How Far Are Common Running Race Distances?

Running races come in all sizes and shapes, suiting everyone from the complete beginner to the elite athlete.

That’s why to make the most out of your racing experience, you need to choose the right event then train for it properly. Or else, you’ll crash and burn, and you don’t want that.

So how far are the most common running races, and how do you actually approach training? If you’re looking for answers, then you have come to the right place.

In this article, I’ll break down the distances of the most common running races, including the 5K, 100-miler, and everything in between.

I know it’s a to cover, so let’s dig in.

Note – Today’s article covers some of the most popular running races, but keep in mind that are hundreds more. There are also other types of running races, such as obstacle races, mud runs, and fun runs.

How Far Are Common Running Race Distances?  – The One-Mile

This is not a common running race among recreational runners, but for anyone who wants to take up running, the One-Mile run is the perfect starting point—especially if you want to establish a baseline from the get-go.

Roughly 1,600 meters, or the equivalent of four laps around a standard track, the mile is the only imperial distance that survived the sport’s transition to the metric system.

The race requires the endurance of a distance runner coupled with the speed of a sprinter—an elusive balance that only a few can master.

The race is also challenging enough that it takes serious training, but short enough that virtually anyone in decent shape feels like they can pull it off.

According to the International Association of Athletics Federations, the current world record, as of January 2021, is held by Hicham El Guerrouj, the Legendary Moroccan runner, and stands at 3:43.13.

Additional resource – How to avoid slowing down during  a race

How To Train For The Mile

This depends on your starting point.

Training for the perfect mile is tricky. The race is not a sprint, so you need basic endurance as well as enough speed to make it fast to the finish line.

If you’re a complete beginner, start with a walk/run strategy until you can run 20 to 30 minutes at an easy pace. Then you can work on your speed.

Typical one-mile training programs require an equal balance of speed, strength, and endurance.

Even if you think that you already fast, but lack the strength and endurance to hold that speed for the distance, your one-mile performance will be subpar.

Additional resource – Guide to pacing strategies for different races

How Far Is The 5K?

First things first: The “K” in 5K refers to kilometers, so a 5K is 5 kilometers long, the equivalent of a 3.1-mile distance.

To put it in perspective, 3.1 miles equal to running 45 laps around a baseball diamond or about 12.5 laps around a standard track.

Still have no idea how far is a 5K? try using a service, like Google Maps or MapMyRun, to map out the distance from your home to a specific destination.

In the recreational running world, the 5K is often hailed as the best “entry-level” event for beginners, and for good reasons. Completing a 5K race requires time, practice, and training, but even the complete beginner with no experience can be race-ready in less than eight weeks (try my couch to 5K plan on the treadmill).

The race is also one of the most popular races in the world, accounting for roughly half of the paid registrant in the US alone. In fact, there were about 8 million finishers of 5K races in the United States in 2016.

A beginner runner? Try this couch to 5K plan.

How Long Will It Take To run A 5K Distance?

I don’t have the exact answer as finish times vary from one runner to the other (learn more about the factors that affect 5K pace here).

The current 5K world record is at 12:35.36 and held by Joshua Cheptegei. But as a beginner, expect to finish the race within the 30 to 40 minutes range—longer if you’re walking/running.

Here are more pace ideas:

  • Running 5K at 5-minute mile pace: 15 minutes 32 seconds.
  • Running 5K at 6-minute mile pace: 18 minutes 38 seconds.
  • Running 5K at 7-minute mile pace: 21 minutes 44 seconds.
  • Running 5K at 8-minute mile pace: 24 minutes 50 seconds.
  • Running 5K at 9-minute mile pace: 27 minutes 56 seconds.
  • Running 5K at 10-minute mile pace: 31 minutes 04 seconds.
  • Running 5K at 11-minute mile pace: 34 minutes 10 seconds.
  • Running 5K at 12-minute mile pace: 37 minutes 17 seconds.

How To Train For A 5K

5Ks are a challenge, but an achievable one.

As I stated earlier, it’s a distance every one—even those with no running experience and/or are completely out of shape—can train for and within a relatively short period of time, be able to cross the finish line.

But you shouldn’t underestimate it. Try running a 5K without the proper base, and you’ll crash and burn.

Here’s how to approach 5K training as a beginner:

If you’re a complete beginner or haven’t logged any miles in a while—due to illness, injury, or just lack of motivation—start with the walk/run training plan.

For example, running for three minutes, walking for two, then repeating the cycle for 20 to 30 minutes. This can be far less scary than trying to run the whole 3.1 miles without stopping.

I’d recommend training for 10 to 12 weeks leading up to your race day, spending the first four weeks switching between running and walking until you can run 25- to 30-minute straight at an easy pace.

Before you move onto the 10K, maybe check out this 8K distance guide.

How Long is The 10K Race?

The 10K is about 6.21 miles. Completing a 10K is almost the same as running the length of 91 football fields, including both end zones. It’s also roughly 25 laps around a standard track.

This 10K is long enough to allow the beginner—or recreational—runner to stretch their comfort zone, but without overdoing it.

It’s also the ideal stepping stone distance from the 5K to longer distances such as the half marathon or marathon.

common running races distance

How Long Will It Take To run A 10K Distance?

Again, pace depends on your fitness level, age, etc. As a beginner, expect to complete a 10K within 60 to 80 minutes—even longer if you’re run-walking—the world’s record is 26:11.00 and is held by Ugandan Joshua Cheptegei.

Here are more pace examples.

  • Running 10K at 5-minute mile pace: 31 minutes 04 seconds.
  • Running 10K at 6-minute mile pace: 37 minutes 17 seconds.
  • Running 10K at 7-minute mile pace: 43 minutes 30 seconds.
  • Running 10K at 8-minute mile pace: 49 minutes 42 seconds.
  • Running 10K at 9-minute mile pace: 55 minutes 54 seconds.
  • Running 10K at 10-minute mile pace: 62 minutes 8 seconds.
  • Running 10K at 11-minute mile pace: 68 minutes 21 seconds.
  • Running 10K at 12-minute mile pace: 74 minutes 34 seconds.

How To Train For 10K

Most experts recommend start training for a 10K after doing a few 5Ks, but that doesn’t bar the complete beginner from training for the distance too.

In fact, if you just took up running and want to push yourself, the 6.2 miles is a fantastic goal to aim for. It’ll give your training structure and help improve your discipline and motivation.

This is, of course, as long you’re realistic, give yourself plenty of time to train, and stay within your skill level the entire time.

As a guideline, approach training for the 10K the same way you do a 5K—in a slow and gradual manner. The main difference is that instead of training at a 5K pace, your main workouts will be at the goal 10K pace.

What’s more?

Shoot for a realistic pace and finish time, and stick to that. As a beginner, make it a goal to cross the finish line unscathed. In future 10K races, you can get a bit cockier and try to beat your personal best for the event.

Additional Reading – Here’s your guide to obstacle race course training.

How Far Is The Half Marathon Race?

Also known as a “Pikermi,”(name of a village in Greece used because of the route of the original marathon), the half marathon is 13.1 miles long, or about 21.1 kilometers.

To put it in perspective, running a half marathon is the equivalent of doing 53 laps around a standard outdoor track.

The half marathon distance is widely accepted as the sweet spot of distance running.

The event requires serious training and endurance, but not closely as much as a full marathon. It’s also the threshold at which most runners start to consider themselves as serious athletes.

The half marathon has gathered some tremendous clout over the past few years. There were over two million finishers in 2016, according to Running USA, up from around 400,000 just a couple of decades ago.

How Long It Will Take You To Run A Half Marathon?

Half marathon finish times vary widely. As a beginner, expect to finish the race within two to three hours. The official IAAF world record stands at 57:32 and is set by Kibiwott Kandie of Kenya.

Here are more pace examples:

  • Running a half-marathon at 5-minute mile pace: 1 hour, 5 minutes, 33 seconds.
  • Running a half-marathon at 6-minute mile pace: 1 hour, 18 minutes, 39 seconds.
  • Running a half-marathon at 7-minute mile pace: 1 hour, 31 minutes, 45 seconds.
  • Running a half-marathon at 8-minute mile pace: 1 hour, 44 minutes, 51 seconds.
  • Running a half-marathon at 9-minute mile pace: 1 hour, 57 minutes, 59 seconds.
  • Running a half-marathon at 10-minute mile pace: 2 hours, 11 minutes, 05 seconds.
  • Running a half-marathon at 11-minute mile pace: 2 hours, 24 minutes, 12 seconds.
  • Running a half-marathon at 12-minute mile pace: 2 hours, 37 minutes, 18 seconds.

How To Train For A Half Marathon

Now that distance has greatly increased, it’s time to take things more seriously.

Once you start making the switch to half marathon training, you’ll have to run at least four times a week to ensure you can finish the race distance unscathed.

If you only run a few times week—covering 6 or 7 on your longest run—you won’t have the needed endurance to take on the 13.1-mile distance. This means one thing and one thing only—failure.

As a rule, take your time, often months, building up a base of running fitness. Plan out a structured running program, ideally for 12 to 16 weeks, then stick to it.

What’s more?

Do plenty of long runs—the bread and butter of long-distance running. These help improve your endurance while getting your body used to spending a long time on the go.

Each week, preferably on a Sunday, do a long run, gradually increasing distance by roughly 10 percent each week until you get to 10 to 12 miles a session.

How Far is The Marathon Race?

The marathon is the granddaddy of races and a bucket-list event for many runners.

A marathon is 26.2 miles or 42 kilometers. That’s stands to running roughly 105 times around a standard outdoor track.

Even though marathon events tend to differ in their terrain and level of challenge, the length is always 26.2 miles.

This distance was inspired by the Philippides who run from the Marathon To Athens to deliver the news of victory over the Persians by the greens.

Then, soon after announcing the victory, the Greek herald collapsed on the floor and died of exhaustion.

How Long It Will Take You To Run A Marathon?

The longer the distance, the steeper the disparity between finish times. Though the current world record of the marathon is about two hours, beginner runners may cover the whole 26.2 miles distance in five hours or more.

Here are a few marathon pace examples:

  • Running a Marathon at 5-minute mile pace: 2 hours, 11 minutes, 05 seconds.
  • Running a Marathon at 6-minute mile pace: 2 hours, 37 minutes, 17 seconds.
  • Running a Marathon at 7-minute mile pace: 3 hours, 03 minutes, 39 seconds.
  • Running a Marathon at 8-minute mile pace: 3 hours, 29 minutes, 41 seconds.
  • Running a Marathon at 9-minute mile pace: 3 hours, 55 minutes, 33 seconds.
  • Running a Marathon at 10-minute mile pace: 4 hours, 22 minutes, 11 seconds.
  • Running a Marathon at 11-minute mile pace: 4 hours, 48 minutes, 25 seconds.
  • Running a Marathon at 12-minute mile pace: 5 hours, 14 minutes, 38 seconds.

How To Train For A Marathon

Completing a marathon requires a lot of conditioning, focused training, and mental strength. Sorry, there are no shortcuts.

Try to wing it without proper training, and you’ll have the worst running experience of your life.

Most runners who drop out of or crash and burn during the erase are typically under-prepared—don’t fall into that trap.

Start training after running more than a few 5Ks, 10Ks, and Half marathons, then devote three to four months to marathon training.

During your plan, aim to drastically build up your mileage base and get in a few long runs—in the 15 to 18 miles range—under your belt before the big day.

During the race, get ready to hit “The Wall,” which typically strikes the 21-mile (33K) mark, especially during your first marathon experience.

How Long is The 50-Miler Race?

Often dubbed as the half marathon of ultramarathon distances, the 50-miler, or 80 kilometers, is a beast of a race in itself. Logging in 50 miles equals running 16 5K races back to back. Yes, that’s quite a lot!

The 50-miler is the perfect stepping stone to the world of ultramarathons—the ideal event for hardcore runners or trail addicts on the quest for the next endorphin high.

How Long It Will Take You To Complete 50-Mile Race?

The current world record is a staggering 4:50:08 and is set by Jim Walmsley at the 2019 Hoka One Project Carbon X event. But that’s a finish time even the most hardcore runners can only dream of achieving.

As a beginner, expect to finish your first event between eight and 14 hours.

Here are a few pace examples:

  • Running a 50-miler at 6-minute mile pace: 5 hours.
  • Running a 50-miler at 7-minute mile pace: 5 hours, 50 minutes.
  • Running a 50-miler at 8-minute mile pace: 6 hours, 40 minutes.
  • Running a 50-miler at 9-minute mile pace: 7 hours, 30 minutes.
  • Running a 50-miler at 10-minute mile pace: 8 hours, 20 minutes.
  • Running a 50-miler at 11-minute mile pace: 9 hours, 10 minutes.
  • Running a 50-miler at 12-minute mile pace: 10 hours.
  • Running a 50-miler at 13-minute mile pace: 10 hours, 50 minutes.

How Train For a 50-Miler

Training for a 50-miler is no easy walk in the park. You’ll need to devote years of rigorous training to be able to make it in the world of ultra-running.

During the event, expect the worst to happen: fatigue, injury, gear issues, stomach problems, mental break down, crying—you name it.

As a rule, spend a few years honing your running game and doing plenty of races before you decide to try a 50-miler.

At a minimum, shoot for upwards of 50 miles a week while remaining injury-free before you start tackling the 50-mile distance.

Here are some of the best sources on 50-miler training

How Far is The 100-Miler Race?

As the world of ultra-running expands in popularity, the 100-mile distance is regarded as the ultimate benchmark—the big daddy of all ultramarathons.

The 100-miler, the equivalent of 160 kilometers. It requires running 363 laps around a standard track to cover 100 miles. The distance is also the equivalent of running four marathons back to back.

Think one marathon is challenging enough? Try completing four in a row.

That’s why covering the whole distance involves running continuously for 24 to 42 hours.

Running a 100-miler is not completely out of reach for the ordinary runner. In fact, with the right long-term plan, strategic build-up, and an iron will, you can run a 100-mile –even if you are not endowed with the best athletic genes in the world.

How Long It Will Take You To Run 100 Miles?

The world record for the distance is at 11 hours and 19 minutes and was set by Zach Bitter, running a pace of 6 minutes and 48 seconds per mile. Yes, can you imagine running that fast for such a long time?

All in all, how long will take you to run 100 miles will depend on tough the course is. If the course is totally flat, expect to finish it within 18 to 22 hours. But a tough race, such as the Mogollon Monster 100, can take you up 30 hours or longer.

Here are a few pace ideas to give you an example:

  • Running a 100-miler at 6-minute mile pace: 10 hours.
  • Running a 100-miler at 7-minute mile pace: 11 hours, 40 minutes.
  • Running a 100-miler at 8-minute mile pace: 13 hours, 20 minutes.
  • Running a 100-miler at 9-minute mile pace: 15 hours.
  • Running a 100-miler at 10-minute mile pace: 16 hours, 40 minutes.
  • Running a 100-miler at 11-minute mile pace: 18 hours, 20 minutes.
  • Running a 100-miler at 12-minute mile pace: 20 hours.
  • Running a 100-miler at 13-minute mile pace: 21 hours, 20 minutes.

How To Train For a 100-Miler

Google “how to run 100 miles,” and you’ll definitely find a lot of helpful, practical advice written by professional athletes and coaches.

I’m not a professional runner nor an Olympic-level, high-endurance coach.

But, according to my research and intuition, training for the 100-miler is the hardest thing you can do as a runner.

And the most of the training boils down to your mental game—as in how mentally you prepared. In fact, the difference between training for a 100-miler, and let’s say, a marathon is almost entirely mental.

As you can tell by now, the longer the race, the more miles you need to log in every week—not to mention the cross-training and mobility work required to keep your body healthy and performing well throughout your training.

During the race, you’ll have to deal with more than just running—sleep deprivation is one example.

It’s not just about training your body for the distance—your whole existence should be ready too.

Here are a few resources to help you get started:

How Far Are Common Running Race Distances? – The Conclusion

There you have it! In this article, I’ve explained in detail the official running distances of some of the most common and sought after races in the running world. The training tips should also set you on the right path. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

The 5 Most Common Causes of Top of Foot Pain When Running

How To Clean Running Shoes

Are you experiencing top of foot pain when running? Then you have come to the right place.

Here’s the truth. Running is a high impact sport per excellence—it can take a toll on your body, especially your feet, your first point of contact with the ground.

This foot pain is a common complaint among runners of all backgrounds and training levels.

However, unlike notorious conditions such as runners knee and plantar fasciitis, diagnosing top-of-foot pain in runners is tricky.

There are many conditions that cause pain in the region, which makes determining which one is which easier said than done.

But fret no more.

In this article, I’ll outline some of the most common causes on top of foot pain in runners as well as how to prevent foot pain so you can get the most out of your training.

Sounds great?

Let’s lace up and dig in.

Anatomy 101

The human foot is a complex set of 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

When you log the miles, every one of these structures fulfills a specific function, and if any is deficient, not only will you come down with discomfort or pain, you also experience alignment issues elsewhere.

The human body is, after all, one connected chain—only as strong as the weakest link.

You may feel an ache, inflammation or tenderness, burning sensation, or a sharp pain that may come and go, depending on the cause and your activity.

The 5 Most Common Causes of Top of Foot Pain When Running

Here are the main conditions that can cause pain on top of your foot while running:

  • Extensor Tendonitis
  • Metatarsal Stress Fracture
  • Bone Spur
  • Vamp Disease
  • Arthritis

Let’s briefly discuss each one of these, then share a few ways to prevent the top of the foot pain while running.

  1. Extensor Tendonitis

One of the most common causes of pain on the top of the foot is a condition known as extensor tendonitis.

As the name implies, extensor tendonitis is an inflammation of the extensor tendons—a set of tendons that run along the top of the foot and are in charge of pulling it upward as well as straightening the toes.

When coming down with extensor tendonitis, you’ll feel pain on top of the foot, especially in the middle between your ankle and the ball of your foot.

The main symptoms include:

  • Swelling, bruising, or redness on the top of the foot
  • Pain in the center of the foot, especially in the middle of the foot and off to the instep, near the big toe.
  • The development of a large bump somewhere along the tendon

Some of the main factors that contribute to the condition include:

  • Running too much too soon
  • Standing for long periods of time
  • Wearing improper shoes that are too tight or too small
  • Running on on uneven surfaces
  • Biomechanics deficiencies, such as fallen foot arch or tight calf muscles

How To Treat Extensor Tendonitis

The most effective way to manage mild extensor tendonitis is to soothe inflammation with rest, ice, and stretching the calf muscles. You should also perform a few grip exercises to reduce stress on the tendon, along with flexing your foot up toward the shin.

What’s more?

Consider using custom orthotics if you have a high-arch foot type as well as changing your shoe lacing pattern and loosen your laces a bit (more on this later).

Consult a doctor for serious cases.

Additional resource – Common cause of lower leg pain while running

2. Metatarsal Stress Fracture

Another common cause of top of the foot pain in runners is a stress fracture.

Logging the miles too hard or too fast can take a toll on your weight-bearing bones and, over time, lead to stress fractures. These consist of a tiny break in the bone caused by repetitive shock rather than an acute injury, such as a fall or accident.

Again, overuse is the main cause of stress fractures, but factors that can contribute to it include:

  • Bad running technique
  • Running on hard surfaces
  • Improper running shoes
  • Vitamin D deficiencies
  • And so much more.

(Check my full guide to stress fracture for more).

As I mentioned before, there are 26 bones in the foot, and any one of them can be prone to a stress fracture from running.

More specifically, the center of your foot houses five metatarsal bones, and any one of them can fall victim to a stress fracture if you run too hard too fast, too soon, especially in the second through fourth metatarsal bones.

This notorious condition starts off as mild pain and then slowly worsens over time. You may experience pain only while running, but as it progresses, you’ll also feel the pain when at rest, even when sleeping.

As the condition worsens, the pain on top of the foot will come on faster and will last longer.

Main symptoms include:

  • Pain and swelling focused on the top of the foot over the bones
  • Tenderness on top of the foot where the stress fracture is located
  • Mild to severe swelling in the affected foot.

How to Treat A Stress Fracture

If you suspect a stress fracture, consult a doctor immediately as it requires a more aggressive treatment plan. Plus, it can only be confirmed by getting an X-ray.

More than likely, you’ll need to wear a boot or some other form of device.

Once your fracture heals, it’s key to go back and assess your running habits to determine why you got hurt.

Or else, you may risk exacerbating your condition, like creating a full-on fracture or another stress fracture.

Top of Foot Pain When Running

3. Bone Spur

What’s known as osteophyte, a bone spur is a bony growth formed on a normal bone. This extra growth can cause wear and tear or pain if it rubs on other tissue such as tendons, ligaments, or nerves in the body.

These usually develop when the body grows extra bone as it tries to repair damage caused by shock or pressure placed on the bone for a long period of time.

Many things can contribute to the formation of a bone spur, such as improper shoes, injury, and age.

Additional Resource – A Tibial Posterior Tendonitis Guide in Runners

How To Treat A Bone Spur

To treat a bone spur, consider changing your running shoes and trying an orthotic to cushion the top of your foot and see if it helps relieve symptoms. As a rule, run in proper shoes—a pair that’s not too tight or too loose and that fits well with your foot type and running style.

Unless they’re causing serious pain, usually bone spurs don’t call for aggressive treatment.

Measures that can help manage bone spurts include weight loss to reduce some of the pressures on the joints. This is especially the case if plantar fasciitis or osteoarthritis is the cause. Stretching the affected limb can also help with pain relief and healing.

For starters, try alternating between cold and heat therapy to ease the pain associated with a bone spur. Ice works very well for soothing swelling and inflammation, while the heat can improve pain and stiffness.

In some cases, you might need cortisone injected administered by your doctor, which helps limit inflammation.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to use KT Tape for runners knee.

4. Vamp Disease

Vamp disease refers to irritation over the top of the foot that often occurs when you tie up your running shoes too tightly. It’s more specifically an inflammatory swelling on the top aspect of the foot corresponding to the vamp of the shoe—hence the name.

How to Treat Vamp Disease

Easy. Choose well-fitting running shoes and replace them as they wear out. You should also try out different lacing techniques and see which one works the best for you.

As a rule, loosen up your laces or switch to sneakers that fit better so you don’t have to cinch up so tightly.

You should have enough to be able to put your finger under the top laces—or else, you might be lacing your shoes too tightly.

If your symptoms don’t fade away after changing up your shoes, your pain could be caused by something else.

Expect the pain to fade within two to three weeks as the inflammation subsides.

5. Arthritis

Arthritis refers to the deterioration of the cartilage that cushions the bones in your joints, and it’s a common source of pain on the top of the foot.

There are 30 joints in the foot—any of these joints can fall victim to arthritis, hence, lead to pain on the top of the foot.

Midfoot arthritis manifests as pain and swelling in the midfoot and is made worst by high-impact exercises such as running.

According to my research, the most prone spot on top of the foot is the area situated at the base of each toe in the metatarsophalangeal joints. (See Image).

Typically, the symptoms develop slowly over time, but it can also be the result of a major midfoot injury, such as a Lisfranc injury.

Symptoms include:

  • Tenderness pain in the injured area
  • Loss of flexibility in the affected foot.

Here’s the full guide to arch support for running

How to Treat Arthritis

Book a doctor visit if you’re coming down with any of the above symptoms that refuse to fade away with rest and ice. A physician can help you determine the right treatment plan that will work best for you.

Don’t try to heal arthritis on your own—you might end up making things worse, and you don’t want that.

Depending on the the type and severity of your arthritis, your doctor may recommend any of these treatment options:

  • Steroid medications injected into your joints
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs to soothe swelling
  • Pain relievers
  • Pads or arch supports in your running shoes
  • Canes or braces for added support
  • Physical therapy
  • Custom-fitted shoes

How To Prevent Top of The Foot Pain When Running

Here are five measures that should work the best for keeping your top-of-the-foot pain at bay while running.

Proper Running Shoes

I hate to sound like a broken record, but wearing improper running shoes can cause all sorts of pains—foot pain is not an exception.

First, examine your shoes right now and see if:

  • Your shoes are too small
  • Your shoes are too tight
  • You have been tying your shoes too tightly

If any of these apply, you’re setting yourself for foot pain.

Shoes too tight? Time to get a new pair.

Head to the nearest, especially running store and ask the staff there for advice.

They should be able to match you up with the right pair according to your size, foot shape, and level of support you need.

This is especially the case if you have any foot anatomical challenges and/or a history of foot pain.

Additional guide – How to prevent Foot pain while running

Replace Your Shoes

As in good things in life, running shoes also have a lifespan—try to run in past their prime, and you’ll be setting yourself for misery.

As a guideline, replace your running shoes every 400 to 500 miles. For example, if you run 30 miles a week, you should be looking for a new pair every four to five months.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to Anterior Tibial Tendonitis 

Lace Properly

Another measure to help you prevent pain on the top of the foot while running is to check your lacing technique.

For example, experiment with tying your laces at the side or miss the eyeholes over the affected area.

But all in all, the best tying method for soothing pressure on top of the foot is the two-laced technique.

This YouTube tutorial shows you how:

Consider Orthotics

If you overpronate and/or have a history of injuries in the lower leg, consider using supportive inserts or custom-made orthotics. Consult with a physical therapist or podiatrist to help you with options.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to calf pain while running

When to See A Doctor For Runners Foot Pain

If symptoms don’t fade away despite the above options, it’s time to get professional help.

You might be dealing with a different condition or injury and need more help.

Even relatively foot pain while running can be quite debilitating.  For chronic pain that refers to fade away with simple home remedies, you should seek medical treatment.

Especially if you’ve:

  • Pain persists for more than a week
  • Stubborn numbness in the foot
  • Signs of infection, such as warmth, redness, and tenderness in the affected limb.
  • Complete inability to walk or weight bears on the foot.

A doctor will help you rule out the cause of your pain and determine the seriousness of your conditions. From there, they can examine your situation and recommend the right course of treatment and prevention. The rest is just details.

Foot pain can progress to more severe foot issues and may leave cause damage in your lower legs, knees, even your back.

Additional Resource -Your guide to jaw pain while running

Top of Foot Pain When Running – The Conclusion

There you have it. If you’re experiencing top of foot pain while running, then today’s post most likely has the solution to what’s ailing you.

If not, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to rule out any other conditions that might be the culprit behind your pain. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.


What’s A 5K In Miles? Your Guide to Average 5K Time By Age And Gender

Curious about how far a 5K really is? You’re not the only one!

It’s simple: a 5K equals 3.1 miles.

From my experience as a coach, I think the 5K is a perfect race for everyone, whether you’re new or experienced

You can train for a 5K without months of prep, but crossing that finish line still feels like a big achievement.

My first 5K was a local charity run, and those 3.1 miles felt like a huge hurdle. But crossing the finish line? That was the best feeling in the world.

If you’re just starting out, the 5K is an excellent goal to set your sights on.

Let’s delve a little deeper into 5K stats and averages.

Putting the 5K Distance into Perspective

Let’s start at the beginning. Since ‘K’ stands for kilometer, a 5K is, simply put, 5 kilometers.

To give you some perspective, running a 5K is like covering:

  • 45 laps around a baseball diamond
  • The length of 45.5 football fields, including both end zones.
  • The length of an NBA basketball counts over 174 times.

 Note – Most U.S. races use mile markers, not kilometers. You can also learn more about marathon distance here.

Why 5Ks Are Awesome

I’ve seen beginners knock out their first 5K after following a couch-to-5K plan for just a few months, and they’re often amazed at how much they can achieve.

Whether you walk, jog, or run it, a 5K is a great goal to work toward.

Plus, 5K races are abundant—there’s one in practically every community, especially during the spring, summer, and fall. They’re fun, social, and offer a great way to challenge yourself.

How Fast Can You Run a 5K?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here because it depends on a host of factors.

Generally, finishing a 5K in under 25 minutes is pretty solid.

Beginners usually finish in about 35 minutes for men and 42 minutes for women. That’s roughly an 11-minute per mile pace for men and a 13-minute pace for women.

If you’re a more experienced runner, your finish time might be closer to 20-25 minutes. Personally, my best 5K was right around the 17-minute mark, and it took years of work to hit that number.

5K in Miles – The Average 5K Pace

What feels like a good time to one runner might be different for another.

All in all, the average running speed per mile during a 5K race is roughly 11-minute for men and 13-minute for women, resulting in finish times of about 35 and 42 minutes.

The keyword here is a beginner.

Runners with years of experience might be able to run a 7- or 8-minute mile pace, completing the race in 20 to 25 minutes.

Check the chart below for more:

Average 5K pace in miles

Typical 5K Times for Men and Women

Thanks to genetics, men, on average, are faster than women (the reason for having men & women division in sports, after all).

Therefore male runners will finish more quickly than female runners.

If you’re a beginner, you can use the national average statistics in the tables below to get a rough idea of your performance results.

Factors That Affect Your 5K Time

Many things can impact your 5K time, like

  • Age and Gender: Younger runners tend to be faster, and men typically have an edge over women due to genetics. But don’t let that get you down—anyone can run a solid 5K with enough training.
  • Terrain: Flat courses are ideal for fast times, while hilly or uneven terrain can slow you down.
  • Weather: Extreme heat, cold, or rain can affect your performance. I’ve had races where I felt invincible in cool weather and others where the heat just drained me.
  • Mental Toughness: Believe it or not, your mindset can be one of the biggest factors in your 5K performance. Staying positive and focused can push you through tough moments.

average 5K time by age

And here’s your guide to average mile times.

How Speed Impacts Your 5K Finish Time

If you’re trying to figure out how fast you need to run to hit your goal of 5K time, here’s a breakdown:

  • A 5-minute mile pace will get you to the finish in 15:30.
  • A 6-minute mile pace will take about 18:35.
  • An 8-minute mile will get you there in 24:48.
  • A 10-minute mile equals 31 minutes.
  • A 12-minute mile means you’ll finish in 37 minutes.

It’s worth noting that many runners don’t maintain a steady pace throughout the race—most will start slower and pick up the pace as they warm up or near the finish line. I always encourage my runners to aim for a negative split: start conservatively, then pick up the pace in the second half.

In Short – Average 5K Time for a New Runner

As a beginner runner, aim to complete a mile in roughly 10 to 12 minutes. This means clocking in the race in 30 to 40 minutes.

If you just took up running, you may be more comfortable doing a mix of running and walking to begin with.

Planning to walk the whole distance? No problem. It’ll take you about 15 to 20 minutes to walk a mile. If your brisk walk, you should be able to complete a 5K in around one hour.

For further insights and updates on running performance, check out resources from Running USA and the American College of Sports Medicine.

5K in Miles – Average 5K Time For Intermediate

Intermediate runners, specifically those who run 15 to 20 miles per week and have been doing it for more than a year, can expect to clock in a 5K at 22 to 25 minutes,.

This is roughly an average speed of 7- to 9-minute per mile over the course.

5K in Miles – Average 5K Time For Advanced Runners

If you’re logging up to 50 miles per week and have been doing it for a relatively long time, then you’re an advanced runner.

Typical elite running plans involve plenty of speed work, such as intervals and fartlek, as well as distance running.

With proper training, it’s possible to finish a 5K race between 15 to 18 for men and 18 to 21 for women.

Of course, chances are you are not going to take the gold at this 5K pace, but you’re definitely at the top of the top when it comes to running competing in this distance.

And that, my friend, is a great achievement in itself.

Average 5K Time By Age  – Winning Times

The chart below explains in detail the exact finish time you’ll want to aim for if you’re looking to cross the finish line first at a 5K event.

Average 5K winning time by age


The Fastest 5K Time

The average 5K time for advanced runners is under 16 minutes for men and 18 minutes for women.

As of 2020, the current IAAF world record time is held by Kenenisa Bekele at 12:37.35 for men and at 14:11.15 minutes for women held by Tirunesh Dibaba.

Rating Yourself

If you already have experience running 5K races, then you can also rate yourself.

If you finish a 5K in:

  • 12- to 14-minute – You’re an Olympic-level athlete.
  • 14- to 18-minute – You’re one of the best runners in the world.
  • 18- to 22-minute – You’re very competitive and fast enough.
  • 22- to 25-minute – You are an average runner.
  • 25- to 30-minute – You’re fit enough to run
  • 30- to 40-minute – You’re a complete beginner
  • Above 40 minutes – You are unfit but trying to run. We all have to start somewhere, right.

Measuring Your 5K Pace

There are many tools you can use to help measure your paces, such as apps and fitness trackers that will monitor your speed and distance and keep it in a log.

You can also manually set your running pace if you’re training on a treadmill, then play around with it as you get fitter and stronger.

How To Improve your Times

Now that you know how many miles in a 5K, let’s look at some practical ways to help achieve your best 5K time.

Although the 5K is one of the relatively short races, the 3.1-mile distance is nothing to scoff at.

Try to run it with no experience, and you’ll soon realize that’s not actually as easy as it seems.

To make sure you train right for a 5K, do the following:

Build Gradually

To get faster, focus on building up slowly over a few weeks or months.

Don’t try to chew more than you can swallow—or else you’re going to hurt yourself.

As a beginner, set aside at least 8 to 12 weeks of training before you stand on the starting line of the race.

In the early weeks, start with 20 to 30 minutes sessions at a slow pace, then gradually increase duration and intensity as you get more fit.

That’s the golden rule of getting fit without getting hurt.

I’d recommend that you start with a walk/run program, like this one.

You should also complement your running by doing low-impact exercises such as cyclingweight lifting, swimming, ad elliptical training.

You’re more advanced? Then Try the following 5k training plans

Interval Training

Once you can run at a slow pace for 30 to 40 minutes without panting for air, start doing some interval training.

This method helps you exhaust your body by pushing yourself as hard as possible for a set time and then allow for a rest period.

Then repeat.

One example is to do two minutes of running at a slightly faster 5K pace goal, followed by two minutes of slow jogging as recovery.

Perform this for five rounds for a total of 20 minutes.

What is a good time for my first 5K?

For beginners, finishing a 5K in 30 to 40 minutes is a common goal. I’d urge you to start with a comfortable pace that feels sustainable, allowing you to enjoy the run without feeling overly fatigued. Remember, your goal on your first race is to cross that finish line. No more. No less.

How can I break 30 minutes in a 5K?

To run a sub-30 5K, you’ll need to aim for a pace that keeps each mile under 9:40 minutes. Here are a few strategies to help you reach that goal:

  • Incorporate Interval Training: Alternate between fast-paced running and slower recovery runs during your training. This can help boost your speed and endurance.
  • Add Tempo Runs: Tempo runs, where you maintain a steady, challenging pace for a sustained period, can improve your overall speed and help you feel more comfortable at faster paces.
  • Practice Pacing: During your training runs, practice maintaining the pace needed to achieve your goal time. This will help you get a feel for the effort required on race day.

Have A Pacing Strategy

Keeping a consistent pace is challenging during a race, especially when you add in factors such as racing vibe, other runners, terrain, fatigue, wind, etc.

For this reason, plan for a flexible pacing strategy to help you achieve your average goal pace.

The strategy I’d recommend is to do a negative split—this means running the second of the race faster than the first.

Still confused?

It’s actually quite easy.

All you have to do is to start the race easy, then finish it strong, but do it in a planned and well-thought-out manner.

Here’s a breakdown for a 10:00 mine per mile average pace

  • Mile One – 10:30 MPH
  • Mile Two – 10:00 MPH
  • Mile Three – 9:30 MPH
  • The last portion (0.11 mile) – As Fast As You Can

Join the Conversation!

I want to hear from you! Your experiences and insights can inspire fellow runners.

In the comments section below, share your personal goals related to 5K races. Whether you’re aiming for your first 5K or looking to beat your personal best, we’d love to know what motivates you and what challenges you’ve faced.

  • Have you completed a 5K recently? What was your time?
  • What training tips helped you the most?
  • What do you find most rewarding about running?

By sharing your journey, you can contribute to a supportive community where everyone can learn from one another and celebrate each other’s achievements!

What is a Fun Run & How Long Is One

Can Running Help Cure Your Hangover?

If you’re thinking about joining a fun run, you’re in for an awesome experience!

Fun runs are the perfect mix of activity, outdoor fun, and laughter with friends or family

The best part?

They’re laid-back, and unlike serious races, they focus on having a good time rather than breaking personal records.

Whether you’ve never done a fun run before or you’re considering signing up for your first, you probably have a few questions about what to expect.

No stress—I’ve got all the insider tips you need.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know, from how to prepare, what to wear, and what the event is like.

Ready? Let’s lace up and dive in!

What is A Fun Run?

A fun run is just that—running purely for the joy of it!

Unlike traditional races that focus on competition and finishing times, a fun run is all about enjoying yourself and the event’s atmosphere.

These events often feature a theme, such as a color run where participants are doused in colorful powder, or a mud run that includes obstacles and lots of dirt.

The idea is to create a lighthearted, party-like atmosphere where people of all fitness levels can participate.

There’s usually music, dancing, costumes, and plenty of opportunities to take pictures along the way. It’s common for people to walk, jog, or mix running and walking during these events.

The first time I joined a fun was a color-themed 5K with some friends. I had no idea what to expect, and honestly, I wasn’t even a big runner at the time. But once I arrived at the event, I realized it wasn’t about speed or distance; it was about having a blast.

People were dressed in crazy costumes, the music was pumping, and the atmosphere was so lighthearted.

By the end, I was covered in colored powder and laughing harder than I had in ages. That’s when I realized fun runs are more of a party than a race—and I was all in.

How Long is a Fun Run?

Most fun runs are short and sweet, so everyone can join in, no matter their fitness level.

The most common distance is a 5K, which is 3.1 miles. If you’re new to running, don’t worry—this distance is perfect for beginners. You can walk, jog, or run at your own pace, and there’s no pressure to finish within a certain time.

Some events may offer shorter distances for kids or families, while others might have longer options like a 10K. It’s always a good idea to check with the event organizers to find out the exact distance and what’s available. But whether it’s 3 miles or 6, the goal is always the same: to have fun!

Are You Fit Enough for a Fun Run?

One of the best things about fun runs is that anyone can do them. No elite running experience? No problem. Fun runs are for everyone. Fun runs are designed to be inclusive, so you can go at your own pace, whether that means walking, jogging, or a mix of both.

So, if you’re worried about being fit enough, don’t be. The point is to show up, enjoy yourself, and cross the finish line with a smile—no matter how long it takes you to get there.

Explore Types of Fun Runs: Find the Perfect Event for You

Fun runs come in all shapes and sizes, and they’re each designed to bring a different experience to the starting line. Let me share with you some of the most popular ones:

  • Color Runs. Color runs are perfect if you want to celebrate running in a burst of color! At each kilometer mark, runners are doused in vibrant colored powders. The atmosphere is festive and relaxed, making it great for families, beginners, or groups of friends just looking for a good time without worrying about pace or finishing times.
  • Themed Costume Runs. Costume runs let you turn running into a celebration of creativity. These events are often seasonal, with Halloween and holiday-themed runs being especially popular. Imagine running in your favorite superhero cape, or as a group of Christmas elves! It’s ideal for folks who love dressing up and are looking for a festive atmosphere.
  • Obstacle Course Runs. For anyone looking to mix endurance with adventure, obstacle course runs—like Tough Mudder or Spartan Race—are a thrilling option. These events combine running with physical challenges such as mud pits, climbing walls, and monkey bars.
  • Charity Runs. From raising funds for medical research to supporting local animal shelters, charity runs bring people together for a shared purpose. Running for a cause can be incredibly motivating and meaningful, making these runs popular with runners of all experience levels who want to make a positive impact while staying active.

How to Prepare for a Fun Run

While fun runs are all about the good times, a little prep can make your first one even better. Here are a few tips to help you get ready:

Have a Training Plan

No need for marathon-level training, but getting moving beforehand can really enhance your experience

If you haven’t run before or it’s been a while, try going for short runs or walks a few times a week. A simple plan of running or walking for 20-30 minutes, three times a week, can go a long way in helping you feel more confident on race day.

What To Wear

For most races, wearing technical running gear is ideal, but fun runs are different! Pick clothes you can get really messy in, especially for color runs where you’ll end up a rainbow!

If you’re going all-in on the fun, consider wearing a costume or dressing in bright, festive colors. Don’t forget a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes, and maybe even a bandana to keep powder or dust out of your mouth.

The first time I did a color run, I made the rookie mistake of wearing my favorite workout clothes—bad idea! By the end, I was covered in color, and my clothes were never quite the same.

Now, I have a dedicated “fun run” outfit—an old white shirt that looks more colorful after every event. I also throw on a cheap pair of sunglasses and bandana to protect my eyes and mouth from the powder. Lesson learned!

Your Running Shoes

Your shoes might get ruined, especially if it’s a messy event like a color or mud run.

During my first fun run, I wore my good running shoes, and they were never the same after! Now, I’ve learned to keep an old pair of shoes just for these events. Trust me, they get so covered in color that you’ll want to toss them afterward, or at least save them for future fun runs

I recommend wearing an older pair of running shoes that you no longer use for regular training. Alternatively, you can buy an inexpensive pair specifically for the event.

Either way, don’t expect them to be in great condition afterward!

The Run Itself

On the day of the fun run, relax and have fun! Unlike traditional races, there’s no need to stress about getting a good starting position or setting a personal best. Just show up with a smile, ready to enjoy the event.

The Post Fun Run Party

The best part of the fun run, by far, was the party at the finish line. After crossing, I thought it was over—but nope, the celebration had just begun. There was music, dancing, and color throws in every direction.

I hung around with my friends, taking in the vibrant energy and feeling like a kid again. It’s hard to describe the sense of community at that moment—everyone was having a blast, united in nothing but joy. It was the perfect way to wrap up an already amazing event.

Final Thoughts: Keep It Light and Enjoy the Experience

Fun runs are a great way to enjoy running in a low-pressure, high-fun environment. Whether you’re participating to get active, raise money for charity, or just enjoy a new experience with friends, remember the goal is to have fun.

Don’t take it too seriously, and don’t worry about your time or how fast others are going. Embrace the experience, take lots of pictures, and savor the memories.

Good luck with your first fun run! I’m sure you’ll have a blast.

Feel free to drop any comments or questions below. Thanks for reading, and as always, keep running strong!

How Far Did I Run? 4 Simple Ways To Measure Your Running Distance

running in the sun

How far did I run?

If you’re looking for an answer to this question, then you have come to the right place.

As a runner, tracking how far you run is one of the most important numbers to monitor

But keeping track of this metric can be a pain without the right tools.

In this article, I’ll explain the main ways that you can measure your running distance without a hassle.

How Far Did I Run? The Benefits

Even if you’re a recreational runner logging the miles for stress relief and the joy of it, this metric can be helpful.

Let’s look into why.

Predict Race Times

When you keep track of your running distances in some form of workout journal,  you can predict your finish time for a race by periodically reviewing your logs.

Find The Sweet Spot

Knowing how far you run can help you determine how far to run in future runs.

This not only ensures that you’re getting the most out of your runs but also for planning your running routes.

When you don’t plan your running routes, you risk either under-or overestimate yourself, which can compromise your running success.

Overcome Training Challenges

Keeping track of your running distances helps you overcome running obstacles.

For example, if you struggle to keep your weekly mileage in cold weather, consider substituting a few outdoor runs with treadmill workouts.

Improve Motivation

Keeping an eye on your weekly mileage can help remind you of your commitment to logging the miles.

Be Your Own Coach

Keeping track of your running stats, especially your distance, pace, and relevant factors, can also help you review your training plan and make the right changes when needed.

How Far Did I Run? 4 Ways To Measure Your Running Distance

There are many options for tracking running distances.

You may find that you like one method over the other.

Use Google Maps

The most convenient tool for planning how far to run is, hands down, Google Maps.

All you need to do is to input in the start and endpoint of your running route, and voila!

You can also rely on the tool for available transports options, especially in densely populated areas.

This provides you the option of a new route as a footpath or cycle path.

Check the following YouTube tutorial on how to make the most out of Google Maps as a runner.

GPS Watch

Another convenient way of keeping track of your running distance is by using a GPS device.

Standing for Global Positioning System, GPS relies on a set of 24 satellites (owned by the U.S.) to provide positioning, timing, and navigation.

The system works by measuring the time it takes for signals to be received from these satellites.

You can put GPS technology to use using many tools.

The most common tool is by wearing a GPS running watch, such as Garmin.

GPS tracking works best when there’s a clear view of the sky and need to connect to at least three satellite to make out your position.

That’s why GPS devices tend to be fallible when running on trails or under imperfect weather conditions.

How far did I run

Use Apps

Not many years ago, one needed a special GPS unit to measure distance through satellite technology.

Not the case anymore.

Now your Smartphone has a built-in GPS system you can use to track your distance and speed, using many of the widely available apps.

The GPS function of the apps is essentially the same.

Using a GPS network, the app measure the distance covered, time, and other factors such as elevation gain, calorie burned, heart rate, and much more.

Running apps can also serve as a form of a digital running journal so you can assess your progress in real-time.

They also come with a social media component so you can share your progress with your friends, too.

There are a plethora of running apps available, and most of them are free.

Some apps come at a fee, allowing limited use of the app features.

Other apps also allow a short free trial period.

Some of the best running apps include:

Mapping Sites

If you prefer to run without your phone and don’t want to shell a couple of hundreds of dollars on a running watch, you can determine your running distance by tracing your route post-run using one of the popular and free run-mapping websites.

Here are two recommendations.

On The Go Map. Powered by Google Maps, this one gives you the ability to track routes on an interactive map of any city.

Choose a starting point, then choose others along the course, and then choose a finish point.

And voila!

Map My Run – offering similar features to the previous one but asks you to sign up for a free account.

Additional resource – How long is a 100-mile race?

How Far Did I Run – The Conclusion

So how far did I run? Today you’ve the answers you seek.

The simple guidelines shared here are enough not only to help you work out how far did you run but also to plan your runs much more effectively and easily. But if push comes to shovel, heading to a track should be enough. Learn how many laps is a mile here.

What’s not to like! Really!

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep Training Strong

David D.

How Long Does It Take To Run A Mile?

Keeping an eye on your mile time can really motivate you to push harder

It’s one of those stats that all runners love—it’s simple, clear, and gives you a solid snapshot of your training.

According to Strava data, which analyzed over 300 million runs, the global average mile time is about 9:48.

Men typically clock in at 9:15. In contrast, women average around 10:40.

In the U.S., it’s pretty close to that, with the average mile time at 9:44.

No need to stress if your pace is a bit slower.

Let’s dive more into stats and facts about the mile distance.

Average Mile Time for Beginners

If you’re new to running, you can expect to run a mile in 10 to 15 minutes, depending on your fitness level. This means you’re likely running 4 to 6 miles per hour, which is fine early on.

Don’t be afraid to take walk breaks either—building endurance takes time.

running a mile

Factors That Impact Your Mile Time

Several factors can affect how fast you run a mile, from age to weather conditions.

Here’s a look at a few things that matter most:

1. Age

Age impacts running speed as most people can run their fastest between 18 and 30.

Don’t take my word for it.

A  data-analysis that looked into 10,000 runners who participated in a 5K reported that the average minute per mile for runners of various ages was 11:47 per mile.

Guys aged 16 to 19 finished the race with an average pace of 9.34. Females within the same age group finished at 12:09.

The finishing times go up gradually as the age group gets older.

Here’s a chart showing the average running speed per mile in a 5K (from the same Source).

Average running speed per mile in a 5K

AgeMen (minutes per mile)Women (minutes per mile)

2. Men vs. Women

On average, men tend to run faster than women thanks to muscle differences, especially in the legs. But don’t let that discourage you—many women set incredible mile times with consistent training. I’ve run alongside plenty of women who pushed me to my limits!

3. Fitness Level

Fitness level plays a big role.. My mile times were slow when I started running, but consistency and varied training helped me get faster.

A 12-15 minute mile might be normal if you’re just starting. As you build endurance and strength, you’ll see improvements and a 7-9 minute mile could be within reach.

4. Mindset

I can’t say it enough: mindset can be everything on a run. Keeping positive, setting goals, and watching your progress helps a ton.. There were days when I wasn’t feeling it, and my times reflected that.

But my mile time improved when I ran with purpose, even on tough runs.

5. Weather Conditions

Weather definitely affects how fast you can go. Cooler temperatures (around 50-56°F) are ideal for running, but running in the heat or extreme cold can slow you down significantly.

I’ve had races in hot conditions where I struggled to maintain my normal pace.

Mile Times for Elite Runners

Elite runners can run a mile in around  4 to 5 minutes.

At the time of writing this (November 2024), the world record for men is a staggering 3:43:13 for one mile set by Hicham El Guerrouj, a Moroccan athlete, in 1999.

Anything under four minutes is very fast for men, and under five minutes a mile for women is super competitive!

Of course, recreational runners like you and I will never come close to these times, but we can do plenty of things to improve our times for the mile distance.

Let’s look at a few.

Fact:  Sir Roger Bannister was the first recorded human to run a sub-four-minute mile. Until then, many pundits believed it was impossible for the human body to break the 4-minute mile.

How to Improve Your Mile Time

There’s always room for improvement, whether just starting or chasing a new personal best. Here are some tips:

1. Start Easy and Work Your Way Up

If you’re new to running, start with a comfortable pace and focus on completing a mile without stopping. Your initial goal should be endurance, not speed.

2. Gradual Progress

Follow the 10% rule: don’t add more than 10% to your weekly miles. This helps prevent injuries while allowing for steady improvement.

3. Warm-Up and Cool Down

Always take 10 minutes to warm up before your run and 10 minutes to cool down afterward. This helps prevent injuries and keeps your muscles loose.

4. Stay Hydrated

Ensure you stay hydrated throughout the day, not just during your runs. Proper hydration helps your muscles perform better and can improve your mile time.

5. Get the Right Gear

Wearing the right running shoes is crucial. Head to a running store for a gait analysis and find shoes that match your foot strike and running style.

6. Mix Up Your Training

Incorporate different types of runs into your routine. Interval training, hill repeats, and tempo runs can boost your speed and endurance, helping you hit that next PR.

7. Cross-Train

Add strength training, yoga, or cycling into your schedule. Strengthening your entire body, especially your core and legs, will help you run faster.

8. Keep It Consistent

If there’s one thing that’s helped me the most, it’s consistency. Showing up and doing the work, week after week, is the best way to improve your mile time.


Your mile time is a great benchmark to track as you progress as a runner. The average mile time is around 9-10 minutes, but wherever you start, the focus should be on steady improvement, not just speed.

With the right training plan, consistency, and mindset, you’ll shave seconds (or minutes!) off your mile time before you know it.

Remember, running is a journey—enjoy every step along the way! Whether you’re chasing a personal best or simply looking to get out and run, keep showing up, and the results will follow. Keep training strong, and happy running!

How Long Is A Marathon? (& How Long Does It Take To Run One?)

How Long Is A Marathon

Ever wondered exactly how long a marathon is, or why the distance is what it is?

Or maybe you’re curious about how long it takes to run one and how you can train for your best possible time.

In essence, a marathon is 26.2 miles of pure guts.

As a coach and marathoner, I see the marathon as more than a race—it’s a real test of endurance, strategy, and mental strength

If you’re thinking about your first marathon or trying to beat your best time, here’s everything you should know about the distance, pace, and training.

How Long is a Marathon?

We already established that a marathon is exactly 26.2 miles (or 42.195 kilometers). That last 0.2 miles might not seem like a lot, but after 26 miles, it feels endless!

Trust me, every step of that last 0.2 miles counts.

The marathon distance isn’t random; it actually has a pretty interesting backstory

Originally, marathon races were based on the legendary run of Pheidippides, a Greek soldier who supposedly ran about 25 miles from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens to deliver news of victory.

He collapsed after delivering his message, but his run inspired the marathon we know today

However, the modern distance of 26.2 miles was set during the 1908 London Olympics. The race was extended by 1.2 miles to accommodate the British royal family’s desire to race to finish right in front of their viewing box at the Olympic Stadium.

And just like that, the standard marathon distance was born!

half marathon runners

How Long Does It Take to Run a Marathon?

Your marathon finish time will depend on your fitness, experience, and pace.

For some, a marathon is about speed; for others, it’s just about finishing

For elite runners, a marathon typically takes a little over 2 hours. The world record is 2 hours and 35 seconds, set by Kelvin Kiptum (may he rest in peace) of Kenya at the 2023 Chicago Marathon

For most recreational runners, it takes around 4 to 5 hours to complete.

Here’s a quick look at marathon times based on different paces:

  • 5-minute mile pace: 2:11:06
  • 6-minute mile pace: 2:37:19
  • 7-minute mile pace: 3:03:32
  • 8-minute mile pace: 3:29:45
  • 9-minute mile pace: 3:55:58
  • 10-minute mile pace: 4:22:11

Average Marathon Finish Time

The average marathon finish time for recreational runners is around 4 hours and 32 minutes. Men tend to finish slightly faster, averaging 4 hours and 22 minutes, while women average 4 hours and 48 minutes.

However, as I’ve already explained, this varies widely depending on the runner’s experience, training, and the course conditions.

But don’t worry about averages; just finishing a marathon is a huge achievement!

Here’s a breakdown of average completion times based on data from Runner’s World and the National Runners Survey:

Men (20-29 years): 1:52 – 2:02

Women (20-29 years): 2:10 – 2:20

Men (30-39 years): 1:56 – 2:06

Women (30-39 years): 2:14 – 2:25

Men (40-49 years): 2:00 – 2:10

Women (40-49 years): 2:20 – 2:30

Men (50+ years): 2:05 – 2:20

Women (50+ years): 2:25 – 2:40

These times are averages, so individual results can vary based on fitness, training, and race conditions. Use these as benchmarks to set realistic goals and track your training progress.

What is a good marathon time for beginners?

For beginners, finishing in 4.5 to 5.5 hours is a good target. This range allows first-timers to complete the marathon at a comfortable pace without putting too much pressure on hitting a specific time goal.

For your first marathon, focus on finishing strong, enjoying the experience, and learning about pacing. Every marathon finish is an achievement to be proud of!

What are the main factors that affect marathon time?

Marathon completion times are influenced by several factors, including:

  • Age: Generally, younger runners tend to have faster average times, but runners of all ages can achieve excellent results with training.
  • Fitness Level: The more you build your aerobic endurance and strength, the better prepared you’ll be to sustain a faster pace over the marathon distance.
  • Training Intensity: Adding long runs, speed work, and strength training to your routine can make a big difference.
  • Course and Weather Conditions: Hilly courses, high temperatures, or windy conditions can make a marathon more challenging and affect your time.

These factors combined will determine your finish time, so focus on consistent training and preparation to make the most of your marathon experience.

How to Train for a Marathon

Training for a marathon isn’t just about running the distance—it’s about preparing your body and mind for one of the most challenging physical feats you can undertake. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or gearing up for your first marathon, here’s how to set yourself up for success:

  1. Build Your Base: Make sure you’ve been running regularly for at least six months before starting marathon training. Aim for 3-4 runs per week, with a weekly mileage of at least 15 to 20 miles.
  2. Follow a Plan: Most marathon training plans last between 16 and 20 weeks. They’ll gradually increase your weekly mileage and include a mix of long runs, speed work, easy runs, and rest days.
  3. Incorporate Long Runs: Long runs are the cornerstone of marathon training. They help you build endurance and mental toughness. Start with 8 to 10-mile long runs and gradually increase by 1-2 miles each week until you can comfortably run 18-20 miles before race day.
  4. Cross-Train: Activities like cycling, swimming, or strength training are great ways to improve your fitness without overloading your legs. Strengthening your core and leg muscles will improve your running form and prevent injuries.
  5. Rest and Recover: Recovery is just as important as running. Include rest days in your plan and listen to your body. Stretching, foam rolling, and getting enough sleep are crucial for preventing injury and maintaining energy levels.

Popular Marathon Training Plans

  • Couch to Marathon: Perfect for beginners who are just getting into running. This plan takes you from zero to marathon-ready in about 26 weeks.
  • Intermediate Marathon Plan: A great choice for runners with a solid base looking to improve their time.
  • Advanced Marathon Plan: Ideal for seasoned runners aiming for a personal record or tackling a more aggressive training schedule.

Final Thoughts: The Exact Marathon Distance

A marathon is 26.2 miles of pure endurance—not just about the distance. Whether you’re running for a personal best, a sense of accomplishment, or just to say you’ve done it, training for and running a marathon is a journey you’ll never forget.

It’s a challenge, for sure. But crossing that finish line? Worth it.

So lace up, follow your plan, and enjoy the ride—because every step is part of your story.

Have questions or want to share your marathon journey? Drop them in the comments below. I’m always happy to help fellow runners achieve their goals!

Keep training strong, and happy running!

The Couch To Half Marathon Plan For Beginner Runners

couch to half marathon

If you’re thinking about running a half marathon, let me tell you—you’re in for a fantastic experience.

A half marathon is exactly 13.1 miles and it’s one of the most popular events in the U.S.

Nearly two million people crossed the finish line in 2019 alone!

I’ve coached runners of all levels and always tell my athletes that the half marathon is the perfect blend of endurance and speed.

It’s a great way to challenge yourself without going for the full marathon

And trust me, once you cross that finish line, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment.

Understanding the 13.1 Mile Distance

To put it into perspective, 13.1 miles is like running 231 football fields!

When I ran my first half marathon, the 13.1 miles seemed like an eternity.

Once you’re on the course, you’ll see those miles add up before you know it.

A lot of runners see the half marathon as a stepping stone to a full marathon

It’s a great way to build endurance, boost your confidence, and work on your mental grit

I’ve seen so many runners start with a half marathon and later go on to do a full, and it’s always an inspiring transformation to witness.

To learn more about the history of the half marathon, check the following:

What’s a Good Finish Time for a Half Marathon?

The great thing about running is that “good” is relative.

A solid race time depends on age, fitness level, and race day conditions.

On average, men in the U.S. finish in about 2:05:15, while women finish around 2:23:45. That’s a 9:30 per mile pace for men and an 11-minute mile pace for women.

But here’s my advice: don’t get too hung up on time.

For beginners, breaking the two-hour mark is a great goal. I still remember my first half marathon—I finished just under two hours, and the sense of achievement was unreal.

Whatever your goal, keep in mind that everyone’s journey is unique. Focus on your progress and enjoy the experience.

Check the following chart for the exact breakdown of common couch to half marathon running paces:

Half marathon pace chart

Start Slow with the Run/Walk Method

If you’re new to running, one of the best ways to start training for a half marathon is using the run/walk method.

Alternating between jogging and walking has helped so many runners I know

I used to think walking during a run was a sign of weakness, but I was wrong.

Adding walk breaks builds endurance and reduces the risk of injury, allowing you to train smarter, not harder.

Here’s how it works: Start with a brisk 10-minute walk to warm up.

Then, alternate between one minute of easy jogging and one minute of walking for 10 rounds. As the weeks pass, you’ll gradually increase the running time and reduce the walking until you run continuously for 30 to 40 minutes.

This method helped me get back into running after a minor injury a few years ago. I built my mileage without irritating anything, making a world of difference.

Take it one step at a time; progress will come.

Want more challenge? Try this 90-minute half marathon training plan.

Why the Long Run Matters

As training progresses, you’ll want to add a weekly long run.

Usually, this happens around week 10 or 11 of a couch to half marathon plan. I can’t emphasize enough how important the long run is.

When I first started running, I was all about speed—until I realized that endurance is the foundation of any successful race.

Long runs build endurance and get your body used to spending time on your feet.

And it’s the perfect chance to try out different fueling and hydration options

During my long runs, I experiment with different gels and hydration plans so I’m never caught off guard on race day.

Begin with a 4-5 mile long run, then slowly work up to 10-12 miles as race day nears

If you can comfortably finish a couple of 10-mile long runs, I promise you’ll be ready to handle the full 13.1 miles on race day.

And don’t worry too much about your pace during these long runs—just focus on completing the distance and building your endurance.


I always remind my runners that mileage isn’t the only thing that matters in training. Cross-training is an often-overlooked piece of the puzzle, but it’s crucial for improving your overall fitness and preventing injury.

After dealing with a few injuries, I added cross-training to my routine—think swimming, cycling, strength training, or even yoga. These activities help build your aerobic fitness while giving your legs a break from the pounding of running.

Strength training is especially helpful for runners.. It helps to correct imbalances, improve posture, and make you a more efficient runner.

I’ve found that two weekly strength sessions—focusing on core, glutes, and leg muscles—have made me a stronger runner overall.

So don’t skip it!

Recovery: The Most Important Part of Training

If I’ve learned anything, it’s that recovery is just as crucial as training

When I was younger, I used to think that more miles meant better performance.

But after a few too many injuries, I realized that your body needs time to adapt and recover from hard workouts. Taking a rest day is not a sign of weakness—it’s a sign of smart training.

Make sure to schedule at least one full rest day each week. That’s when your muscles repair themselves and come back stronger. And listen to your body—if you feel fatigued or notice aches and pains that don’t go away after a day or two, it might be a sign to back off and give yourself more time to recover.

Taking an extra rest day is better than pushing through and risking injury. Trust me, I’ve been there, and it’s not worth it.

Personalize the Couch to Half Marathon Training Plan

One thing I always tell my runners: no training plan is one-size-fits-all. Your couch to half marathon plan should be flexible and tailored to your needs. If you’re feeling strong, you might be able to push a little harder.

Don’t be afraid to back off if you’re feeling worn out.

I’ve coached runners who needed more walk breaks and others who could handle a faster pace from the get-go. The key is to listen to your body and adjust the plan to fit your lifestyle and fitness level.

The journey to 13.1 miles is just that—a journey—and enjoying the process along the way is important. Whether walking, running, or a little bit of both, the most important thing is that you’re moving forward.

The Couch to Half Marathon Training Plan Explained

My plan will have you hitting the pavement three times per week, but don’t worry if that seems too challenging.

Throughout the first few weeks, every session involves alternating between jogging and walking, and the distance (as well as the intensity) you’ll cover do builds up slowly and gradually.

That’s, after all, the essence of the walk/run method, which is the best way to get fit without getting hurt—as I always say.

As you get fitter, you’ll spend more time jogging and less time walking until you can run straight for one hour.

Then it’s more endurance building from there.

Each session connects to the next until you can eventually run for about two hours in on your long run by week 15.

But don’t try to get ahead of yourself.

Start at the beginning and work it up from there.

The rest is just details.

Remember also that you’ll be doing other forms of exercise besides running.

That’s cross-training.

And don’t feel like a loser if you miss a session—that happens to the best of us.

We cannot always control our circumstances.

Note – if you already can straight for 30 minutes at slow pacing without much huffing and puffing, then feel free to pick the training plan from week 8.

couch to half marathon plan





Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I know that you have more than one question about running your first half marathon. Let me answer some of the most common ones.

What if I miss a training day?

If you miss one day, don’t stress! Just pick up where you left off and resume your training as planned. However, if you miss two or more days, it’s a good idea to repeat the last full week of your training schedule. This helps ensure you maintain your fitness level and avoid overtraining as you get back into the groove.

How do I avoid injuries?

Injury prevention is crucial, especially for new runners. Here are a few tips to keep you on track:

  • Alternate run and rest days: This gives your muscles time to recover and adapt.
  • Gradually increase your mileage: Avoid ramping up your distance by more than 10% each week. This slow progression helps your body adjust without getting overwhelmed.

What gear should I invest in?

Gear selection plays a significant role in your running experience. Here are some essentials:

  • Running Shoes: Invest in a well-fitted pair of running shoes to prevent foot and knee pain. It’s worth visiting a specialty running store for a gait analysis, which can help you find the best type of shoe for your foot shape and running style.
  • Clothing: Choose moisture-wicking fabrics to keep you dry during your runs. Proper running attire can make a big difference in your comfort level.

What should I eat before a long training run?

Fueling your body properly is key to a successful training run. Aim for a light meal or snack that includes carbohydrates and a bit of protein about 30-60 minutes before your run. Good options might include a banana with nut butter, a slice of toast with honey, or a small bowl of oatmeal. Experiment to see what works best for you!

How should I pace myself during the race?

Pacing is crucial for completing a half marathon successfully. Start off at a comfortable pace that allows you to maintain your breath without straining. A good rule of thumb is to run the first half of the race slightly slower than your target pace, saving some energy for the second half. This approach, known as a negative split, can help you finish strong.

What if I experience pain while training?

It’s essential to listen to your body. If you feel mild discomfort, it’s okay to take a short break or adjust your pace. However, if you experience sharp or persistent pain, it’s best to stop and assess the situation. Seeking medical advice is recommended to avoid exacerbating any injuries. Remember, it’s better to rest and recover than to push through pain.

How can I stay motivated during my training?

Staying motivated can be challenging, but here are a few strategies to keep you on track:

  • Set small, achievable goals: Celebrate each milestone, whether it’s completing a long run or hitting a new pace.
  • Find a running buddy: Training with a friend can make runs more enjoyable and hold you accountable.
  • Join a local running group: Being part of a community can provide support, encouragement, and camaraderie as you train.

Looking for more challenge? Check my couch to marathon plan.

How much water should I drink during training?

Hydration is key to optimal performance. A good rule of thumb is to drink about 17-20 ounces of water 2-3 hours before your run. During longer training runs (over an hour), aim to drink 7-10 ounces every 10-20 minutes. Always listen to your body and adjust based on the weather and your sweat rate.

Top 4 Supplements for Runners

woman running

This post was Sponsored By Naked Nutrition. Thank you for this amazing opportunity.

As a runner, you already know the benefits of running are immense. It can work wonders for both your physical as well as mental health.

Running can improve your cardiovascular health, help you maintain an optimal weight, build stronger bones and muscles, and reduce stress.

Not to mention, it’s a lot of fun and a great way to connect with others. Or perhaps you run races and enjoy the competitive element.

Regardless of the reasons why you love running, it is a great sport, and runners are naturally looking for ways to improve performance and longevity.

There are many things you can do to improve your running performance.

For example, you can use the right running shoes based on the structure of your feet. You can strength train and do yoga to improve posture, balance, and coordination, all of which will make you a better runner.

You can optimize your sleep for the best recovery and stay hydrated consistently.

Another thing you can do is take supplements to improve running. And in this article, we’ll list four top supplements that are beneficial to runners.


Glutamine is an amino acid that has various functions in your body including building of tissues, proper metabolism, balancing hormones, and regulating nutrients. Glutamine can also play a role in how well your immune system functions.

During prolonged or intense workouts sessions, there can be a natural decrease in the glutamine levels in your body.

If that happens, some athletes may experience excessive fatigue, an inability to improve performance, or they may be more susceptible to getting sick.

Supplementing with glutamine can help ensure that you maintain optimal levels so you can stay healthy, recover quickly after intense workouts, and avoid excessive fatigue when running longer distances.

Naked Nutrition’s premium glutamine powder contains only one ingredient –  L-Glutamine naturally fermented from plant sources. It is free of any artificial additives and their supplements are independent third-party tested for heavy metals.


mainstream of strong espresso coffee from a espresso machine to translucent glass cups

You may not think of coffee as a “supplement”, but many runners swear by a cup of joe before going on a run.

It can provide you with a boost in energy, both physically and mentally. If you’re feeling a bit sluggish and unmotivated to hit the trail, a cup of coffee could be exactly what would do the trick.

They don’t call it a quick pick-me-up for nothing.

But don’t overdo it. Try and stick to high-quality, preferably organic, sources of coffee. And skip the cream and sugar.

About half a cup of black coffee should do the trick without making you jittery.

If you don’t drink coffee, a cup of black tea or matcha green tea should be good enough as well.


man athlete running on the nature at sunset outdoors

Beta alanine is another amino acid that helps reduce fatigue and improves your ability to perform high intensity workouts.

As a runner, you may benefit from beta-alanine more if you’re more of a sprinter rather than a long-distance runner.

But regardless of how you compete or practice your running, you can take beta-alanine if speed or sprints are a part of your workout routine.

You can take beta-alanine on sprint days and glutamine on long-distance days, for example. Or you can take both if that fits your training plan, but be sure to talk to your trainer or nutritionist before you start.

Beta-alanine is totally competition legal, and is deemed to be safe in healthy adults in recommended doses.

Glucosamine and chondroitin

Muscle injury. Man with sprain thigh muscles. Athlete in sports shorts clutching his thigh muscles after pulling or straining them while jogging on the beach.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are found in your cartilage. You can think of your cartilage as the cushion between bones in your joints.

You may get glucosamine from shellfish. Chondroitin can be found in animal sources like shark or bovine cartilage.

But these compounds are also available in supplement form. Your body absorbs both glucosamine and chondroitin well as a supplement.

People typically take them to prevent or manage osteoarthritis, but the evidence is still mixed when it comes to the effectiveness of these supplements.

For runners, it’s about protecting the joints. Runnin is obviously a sport that heavily involves the joints, and many runners report that supplementing with glucosamine and chondroitin helps them avoid pain, and maintain better joint health.

But once again, the evidence is mixed, and there isn’t conclusive research to suggest that these supplements are effective beyond doubt.

If you’re considering glucosamine and chondroitin, be sure to consult with your doctor about it first to see if it makes sense for you.

Finally, don’t neglect your diet

Supplements are just that. They’re supplements.

You’ll only get the most out of your supplements if you’re taking them in addition to a well-balanced diet.

What that well-balanced diet looks like for you will depend on a variety of factors, and you should speak to a licensed nutritionist to learn what’s right specifically for you.

But in general, your diet should consist of a balance between the various macros – protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

You should also try to get as many micronutrients as possible by eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and high-quality sources of protein.

And then, depending on your goals and what you prefer as a runner, consider taking some of the supplements listed above to take your running performance to the next level.

How to Plan a Running Route?

how to plan a running route

Outdoor running is one of the best things you can do to take care of your health.

But, often than not, it is not as simple as heading out the door and hitting the pavement, especially when you’re serious about your miles.

To get the most out of your outdoor runs, you’ll want to plan the perfect route.

Whether you’re a beginner runner or already training for your 9th marathon, in today’s post, I’m going to share with you the tools you need to find and plan the perfect running route.

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

Why Plan Your Running Routes?

Planning your running routes is key—or else it’s not easy to tell how far you have run or will run.

This can cause you to either over-or underestimate yourself, which can cause more harm than good.

The last thing you’d want while running is to find yourself 6 miles from home base dying of thirst or needing to go to the bathroom and still have to return back home somehow.

What’s more?

Planning your running routes helps you improve motivation, stay more consistent, and provide more terrain variety.

It also helps make your training safer and more enjoyable.

What’s not to like!

How To Plan A Running Route?

Here are some of the measures to take to help you plan your running routes so you can have the most out of your runs.


Stay Safe

The most important factor to consider when planning a running route is safety.

The last thing you’d want is a running course that’s going to give you an upsetting experience.

Here’s how to ensure road safety.

  • Learn more about the course. If this is your first time trying a running route, try to find out as much information about it in advance. You can use Google Street View to zoom in on routes—you can also try driving or biking through it first.
  • If you live in a highly-populated city, pay attention to traffic or crowds in your surrounding area. Avoid busy streets and over-crowded sidewalks. That’s why it’s best to run early in the morning before the rest of the world starts waking up.
  • Proper light. If you plan to run early in the morning or late in the evening, make sure the course is properly lit.
  • If you plan to hit the trails, find out more about the sort of animal you could run into. For more on how to deal with animals while running, check this post.
  • Leave word. Always tell a family member or a friend where you’re going to run and when they should expect to hear from you back.

Use Apps

Whether you prefer to log in the miles on a familiar road or are a keen trail runner out there to explore uncharted terrains, there are many apps out there to help you run more efficiently.

Running apps can help you monitor pace, duration, distance, calories, elevation, and so much more—all to help you reach your running goals.

Of course, there’s an app—more like a dozen—for planning running routes.

Here are my best recommendations:

  • Plot Route. This works very well if you prefer to plan your running route on a laptop. As you plan your course, this tool will work out your running distance and provide you the option of adding running speed.
  • You can find the “route” tool in the premium version of Strava. Just put in how far you’d like to run and whether you want to avoid hills.
  • This one lets you sift through dozens of crowd-sourced routes, then filter them by length, ascent, and more. To check routes on MapMyRun, go to the Routes page and put in your address. The result should come up with a list of various user-created routes in your region.

Can’t find what you’re looking for on an app? Try Os Maps.

Ordnance Survey (OS Maps) is a hugely popular map-building tech that works well for planning running routes.

Sure, you might need to subscribe to get some of the features, but the free version has to offer.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to create a running program

Google Maps

The most useful tool for planning any type of route is undoubtedly Google Maps.

Google earth, both the browser-based and desktop versions, have built-in measuring tools that can help you plot running routes.

What’s more?

Planning your own running routes with Google Maps is quite simple.

1 – Determine your starting point, either by clicking the arrow icon (if you’re at the starting point) or by entering an address.

2 – Be sure to zoom in and out as well as drag the map using the map controls.

3 – Start drawing your running course by clicking on the map to set the starting point, then choose points along the course you’d like to create to work out the distance.

Sounds too complicated?

Check out the following YouTube Tutorial to learn how to plot running routes using Google Maps.

Plan Your Route According To Your Run

Whenever you plan a new running route, think about objectives too.

That’s why you should match your route to your run.

In other words, your routes have to satisfy your workout intention—or else, you might be heading in the wrong direction.

What type of terrain do you want to cover?

How far you’d like to go?

Are you looking for hills?


Planning on doing an easy run?

Choose a route where you can have the opportunity to get lost in the surroundings and not worry about speed.

Or, if you’re planning on doing speedwork, head to a track rather than the busy streets of your city.

how to plan a running route

Change Up Your Running Routes

To keep things interesting, try doing more runs on grass, hills, gravel, sand—anywhere as long as it’s doable and safe.

Adding variety to your training can also force your body to adapt and get used to various running scenarios, making you into a better runner.

Additional resource – Guide to urban running

How to Plan a Running Route – The Conclusion

There you have it!

If you’re looking for practical ways to plan your running routes, then this article should get you started on the right foot—both figuratively and literally.

The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep running strong

David D