardio extravaganza that will leave you feeling invigorated, energized, and dripping with sweat. Are you ready to take on the challenge? Let’s dive in!

Let’s kick things off with squat jumps. These explosive movements will have your legs burning and your heart pumping in no time. Get ready to leap into action, channeling your inner superhero as you explode off the ground and land with grace.

Need some guidance on perfecting your squat jumps? Check out this link for a demonstration that will have you jumping with power and finesse.

Next up, we’ve got the almighty kettlebell swings. This exercise is a cardio powerhouse that will engage your entire body and leave you feeling like a force to be reckoned with. Swing that kettlebell with gusto, letting the momentum propel you forward as you conquer each rep. Don’t know how to swing like a pro? This link will provide you with a visual guide to perfecting your kettlebell swings.

Now, let’s shift gears to high knees jog. This exercise is like a burst of energy, revving up your heart rate and engaging your legs in a high-octane cardio blast. Get those knees pumping, embracing the rhythm and intensity of this movement. Want to see how it’s done? Look no further than this link a demonstration that will have you jogging in place like a cardio champion.

Last but certainly not least, we’ve got the dreaded burpees. Yes, my friends, the burpee—a true test of strength, endurance, and mental fortitude. Embrace the challenge, dive down into that push-up position, explode back up, and jump towards the sky with determination. Burpees are the ultimate full-body exercise that will leave you gasping for air and feeling a sense of accomplishment like no other. Need a refresher on proper burpee form? Check out this link for a step-by-step guide that will have you burpee-ing with confidence and precision.

HIIT Workouts For Beginners – 4: The Lower Body Sculptor Routine

Prepare to unleash the power of your lower body while torching calories and building endurance with a workout routine that will leave you feeling stronger and more accomplished. This routine is a perfect blend of strength training and cardiovascular exercise, designed to sculpt your muscles and ignite your metabolism.

Are you ready to take your fitness to new heights? Let’s dive in!

We’re kicking things off with air squats, a fundamental exercise that targets your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. It’s time to squat like you mean it, engaging your lower body muscles and working on your form.

Need some guidance on perfecting your air squats? Check out this helpful video that will walk you through the proper technique, ensuring you get the most out of each squat.

Next up, we have alternating lunges, a dynamic exercise that engages your legs, glutes, and core. Step forward with confidence, sinking into each lunge and powering through to the next. Alternating lunges not only strengthen your lower body but also improve balance and stability. Want to see how it’s done?

Take a look at this instructional video that will guide you through the correct form and execution of alternating lunges.

Now, it’s time to put your back against the wall and challenge yourself with wall squats. This isometric exercise targets your quadriceps and glutes while also engaging your core for stability. Embrace the burn as you hold the squat position against the wall, feeling the muscles in your lower body working hard. Check out this informative video to learn the proper technique and get the most out of your wall squats.

Finally, we have the explosive squat jumps, a plyometric exercise that takes your lower body workout to the next level. Explode into the air, pushing off with power and landing softly. Squat jumps not only build strength and endurance but also improve explosive power and coordination. Want to master the art of squat jumps? Look no further than this dynamic video that will guide you through the proper form and execution.

HIIT Workouts For Beginners – 5: The 30-Minute Total Body Feast

Let’s begin with the mighty kettlebell swings, a dynamic exercise that targets your hips, glutes, and core while also providing a cardiovascular challenge. Grab that kettlebell and swing it like a pendulum, feeling the power and momentum as you propel yourself forward. Need some guidance on perfecting your kettlebell swings? Check out this informative video that will help you master the technique and unleash the full potential of this explosive exercise.

Next up, we have the Spiderman pushups, a move that will engage your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core while also testing your agility and coordination. Channel your inner superhero as you bring your knee to your elbow with each pushup, feeling the burn in your upper body and enjoying the challenge. Want to see how it’s done? Watch this captivating video that will guide you through the proper form and execution of Spiderman pushups.

Prepare to elevate your heart rate and ignite your leg muscles with jump lunges, a plyometric exercise that takes your lower body workout to new heights. Jump, switch legs mid-air, and land with grace, feeling the power and explosiveness in every rep. Jump lunges not only build strength and endurance but also improve your balance and coordination. Need some inspiration? Check out this electrifying video that will demonstrate the correct technique and motivate you to conquer this challenging exercise.

Now, it’s time to engage your entire body with plank jacks, a dynamic variation of the traditional plank exercise. Get into a plank position, then jump your feet wide and back together, feeling the burn in your core, shoulders, and legs. Plank jacks are a fantastic way to boost your cardiovascular endurance while also strengthening your core stability. Watch this captivating video to learn the proper form and technique for plank jacks.

Lastly, we have weighted Russian twists, a core exercise that targets your obliques and improves rotational strength. Grab a weight, whether it’s a dumbbell, kettlebell, or medicine ball, and twist from side to side, engaging your entire core as you go. Weighted Russian twists not only sculpt your midsection but also enhance your balance and stability. Get ready to feel the burn with this engaging video that will guide you through the proper execution of weighted Russian twists.

HIIT Workouts for Beginners – The Conclusion

Here you have it!

These beginner HIIT workouts are all you need to get you started on the high-intensity training path. So, what are you waiting for?

Take action now. The rest is just detail.

The 13 Best HIIT Running Workouts For Weight Loss

HIIT Workouts For Weight Loss

Looking for the best HIIT running workouts for weight loss?

Then you have come to the right place.

Why HIIT is famous? Simple. Because HIIT running workouts works like a charm for dropping pounds and achieving a healthy weight.

But to get the most out of high intensity training for weight loss, you need to set up your training the right way.

That’s where today’s post comes in handy.

In this article, I’m sharing with you the basics of high-intensity interval training so you can become your own coach and design your own plan.

Here’s a summary of what you’re going to learn by the end of this beginners guide to high-intensity interval training:

  • What is an HIIT running workout
  • Why HIIT is effective for Weight Loss
  • How long do HIIT workouts Should be?
  • How to add HIIT running Workouts For Weight Loss into your Exercise plan
  • When To Avoid High-intensity Interval Training For Weight Loss
  • The Treadmill Shed HIIT Workout
  • The Body Weight Incinerator HIIT Workout
  • The Plyometric Feast HIIT Workout
  • The Full Body HIIT Workout
  • The Hill Sprints HIIT Workout
  • The Weighted HIIT Sprints Workout
  • The Tabata HIIT Workout
  • The Stadium HIIT Workout
  • The Jump Rope HIIT Workout
  • The Staircase HIIT Workout
  • The Medicine Ball HIIT Workout
  • The HITT Sandbag Workout
  • The 30-Minute HIIT Hotel Workout Routine

Brace yourself, you’ll learn a lot and shed a lot!

*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I’d use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. 

What is An HIIT Workout?

High-intensity interval training, as the name suggests, consists of intervals of short periods of intense exercise, followed by recovery periods in a circuit or cycle.

During HIIT, you, basically, alternate intervals of all-out-effort performed at 90 to 99 percent of your maximum heart rate with a minimum resting period.

The interval portions may include fast-paced bodyweight exercise, sprinting, or any other challenging movement, whereas the recovery periods usually consist of either low-intensity exercise, such as jogging or walking at a slow pace, or complete rest.

The Effectiveness of HIIT for Weight Loss

Over the last few decades, plenty of published studies have proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the impact of interval training on fat loss.

In fact, most of the experiments revealed that HITT to be more effective at shedding the pounds, maintaining (even improving) muscle mass, and increasing fitness than long periods of low to moderate intensity cardio training.

Let’s check out a few:

Study I

Two weeks of high-intensity interval training improves aerobic capacity as much as six to eight weeks of endurance training, according to research presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting.

Study II

Not only do intervals burn mad calories during the workout, but also increase metabolism for more than 24 hours afterward, research shows.

This means that you keep burning calories at a higher rate long after you have finished exercising.

Study III

Overweight subjects doing HIIT style workouts for an 8-week period dropped more than two percent in body fat as compared to those who followed a moderate steady-state cardio routine on the treadmill, according to research out of the East Tennessee State University.

Study IV

Research out of Australia revealed that female subjects following a 20-minute interval routine, (consisting of 8-second sprints followed by 12-second rest periods), lost about six times more body fat than the group who opted for a 40-minute steady-state cardio training at 60 percent of maximum heart rate.

I hope by now you’re already getting the big picture.

Whether you’re looking to lose 10 pounds, 20 pounds, or even more, HIIT delivers.

How To Make HIIT Running Workouts Work For Weight Loss

The key to burning a lot of calories while doing high-intensity interval training lies in how hard you push yourself during the intense intervals.

As a rule, aim to train at roughly 90 percent of your max—this is what’s known as training in an anaerobic mode.

This is the equivalent of 8 to 9 on the rated perceived exertion scale.

How long does an HIIT running workout for weight loss Should Be?

Here’s more good news.

You don’t need a huge time commitment to get the most out of HIIT.

In fact, research has reported that even doing as little as 10 minutes of HIIT workouts can have a huge positive impact on health.

Individuals with insulin resistance risk, for example, can benefit from doing a HIIT workout. Running can help increase insulin sensitivity, specifically when you vary your speeds and intensity throughout a much shorter time. This will help your body use blood glucose more effectively, thus reducing blood sugar levels. 

Here’s how to add HIIT workouts to your exercise plan:

  • Two to three days of strength training per week
  • Two to three HIIT workouts at 20 to 30 minutes.
  • One long steady-state cardio day –45 minutes or longer.

Be Careful

If you’re a beginner and/or are out of shape, don’t go 100 percent all out at once.

Instead of performing intervals at near-maximum capacity, do fewer than you think at closer to 80 to 90 percent of maximum effort, then take plenty of rest between each round to let your body fully recover.

Don’t chew more than you can swallow—or else, you’re going to regret it.

What’s worst than regret?

Stopping training altogether because you got injured or burned out.

You don’t want that.

Additional source  – How to run to lose belly fat?

When To Avoid High-intensity Interval Training For Weight Loss

If you’re a complete beginner with no fitness experience or recovering from an acute injury, HIIT is not for you (not yet until you pass the acute phase).

As a beginner, aim first to build your endurance and strength doing plenty of walks, jogs, and total body strength training.

This should be the foundation of your training.

Once you feel that your body is up to the task, start HIIT training but do it in a slow and gradual manner.

In case you’re dealing with an injury, let’s say shin splints, then take up HIIT once you’re pain-free and/or already have the green light from your doctor.

Don’t get too excited—or else, if you try to push through pain, you may make your injury worse.

HIIT Workouts For Weight Loss

The Best HIIT Workouts For Weight Loss

To jumpstart your HIIT program, I’ve compiled a short, but very effective, list of my favorite interval workouts for weight loss.

Pick one or two—or all of them—to add to your weekly training routine.

Just whatever you do, stay within your fitness level the entire time—that’s how you get fit (and slim) without getting hurt.

Remember to include at least one day of recovery between workouts as these routines are super challenging.

The rest is just detail.

HIIT Running Workout 1 – The Treadmill Shed Routine

Start the routine with a 5-minute jog to get your mind and body ready for the intense work ahead.

Then choose a treadmill speed that you can sustain for no more than 30 seconds.

You can also add a 4 percent incline for more intensity.

Next, perform eight to ten intervals for 30 seconds, followed by 90 seconds of recovery.

Make sure you push yourself during the interval, shooting for at least 8 to 9 RPM on a scale of 1 to 10.

Then slow it down to bring your breathing and heart rate back to normal.

Last up, finish the session with a 5-minute slow jog cool-down.

Then stretch your muscles.

HIIT Running Workout 2 – The Body Weight Incinerator

start your routine with a 5-minute slow to jog to warm up.

Then perform another five minute of dynamic routine just like this one.

Continue by performing 12 to 16 reps of the following exercises in the order shown for 30 minutes.

Take 10 seconds of rest between each exercise.

  • Squats
  • Sit-ups
  • Push-ups
  • Jumping jacks
  • Long lunges

Rest for one to two minutes, then repeat the circuit for four to five times.

Once you’re done, perform this stretching routine as cool-down.

HIIT Non-Running Workout 3 – The Plyometric Feast

Following a 10-minute dynamic warm-up, complete the following seventy moves in order with no rest in between.

  • Squat jumps – 20 reps
  • Plyo push-ups (on your knees if you have to)—8 reps
  • Jumping lunges—10 reps on each side
  • Burpees – 15 reps
  • Lateral lunge jump – 15 reps

Take a one-minute break between each round.

Shoot for eight to ten rounds.

HIIT Running Workout 4 – Hill Sprints

Hill sprints, also known as hill repetitions, are the most powerful form of sprints that there is.

They help you sculpt a killer core and lower body strength, Also, ward off leg injury because of the position of your body and the shorter stride.

Here’s how to get started.

Look around your neighborhood and find a hill with a steep slope that is at least 50 yards long.

The longer, the better.

begin your session with a warm-up, then sprint up the hill at 70 percent of your max effort.

Walk down for recovery and do no more than five sprints at about 80 percent of your maximum effort.

Finish the session with a slow five-minute jog on a flat surface, followed by a 15-minute static stretch for all of your major muscle groups—especially the calves, hamstrings, and the gluts.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to much to run to lose weight

HIIT Running Workout 5 – The Weighted Sprint

Adding weighted vests to your sprint workouts makes them more challenging, thereby increasing energy expenditure.

You’ll feel much lighter on your feet once you remove the vest.

Strap on a weighted vest—weighing no more than 10 pounds for starters—and perform your interval sprints on a track.

Don’t go full throttle on your first sessions.

Get your body familiar with the new workload, the, aim for heavier vests and more sprints,

And Keep pushing your body as hard as you can.

Additional Resource – Your guide to weighted vests for running.

HIIT Running Workout 6 – The Tabata Routine

Tabata inspired workouts have been dubbed the “4-minute fat-burning miracle workout” because they help you increase aerobic and anaerobic capacity, along with overall fitness level like nothing else.

To do Tabata training right, make it your goal to push as hard as possible for 20 seconds, rests for 10 seconds, then repeats this on-off pattern for a total eight times, taking four minutes to complete one Tabata round.

After a thorough warm-up, perform the following four rounds, aiming to complete the whole workout in less than 20 minutes.

High Knees

Assume an athletic position with feet hip-width apart, back flat and core activated.

Next, perform high knees by jumping from one foot to the other at the same time, bringing the knees up to waist level.

You can also bring your palm in front of your waist, attempt to touch your palm with your knees as quickly as possible.

Make sure you’re pumping your arms and landing on the balls of the feet as they run in place as fast as possible.

Continue for 20 seconds, rests for 10, and then repeats the cycle eight times.


Stand tall, feet hip-width apart, with most of the weight on the balls of the feet.

Next, while keeping the back flat, core engaged, and knees tracking over the toes, squat down, sitting back until the knees are bent at a 90 degrees angle.

The goal is to strengthen your glutes, not showing it off.

So make sure you don’t over curve your lower back.

Last up, press back up to standing position and repeats.

Continue for the full 20-second interval, then rests for 10 seconds, and repeat the cycle eight times.

Additional resource – How to measure body fat percentage


Begin stands with feet hip-width apart, back flat, and core activated.

Next, squat, place your palms on the floor, then kick the feet back to end up in a full plank position, quickly hop the feet back into the squat, and finally explode up in the air, reaching the arms overhead.

Perform as many burpees as possible for 20 seconds, rests for 10 seconds, then repeat the whole cycle eight times.

Jumping Lunges

Assume a lunge position with the left foot forward, both knees bent at a 90-degree angle, with the right knee almost touching the floor.

Next, while keeping the torso straight and core engaged, have your client jump up as high possible, swapping leg position mid-air. immediately jump up back again to starting position and repeat.

Continue jump lunging for 20 seconds, then rests for 10 seconds, repeating the whole cycle eight times.

HIIT running Workouts For Weight Loss

HIIT Non-Running Workout 7 – The Sleds Routine

Sled training is a grueling workout with a simple premise:  you push the sled from point A to point B as fast and as hard as possible with good technique.

Here’s how to proceed.

Load a sled with two 45-pound plates on each side.

Next, push the sled for the given distance without stopping, pause, then push back to starting position.

As you move forward, keep a straight line from head to ankle throughout the exercise, with the power coming from the hips and legs.

To do that, press and drive the feet diagonally into the ground with each step they take.

Rest for one minute and repeat for five to seven more times.

Push the sled with perfect form at all times.

HIIT Running Workout 8 -The Stadium Routine

Feeling trapped in the gym?

Hit the stadium.

In fact, you can get a lung-busting, muscle-burning session only by using the nearby stadium as a gym.

Here is an interval stadium workout routine to help you get into the best shape ever.

Perform the following exercises back to back, taking a 30-second rest between each exercise.

Aim to complete two to three total rounds.


Start at one end of the straightway section of the track, then sprint full effort for 100 meters.

Rest for 30-seconds, then sprint back to the starting position.

Stair sprints

Run up the steps as fast as possible while driving your knees up and pumping your arms quickly and powerfully to keep momentum.

Then briskly walk down to starting position.

Double-step run

Sprint up the stairs as fast as you can while striding powerfully enough to skip every other step.

Double-leg hops

Begin by standing facing a series of steps with feet shoulder-width apart.

Assume a slight squat position, with your upper body, align or lower than your lower body then jump up and forward onto the first step, and land softly, knees slightly bent.

Pause, and then jump onto the second step and so on.

Continue making your way up to the top of the stairs until you reach the last step, then turn around and slowly walk back down.

HIIT Workout  9 – The Jump Rope Routine

Jump rope is a crucial training part of many sports, including tennis players, boxers, runners, and martial artists.

It’s also very convenient.

All you need is a properly-sized jump rope, and there you go.

Here’s one of my favorite jump rope routines:

Forward jump (basic jump)

Swing the rope over your head and jumps over it with both feet on every rotation.

Make sure you’re not jumping too high, just high enough to clear the rope.

Continue for one to two minutes, then recover for 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.

Alternate-foot Jump

Instead of hopping over the rope, alternate the feet as if running in place.

Stay on the balls of the feet the entire time.

Continue for one to two minutes to finish one round.

Side-to-side Jumps

While opting for the basic jump, jump a few inches from side to side, using both feet.

Continue for one minute to finish one round.

Double Jump

Jump high enough in the air, or swing it fast enough, to pass the rope under the feet twice before landing.

Continue for 30 to 60 seconds to complete one set.

Single Foot Hops

Start hopping over the jump rope with the right foot for 30 seconds, then switch to the left foot and repeat.

Be sure to switch sides without stopping.

Aim for one-minute hops on each foot.

Additional link – Slow running vs fast running for fat loss

HIIT Running Workout 10- The Staircase Routine

Stair climbing exercises tone the calves, quads, glutes, and other lower body muscles without putting too much stress on the joints since it has less impact on the body.

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds to one minute, try as many reps as possible with good form.

Rest for one to two minutes between each circuit and aim to repeat it two to three times.


Start facing the bottom of the stairs.

Next, while keeping the chest up and back flat, sprint up using each step as fast as possible.

Make sure you’re pumping your arms by the sides and making contact with each step.

Then, walk down for recovery and repeat.

Mountain Climbers

Assume a plank position with the hands on the second step, arms straight, legs extended, and core engaged.

Next, bring the right knee to the chest as close as they can, return to the starting position, then switch sides.

Continues alternating legs, bringing one knee at a time to the chest as fast as possible without losing form for one minute to complete one set.

Skip a Step

Sprint up the stairs, jumping high enough to skip two, or three, steps at a time.

Last up; walk down for recovery and repeats.

Additional resource – Here’s how long does it take to lose 100 pounds.

Stairs Decline Push-ups

Begin facing away from the bottom of the staircase and then assume a plank position with hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width, and feet on the second or third step.

while keeping your body straight, perform a push-up by bending the elbows and lowering the upper body to the floor, then push back up until arms are fully extended to complete one rep.

Squat Jumps

Start facing the stairs, lowers into a squat, then while engaging the core and using both feet, jump up to the next step, landing in a squat.

As soon as you land in the squat, have them hop up to the next step, and continue until they reach the top of the stairs.

Just pay attention if you’re dealing with any ankle pain.

Walk down for recovery and repeats for one minute to complete one set.


Stand tall, feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart and core engaged.

hop up and down from the first or second stair for one full minute without stopping to complete one set.

Rest for one to two minutes then repeats the whole circuit two to three times.

Additional resource  – Trx exercises for runners

HIIT Non-running Workout 11 – The Medicine Ball Routine

I love exercising with medicine balls.

They are fun, versatile, and challenge my body in ways that other workout routines can’t even come close.

Plus, med ball moves tend to be full-body exercises, instead of just an ab or a chest press, so they are really time efficient and enjoyable.

I typically prefer to use the Everlast medicine ball.

This brand comes in a variety of shapes, colors, and weights, and I love its textured surface, which ensures superior grip and handling ($50 – Get it Here).

If you are looking for durability, then get the Elite Power Medicine Ball.

This brand is perfectly balanced, bounces very well and it’s incredibly durable ($67 – Get it Here).

Another brand I love is the Nike Med Ball.

This one is mainly made with rubber and bounces very well, so it’s ideal for functional weight training ($25-100 – Get it Here).

Toe Touch

Begin by laying down on your back while holding a med ball in both hands, both legs raised and straight so they perpendicular to the ground.

Next, raise your torso and arms off the floor until the ball taps your toes, pause for a second, then slowly lower your torso down.

Make sure to keep your legs touching and in position the entire time.

Do 10 reps to complete one set.

Shoot for three sets.

Squat to Chest Pass

Start off by standing 3 to 5 feet from a wall with feet shoulder-width apart while holding the ball in hand at chest level

Next, to perform this exercise, drop down into a squat position, then explode up and toss the ball against the wall as hard as possible by pushing it outwards from your chest.

Then, seize the ball as it bounces back in one continuous action and moves into the next rep.

Then, repeat as fast as you can.

Do three sets of 16 reps each.

Suitcase Crunch

Lay on the floor on your back while holding a med ball, using both hands.

Make sure your arms are fully extended overhead.

Next, lift your torso, bend your right knee toward your chest then take the ball over your knee and toward your foot, pause for a moment, then gradually come back to the starting position.

Switch sides to complete one rep.

Do 8 reps to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Diagonal Chop

Assume an athletic position while holding a med ball at head height, hands on each side of the ball.

Next, while keeping your core activated and back straight, bring the ball down as hard as you can (imagine that you are chopping wood with the med ball), then bring it back up to the starting position.

Do 12 reps to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Overhead Slams

Stand tall feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, core engaged with a slam medicine ball held overhead.

Next, slam the ball down into the floor with as much power as possible.

Make sure to exhale during the slam and engage the core muscles.

Last up, pick up the med ball and lift it back to the starting position repeats.

Do 16 to 20 reps to complete one set.

Aim for five sets.

Medicine Ball Sit-up Throws

Start by laying down in a sit-up position on the floor with knees bent, facing a wall, or a partner.

Next, while holding the ball overhead with two hands crunch up and explosively throw the ball back to either against the wall or a receiver (a standing partner).

Last up, catch the med ball and repeats it.

Do 12 to 16 reps to complete one set.

Russian Twists

Begin by sitting on the ground with your knees slightly bent, back straight, and feet flat (easier) or raised up (more challenging).

That’s your starting position.

Next, while holding the med ball at chest level, lean back, engage your abs, then slowly rotate the ball around your mid-section to the right side, pause and tap the ball on the floor just outside of your right hip, then pull the ball back into your chest and repeat the motion on the other side to complete one rep.

Do 8 reps to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Bulgarian Split Squat with Medicine Ball

Hold a medicine ball in front of your chest with the top of the left foot on a bench behind you.

Your feet should be at least three feet apart.

Next, squat down as far as you can as you lower the ball toward the left thigh, pause for a moment, then push back up, lifting the ball above the right shoulder.

That’s one rep.

Do 10 reps on each side to complete one set.

Shoot for three sets.

Lunge to Rotation

Hold a medicine ball a few inches in front of your chest, then take a step forward into a lunge without letting the knee go over the toes.

Next, get deep into that lunge, then rotate your torso across your front leg, reaching the med ball to your right, pause for a moment, then reverse the movement back to starting position and repeats on the other side to complete one rep.

f you are looking for an explosive way to perform your medicine ball workouts, then you came to the right place.

Slam medicine balls exercises are an excellent way to increase explosive strength and power.

Here is a slam ball workout routine that will help you increase your range of motion and improve speed and explosiveness like nothing else.

Perpendicular Wall Ball Toss

Begin by standing about two to three away perpendicular to a wall, with the right hip closest to the wall and while holding a medicine ball in front of the waist.

Next, while engaging the core and extending the hips, throw the med ball toward the wall with as much force as possible for it to rebound back.

Catch the med ball and move immediately to the next rep.

Keep the back flat and chest up the entire time.

Shoot for 16 to 20 reps on each side to complete one set.

Medicine Ball Squat Throws Sprints

Stand tall, feet hip-width apart, while holding a med ball at chest level.

Squat down, then explode forward by extending both arms and legs and throwing the med ball forward with both hands.

As soon as the ball hits the floor, sprint forward until you catch up with the rolling ball, then repeat the squat-throw-chase eight to ten times to complete one set.

HIIT Non-Running Workout 12 – The Sandbag Routine

Sandbag training is another efficient way to do high-intensity interval training for weight loss.

To get started, you’ll need a bag.

You can either buy one, or make your own by following these steps:

  1. First of all: gather your materials. To make a sandbag you will need a duffle bag (make sure it’s resilient and can withstand abuse), a builder’s sandbag, sand (duh!), duct tape, and zip ties.
  2. Next, fill the builder’s bag with sand, wrap the top tightly then seal it tight with duct tape, and zip ties
  3. Finally, add the builder’s bag of sand directly in the duffel bag, then zip it shut. Make sure to leave enough wiggle room inside of the bag for the sand to splatter around.

Now put the bag to work, and do this powerful bag training routine to help you become the best runner (and athlete) you can be.

If you don’t want to make your own sandbag, then there are plenty of awesome commercial specialty sandbags designed with hardcore training in mind.

Perform the following workout as a circuit, and do the exercises in the order shown, performing as many reps as you can with good form.

Shoot for at least three complete sets of the circuit.

Sandbag Deadlift

Begin by standing with your feet right next to the bag, then grip the parallel handles or the material of the bag.

Next, tuck your toes under the bag, keep a neutral spine, with knees slightly bent, then take the slack out of the bag, and stand up straight, pulling the sandbag up as you lift your back.

Make sure to keep the sandbag close to your legs throughout the lifting motion.

Your back should be straight the entire time—never round your lower back when you pick up or lower the bag.

This is the recipe for lower back pain or herniation.

Last up, push your hips back and slowly return to starting position.

That’s one rep.

Sandbag Power Clean

Begin by standing behind the bag, feet parallel, and at hip-width.

Next, while keeping the sandbag closer to your shins, and knee slightly bent, bend over and pick up the bag by the side hands, lift it from the ground, and then explosively pull it upward by extending your knees and hips.

Next, and in one fluid movement, descend into a squat, then uncurl the sandbag and take it down to the floor returning to starting position.

That’s one rep.

Sandbag Rotational Lunge

Begin by grabbing the handles of the sandbag in each hand so that your palms are facing each other.

Next, while standing tall with feet together and sandbag to knee height, step your right leg forward, lunge, then bring the sandbag over your front leg’s knee and rotate through your waist.

Make sure to keep your back flat and core engaged the entire time – allow for no rounding forward, especially as you rotate with the sandbag.

Last up, while keeping your balance, push back to starting position, and switch sides to complete one rep.

Sandbag Front Squat

Start with feet shoulder-width apart, with toes slightly turned out, then clean the bag to the front position.

Next, push your hips back and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then drive the hips back upwards and press back to standing.

Squat in a slow and controlled manner and work your hamstrings and glutes as hard as you can.

Make sure to keep your knees tracking over your toes, knees in line with the feet, your elbows tight and body upright the entire time.


stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, back straight and knees slightly bent, then grab a hold of the bag, pick it up and hold it at shoulder height.

Next, while keeping the weight at chest heights the entire time, squat down, pause for a moment, then stand back up and push press the sandbag overhead until your arms are almost locked out.

Last up, return the weight to the chest and repeat the movement to complete one rep.

Around The World

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a sandbag in front of you.

Next, pivot to your right and use your whole body to swing the bag quickly over and in a circle over your head to the left side.

Make sure to generate enough momentum and to keep your elbows in tight to prevent shoulder injury.

Instead of slowing down use your arms, legs, and core to swing the sandbag back to its original position, and complete one rep.

Repeat for 8 reps to complete one set.

HIIT Non-Running Workout 13 -The Hotel Routine

Traveling a lot and are afraid to miss your own HIIT workouts for weight loss?

This routine will have you covered as it will help keep your body in check when on the road.

I came up with this workout while in Kuala Lumpur for a short vacation.

I stayed in one of these four start hotel rooms with some fantastic facilities (and it wasn’t that expensive).

The workout consists of eight exercises, and the total workout is 40 minutes routine (including the 5 minutes warm-up and cooldown).

This routine will raise your heart rate, burns mad calories, builds muscle, and most importantly—challenges you physically and mentally.

Rows with Luggage

Stand with your feet hip-width apart while holding a suitcase horizontally by the ends, knees bent.

Next, while keeping the back flat, lean forward, hinge at the hips, then pull the luggage to your chest, driving the elbows straight back next to your ribs and drawing the shoulder blades together.

Hold for a moment, then lower it back down.

Repeat for 12 to 15 times.


Assume a plank position, core engaged, tailbone tucked in, and fingers spread wide.

Next, while engaging the core and keeping the back flat, bend your arms and lower down until your chest almost touches the ground, then press back up.

Do ten reps.

Luggage Overhead Presses

Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart with the luggage at chest or shoulder height—as in a front squat.

While engaging the core and keeping the back flat, press the luggage upwards and above your head.

Make sure your arms go to full extension.

Keep your head slightly in front of the arms at this point of the extension.

Chair Dips

Sit on a chair then grip the edge with both hands, knuckles pointing forward.

Next, slide your bottom off the chair just far enough that your butt clears the edge of the chair, then hold yourself with arms straight.

Slowly lower your body until your elbows are bent 45 and 90 degrees, then raise yourself up. Just make sure your elbows are pointing directly beneath you, not out to the side.


Begin on the floor on your hands and knees.

Next, bend your elbows 90 degrees and lower your forearms to the floor with the elbows positioned under your shoulders and hand shoulders width apart.

Make sure your elbows are directly beneath your shoulders and that your body is forming a straight line from head to ankles.

Hold the position for as long as you can.

Shoot for one to two minutes hold

How to Prevent Knee Pain When Running

Knee Pain From Running

Would you like to learn how to prevent knee pain when running

Then you have came to the right place.

Whether you’re training to lose weight or for your very first marathon, running is an awesome way to get in shape and maintain good health.

It’s good for your waistline, your heart, and even your brain.

At the same time, running comes with a certain degree of injury risk.

The high impact repetitive nature of the sport can place a lot of stress on your joints, especially the knees.

As a matter of fact, surveys show that up to 70 percent of runners may experience knee issues at a point.

That’s why for some people running is synonymous with knee pain.

This is especially the case if you drastically increase your running mileage too quickly, train with bad form, wear the wrong shoes, or have muscle imbalances—common training blunders among all runners.

But is that enough reason to stop running altogether?

Of course: NO!

Knee Pain in Runners – The Definition

There are many overuse injuries that strike the knee joint.

One of the most common is known as runners knee, or patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS).

The condition is also pretty common among those who any sports that involve repeated stress to the knee joint.

So what is all about?

Runners’ knee is all the catch term used to refer to pain in the kneecap.

The condition causes an achy, dull pain at the front of the knee and around the kneecap.

It’s widespread among runners, basketball players, cyclists, and those who participate in sports involving jumping.

Symptoms may include a dull ache or sharp pain, grinding or clicking on or around the patella, and chronic stiffness.

Classic treatment options include cold therapy, anti-inflammatory meds, and stretching.

Knee pain, especially runners knee, is sometimes caused (and often made worse) by tightness in the muscles and tendons that connects to the knees, especially the quads, calves, hamstrings, glutes, and hips.

That’s why when it comes to soothing and preventing knee issues in runners, stretching can help.

Don’t take my word for it—research backs this up.

A study published in American Family Physicians reported that increase strength and flexibility in the quad muscles is more effective than the routine use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or knee braces for soothing and preventing pain.

How to Prevent Knee Pain when Running

Here is the little secret.

All you got to do is protect your knees from the get-go by taking some of the following injury prevention measures to protect your knees while running.

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 1. Wear The Right Shoes

The foot is a very complex part of the human anatomy.

It’s made up of 19 muscles, 26 bones, 107 ligaments, and 33 joints—and these take the brunt of a foot strike when running.

Since running is a high impact sport that places a great deal of stress on the knees, wearing the right trainers not only helps you to run faster and longer, but may also reduce risks of pain and injury.

A good running shoe is designed specifically to diffuse the load shooting up the rest of your leg.

By training in improper shoes, you might increase risks of knee pain (and other issues)—and you don’t want that.

Just don’t get me wrong.

I’m not suggesting that proper shoes are the ultimate solution to your knee issues.

But it’s a start, and an important part of an overall prevention and treatment and plan.

That said, I should also point out—and this may surprise some of you—that the current research on the effectiveness of running shoes in improving performance and preventing overuse injury is, at best, mixed.

This link provides you with more insight on the subject at hand.

Yet, in my experience, a proper pair is non-negotiable—regardless.

Therefore, to stay safe, you got to find a shoe that fits your feet properly.

More importantly, go for a pair that supports your natural foot type—whether you’re neutral, high arched (supinator), or flat-footed (overpronator) runner.

To find a suitable pair, head to your local running store and ask for a foot type and gait analysis, which will help you find what best matches your physiological and training needs.

Also, be sure to replace your trainers regularly.

The more miles you run in a pair, the more worn down the shock absorption becomes.

This increases the load stresses shooting up your legs, which, in turn, could result in knee pain.

As a general rule, change your running shoes every 400 to 500 miles—depending on your training intensity, body weight, running terrains, and personal preferences.

For more advice on how to pick proper running shoes, check these posts:

Post 1

Post 2

Post 3

Post 4

Additional Resource – Here’s how to use KT Tape for runners knee.

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 2. Strength Train

Strength training is good for you.

If this is news to you, you have a lot to catch up to.

I have already written extensively on the importance of strength training for runners here.

More specifically, a good strength routine can do wonders for preventing knee pain—and all sorts of overuse injuries.

For instance, if the muscles of your lower body are weak, then it’s your joints—mainly the knees—that take the brunt of the impact of each pounding strike.

And research supports this.

One example is a study published in the Journal of Athletic.

In the research, almost 80 percent of runners with knee issues reported experiencing less pain after three to four weeks of hip and core strength training.

Not convinced yet?

Another research published in Medicine & Science found that female runners with patellofemoral joint pain —a notorious overuse injury colloquially known as “runner’s knee” —had a deficit in hip external rotation, abduction and extension strength, when compared to age-matched injury-free runners.

So, to avoid the pain (or to keep it from creeping back), spend time doing strength training exercises that target your lower body.

Specifically, exercises targeted at your knee stabilizing muscles. These include your hips, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. This makes it hard to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to identifying the most effective strength exercises.

The following exercises consist of my seven favorite moves. They’re easy to perform, effective and suitable for most runners regardless of fitness level or training background..

Additional resource – Knee brace for running

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 3. Eat Right

When dealing with knee pain, don’t overlook the power of diet.

As a runner, you’ll need the right nutrients and substances to help protect your cells from damage and maintain healthy joints.

For starters, get plenty of calcium.

Most experts recommend 1,100 to 1,300 mg of this mineral each day.

Dairy products and dark green veggies are some of the ideal sources of calcium.

Here is the full guide to calcium foods.

Another nutrient is omega-3 fatty acids.

These fatty acids are natural anti-inflammatories that can help ease joint inflammation before it damages the joints.

The best sources of omega-3s include salmon, herring, tuna, cod, sardines, and mackerel, as well as fish oil supplements.

Furthermore, you might need to supplement.

Many athletes take Chondroitin sulfate and Glucosamine supplements to deal with joint pain since it’s believed that these encourage cartilage formation and repair.

However, the research is still mixed on the effectiveness of the supplements, so consult a certified physician if it can be helpful to your case.

Most experts recommend a minimum dosage of 1,200 mg of Chondroitin sulfate and 1,500 mg of Glucosamine daily.

Additional Resource – Running after knee replacement

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 4. Lean Forward

If your knees are in pain while running, it could be that you need to change your form—more specifically, your trunk position.

In fact, according to this research paper published in Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, an increased trunk flexion may decrease compressive forces on the patellofemoral joint.

In English: a slight forward lean while running reduces the load placed on the knees, which, in turn, cuts the risks of discomfort and injury at the joint.

The Process?

Opting for a slight forward lean while running may help shift your weight from the knees to the hip, thus reducing impact forces on the knees.

That said, getting the slight forward lean right is a bit tricky.

Here is how to do it right:

Make sure that the lean, or the “fall,” is coming from the ankles, not the hips.

It should feel almost like you’re falling forward.

You should not feel broke nor bent at the trunk.

Allow your torso to come a bit forward—at least seven to ten degrees, according to the before mentioned research—while simultaneously flexing your hips and lower abdominals subtly.

In other words, opt for a mild lean, not a complete bent-over position.

Think skiers stance.

Here is an awesome YouTube Tutorial

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 5. Increase Your Cadence

Another technique tweak to consider when dealing with knee pain from running is to to avoid overstriding.

So what is it all about?

When you overstride, you’re, in essence, reaching too much forward with your legs as you swing them forward in front of your “center of gravity

When you do, you’ll be slamming your foot down, creating a braking action with each stride.

Then, all of these impact stresses of hitting the ground goes right up your feet to your knees.

This, in theory at least, limits your efficiency and increases your risk of injury.

As a result, most experts agree on the fact that overstriding is bad.

Do not let your feet get ahead of you.

Make sure to stay ahead of your feet.

Do not let your legs swing forward, not to the rear.

Here is the good news:

Reducing stride length can put a stop to overstriding, thus decrease injury risk, research shows.

And one of the best ways to do so is to simply increase your cadence.

In fact, research conducted at the University of Wisconsin found that an increased cadence reduces the impact load on the lower body.

Here is how to improve your cadence:

Determine your current cadence by counting how many times your feet hit the ground in one minute of running.

If it’s over 160, you’re in the clear.

But, if your cadence is below 160 steps per minute, they should increase it by 5 to 10 percent from one week to the next.

Additional resource – Sore quads after running

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 6. Stretches For Knee Pain

There are plenty of exercises that focus on stretching the quadriceps, hips, hamstrings, and knee regions.

By stretching regularly regularly, you’ll help keep your muscles loose, limber, and up for the job, which will provide better protection for your knees.

check the following routines:

  • Routine 1
  • Routine 2
  • Routine 3

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 7. Avoid Overtraining

Running too much too soon is the recipe for knee pain—and all sorts of injury.

In fact, whether you’re motivated to lose the pounds as soon as possible or have just signed up for a race, it’s important not to increase training intensity too abruptly.

Instead, ease yourself into running, regardless of how incentivized you feel.

Start with low to moderate intensity runs for shorter distances, then progress as you feel up to it—not the other way around.

One simple rule is to follow the ten percent principle—do not increase your weekly mileage by more than 10 percent from one week to the next.

Also, be sure to take enough rest—when needed—to allow for proper recovery.

Furthermore, listen to your body and train accordingly.

So, for instance, if you’re experiencing knee pain, back off and assess what you’re doing.

In fact, stop running whenever you’re experiencing knee discomfort or pain.

To deal with the pain, opt for the PRICE method.

This consists of:

  1. Protecting the affected knee from further injury—for example, by using a support.
  2. Let the affected knee rest by avoiding high impact exercise for a few days.
  3. Ice the injured knee for 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times per day.
  4. Compress the affected knee by using a wrap, a splint, etc.
  5. Elevate the affected joint above heart level to reduce swelling.

If pain persists, seek medical help ASAP.

Dilly-dallying with knee pain will only make your case way more severe—and that’s not something you’d want to.

You are a smart runner, aren’t you?

Additional Resource -Your guide to jaw pain while running

How to Prevent Knee Pain When Running – The Conclusion

Running without hurtling your knees can be done if you follow the above guidelines. The rest is just detaisl.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

Thank you for dropping by.

David D.

Unlock Your Perfect Running Frequency – How Often Should You Run

how many times to run in a week

When it comes to planning your running routine, one of the first crucial decisions to make is determining how often you should run each week.

However, as we’ll explore in this article, the answer to that question isn’t as straightforward as black and white.

Without further ado, here are the steps you need to take to determine how often you should be running.

The Main Factors to Consider

The exact mileage and time investment you’d need to devote to training will vary drastically depending on many factors.

These include:

  • Past experiences,
  • Present conditioning level, and
  • Future aspirations.

Here is how to make sense out of this.

Find your Goals

Running isn’t just about putting one foot in front of the other; it’s about knowing where you’re headed and how to get there. So, grab your running shoes and let’s get started!

Step 1: Define Your Running Goals

First things first, what’s your running ambition? Are you looking to shed those extra pounds, boost your overall health, or conquer a specific race with a jaw-dropping finish time? Your goals will be your guiding stars, so be crystal clear about what you want to achieve.

Here’s a glimpse of how your goals might steer your running journey:

  • Weight Loss Warrior: If you’re on a mission to shed pounds, your plan may involve running (or run/walking) around three times a week. I’ve got some good news – running is an excellent way to torch those calories and get your heart pumping!
  • Seasoned Runner: Now, if you’re a seasoned pro with miles of experience under your belt, you might find yourself lacing up those shoes five to six times a week. With your expertise, you’re ready to tackle new challenges and push your limits.

Step 2: Understand Your Uniqueness

Here’s the truth – there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how often you should run. It all depends on YOU. Your past experiences, your current fitness level, and your future dreams are all pieces of the puzzle.

Research studies like those from the American College of Sports Medicine have shown that tailored training programs are far more effective in helping individuals reach their goals. So, take a moment to understand what makes you unique.

Step 3: Embrace the Good News

Guess what? There’s a silver lining in this whole “how often should I run” conundrum. When you’re crystal clear about your running goals, you’re better equipped to build a training plan that’s a perfect fit for you.

Step 4: Dive into Your Running Goals

So, let’s have a heart-to-heart. What are your running goals? Are you determined to smash a specific time record? Is it all about boosting your health and well-being? Or perhaps you’re running for a deeply personal reason that’s close to your heart.

Now, with those goals firmly in your sights, let’s map out your journey.

Step 5: Assess Your Time

Life can be a whirlwind of commitments – family, work, school – you name it. To create a realistic plan, assess how much time you can dedicate to training each week. Be honest about your schedule, and remember, consistency is the name of the game.

Additional resource – How to walk 10,000 steps

How Often Should You Run When You’re a Complete Beginner

Alright, fellow newbie runner, we’re about to embark on an exciting journey! But before we lace up those running shoes, let’s figure out how often you should hit the pavement as a complete beginner.

Step 1: Start Gradually

First things first, experts recommend running two to three times per week when you’re just beginning your running adventure. Whether you’re taking your first steps as a runner or making a triumphant return after some time off, this approach is a winner.

Step 2: Why 2-3 Times a Week?

Now, you might wonder, why not run every single day? Well, there’s a method to this madness. Running two to three times a week allows your body to ease into the sport. It’s like introducing a new friend to your life – you need time to get to know each other.

Step 3: Build Stamina and Strength

Running a few times a week provides the magic potion for success. It gives you the precious time needed to boost your stamina, strengthen those muscles, and make friends with your connective tissues. Plus, it helps you establish that delightful habit of regular exercise.

Step 4: Approachable Training

Imagine running two to three times a week, with each run lasting just 20 to 30 minutes. It’s like taking small, manageable bites of a delicious dish. Perfect for the complete beginner! This approach makes training feel less intimidating and more achievable.

Step 5: Avoid Burnout and Injuries

Now, here’s a crucial tip: resist the urge to go all-out and aim for six days a week right from the start. Why? Because doing too much too soon can lead to burnout and increase the risk of injuries. Plus, let’s face it, our busy lives might not always allow for daily runs.

How Often Should You Run When You’re an Intermediate

Alright, you’ve conquered the beginner phase and are now firmly in the intermediate ranks. It’s time to level up your running routine! So, how often should you hit the pavement at this stage? Let’s break it down.

Step 1: Transition to Intermediate

If you’ve been consistently running for the past few months, congratulations – you’re an intermediate runner now! This is where the fun really begins.

Step 2: Aim for 4-5 Days a Week

As an intermediate runner, your target is to run four to five days a week. This increased frequency allows you to challenge yourself and make significant progress. It’s like turning up the volume on your running journey.

Step 3: Listen to Your Body

Here’s a golden rule: always listen to your body. While it’s great to aim for 4-5 days of running, it’s equally important to understand when your body needs a break. Be attentive to signs of fatigue, soreness, or any discomfort. Your body is your best coach – trust it!

Step 4: Gradual Volume Increase

As you transition into the intermediate level, remember to increase your weekly volume gradually. Don’t rush it. Slow and steady wins the race. This approach minimizes the risk of overuse injuries and burnout.

How to Progress?

So, you’ve been running consistently for a few months and are ready to take it to the next level. Progression is the name of the game. Let’s dive into how you can do that effectively.

Step 1: Gradual Progression

To progress from running three to four times a week to five times a week, it’s essential to take it step by step. Rushing can lead to burnout and injuries. Here’s a structured plan:

Step 2: Weeks 1-6

Continue running three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes each session.

Maintain an intensity of up to 60 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate (MHR).

Step 3: Weeks 6-10

Stick to three weekly runs, but extend each run to 30 to 40 minutes.

Slightly increase the intensity, aiming for up to 65 to 75 percent of MHR.

Step 4: Weeks 10-13

Now it’s time to introduce a fourth running day.

Run for 30 to 45 minutes during these sessions.

Maintain an intensity of up to 70 percent of MHR.

Step 5: Weeks 13-16

You’re almost there! In this phase, embrace a five-day running schedule.

Keep each run between 25 to 40 minutes.

Maintain an intensity ranging from 65 to 75 percent of MHR.

Step 6: Listen to Your Body

Throughout this progression, always listen to your body. If you experience excessive fatigue, soreness, or any discomfort, don’t hesitate to adjust your plan. Rest and recovery are your allies.

The Exact Mileage

As soon as you figure out how often you should run per week, you’d want to determine your weekly volume—or how many miles to run every week.

As I have stated in my previous beginner runner posts, the ideal way to keep running while reducing the risk of injury is to run without obsessing over mileage.

In fact, during the first few months, forget about distance, pace, and all that sort.

Instead, focus on running for a specific length, 30 minutes, for instance, at a relaxed pace and without much huffing and puffing.

To get to that point, you’d need to train in a run/walk format in which you alternate between intervals of low-intensity running—or jogging—for 30 seconds and recovery walking breaks.

Once you get there, start to gradually increase mileage while following the 10 percent rule.

Here is an exemplary beginner’s running plan for the week

  • Monday – 30-minute easy run in the morning + 45 minutes of cross-training (weight lifting – optional)
  • Tuesday Rest or 30 minutes of cross-training such as cycling, spinning, or swimming.
  • Wednesday – 45-minute run at a tempo pace
  • Thursday – 60 minutes of cross-training – Weightlifting.
  • Friday – 30-minute easy run in the morning + 30-minutes of cross-training in the evening (Yoga – optional)
  • Saturday – 50 to 60 minutes long run at a relaxed pace.
  • Sunday – Rest.

Additional resource – How to walk 10,000 steps

Should you Cross Train?

Cross-training isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer for runners. Whether you’re a newbie lacing up your sneakers or a seasoned road warrior, incorporating cross training into your routine can supercharge your running journey. Let’s dive into why it’s a must:

Boost Overall Conditioning

Variety is the spice of life, and it’s your best friend when you’re hitting the pavement. Cross training introduces different movements and challenges, enhancing your overall fitness. This well-rounded conditioning can elevate your running game, making you stronger and more resilient.

Injury Prevention

Repetitive motion can take a toll on your body. Cross training allows you to give specific running muscles a break while working on others. It reduces the risk of overuse injuries and keeps you in peak form. Remember, the best way to conquer injuries is to prevent them.

Build the Exercise Habit

Starting a new exercise routine can be daunting, but cross training can ease you in. It breaks the monotony and keeps your workouts fresh. This variety can make exercise a habit that sticks, setting you up for long-term success.

Well-Rounded Runner

Why settle for being a one-trick pony? Cross training transforms you into a well-rounded runner. You’ll have the strength, flexibility, and endurance to tackle any terrain and distance. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife in your running arsenal.

Ideal Cross-Training Options

The world of cross training is vast, offering something for everyone:

  • Brisk Walking: A low-impact exercise that complements running beautifully.
  • Spinning: Get your heart pumping on a stationary bike for a killer cardio workout.
  • Swimming: Dive into this full-body exercise that’s gentle on the joints.
  • Strength Training: Build muscle to power up your runs and protect against injury.
  • Yoga: Enhance flexibility, balance, and mental focus for peak performance.

Additional resource – Running Vs. Strength training

Do not Forget to Rest

Take enough rest between challenging workouts.

Ideally, take one day of full rest—meaning no running or cross—training allowed.

Just rest on your butt and count your blessings.

How Often Should You Run – The Conclusion

I hope today’s post gives you some clear answers to how often should you run per week.

The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

Keep training hard.

David D

5 Interval Training Running Workouts for Speed

woman doing speedwork running session

Want to run faster? Interval training is one of the best ways to get there.

So, what exactly is interval running? It’s a workout where you alternate between short, intense bursts of speed and slower recovery phases, repeated multiple times within the same session.

From beginners to pros, I’ve watched athletes improve so much with interval training. High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, has been around for years for many  reasons (more on this later)

In this post, I’ll share five of my go-to interval workouts guaranteed to help you build speed and endurance. These sessions include intervals, fartleks, tempo runs, and hill reps—essential speedwork that’ll make a noticeable difference in your running game.

Let’s dive a little deeper.

What Exactly Is Interval Training?

It’s a workout that alternates fast-paced segments with slower recovery periods, often done on a track, but you can adjust for any flat stretch of road.

Most interval sessions break down into two parts: first, there’s the “repeat,” which is the fast-paced segment where you aim for a specific speed over a set distance.

Repeats can be short, like 100 to 400 meters, or longer if you’re ready for more. After each fast effort, you get a chance to recover, which can last anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds, or you can match the recovery to the distance you just ran.

Adding a few speed workouts each week really boosts your running performance, and make it easier to keep up with the competition during your next race (if that’s one of your goals).

There are a few things to keep in mind when planning speed workouts. These include (but not limited to) interval length, the number of reps, the speed, training pace, and how often you do them.

Classic examples of speedwork training include interval workouts, tempo runs, and fartlek sessions.

How to Warm Up the Right Way

Before diving into intervals, warming up is non-negotiable! I can’t tell you how often I’ve felt sluggish during a workout because I didn’t warm up properly.

A proper warm-up gets your blood flowing, warms up your muscles, and gets you mentally ready to go. Skip this step, and you’re inviting injury or fatigue.

Here’s how I recommend warming up:

  • Begin with an easy 5-10 minute jog.
  • Follow that with some dynamic stretches and mobility drills. My go-to’s are quad tugs, butt kicks, high knees, lunges, and inchworms.
  • After that, throw in a few speed drills like strides—these are short accelerations (20 to 30 seconds) where you run at near-max effort. Aim for four to six strides to get your body primed for the hard work ahead.

You should also try the Myrtle routine as a warm-up option.

How I Got Started with Interval Training

When I first tried intervals, I started small. I wasn’t about to dive head-first into 800m repeats without knowing what I was doing.

New to intervals? Here’s a simple one to start with:

  • Run for 200 meters at a quick pace (something a bit faster than your 5K speed).
  • Follow that with 200 meters of easy jogging to recover.
  • Repeat this six to eight times.

I remember my first interval session—it was tough, but the feeling of accomplishment afterward? Worth it.

The best part? It’ll get easier, and you’ll see progress faster than you think

What’s the Right Speed?

Interval training is all about intensity. Most intervals are done at 85-98% of your max heart rate, depending on your fitness level.

Aim to run slightly faster than your 5K race pace for shorter intervals, with longer recovery periods (usually double the time of your fast segments). Run at your 5K pace for longer intervals with equal or slightly shorter recovery breaks.

The Basic Interval Run

If you’re new to intervals, don’t worry; this is the perfect place to start. This basic interval workout is a great way to start with speedwork.

Complete five 800-meter repeats, with a 400-meter jog in between each one. Or, you can try eight 400-meter repeats, with a 200-meter recovery jog. It’s about building that balance between pushing hard and catching your breath.

If you’re new to intervals, start with only 3-4 repeats per session. As you get stronger, you can increase the intensity and number of intervals. Consistency is more important than pushing too hard too soon

Fartlek Fun

One of my favorite speedwork styles is the Fartlek workout (it means “speed play” in Swedish).

It’s one of my favorites because of how flexible it is. There’s no rigid structure; you can change your pace however you want. You pick landmarks—a tree or a streetlight—and sprint to them. Then jog to recover.

It’s more relaxed than structured intervals and less intense, but you’re still getting a great workout.

I’ve done fartlek runs where I simply sped up to catch the next tree or mailbox, then slowed down to recover. The beauty here is that it strengthens your aerobic and anaerobic systems, making you a stronger runner overall.

The key to a good fartlek session is to start with a warm-up, around 10 to 15 minutes of easy jogging.

Once you’re warmed up, pick an object ahead, like a lamppost or a tree, and run toward it at a fast pace.

Once you reach it, jog slowly to recover, pick your next target and go again.

The flexibility here is why I love it—you can make it as hard or as easy as you need based on how you feel that day.

The Treadmill Interval Routine

Short on time? Try this treadmill workout—it’s quick but effective

Trust me, you can make those 25 minutes count. One of my go-to routines involves alternating between high-intensity bursts and lighter recovery phases, while adjusting the incline to challenge your body.

Start with a 5-minute warm-up at an easy pace. After that, bump up your speed to something challenging—around 9 mph or faster—and hold it for one minute. It’ll take about 10-15 seconds for the treadmill to reach the pace, so stay patient.

After each fast burst, recover for a minute.

Add a 4.0 incline to mimic those outdoor hill conditions to increase the intensity. Do this for about 15 minutes, alternating between your fast segments and recovery. Finish with a 5-minute cool-down. It’s a quick session, but it gets the job done.

Hill Repeats

Hill workouts  can be tough, but the benefits are real.

I like to think of hills as speedwork in disguise. You’re not necessarily sprinting at top speed, but the effort you’re putting in gives you similar gains.

Running uphill forces you to engage all the key muscles needed for proper running form—like lifting your knees and swinging your arms.

Here’s how to do it.

Find a hill that’s at least 100 yards long. Ideally, it shouldn’t be too steep, just enough to give you a challenge.

When I plan my hill workouts, I aim for a hill that takes me about 30 seconds to a minute to climb at 90% effort.

If you’re in a flat area, no worries—find a bridge or a highway overpass to use.

After a solid warm-up, hit the hill with about 5K effort (remember, this is effort, not speed).

Once you reach the top, walk or jog back down to recover, then repeat.

As you progress, you can increase the number of intervals, the incline, or even the speed of your efforts.

The 100m Dashes

Hit the track to feel (and run) like a pro sprinter. But be careful. Do this only after interval workouts and fartleks have become a part of your routine.

Before you go full speed, warm up with a 10-minute jog, then perform six to eight strides to get your muscles fired up and ready to do some intense work.

Next, perform eight to ten 100m fast bursts. Your first interval should include 40 meters at maximum speed.

To recover, walk or jog for half the duration of the faster interval before jumping onto the next one.

Aim for 95 to 99 percent of single max effort. So, for instance, if your 100-m max effort is 18 seconds, then the slowest you drop to 20 seconds.

As you get used to track training, increase the volume of reps and lengthen reps to 200 meters, sprinting nearly the entire time at top speed.

Frequently Asked Questions About Interval Training

I know that you have more one question about interval training. Let me address some of them.

How often should I do interval training?

For most runners, incorporating interval training 1-2 times per week is ideal. This frequency allows you to push your limits and improve your speed without compromising recovery. Make sure to balance these workouts with easy runs and rest days to avoid overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.

What should I eat before an interval workout?

To fuel your body for interval training, aim for a light snack that includes both carbohydrates and protein about 30-60 minutes prior to your workout. Good options include:

  • A banana with a small amount of peanut butter
  • Greek yogurt with honey and a sprinkle of granola
  • A slice of whole-grain toast with avocado

These foods provide the necessary energy for your workout and help improve your performance.

How long should each interval last?

The duration of your intervals can vary depending on your fitness level and goals. Generally:

  • Short intervals (e.g., 30 seconds to 1 minute) are great for building speed.
  • Longer intervals (e.g., 2 to 5 minutes) can help improve your endurance.

Experiment with different durations to find what works best for you!

What should I do after an interval workout?

After completing your intervals, it’s important to cool down properly. Spend 5-10 minutes walking or jogging at a slow pace to gradually lower your heart rate. Follow this with static stretching to enhance flexibility and aid recovery. Hydrating and refueling with a balanced meal or snack afterward will also help your body recover effectively.

Join the Conversation!

I’d love to hear from you!

Have you tried incorporating interval training into your running routine?

What strategies have worked for you, or what challenges have you faced?

Sharing your experiences can inspire and motivate fellow runners who are navigating their own training journeys.

Feel free to share your thoughts, ask questions, or provide tips that have helped you along the way in the comments section below. Your insights matter, and engaging with our community not only enriches your own running experience but also supports others looking to improve their performance.

Let’s build a strong running community together—your voice is important, and we’re excited to hear from you!

Conquer Winter Runs: A Runner’s Guide to Breathing Better in the Cold

How to Breathe When Running in the Cold

Winter running is no easy feat, especially for runners who have breathing problems during cold weather.

In fact, most runners—except for the lucky ones living in moderate climate regions—often experience issues such as a runny nose, restricted breathing, burning lungs, and a dry throat when braving the cold.

For these reasons (and some), many shy away from winter running.

But, that’s no excuse to stop running altogether.

Here are the guidelines you need to keep the cold air from taking your breath away.

By implementing the following tips, you’ll be able to breathe better throughout your outdoor winter workouts.

But before we do that, let’s first look at what happens to your body when exercising outdoors in the cold.

The Difficulty Of Running in Winter

There’s a common belief that running in cold weather can do more harm than good.

Some beginner runners even worry that breathing the cold air will freeze their lungs and lead to immediate disaster.

But here’s the reality: the fear of frozen lungs is somewhat exaggerated. Running in sub-freezing temperatures might be uncomfortable, but it’s not typically dangerous. Severe lung damage due to cold air is only a concern in extreme subfreezing conditions.

In such conditions, which generally occur at temperatures below 4°F (-15°C), outdoor exercise is not advisable. This is because your body may struggle to sufficiently warm the air before it reaches your lungs, among other potential issues that can arise.

However, it’s worth noting that the chances of you running in such extreme freezing conditions are quite slim—unless you happen to live in an exceptionally cold region. So, while running in winter may be a bit uncomfortable at times, it’s generally safe.

The Process of Air “Warm-ups”

Your body’s pulmonary system is pretty impressive when it comes to dealing with cold air. Here’s how it works

When you inhale cold air, whether during exercise or just going about your day in chilly weather, your body’s respiratory system springs into action. Your nose, mouth, throat, and the cells lining your windpipe, or trachea, all play a crucial role in warming up the incoming air.

By the time that cold air travels from your nose or mouth down to the bottom of your trachea, it’s already been warmed significantly and is close to your body’s internal temperature. Your body works diligently to make sure the air you breathe is comfortable for your lungs.

On the exhale, regardless of the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air, you breathe out air that is close to your body temperature. This natural process ensures that your lungs are exposed to air that won’t shock or harm them, even in cold conditions.

How to Breathe While Running in The Cold

Although research shows that exercising in the cold won’t do permanent damage to your lungs—running in the winter is no walk in the park.

That said, before you start thinking about skipping outdoor running altogether, know that the downsides are manageable and are by no means a valid excuse to skip your training.

Without further ado, here is how to breathe right when running in the winter.

Additional resource – Your guide to Runners cough

Use A bandana, Scarf, or Balaclava

Chilly weather and frosty air can really take a toll on your run, especially if it leaves your lungs burning or triggers some serious coughing fits. But fret not, fellow runners, there’s a simple solution: wrap up with a moisture-wicking neck warmer, scarf, or trusty bandana.

Why is this gear so darn helpful, you ask?

Well, picture this: as you venture out into the icy abyss, your bandana or scarf becomes your trusty sidekick, shielding your precious lungs from the frigid air. It’s like a warm, cozy hug for your respiratory system.

But it doesn’t stop there. These nifty accessories do more than just block the chill. They’re like lung superheroes, swooping in to humidify the cold, dry air you inhale and recycle the moisture from your exhales. The result? The air you breathe is not only warmer but also easier on your lungs.

Now, when your lungs feeling extremely cold, consider the merino wool balaclava. This bad boy covers your mouth, nose, ears, and head, providing you with full insulation. It’s not just about staying warm; it’s also your shield against frostbite on those rosy cheeks and kissable lips.

Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room. Sure, you might resemble a mysterious bank robber out of a movie, but hey, you’ll be toasty warm, comfortable, and definitely not hacking up a lung.

And here’s the best part – there’s a whole world of neck-warmers, bandanas, scarfs, and balaclavas out there, sporting designs to match your personal preferences. You can protect your health, stay stylish, and conquer the winter run – all in one fell swoop. So, go ahead, embrace the cold, and keep those lungs happy.

Inhale Through the Nose & Exhale Through the Mouth

When it comes to the art of breathing while running, I’ve usually recommended taking in those sweet lungfuls of air through both your nose and mouth. But hold onto your hats because cooler temperatures might call for a different approach.

In fact, when you’re out there braving the cold, consider this: inhaling solely through your nose could be the winning strategy.

Here’s the scoop on why it works. Breathing in through your nose can actually do a fantastic job of warming up and humidifying the icy air. You see, as that frigid air embarks on its journey to your lungs, it’s got quite a distance to cover. And that’s a good thing. It gives it more time to get toasty and moist as it winds its way through your nasal passages and those nifty little cells lining your windpipe.

Nasal breathing isn’t just about heating things up; it’s a master of maintaining your body temperature too.

Now, here’s the catch – it won’t let you inhale as much oxygen as the mouth can manage. This becomes especially apparent when you crank up the intensity of your run, like when you’re tackling those grueling intervals or conquering hill reps.

So, here’s the game plan for those frosty days. If you find yourself in the midst of an extreme cold snap, consider dialing down the intensity a notch. This will help you avoid those desperate gasps for air. Keep your workouts cruising along at a conversational pace. And when the conditions are just right, and the breathing feels easy, then, my friend, you can crank up the intensity to your heart’s content.

Are You Asthmatic?

Feeling like you’ve tried everything but still finding yourself gasping for breath in the chilly air? Well, it might be time to consider whether you’re dealing with asthma or another pulmonary issue.

You see, when you inhale that dry, icy air, it can be a real irritant to your throat. It might even lead to inflammation and damage, triggering an asthmatic response.

If this sounds like your situation, it’s crucial to consult with your doctor for a thorough check-up. They’ll be able to determine if asthma is the culprit, and, if so, they can prescribe medication and maybe even an inhaler to help you out.

But asthma isn’t the only condition that can put a damper on your cold-weather runs. Here are a few others you should be aware of:

  • Cardiovascular Disease: If you’re dealing with heart issues, it’s best to avoid running in the cold. The extreme temperatures can strain your heart and potentially worsen your condition.
  • Exercise-Induced Bronchitis: This nasty condition can rear its ugly head when you work out in chilly weather. It’s characterized by chest tightness, coughing, and wheezing. Not fun, right?
  • Raynaud’s Disease: This one messes with your blood circulation, leading to numbness and pain in certain parts of your body. Running in the cold can make these symptoms even worse.

So, if any of these health issues sound familiar, it’s time to think twice about those frosty jogs and consider alternative indoor workouts instead.

A Better Alternative

It’s all about making the right choice for your comfort and well-being, my fellow runner!

When you’re standing there, all bundled up, contemplating a chilly run, just remember: you have options! If the cold weather isn’t vibing with you, it’s totally okay to skip that run and live to hit the pavement another day.

Consider shifting your workout indoors to the cozy gym. You don’t have to be a running martyr!

Treadmills, as much as they might get a bad rap from some runners, are actually fantastic machines. They’re like your trusty sidekick for year-round, consistent training. Who wouldn’t want that, right?

So, remember, it’s not about battling the elements; it’s about making smart choices for your fitness journey. Whether you’re out conquering the cold or rocking it indoors on the treadmill, you’re still making strides toward your goals. Keep it up!

The 10 Causes of Hip Pain From Running

hip Pain From Running

Hip pain from running? You’re definitely not alone, and I’ve got some insights to help you manage it.

I know how frustrating it can be when hip pain holds you back.

I’ve been there myself, struggling through morning runs, feeling like my hips just wouldn’t cooperate.

But here’s the good news: we can work through it together and get you back to enjoying those miles.

I’ll share the main causes and treatments for hip pain, plus some personal tips that have helped me and my runners.

Let’s get to it.

10 Causes of Hip Pain From Running

Your hip is a powerful ball-and-socket joint linking the thigh bone to the pelvis.

It’s key for balance, power, and flexibility while running. But when things go wrong, that same joint can become a common source of pain for runners.

Pinpointing hip pain can be tricky—it often comes from a combination of factors.

It could be from the joint itself or the muscles around it, and the pain may appear in different areas—front (groin), back (buttocks), or outside (hip joint).

Let’s break down the most common causes.

Inflammation of the Bursae

If you feel pain on the outside of your hip, it might be trochanteric bursitis. This condition is caused by inflammation of the bursae—small sacs of fluid that cushion your joints. With each stride, the bursa in your hip can get irritated, causing a dull ache or burning along the hip’s side.

This research highlights that hip bursitis is common among athletes who engage in repetitive hip movements. Regular stretching and foam rolling can help reduce irritation in this area. 


Rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications can help. Reduce your mileage by 30-50% and avoid hills, which can worsen the pain. Stretching your IT band and hamstrings also helps relieve the strain. If the bursitis is more severe, a doctor may suggest physical therapy or, in rare cases, surgery.

Check the following links for more options:

Muscle Imbalances

Weakness or tightness in the muscles around your hip—like the hip flexors, glutes, or core—can cause muscle imbalances that lead to hip pain. If one group of muscles is weaker than its opposing group, the imbalance can cause misalignment and strain.


Strength training is your best defense. Focus on exercises that target all major muscle groups, including squats, lunges, deadlifts, and bridges. Balance exercises, like single-leg squats, are especially useful for runners. If the pain persists, a physical therapist can prescribe specific exercises to correct the imbalance.

Bad Running Form

Bad form is a major contributor to hip pain. Overstriding, leaning too far forward, or improper foot strike can throw your hips out of alignment and lead to wear and tear over time.


It’s simple: fix your running formHere are a few tips:

  • Run tall with a slight forward lean.
  • Keep your body relaxed from head to toe.
  • Keep your core tight and back flat the entire time.
  • Avoid overstriding by improving your running cadence and taking (relatively) shorter steps.
  • Keep your head level, shoulder loose, and arms bent at a 90-degree angle.

Stress Fractures

A stress fracture in the femur can manifest as throbbing or sharp pain deep in the hip or groin. This condition is caused by repetitive impact, especially if you run on hard surfaces or increase your mileage too quickly. Stress fractures are serious and can worsen if ignored.


Stop running and see a doctor. Stress fractures require rest—usually six to eight weeks of no running. Cross-train with low-impact activities like swimming or cycling (if your doctor clears it). Once healed, ease back into running on softer surfaces.

Here are some useful links:

Hip, Thigh or Hamstring Muscle Injury-Tear

 Injuries to muscles like the hip flexors, glutes, or hamstrings are common among runners and can cause hip pain. A hip flexor strain may cause pain where your thigh meets your hip, while a hamstring injury may result in pain at the top of the thigh or lower buttock.

A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that weak or tight hip flexors are a common cause of hip pain in athletes, often due to repetitive strain. Dynamic stretching and strengthening can help reduce the risk of hip flexor strain. 


Follow the RICE protocol—Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Avoid putting weight on the injured hip for the first few days, and incorporate regular stretching and strengthening exercises for your hip and leg muscles.

Cartilage Tear

The piriformis muscle, located in the buttocks, can compress the sciatic nerve and cause pain in the hip and leg. Piriformis syndrome often feels like a deep ache in the buttocks or shooting pain down the leg.


Again, stop running for a few days. Depending on the severity of the tear, your choice of treatment largely depends on the condition.

In case symptoms didn’t improve, then see a doctor immediately.

Some may recover with simple treatments in a few weeks, whereas serious cases require arthroscopic surgery to repair or remove the torn labrum and clear out a fragment from the joint.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

If you experience sharp pain on the outside of your knee and/or hip region, you could have iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS). This is especially the case if you tend to run on paved roads or track all season.

ITBS is an inflammation or irritation of the iliotibial band, which is a tough tendon that runs down the outside of the thigh from the hip to the knee, connecting the hip to the shin bone.

According to a research, IT band syndrome is one of the most common overuse injuries in runners. Strengthening the glutes and hip stabilizers can help prevent excessive strain on the IT band.

The Solution

Limit your running by 30 to 50 percent or stop altogether if pain interferes with your gait.

Also, strengthen your glutes and hip muscles and correct any muscle imbalances.

Other measures include:

  • Changing your running routes
  • Avoid running on roads that slope laterally
  • Alternating direction on the track
  • Replacing your running shoes
  • Stretching your IT band, hamstrings, and glutes

For the full guide on how to deal with ITBS, check my post here.

Avascular Necrosis

Avascular necrosis (AVN) occurs when the blood supply to the femoral head is reduced, causing bone tissue to die. This condition can lead to tiny fractures and eventual collapse of the hip joint. While rare, it’s a serious condition that requires medical attention.


If you’re diagnosed with AVN, treatment will depend on the severity. It could involve medications, rest, or surgery. Avoid weight-bearing activities like running until your doctor gives you the green light to resume activity.

Check this post for an in-depth overview of how to slow and stop the progression of avascular necrosis.

Here are more useful links:

Running on Cambered roads

Running on roads that slope to one side, known as cambered roads, can create misalignment in your hips because one leg has to reach further than the other. This repetitive motion can lead to hip pain over time.


Try running on flat surfaces like tracks or trails. If you must run on roads, switch sides regularly to balance out the impact on your hips. Adding hip-strengthening exercises to your routine can also help prevent imbalances caused by cambered surfaces.

Serious Cases of Hip Pain

If your hip pain doesn’t improve with rest and stretching, it’s time to consult a doctor or sports specialist.

Hip pain that persists could be a sign of a more serious condition, like a stress fracture or cartilage tear, that requires professional treatment.

Other conditions that can cause pain in the hip joint and the surrounding tissues include:

  • Femoral acetabular impingement
  • Sciatica
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Groin pulls or tears
  • Snapping Hip Syndrome
  • Hip tendonitis
  • Septic Arthritis
  • Hernias
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
  • Meralgia Parasthetica

Here are more resources to check out:

Identify and Track Your Hip Pain Symptoms

When it comes to managing hip pain, keeping track of your symptoms is key. A running log can help you spot patterns and figure out what might be triggering your discomfort.

After each run, take a few minutes to jot down the details of your workout and any hip pain you experienced. Here’s what to include:

  • Date and Time: Note when you ran, especially if you notice pain more in the morning or after a long day.
  • Distance and Duration: Log how far and how long you ran. Hip pain might show up more on longer runs, so this info is helpful for spotting trends.
  • Terrain and Elevation: Did you run on trails, roads, or a treadmill? Track the type of surface and any inclines or uneven ground, as these can contribute to hip pain.
  • Intensity and Pace: Record your pace and effort level. Faster paces or harder efforts can sometimes strain the hips more than easy runs.

So what’s next?

Look for patterns in your log. For example, if your hip pain flares up after longer runs on trails, the uneven surface might be a factor. Or, if pain sets in after intervals or speed work, it could indicate a need for more hip stabilization exercises.

By identifying these trends, you’ll have a clearer idea of what’s causing your pain, making it easier to adjust your training plan and avoid future discomfort.

Hip Pain From Running Infographic


Hip pain can be frustrating, but with the right approach, you can manage it and get back to running.

Focus on proper form, strength training, and paying attention to your body’s signals.

If hip pain does appear, don’t push through it—take the necessary steps to recover, and you’ll be back on the road stronger than ever.

Got questions or need advice? Drop a comment below—I’m here to help!

The Beginner’s Guide To The Ketogenic Diet

guide to the ketogenic diet

A lot of people suffer from various health problems, such as obesity and diabetes, and the primary culprit is, often than not, the food they eat.

In fact, nutrition has a significant impact on your overall health, period.

As a result, if you eat lots of junk food, then you’ll, eventually, gain weight, become prone to cellular issues, and face a host of trouble.

And you don’t want that.

Enter the Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is gathering steam like no other diet, and for good reasons.

This nutrition plan has helped lots of people shed weight, improve productivity, get healthier, and so much more.

In today’s post, I’ll explain what the ketogenic diet is, what to eat, what to avoid,  and the best way to get started.

So, are you excited?

Then here we go.

The Beginner’s Guide To The Ketogenic Diet

So, what is the keto diet and why is it taking the world by storm?

Also known as low-carb, high–fat (LCHF), the ketogenic diet is a high-fat, moderate protein, low-carb nutrition plan.

By severely limiting carb intake—usually less than 25 net grams per day—the keto diet forces your body into ketosis, which is the purpose of LHCF.

So, what’s ketosis?

Ketosis is, basically, a metabolic state in which the body heavily relies on fat for energy instead of sugar/glycogen.

Chemically, while in ketosis, your body produces ketones by breaking down fat in the liver, then transforming them into energy instead of relying on carbohydrates to generate fuel for everyday function.

In other words, going keto forces your body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates.

You’re Not Starving Yourself

Just don’t get me wrong.

You don’t enter ketosis by starving your body of calories, but you do so by severely reducing carb intake and replacing it with plenty of dietary fats, and a moderate amount of proteins.

When you eat fewer carbs, glucose levels, go down, which lowers insulin levels.

This triggers the production of ketones that do not rely on insulin to get into and fuel the body’s cells.

ketogenic diet foods

Types of Keto Diets

Since people are different and have different needs and goals, there is also a wide range of keto diets to choose from.

Here are the main ones.

The Standard Ketogenic Diet


This is the most common keto diet that many dieters are familiar with.

The Standard Ketogenic Diet is simple and very effective, especially when it comes to weight loss.

It focuses on:

  • High intake of healthy dietary fats—70 to 80 percent of total calories,
  • Moderate protein—20 to 25 percent—and,
  • Minimal carbohydrates—5 to 10 percent.

This diet is ideal for recreational runners, fitness enthusiasts, or people looking to lose a lot of weight as soon as possible.

The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet


This approach consists of cycling between a typical ketogenic diet, followed by a carb-loading period.

During CKD, you, in essence, you cycle between:

(1) Days of keto dieting during which you consume less than 40 grams of carbs— and

(2) Days of carb-loading during which you consume 400 to 500 grams of carbs to help resupply glycogen stores for prolonged or intense exercise.

This phase may last for 24 to 48 hours.

This keto variation is often recommended for serious athletes and bodybuilders.

So, it might not be suitable for everyone.

The Targeted Ketogenic Diet

During the TKT variation, you go keto most of the day, but then consume the total allocated amount of carbohydrates in one sitting, 60 to 90 minutes before a workout.

The targeted ketogenic diet is a compromise between the classic ketogenic diet and a cyclical ketogenic diet, meaning that you can still provide your body with carbs for intense training, but not step out of ketosis.

The purpose of this is to utilize the fuel provided by carbohydrates effectively before it kicks you out of ketosis.

As a general rule, make sure to become keto-adapted first by following a strict ketogenic diet for at least six to eight weeks, before opting for TKD.

This ensures that you don’t throw yourself completely out of ketosis during the first few weeks.

During the loading window, opt for carbs that are easily digestible with a high glycemic index.

Then, post workout, up your protein intake to assist with muscle recovery, then consume nothing but keto foods.

TKD is most suitable for beginner or intermediate fitness runners or for those who cannot be on a cyclical keto diet for personal reasons.

You Decide

So which one should you follow?

The answer depends on you.

Your own needs and fitness goals should dictate which approach to follow.

But, in general, the standard diet is the way to go—especially if you’re a complete beginner and want to become keto-adapted as soon as possible.

Additional resource – Keto marathon training

Benefits of Ketogenic Eating

Once you get on the keto path, you’ll realize that it’s more than just another trendy eating plan.

In fact, ketogenic eating is a healthy lifestyle approach that offers a host of benefits.

Here are a few.

  1. Keto Aids in Weight loss

One of the main perks of the keto diet is the weight loss effect.

Research has found that people who go on low carb diets shed weight faster than those on low-fat diets, even the low-diet group is actively restricting calories.

According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, subjects following a keto diet were able to achieve better long term bodyweight management when compared to their peers who opted for a conventional low-fat diet.

According to another research, low carb diets were specifically effectively for up to six months, compared to a standard weight loss diet.

  1. Increased Energy Levels

It’s quite common during the first few days on the keto diet to go through the keto flu.

This is a short period in which you experience fatigue, headaches, nausea, confusion, and other unwanted symptoms.

These are the telling signs that your body is making the shift from burning carbs (glucose) for energy to burning ketones (fat)—a process known as ketosis.

Think of it as a rite of passage to the keto world.

This transition phase can leave you feeling depleted for a few days—up to a week, but once you become keto-adapted, you may experience a sharp increase in energy and endurance.

There are many reasons, as explained by keto experts following a ketogenic diet.

Some of these include:

  • Reduced inflammation
  • More ATP per molecule of ketone Vs. Glucose
  • Steady blood sugar levels upregulation of mitochondrial biogenesis.
  1. Keto Reduces Appetite

Most of the dreadful hunger pangs are caused by chronic blood sugar instability.

This what could be blamed for the sudden urge to eat and reach for unhealthy food.

To control your cravings, you’d need to regulate your blood sugar levels.

That’s where the keto diet comes in handy.

Getting into ketosis, then maintaining for an extended period, helps regulate blood sugar, drastically reduces cravings, and provides the brain and tissues with stable energy.

Research had regularly revealed that when subjects avoided carbohydrates and eat more fat and protein, they end up consuming far fewer calories.

Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that high fat, low carb diet were more effective at managing hunger than diets with a greater percentage of carbohydrates.

Further study suggests that high-fat low carb eating may suppress hunger hormones more effectively than standard weight-loss regimes.

Additional resource – Best supplements for runners

  1. Increased Levels of Good HDL Cholesterol

Despite being high in fats, the ketogenic diet is unlikely to negatively impact your cholesterol levels.

The reverse happens.

Eating this way may cut the risk of heart disease markers, such as triglycerides and cholesterol.

Research shows that one of the best ways to increase the good HDL level is to consume fat—and the keto diet is roughly 70 to 85 fat.

When you’re applying the keto diet in a healthy way—as in focusing on healthy sources fats, avocadoes instead of pork rinks for instance—you may improve your heart health by reducing cholesterol.

A one-year study found that 22 of 26 cardiovascular risk factors drastically improved with a keto diet.

The subjects reported a reduction of their fasting triglyceride by 24 percent and an 18 percent boost in good HDL cholesterol and drastic reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Another research found that HDL cholesterol—the good one—drastically improved in those following the keto diet while the bad one—the LDL significantly plunged.

  1. Good For Metabolic Syndrome

There is plenty of studies—roughly more than 160 research paper currently on PubMed with the words “ketogenic” “ketosis,” or “diabetes” in the title alone.

A 10-week study found that high fat and low diet can help diabetic subjects maintain a healthy blood glucose level range.

This research assessed 232 obese patients with type II diabetes.

The result: 36 percent of the subjects no longer needed insulin therapy, with over 50 percent drastically lowering their dose.

Research has found a strong link between the metabolic syndrome and increased risk for diabetes and heart disease.

This condition is a mix of symptoms that include:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Abdominal obesity
  • High triglycerides
  • Low good HDL cholesterol levels

In other words, eating a diet rich in fat and void of carbohydrates, contrary to classic thinking, is actually what might help you reverse cardiovascular diseases symptoms

The keto diet is, again, works very well for treating and alleviating all of these symptoms, research shows.

What’s more?

A body of recent research has looked into the effect of the keto diet on obesity and found that it works very well for not only losing fat but also sparing muscle mass.

  1. Stable Insulin Levels

The high-fat, low carb diet may be very beneficial for people with type II diabetes, which affects hundreds of millions worldwide, especially in the industrialized world.


When you reduce your intake of carb-rich and high processed food, you’ll be better able to manage your blood sugar levels by eliminating—or significantly reducing—large spikes in your blood sugar, reducing the need for insulin.

Research shows that diabetic patients who get on the low carb path may need to cut their insulin dosage by up 50 percent almost immediately.

In a study, 95 percent of subjects with type II diabetes have significantly reduced or eliminated their glucose-lowering medication within six months.

What’s more?

According to a review published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, XX number of studies proved that a ketogenic diet could drastically improve insulin sensitivity for those with type II diabetes.

Yet be careful.

If you’re already taking blood sugar meds, consult with your doctors before making changes to your carb intake—as your dosage may need to be adjusted to prevent hypoglycemia.

Foods rich in healthy fats for balanced nutrition: raw egg yolk in fresh cut half avocado on gray stone background.

Additional resource – How to combine keto and running

  1. Helpful for Many Brain Disorders

Did you know that the ketogenic diet was first used way back in the 1920s to treat children with epilepsy?

This is something I learned about a few months ago in a Joe Rogan podcast. And I instantly became fascinated with the applications of the keto diet for treating brain disorders.

In research, over 50 percent of the children on the low-carb, high-fat regime had lowered the number of their seizure by up to 50 percent while 16 percent of the participant became seizure-free.

Some research goes as far as to claim that the ketogenic diet provides neuroprotective benefits.

These may help reduce the risks for conditions like Alzheimer’s Parkinson.

How come?

The theory is, drastically reducing glucose levels by opting for high fat and very strict carb diet forces body to produce ketone bodies for fuel.

This shift may help treat and reverse neurological disorders and cognitive issues, such as Alzheimer’s symptoms, epilepsy, and anxiety.

  1. Lowered Blood Pressure

Hypertension, or elevated blood pressure, is a significant risk factor for a host of diseases, such as stroke, heart disease, and kidney failure—the list goes on.

Here’s the good news.

A growing body of research over the past few years shows that eating low-carb diets has a huge positive impact on blood pressure, which could cut your risk of these conditions and help you live a longer, healthier life.

  1. You’ll Sleep Better

Your sleep quality will take a massive hit during the first few days on the ketogenic diet.

That’s typical during the adjustment period—when you reduce your carb intake to no more than 20 net gram per day.

But once your body gets adjusted, you’ll find yourself experiencing more alertness during the day and sleep deeper at night.

Research published in the journal Nutrients revealed hat following a low-carb calorie diet drastically reduce daytime sleepiness in a group of obese participants.

During this phase, you may experience insomnia and a bunch of other issues, but once you go over this initial bump, your sleep quality will improve.

You’ll sleep much deeper and much sounder, and feel more rested and energized when you wake up.

To Conclude

I can go on and on.

For more on that, here are a few sources.

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link 5

Who Shouldn’t Be on A Keto Diet?

As with any drastic change in dietary habits, there are a few safety issues you need to be mindful of if you’re serious about making it down the ketogenic path.

So, if one of the following cases applies to you, then be extra careful.

  • People on hypo-causing meds such as Insulin, Sulphonylureas, and Glinides
  • People on medications such as high blood pressure.
  • Breastfeeding women
  • People with gallbladder diseases
  • People who have had bariatric surgery
  • Etc.

Also, be sure to discuss with a doctor or a certified nutritionist any significant changes in your eating habits before making it, especially when it comes to super carb-restricted ketogenic diets.

keto foods plan


One Week Sample

Here how a week of eating looks like on the ketogenic diet.


  • Breakfast:Eggs, bacon, and tomatoes cooked in coconut oil
  • Lunch:Burger with cheddar cheese, guacamole, and nuts.
  • Dinner:Salmon, egg, and mushroom cooked in coconut oil.


  • Breakfast:Egg, basil, avocado, and cheddar cheese omelet.
  • Lunch:Chicken salad with olive oil and avocado.
  • Dinner:Mackerel with asparagus and spinach cooked in butter.


  • Breakfast: Omelet with peppers, broccoli, salsa, and spices.
  • Lunch:Shrimp salad with feta cheese and olive oil.
  • Dinner: Romaine lettuce with low-carb, high-fat dressing


  • Breakfast:Cheese omelet with vegetables and avocados.
  • Lunch:Ham and cheese slices with almonds.
  • Dinner:Salad greens with high-fat dressing


  • Breakfast:Fried eggs with mushrooms and onions.
  • Lunch: Shrimp salad with feta cheese and olive oil.
  • Dinner:Low Carb Salmon Patties


  • Breakfast:Eggs, bacon, and tomatoes.
  • Lunch:Four ounces of baked fish with butter sauce
  • Dinner:Steak and eggs with vegetables.


  • Breakfast:Coffee with heavy crème
  • Lunch:Burger with cheddar cheese, guacamole, and nuts.
  • Dinner:Three cups shredded cabbage sautéed in butter and onions

Healthy Ketogenic Snacks

In case hunger strikes before one of the main meals, keep it at bay with any of the following options.

  • Cheese with olives
  • Two hard-boiled eggs
  • Strawberries and cream
  • A handful of almonds and nuts.
  • One avocado with pepper and salt
  • Green bean fries
  • Kale chips
  • String cheese
  • Jerky
  • Celery filled with cream cheese
  • Lettuce or cucumber smeared with peanut butter
  • Radishes smeared with butter


So, should you give the ketogenic diet a try?

I hate to sound like a broken record, but it’s really up to. It depends on you.

So you decided what works the best for you. Just be willing to keep an open mind and experiment.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Good luck!