Couch to 5K Plan in 8 Weeks Explained

Starting a running journey can feel overwhelming—I’ve been there. Running can seem intimidating when you’re out of shape or new to fitness.

But we all start somewhere.

Trust me, when I first laced up my shoes, I wasn’t sure I’d even make it around the block, let alone run for miles. But guess what? I did it, and so can you.

If you’re uncertain, let me introduce you to the Couch to 5K (C25K) plan.

This beginner-friendly program is designed to take you from sitting on the couch to completing a 5K (3.1 miles) in just 8 to 9 weeks.

As a coach, I love how simple and effective it is for new runners, and I’ve seen it work wonders for people at all fitness levels.

What is the Couch to 5K Program?

The Couch to 5K is designed to guide absolute beginners from sitting on the couch to running a full 5K (3.1 miles).

It mixes walking and jogging to gradually build your stamina—perfect for anyone new to running or those returning after a long break.

Josh Clark of Cool Running initially designed the C25K plan for his 50-something mother in the 1990s. Then, in 1996, Josh posted the plan on a blog called Cool Running.

Sadly the blog is no longer active (acquired by for an undisclosed amount). Since then, the program has exploded in popularity.

The original plan involves three workouts per week with a recovery day in between and a different schedule for each of the nine weeks.

This is achieved by making each session doable by mixing jogging and walking to gently build a solid cardio base without overdoing it.

You’ll slowly increase intensity from one week to the next without you or your body noticing.

Over the past 25 years, hundreds of running blogs have copied and tinkered with this original plan.

There are eight and 16-week versions, and I’ve included my own C25K 9-week plan in this article. The initial program takes around nine weeks to finish.

In 2016, this beginner’s running plan was also turned into a free app called C25K, becoming one of the most popular fitness apps.

C25K quickly became one of my favorite tools when working with beginners.

It’s approachable and doesn’t throw you into the deep end.

Whether you haven’t run since high school or never run a day, this plan is for you. Think of it as a gentle nudge to build your fitness at a manageable pace.

How Long Does it Take?

One of the best things about C25K is that it’s flexible. The standard plan takes nine weeks, but you can adjust it to suit your pace.

Some runners finish in 8 weeks, while others might take ten or even 12 weeks.

And that’s fine!

What matters is that you’re building a running habit, and that’s the real win.

Does Couch to 5K Actually Work?

In a word: YES. This beginner’s running plan has been the spark that gets millions of people into running.

If you’ve ever doubted your ability to run, the Couch to 5K will change your mind.

How come I’m so confident?

The plan works like a charm because it tells you EXACTLY what to do without needing to figure it out on your own—as long as you’re good at following instructions.

You’ll be training three times a week for around 30 to 40 minutes each session. I recommend you train every other day to give yourself enough recovery time.

The first week starts with around 6 to 8 one-minute jogs, broken up with 90 seconds of walking breaks between each.

Next, you tack on an extra 30 seconds to the jogging intervals in week two while adding a full-minute walking break between each jog. As a rule, these first few sessions should be practically painless, making the program ideal for anyone who isn’t used to running—or exercise.

I’ve Never Ran Before. Will I be able to improve?

The C25K plan is designed for beginners—like complete newbies without running experience.

You’re on the right path as long as you do the sofa to 5K at your own pace.

As a beginner, you’ll need time for your body and mind to adapt to running.

Push harder than last time, and you might develop injuries like Achilles tendonitis, runners knee, shin splints, or plantar fasciitis.

Will I Lose Weight?

A lot of people take up running hoping to lose weight. And yes, running can help, but it’s not a magic bullet.

Running burns calories, but you must combine it with a healthy diet to see results. Think of running as one part of the bigger picture—fitness, nutrition, sleep, and stress management all play a role in achieving your goals.

So if you run for 60 minutes, get home, and stuff your mouth with junk food because you feel stressed at work and aren’t sleeping well, you won’t shed many pounds.

In other words, how much weight you’ll lose (or if any) while running completely depends on your body and the variables I mentioned above.

The Average 5K Pace

Overall, the average 5K pace per mile is around 11 minutes for men and 13 minutes for women, resulting in finish times of roughly 35 and 42 minutes.

The keyword is a beginner. Veteran runners might be able to run a 7- or 8-minute mile pace, crossing the finish line within 20 to 25 minutes.

Check the chart below for more:

Get the full scope here.

What About Running on a Treadmill?

If running outside feels intimidating or the weather is an issue, you can complete this beginner’s running plan on a treadmill.

It’s a great option for those who prefer a more controlled environment for their workouts. I even have a guide on treadmill running to help you get started if that’s more comfortable for you.

How to Train for Your First 5K

As you work through the beginner’s running plan, don’t forget to include a good warm-up and cool-down routine with every workout.

Warming up prepares your body for action, reducing the risk of injury and improving your performance.

Cooling down after your run helps restore your heart rate and stretches out the muscles you’ve worked.

These are key parts of the training process, so don’t skip them!

Listening to Your Body

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in my running journey is to listen to your body. Pushing too hard too soon can lead to injuries like shin splints or a runner’s knee.

If something doesn’t feel right, take a break. It’s always better to miss one run than to sideline yourself for weeks because of an injury.

Eat Well

Food is fuel. Accordingly, the main objective of eating should be to fuel you up, not to fill you up.

I keep saying this because it’s so true.

We are, after all, what we eat.

What you eat can make you a faster runner or slow you down like nothing else, so pay attention to what you put into your mouth.

Check out the following post on how to maximize your nutrition.

The Couch To 5K Plan In 8 Weeks

This sofa to 5K schedule includes running, walking, and resting. This mix will help you get fit enough for a 5K distance without getting hurt.

Starting slow this way will help tame the risks of injury, fatigue, and stress while also improving your overall experience, endurance, and training enjoyment.

For example, during the first two weeks, you’ll jog for 15 to 30 seconds, then walk for one to two minutes, repeating for 20 to 30 minutes.

As training progresses, you’ll jog—and eventually, run—more while taking shorter and fewer walk breaks.

Once you get to the last week, you can run just over three miles without stopping.

That’s the ultimate goal of this beginner training program.

Pick three days of the week and ensure you don’t run consecutive days. Feel free to cross-train or rest on your non-running days.

The Finish Line

By completing Couch to 5K, you’ll be running for 30 minutes straight and covering 5 kilometers without a hitch.

And let me tell you, crossing that finish line for the first time is an unforgettable feeling.

On race day, keep a steady pace, break the distance into manageable chunks, and go for it when you see that finish line! You’ll feel proud of how far you’ve come.

If you’re ready to take that first step, I promise it’ll be worth it. Running changed my life; I know it can do the same for you.


Underpronation Meaning – What is Under Pronation While Running?

picture of underpronation

As a runner, you may have heard the word before—but what does underpronation (supination) mean and why is it (allegedly) a bad thing?

That’s what we are going to tackle in today’s as I’ll be giving you the full low-down on what under pronation is all about.

Hopefully, by the end of this post, you’ll be better placed to assess whether you suffer from supination and to know how to deal with it.

But first things first, let’s explain what under pronation actually entails.

Underpronation Meaning

Pronation refers to the normal rolling-in motion of the ankles and flattening of the arches that happen during the walking and running gait.

Some pronation is a must—ideally, 15% roll-in collapse at the ankle—as it helps distribute the shock of impact while walking or running.

Virtually everyone pronates, but to different degrees.

Some may pronate much more or much less than others. Too much pronation during the running cycle—what’s known as overpronation—can result in collapsed arches, or flat feet, and lead to trouble in the hips, knees, and, of course, the ankles.

Underpronation, also known as supination,  is the exact opposite of overpronation. It also comes with its own set of problems—some of them which we’ll discuss in today’s post.

In today’s article, I’ll solely focus on underpronation as I have already written an in-depth post on overpronation is a previous article that you can find here.

Under Pronation Defined

Also known as underpronation, supination is a foot positioning issue usually stemming from having high arches. Technically, it refers to the insufficient inward rolling of the foot after landing on the ground during the walking and running gait.

In a normal stride, the feet slightly roll inward and sit evenly on the heel so that the body weight is on the ball of the foot, then push off the big toe.

However, runners who supinate tend to rest the bulk of their body weight on the outer edge of the foot, then push off from toes instead.

This excessive stress placed on the outer edge of the foot, mainly on the pinky side, can cause problems for runners or any athlete performing high-impact sports.

Supination might be caused by having naturally high-arching feet. Certain muscle imbalances in the lower leg, improper footwear as well as a history of chronic injury, may also turn you into an under pronator.

The Issues of A Supinator Runner

If you tend to under pronate, chances are you may develop several conditions, some of which include

  • Knee pain
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Swelling of ankle or foot
  • Lower back pain
  • Plantar fasciitis, which inflammation of the sole
  • Calluses
  • Hammertoes or clawed toes
  • Running bunions
  • Bunions on the outer edge of the foot
  • Shin splints
picture of underpronation

The Main Signs Of a Supinator Runner

What follows are some of the most common signs that you may be an excessive supinator.

Assess Your Running Shoes for Supination

The simplest way to tell if you supinate or not is to check the wear pattern on the rubber on a used pair of shoes.

Start by placing your used running shoes on a table in front of you, then assess the back of the heels. If you notice drastic wear and tear on the outside, or lateral, portion of your shoes, then you most likely under ponate.

As a supinator, the outside of the heel of your foot strikes the ground first. Since the foot does not adequately roll inward after hitting the ground, the force of impact stays concentrated on that particular region of the foot.

That’s why you’ll notice much more wear on the outside heel as well as in the forefoot area—just behind the toes.

Check Your Foot Print

The second thing you can do is to examine your foot type. The wet test a good objective assessment that determines whether or not you underpronate.

To perform it, wet the bottoms of your feet with water, then step onto a flat surface, preferably walking across some cardboard, thick paper or any surface that clearly reveals a footprint. Remember to get print of both your feet to assess them closely.

Feet with a normal amount of pronation and healthy arches will leave a visible arch connected to the forefoot by a strip roughly 1-2 the width of the foot on the outside of the sole.

Yet, if only a fraction of your arch is visible (as shown in the image)—or none at all—then you probably have high arches, therefore,  might be a supinator.

Note: The footprint you leave behind—mainly the way in which your arch appears—is a clear sign of how your foot pronates, but it’s not the ultimate sign of underpronation. Make sure to follow your foot type test with a visit to a certified professional (i.e., podiatrist, physical therapist, or running coach) who can provide a proper gait analysis.

Additional Resource – Overpronation vs Underpronation

Tight Achilles and Calves

Tightness of the calf muscles tends to reinforce the movement pattern caused by under pronation, which, in turn, magnifies the effect of supination.

This usually results in plantar fasciitis, which is a common overuse injury that manifests as sharp pain or aches along the arch of the foot or in the middle of the heel.

How to Deal With Under pronation While Running

Supinators out there, there’s still hope for you. Here are some things you can do and measures you can take right now to soothe what ails you.

Strength Train

The most recommended measure for alleviating the negative effects of underponation is strength training.

Strength training is key for injury prevention, as I hate stated in some previous posts. That’s why you should increase strength all the way through your kinetic chain

Focus on, ankle, feet, and hip strengthening exercises. These will provide much more stability to your lower leg.

Also, strengthening the inner calf muscle—mainly the gastrocnemius—can help reassert muscular imbalance and provide more stability throughout your gait.

Here are some of the best exercises :



Calf Raises

Crab Crawls


Underpronation Running Shoes

Good footwear is key in addressing supination.

Most experts recommend going for flexible and lightweight running shoes for runners who supinate. This means shoes with additional flexibility and cushion.

As a side note, make sure to visit a podiatrist first who may recommend the most appropriate type of shoe for supination.

What’s more?

Remember to replace your used up running shoes before they’re drastically worn on the outer side. Here’s the full guide you need.

You should also consider getting your shoes from a specialty running store to get some additional advice before you make any purchase.

Additional resource – Calf pulls from running

Try Orthotics

Experts also recommend using under pronation friendly orthotics. The right orthotics should focus on offering cushioning and a comfy surface area for your foot. These can support the arch and heel to control the motion of the foot.

Inserts for underpronation can be found in stores and one. But, to err on the side of caution, consider getting a custom-made by a podiatrist. This is especially the case if you log in serious mileage and/or have a history of under pronation issues.

Additional guide – Running with bunions guide

Stretch Regularly

Although the science on the effectiveness of stretching is still inconclusive, I strongly believe in its importance in injury prevention—especially for underpronators.

Having a full range of motion is extremely important in injury prevention. When your muscles are flexible, they’ll be able to move more efficiently and perform without being overstretched.

Regularly stretch your shins, calves, ankles, and Achilles to help reduce the tension that might be contributing to your supination.

Here are some of the stretches you should be doing on a daily basis.

Toe Touch

Quadricep Stretch

Leg Raises

Lifted Toe Step

Proper Running Form

Last but not least, take a look at your running technique.

It’s vital to opt for proper running technique to address excessive under pronation.

Here are the main proper technique guidelines you need :

Land as lightly and softly on the feet, hitting the ground as close to the midfoot as possible instead of the heel.

Stay light on your feet rather than pounding your feet too hard on the ground.

Aim for a soft landing. Imagine running on eggshells of trying to run on water.

Shorten your stride and improve your running cadence.

Land closer to your midfoot, rather than at the back of the heel.

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.


There you have it. If you tend to under pronate during the running gait, then the above guidelines are exactly what you need to help you soothe—and prevent—any potential pain or issues.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions in the comments section below.

In the meantime thank you for reading my post.

Keep running strong

David D.

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The 6 Amazing Effects Running Has On Your Brain

Running has plenty to offer: it boosts your metabolism, sheds mad calories, builds stamina, and helps you live a healthier and longer life.

But that’s not the whole story.

Plenty of recent research also suggests that improving your brain health and increasing your mental power are yet more reasons to lace up your shoes and grind out some serious miles.

Exercise, especially running, has been found to alter the structure and function of the brain, resulting in long-term increases in both cerebral power and longevity.

I’d go as far as to claim that running—and exercise in general—is the most scientifically proven cognitive enhancer.

In today’s post, I’ll take a look at some of the research conducted on the subject.

Are you excited?

Here we go…

1. Better Memory Function

For starters, running may help guard you against Alzheimer and other brain-related troubles, according to a study published in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Research that looked at roughly 153,000 runners and walkers for over a decade  concluded that runners who logged in more than 15 miles each week were 40 percent less likely to die from Alzheimer’s.

In another study reported in Perceptual and Motor Skills, subjects improved their performance on standard memory tests by up to 20 percent following a short treadmill session, compared to pre-training tests. The subjects’ ability to solve complex problems also increased by 20 percent.

For those looking to support their cognitive health further, supplements like Cogni Ultra or Youthful Brain may offer additional benefits.

2. Stress Reduction

Stress has severe adverse effects on your emotional state, behavior, and body. Negative consequences include intense headaches, chest pain, muscle tension, anger issues, weight gain, sleep problems, etc.

Here’s the good news. Thanks to the endorphins release, running is a popular stress buster, and one of the reasons so many people hit the pavement. And it’s not just anecdotes. Research conducted at the Technische Universität München (TUM), and published in the Journal of Neuroscience has put the endorphin theory to closer scrutiny.

In the research, ten subjects’ brains were scanned both before and after a two-hour long distance run using a Positron Emission Tomography (PET)—and it was revealed that their prefrontal and limbic regions secreted high amounts of endorphins.

Why this matters, you might be wondering?

Endorphins, in case you never heard about them, are one of the so-called happiness hormones that are secreted by the brain’s hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

These are linked to elevated moods, and better alertness and cognitive functioning. The more endorphins released by the brain, the more significant the effect.

And apparently, running stimulates the release of these neurochemicals into the brain. A good thing if you ask me.

3. Mood Elevation

Research reported in Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise revealed that runners have high levels of tryptophan, a brain biochemical that helps move messages throughout the nervous system and is in charge of many functions, including the production of mood-elevating neurotransmitters known as serotonin.

People with low serotonin levels typically suffer from insomnia, anxiety, depression, and overheating issues. Classic antidepressant medication work by keeping the levels of these neurotransmitters higher and longer in the system.

Wanna know the best part? Unlike other chemical shortcuts to happiness—medication, running does not come with a comedown.

4. Smarter Connections

Research has  revealed that exercise enhances your executive functions—or your higher level thinks skills. These include (but not limited to) mental focus, task switching, inhibitory control, etc.

As you can already tell, these skills are of the utmost importance of leading a successful life. They’re key to problem-solving, organizing, planning, and regulating behavior.

What’s more?

Running also makes you smarter as it triggers the growth of new nerve cells, neurogenesis—and blood vessels, angiogenesis. Put together, these help increase brain tissue volume, according to research conducted at the University of Maryland.

In the study, the researchers found an increase in the volume of the hippocampus—the brain region associated with learning and memory—in those who exercised regularly when compared to sedentary peers.

This may not seem as much until you realize, once again, that brain size isn’t known for increasing at any point in adulthood. We start to lose brain tissue as early as our late 20’s.

5. Faster Thinking

Do you want to be faster at solving problems and remembering things? Exercise might be what you need.

According to research published in the journal Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, both low-intensity aerobic running, and high-intensity sprinting can enhance your capacity to learn and recall new information and vocabulary.

This is possible thanks to the increased levels of the protein BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), and the neurotransmitter catecholamine, both heavily involved in learning and brain cognitive functions, research shows.

What’s more?

Research has also revealed that older adults with plenty of aerobic exercise experience have better white matter integrity than their non-active peers.

6. Improved Sleep

Sleep issues affect millions of adults.  Surveys reveal that roughly 50 percent of people aged 50 and older suffer from symptoms of sleep deprivation and other serious sleep disorders.

And yes, you guessed that right. Running can also help improve your sleep quality. It might even help you overcome common sleep problems.

Research backs these claims up. A study out of the Journal of Adolescent Health revealed that those who followed a regular morning running routine showed improvement in objective sleep.

A further study reported in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity revealed that subjects reported sleeping better and felt more energized during the day when getting at least 160 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise during the week.

Research has also found that regular exercise, not just running, help improve daytime alertness, regulate circadian rhythms, and faster onset of deeper sleep.

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

 Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.


There you have it. The above covers some of the most well-known and well-documented effects that running has on your brain. See, hitting the pavement can really turn you into a more productive and smarter person. And that’s a good thing if you ask me.

The rest is really up to you.

Please feel free to leave your comments and ideas in the section below.

Thank you for dropping by.

David D.

Runners Nipples Guide – Stop Your Nipples From Bleeding While Running

Picture of joggers nipples

Looking for the perfect guide to runners nipples? Then you’ve come to the right place.

I remember the first time I got joggers nipples while running.

It was a few years ago.

After getting home from a long run on a hot day, I walked into the living room, only to find my sister looking at me with horror.

I looked down and gasped upon seeing that my tee shirt was soaked in blood.

It was only after I’d taken off my shirt that I realized that both my nipples were gushing blood.

I was completely freaked out, and worried that something was wrong with me.

Fast forward a few Google searches I learned that it was nothing to worry about and that avoiding the bloody condition is not rocket science.

Once I applied some preventive measures, bloody nipples became a thing of the past.

rIf you’re looking for practical ways to prevent bloody nipples from running, this post is perfect for you.

Why do Nipples Bleed When Running

Known as a fissure of the nipple, or runners nipples,  joggers nipples is a pretty common occurrence among male runners.

When you’re running, your body’s blood flow increases and blood comes closer to the surface of your skin.

When this happens, most people’s nipples begin to harden.

Once your nipples get hard, continuous rubbing against the fabric of your shirt creates more friction than your skin is used to.

Combine the direct effects of rubbing against clothing with the salt from sweat, and bloody nipples can happen.

They start as a stinging or burning sensation as the skin gets rubbed raw, and this can lead to bleeding if allowed to continue.

After a while, you’ll experience a nasty cutting sensation with every stride you take.

Jogger’s nipple is more common in extremely hot or wet and cold weather and primarily affects male runners.

Female runners tend not to have the issue as long as their sports bra provides adequate support.

Here are more resources to deepen your understanding of joggers nipples;

How To Stop Your Nipples From Bleeding While Running

Thankfully, dear (mostly male) readers, preventing nipple bleeding while running is easy.

Seriously, it’s super simple.

Here’s how to start your chafed nipples while running.

Runners Nipples Fix – 1.   Lubricants

If you want to prevent chafing disasters—not just joggers nipples, but all over —start lubing.

This is what helped me the most with nipple chafing during a run.

How lubrication works is no mystery.

Lube serves as a protective barrier between the nipple and the shirt, reducing undue friction.

It also softens the nipples and keeps them from drying, which in turn lowers the risk of irritation.

As a rule, generously apply a lubricant like Body Glide or petroleum jelly to the nipple area before heading out for a run.

Make sure to apply it to all the areas prone to chafing, including your underarms and thighs.

Make sure you apply it liberally, especially if you’re going to be running for a while.

In some cases, especially during long runs, you may want to carry a small packet of it with you in case the constant running and sweating wear away the lubricant you’ve already applied.

Additional resource – Here’s how to stop chafing while running

Runners Nipples Fix – 2. Get the Right T-Shirt

Quite often, preventing joggers nipples is a simple matter of opting for the right clothing.

Here’s what I mean.

If your running T-shirt is either made of or has cotton in it, you’re asking for chafed nipples.

Cotton is your nipples’ worst nightmare.

Instead of wearing a cotton shirt or bra, go for synthetic materials such as Coolmax, Dri-Fit, or polypropylene, especially for the layer that will be closest to your skin.

These fabrics will help wick moisture away from your skin, keeping you dry and limiting friction.

Clothing made from technical fabric also dries faster than cotton, which is key because wet skin can make chafing worse.

If it’s appropriate and possible, you can also consider running shirtless — this should put an end to your upper body chafing issues.

For female runners, a properly-fitting bra that limits breast movement helps prevent jogger’s nipple, according to my research and the testimony of some of my female friends.

Additional Resource – Your Guide To Runners Nipples

Runners Nipples Fix – 3. Use a Product

Some of my running friends use a product like NipGuards to protect their nipples.

I’ve never used them.

All I know is that they work and can cost about $10 for ten sets, and that can get expensive.

NipGuard, as the name implies, is a popular product designed to protect the nipples from the chafing caused by rubbing against upper body clothing.

That, in theory, should prevent the condition.

According to the product’s official website, NipGuards are exceptionally sticky.

They adhere directly to the nipple and stay on, even during long training runs.

If you can’t afford NipGuards, simply cover your nipples with Band-Aids or tape.

I’ve done this many times, and it works just fine.

Keep in mind that these may not stick well if you’re sweating profusely, so you may have to experiment with a few options before you find what works best for you.

joggers nipples

How To Treat Joggers Nipples

Treatment of runners nipples depends on the severity of your injury, but here’s what should generally be done.

  • Rinse the chafed nipples with lukewarm water and dry them thoroughly. I’d recommend doing this in the shower so you don’t have to apply pressure with a washcloth, or something else that may exacerbate your pain. You can also try cleaning the wound with hydrogen peroxide.
  • To avoid further irritation, apply A&D ointment or Neosporin. Cover your nipple with sterile gauze, then use athletic tape to attach it to your chest. This can help prevent infection while your nipples heal.
  • Err on the side of caution and take a couple of days off from running to give your nipples time to heal and recover.
  • If your runners nipples persist and your nipples are still swollen, crusted, or bleeding, seek medical help.

If the area is infected, you might need a prescription-strength antibiotic ointment.

An underlying condition can also be the source of your trouble.

These include eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, fungal infection, or allergic reaction.

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

 Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.

Runners Nipples  -The Conclusion

Although joggers nipples is pretty common among runners of all fitness abilities, there’s no need to let the condition get in the way of your running routine.

The preventive measures shared here, along with a bit of forethought, can help you keep running strong without having to deal with runners nipples.

Keep in mind that you may need to test out a few approaches or mix them before you find what works best for you.

After all, no suit fits all.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Feel free to leave your comments or question in the section below.

How To Start Running Again After A Long Break

start running again

Curious about how to start running again after time off? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Going back to running after two months off, or longer is easier said than done. ALL runners will a portion of their conditioning and fitness the longer they stay away from logging the miles.

The answer is to how to start running again after a long break is not black or white, but with my help today, you’ll have the exact tools you need to get back into running after months (even years) on the couch.

Sounds great?

let’s get started.

How To Start Running Again After A long Break

Regardless of what stopped you from running, getting back into it from a an extended hiatus is no walk in the park, I daresay. But fret no more. Here’s how to get back into running after taking time off.

Start Small After a Long Break

Adopt a beginner’s mind.

After a long break from running—whether it’s due to injury, illness, life, whatever—expect some roadblocks on your way back to the running field.

In fact, expect to lose a significant portion of your stamina.

That’s why you will need to start on the right foot by going small.

To be safe, do just a little, and then progress slowly and gradually back to your former levels.

For example, if you are used to running a 10-miler without breaking a sweat, then run 3 to 5 miles at a slow and controlled pace.

You get the picture .

Commit to a 15 to 20-minute short runs, three times for one week.

Sure, you may want to do more, but just stick to 20-minute run sessions.

After three or four weeks of regular training, aim to increase your workload and running mileage.

Start with Where You’re At

Whether you have taken an extended layoff from running because of a busy life, lack of motivation, or severe injury, getting back to running can be quite challenging.

So, to ensure a smooth transition, start where you are.

Do not just head out the door and run a 5K—that’s how people get injured and discouraged.

Even if you’ve been cross training—cycling, swimming, weightlifting, or doing other cross training exercises—to maintain your cardiovascular endurance, remember that running is a high impact sport.

In fact, it can take up to weeks, even months, for your muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments to grow strong enough to handle running again.

Action Step

Here’s how to start running again.

Begin with two to three short easy “sessions” per week so that you’re “training” every other day.

Once your first session is over, ask yourself the following:

  • Was it hard?
  • Were you breathing easily and effortlessly?
  • Did you feel any lingering pain?
  • Did it hurt?
  • Did you walk during the session?

Additional resource – How to start running with your dog

Choose One Goal To start Running Again

In my personal life, whenever I fell off the exercise wagon, it’s usually because I had too much going on in my life.

I was trying to do too much, squeezing everything in, with no intense focus.

The key to success in life is to keep your focus as much as possible on ONE thing.

Then, maintain that focus for as long as needed for the objective to be met.

This is easier said than done.

I know.

I know…

Speaking to you as an overachiever—a common trait among most runners—this is really hard.

For some people, focusing on one goal may seem counter-intuitive, but in my experience, it will pay off eventually.

Sit down and come up with the ONE goal you want to achieve.

Do you want to run a 5K under 30 minutes, or shoot for a sub 3-hour marathon?

You choose.

Just make it accurate.

Write down your ONE goal, and keep it visible.

Your work desk is a good place, so is the living room.

Here’s the full guide setting fitness goals.

Rebuild Your Endurance—The Retraining Phase

As for how much conditioning you lost, there isn’t a fool-proof formula that will tell you the exact number because everyone is different and responds differently to a training stimulus.

This rate, in general, depends on the length of the break, the reason for the layoff (injury, work, vacation, etc.), and your conditioning level before the break.

Here are the general guidelines on how much maximal aerobic capacity is lost after a given break.

  • You lose up to 5 to 7 percent of VO2max after two weeks.
  • You lose up to 20 percent of VO2max after two months.
  • You lose up to 30 to 50 percent of VO2max after three months.

Still curious? Check the following research papers on deconditioning:

start running again

 The Golden Principle

As a rule of thumb, I advise returning to a running routine in a progressive manner.

If you pick things off from where you left, and do too much too soon, putting too large of a demand on your body, you could seriously hurt yourself.

Additional resource – Here’s your guide to running three miles a day.

The Conversational Pace

During the rebuilding period, stick to a conversational pace throughout your runs.

Also known as the talk test, this is a pace in which you can hold a conversation without panting for breath.

So, for instance, if you can barely recite the pledge of allegiance while running, you’re pushing it too far and too hard.

 Rates Of Return To Running After A Break

Here is how to score a safe running comeback.

Running after Less than 10 Days Off

If you start running again after less than ten non-training days, feel free to resume training where you left off,  as long as you’re training pain-free.

If you feel tired mid-run, slow it down, or walk to catch up your breath.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to plan a running route.

Running After Two to Three Weeks Off

If you return to running following a three-week break, you’d need to drop your typical pace and mileage.

As a general rule, run about one to two minutes per mile slower than your usual pace.

Moreover, run about half the distance you’re used to before the break to avoid soreness

Running After One to Two Months Break off

I don’t recommend taking things up where you left off following a longer than a month break.

In fact, this where you’ll need to start doing some hard work.

On your first session, alternate between 30 to 60 seconds running intervals and 30-second walks.

Train for a total of 20 to 30 minutes.

Then, over the coming days, gradually increase your running time while taking less for recovery until you can easily run for 30 to 45 minutes.

By the end of the third of the fourth week, you should be fit enough to run for an hour at a non-stop, conversational, pace.

Running after Three Months Break to a Year Off 

Getting into  running again after a three-month break can be strenuous.

In fact, if it’s been three months to one year since your last run, you may need to start training from scratch.

Think baby steps, and leave your ego at the door.

After such a long layoff, you’ll find that it takes a few weeks—even months—to get comfortable running again, even for no more than three miles.

So, what’s the best approach here?

Before taking up running again, you should be able to walk briskly for 45 to 60 minutes without discomfort or pain—especially if returning from an injury.

That’s why I’d recommend walking first.

This is especially the case if you’ve been a complete couch potato for the last few months.

Walking helps re-establish the exercise habit, reconditions soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.), improves lung power, etc.

Once you can briskly walk for an hour without trouble, opt for the walk-run method in which you alternate between low-intensity jogging intervals and recovery.

For the full guide to the walk/run method, check my post here.

Then it’s just a matter of time and practice before you’re back to your former running glory.

Identify And Solve Your Running Problems

We have to learn from our mistakes.

Otherwise, we are bound to repeat them, especially if an injury was what derailed you from training in the first place.

Whether it’s runner’s knee, plantar fasciitis, or ITBS, you got to take a proactive approach this time around so that you don’t get derailed again.

Here is the good news

The rebuilding phase is a good time to take a look at any issues you may have experienced in the past while running.

It’s also not the time get lax on your physical therapy and rehab exercises.

In fact, a lot of runners recovering from injury find themselves re-injured because they either ignored proper rehab work or they increased mileage too soon.

So, pay attention to your body and adopt a beginners mind –both mentally and physically.

Keep on the lookout for any red signs, and readjust immediately to get back safely and effortlessly in top running shape.

Also, make sure to have the green light from your doctor to get back to running after a serious injury.

Otherwise, ignoring their advice will only hinder the process and lead to further discouragement.

Ask for guidelines on how much and how frequent you should be running.

They might know better—especially if your doctor has a running background.

Here’s how to motivated while running.

Find Inspiration

Struggling with motivation?

Reach for a book, fitness magazine or pull up a runners’ blog that motivates you.

I specifically started my blog as means for keeping me inspired and motivated.

Get into the habit of reading about people who love running and getting fit.

They can show you the peaks and valleys of the training process, and you can learn from their mistakes and successes.

Second-hand experience is vital, and it will save you a lot of trial-and-error time.

You can also  Google your goals, and read success stories.

You can also join a forum of like-minded and goal oriented people.

Participate in the discussions, leave comments to their posts and contribute with your own posts.

The most inspiring thing for me comes in the shape of running mantras and  running quotes.

I like to print them out and put them where I can see them on a regular basis—usually alongside my goals.

Here are a few:

  • “Strive for progress, not perfection.” -Unknown
  • “Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it.” – Oprah Winfrey”
  • “You want me to do something… tell me I can’t do it.” – Maya Angelou
  • “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” ― Haruki Murakami,
  • “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” -Wayne Gretzky
  • “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” – Marine Corps
  • “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” -Mahatma Gandhi

If these don’t do the trick for you, then you can always GOOGLE them.

Additional resource – The 10K steps per day guide

 Commit Publicly To Your Running Return

Share your goals with others and committing publicly that you gonna do whatever it takes to get them done.

Nowadays and thanks to social media networks, like Facebook and Twitter, you can tell everyone you are in contact with about your running and training goals.

You can commit your goals with your family members, friends, co-workers, your blog.

You can also participate in forums of runners with similar visions, and so on.

The possibilities are endless.

When everybody—your family, friends, Facebook contacts, whoever—know about your goals, it’s gonna be really hard for you to back down.

You have leverage on yourself, which is always a good thing in case you needed motivation.

Just the act of going public about it can help you go the extra mile.

What’s more?

Think long term…

You will also need to hold yourself accountable—long term—for your actions.

Don’t just commit once and it’s over, but hold yourself accountable for the long term by providing everyone on your accountability list with regular progress updates every week or so.

That’s how they (and you) will know if you are progressing or lagging behind.

Feedback is essential.

How to start the commitment?

Commit to run three to four times each week for the upcoming four weeks.


Schedule the runs then share your schedule with your social group.

Simple enough.

After you cover all bases, do what you have to do to carry your plan into fruition.

Change up your Running Routine

Running gets boring when you do the same routine over and over again.

In fact, this is one of the most profound running lessons I have ever learned.

One of the fastest ways to lose your enthusiasm for your regular running program is the classic mistake of sticking with the same running routine, day in and day out.

After a certain time of doing the same runs over and over again, your body will adapt to the workload and hit a plateau.

So what’s the trick here?

You have to stay vigilant with your running program.

Learn how to spot the signs that it’s time to shake-up your running routine so you can stay consistent with it.

Look for new running routes, incorporate more running workouts—intervals, Fartleks, tempo, long, and recovery runs—into your training program.

You can also change your running music playlist, your shoes and other running gear, etc.

And make sure to do other workout routines too.

Hit the weight room regularly or add a regular Yoga routine to your cross-training program.

I think that the yoga mat is the best compliment to a runners road work.

Befriend Runners

They say that you become the people you surround yourself with.

I touched lightly on the subject of peer pressure as means for keeping motivated, but there is still more to cover about the importance of the social group you surround yourself with.

For introvert runners, like me, this is a hard one to swallow.

But in case you have usually ran alone in the past—especially if your running has stalled— try to boost your motivation by hitting the pavement with other runners.

Running with a partner is awesome.

A running buddy will also hold you (and hold each other) accountable for your actions.

You are less likely to pull out if you knew your training buddy is waiting for you.

Again, the peer pressure tool working to your advantage.

If you spend time with other runners, it will rub off eventually.

Beliefs are contagious, and it’s better to be infected with the empowering beliefs than limiting ones.

Therefore, do the bulk of your running with a partner and try to hang out with runners like you.

That’s how you will instill discipline for the long term.

In case you don’t have a running partner yet, then ask around and approach local runners at your local running club.

Check your local health clubs to see when they offer group runs.

Ask your co-workers, ask your Facebook contacts, ask everyone.

In fact, you are more likely to get approached by someone if you reach enough people with your public commitment plan.

Just make sure to get your message out there for maximum exposure.

Celebrate your Successes

Just the fact that you are thinking about going back to running again is a cause for celebration, even if you are not capable of running the way you used to.

As a result, reward yourself often during the early stages, and rejoice in everything you do.

So when you are successful with your first week, do something nice for yourself.

There are so many things you can do to make yourself feel good.

You can go get a manicure, see a new movie (The new Avengers movie is out, and I can’t wait to go see it), or go play football or a baseball game, get new clothes, etc.

Do whatever makes you happy.

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

 Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.


So what are you waiting for?

Now it’s the time to start running again since you have the exact tools you need.

And please be careful out there.

Thank you for reading my blog post.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions below


David Dack.

Unlock Your Perfect Running Frequency – How Often Should You Run

how many times to run in a week

When it comes to planning your running routine, one of the first crucial decisions to make is determining how often you should run each week.

However, as we’ll explore in this article, the answer to that question isn’t as straightforward as black and white.

Without further ado, here are the steps you need to take to determine how often you should be running.

The Main Factors to Consider

The exact mileage and time investment you’d need to devote to training will vary drastically depending on many factors.

These include:

  • Past experiences,
  • Present conditioning level, and
  • Future aspirations.

Here is how to make sense out of this.

Find your Goals

Running isn’t just about putting one foot in front of the other; it’s about knowing where you’re headed and how to get there. So, grab your running shoes and let’s get started!

Step 1: Define Your Running Goals

First things first, what’s your running ambition? Are you looking to shed those extra pounds, boost your overall health, or conquer a specific race with a jaw-dropping finish time? Your goals will be your guiding stars, so be crystal clear about what you want to achieve.

Here’s a glimpse of how your goals might steer your running journey:

  • Weight Loss Warrior: If you’re on a mission to shed pounds, your plan may involve running (or run/walking) around three times a week. I’ve got some good news – running is an excellent way to torch those calories and get your heart pumping!
  • Seasoned Runner: Now, if you’re a seasoned pro with miles of experience under your belt, you might find yourself lacing up those shoes five to six times a week. With your expertise, you’re ready to tackle new challenges and push your limits.

Step 2: Understand Your Uniqueness

Here’s the truth – there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how often you should run. It all depends on YOU. Your past experiences, your current fitness level, and your future dreams are all pieces of the puzzle.

Research studies like those from the American College of Sports Medicine have shown that tailored training programs are far more effective in helping individuals reach their goals. So, take a moment to understand what makes you unique.

Step 3: Embrace the Good News

Guess what? There’s a silver lining in this whole “how often should I run” conundrum. When you’re crystal clear about your running goals, you’re better equipped to build a training plan that’s a perfect fit for you.

Step 4: Dive into Your Running Goals

So, let’s have a heart-to-heart. What are your running goals? Are you determined to smash a specific time record? Is it all about boosting your health and well-being? Or perhaps you’re running for a deeply personal reason that’s close to your heart.

Now, with those goals firmly in your sights, let’s map out your journey.

Step 5: Assess Your Time

Life can be a whirlwind of commitments – family, work, school – you name it. To create a realistic plan, assess how much time you can dedicate to training each week. Be honest about your schedule, and remember, consistency is the name of the game.

Additional resource – How to walk 10,000 steps

How Often Should You Run When You’re a Complete Beginner

Alright, fellow newbie runner, we’re about to embark on an exciting journey! But before we lace up those running shoes, let’s figure out how often you should hit the pavement as a complete beginner.

Step 1: Start Gradually

First things first, experts recommend running two to three times per week when you’re just beginning your running adventure. Whether you’re taking your first steps as a runner or making a triumphant return after some time off, this approach is a winner.

Step 2: Why 2-3 Times a Week?

Now, you might wonder, why not run every single day? Well, there’s a method to this madness. Running two to three times a week allows your body to ease into the sport. It’s like introducing a new friend to your life – you need time to get to know each other.

Step 3: Build Stamina and Strength

Running a few times a week provides the magic potion for success. It gives you the precious time needed to boost your stamina, strengthen those muscles, and make friends with your connective tissues. Plus, it helps you establish that delightful habit of regular exercise.

Step 4: Approachable Training

Imagine running two to three times a week, with each run lasting just 20 to 30 minutes. It’s like taking small, manageable bites of a delicious dish. Perfect for the complete beginner! This approach makes training feel less intimidating and more achievable.

Step 5: Avoid Burnout and Injuries

Now, here’s a crucial tip: resist the urge to go all-out and aim for six days a week right from the start. Why? Because doing too much too soon can lead to burnout and increase the risk of injuries. Plus, let’s face it, our busy lives might not always allow for daily runs.

How Often Should You Run When You’re an Intermediate

Alright, you’ve conquered the beginner phase and are now firmly in the intermediate ranks. It’s time to level up your running routine! So, how often should you hit the pavement at this stage? Let’s break it down.

Step 1: Transition to Intermediate

If you’ve been consistently running for the past few months, congratulations – you’re an intermediate runner now! This is where the fun really begins.

Step 2: Aim for 4-5 Days a Week

As an intermediate runner, your target is to run four to five days a week. This increased frequency allows you to challenge yourself and make significant progress. It’s like turning up the volume on your running journey.

Step 3: Listen to Your Body

Here’s a golden rule: always listen to your body. While it’s great to aim for 4-5 days of running, it’s equally important to understand when your body needs a break. Be attentive to signs of fatigue, soreness, or any discomfort. Your body is your best coach – trust it!

Step 4: Gradual Volume Increase

As you transition into the intermediate level, remember to increase your weekly volume gradually. Don’t rush it. Slow and steady wins the race. This approach minimizes the risk of overuse injuries and burnout.

How to Progress?

So, you’ve been running consistently for a few months and are ready to take it to the next level. Progression is the name of the game. Let’s dive into how you can do that effectively.

Step 1: Gradual Progression

To progress from running three to four times a week to five times a week, it’s essential to take it step by step. Rushing can lead to burnout and injuries. Here’s a structured plan:

Step 2: Weeks 1-6

Continue running three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes each session.

Maintain an intensity of up to 60 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate (MHR).

Step 3: Weeks 6-10

Stick to three weekly runs, but extend each run to 30 to 40 minutes.

Slightly increase the intensity, aiming for up to 65 to 75 percent of MHR.

Step 4: Weeks 10-13

Now it’s time to introduce a fourth running day.

Run for 30 to 45 minutes during these sessions.

Maintain an intensity of up to 70 percent of MHR.

Step 5: Weeks 13-16

You’re almost there! In this phase, embrace a five-day running schedule.

Keep each run between 25 to 40 minutes.

Maintain an intensity ranging from 65 to 75 percent of MHR.

Step 6: Listen to Your Body

Throughout this progression, always listen to your body. If you experience excessive fatigue, soreness, or any discomfort, don’t hesitate to adjust your plan. Rest and recovery are your allies.

The Exact Mileage

As soon as you figure out how often you should run per week, you’d want to determine your weekly volume—or how many miles to run every week.

As I have stated in my previous beginner runner posts, the ideal way to keep running while reducing the risk of injury is to run without obsessing over mileage.

In fact, during the first few months, forget about distance, pace, and all that sort.

Instead, focus on running for a specific length, 30 minutes, for instance, at a relaxed pace and without much huffing and puffing.

To get to that point, you’d need to train in a run/walk format in which you alternate between intervals of low-intensity running—or jogging—for 30 seconds and recovery walking breaks.

Once you get there, start to gradually increase mileage while following the 10 percent rule.

Here is an exemplary beginner’s running plan for the week

  • Monday – 30-minute easy run in the morning + 45 minutes of cross-training (weight lifting – optional)
  • Tuesday Rest or 30 minutes of cross-training such as cycling, spinning, or swimming.
  • Wednesday – 45-minute run at a tempo pace
  • Thursday – 60 minutes of cross-training – Weightlifting.
  • Friday – 30-minute easy run in the morning + 30-minutes of cross-training in the evening (Yoga – optional)
  • Saturday – 50 to 60 minutes long run at a relaxed pace.
  • Sunday – Rest.

Additional resource – How to walk 10,000 steps

Should you Cross Train?

Cross-training isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer for runners. Whether you’re a newbie lacing up your sneakers or a seasoned road warrior, incorporating cross training into your routine can supercharge your running journey. Let’s dive into why it’s a must:

Boost Overall Conditioning

Variety is the spice of life, and it’s your best friend when you’re hitting the pavement. Cross training introduces different movements and challenges, enhancing your overall fitness. This well-rounded conditioning can elevate your running game, making you stronger and more resilient.

Injury Prevention

Repetitive motion can take a toll on your body. Cross training allows you to give specific running muscles a break while working on others. It reduces the risk of overuse injuries and keeps you in peak form. Remember, the best way to conquer injuries is to prevent them.

Build the Exercise Habit

Starting a new exercise routine can be daunting, but cross training can ease you in. It breaks the monotony and keeps your workouts fresh. This variety can make exercise a habit that sticks, setting you up for long-term success.

Well-Rounded Runner

Why settle for being a one-trick pony? Cross training transforms you into a well-rounded runner. You’ll have the strength, flexibility, and endurance to tackle any terrain and distance. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife in your running arsenal.

Ideal Cross-Training Options

The world of cross training is vast, offering something for everyone:

  • Brisk Walking: A low-impact exercise that complements running beautifully.
  • Spinning: Get your heart pumping on a stationary bike for a killer cardio workout.
  • Swimming: Dive into this full-body exercise that’s gentle on the joints.
  • Strength Training: Build muscle to power up your runs and protect against injury.
  • Yoga: Enhance flexibility, balance, and mental focus for peak performance.

Additional resource – Running Vs. Strength training

Do not Forget to Rest

Take enough rest between challenging workouts.

Ideally, take one day of full rest—meaning no running or cross—training allowed.

Just rest on your butt and count your blessings.

How Often Should You Run – The Conclusion

I hope today’s post gives you some clear answers to how often should you run per week.

The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

Keep training hard.

David D

Conquer Winter Runs: A Runner’s Guide to Breathing Better in the Cold

How to Breathe When Running in the Cold

Winter running is no easy feat, especially for runners who have breathing problems during cold weather.

In fact, most runners—except for the lucky ones living in moderate climate regions—often experience issues such as a runny nose, restricted breathing, burning lungs, and a dry throat when braving the cold.

For these reasons (and some), many shy away from winter running.

But, that’s no excuse to stop running altogether.

Here are the guidelines you need to keep the cold air from taking your breath away.

By implementing the following tips, you’ll be able to breathe better throughout your outdoor winter workouts.

But before we do that, let’s first look at what happens to your body when exercising outdoors in the cold.

The Difficulty Of Running in Winter

There’s a common belief that running in cold weather can do more harm than good.

Some beginner runners even worry that breathing the cold air will freeze their lungs and lead to immediate disaster.

But here’s the reality: the fear of frozen lungs is somewhat exaggerated. Running in sub-freezing temperatures might be uncomfortable, but it’s not typically dangerous. Severe lung damage due to cold air is only a concern in extreme subfreezing conditions.

In such conditions, which generally occur at temperatures below 4°F (-15°C), outdoor exercise is not advisable. This is because your body may struggle to sufficiently warm the air before it reaches your lungs, among other potential issues that can arise.

However, it’s worth noting that the chances of you running in such extreme freezing conditions are quite slim—unless you happen to live in an exceptionally cold region. So, while running in winter may be a bit uncomfortable at times, it’s generally safe.

The Process of Air “Warm-ups”

Your body’s pulmonary system is pretty impressive when it comes to dealing with cold air. Here’s how it works

When you inhale cold air, whether during exercise or just going about your day in chilly weather, your body’s respiratory system springs into action. Your nose, mouth, throat, and the cells lining your windpipe, or trachea, all play a crucial role in warming up the incoming air.

By the time that cold air travels from your nose or mouth down to the bottom of your trachea, it’s already been warmed significantly and is close to your body’s internal temperature. Your body works diligently to make sure the air you breathe is comfortable for your lungs.

On the exhale, regardless of the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air, you breathe out air that is close to your body temperature. This natural process ensures that your lungs are exposed to air that won’t shock or harm them, even in cold conditions.

How to Breathe While Running in The Cold

Although research shows that exercising in the cold won’t do permanent damage to your lungs—running in the winter is no walk in the park.

That said, before you start thinking about skipping outdoor running altogether, know that the downsides are manageable and are by no means a valid excuse to skip your training.

Without further ado, here is how to breathe right when running in the winter.

Additional resource – Your guide to Runners cough

Use A bandana, Scarf, or Balaclava

Chilly weather and frosty air can really take a toll on your run, especially if it leaves your lungs burning or triggers some serious coughing fits. But fret not, fellow runners, there’s a simple solution: wrap up with a moisture-wicking neck warmer, scarf, or trusty bandana.

Why is this gear so darn helpful, you ask?

Well, picture this: as you venture out into the icy abyss, your bandana or scarf becomes your trusty sidekick, shielding your precious lungs from the frigid air. It’s like a warm, cozy hug for your respiratory system.

But it doesn’t stop there. These nifty accessories do more than just block the chill. They’re like lung superheroes, swooping in to humidify the cold, dry air you inhale and recycle the moisture from your exhales. The result? The air you breathe is not only warmer but also easier on your lungs.

Now, when your lungs feeling extremely cold, consider the merino wool balaclava. This bad boy covers your mouth, nose, ears, and head, providing you with full insulation. It’s not just about staying warm; it’s also your shield against frostbite on those rosy cheeks and kissable lips.

Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room. Sure, you might resemble a mysterious bank robber out of a movie, but hey, you’ll be toasty warm, comfortable, and definitely not hacking up a lung.

And here’s the best part – there’s a whole world of neck-warmers, bandanas, scarfs, and balaclavas out there, sporting designs to match your personal preferences. You can protect your health, stay stylish, and conquer the winter run – all in one fell swoop. So, go ahead, embrace the cold, and keep those lungs happy.

Inhale Through the Nose & Exhale Through the Mouth

When it comes to the art of breathing while running, I’ve usually recommended taking in those sweet lungfuls of air through both your nose and mouth. But hold onto your hats because cooler temperatures might call for a different approach.

In fact, when you’re out there braving the cold, consider this: inhaling solely through your nose could be the winning strategy.

Here’s the scoop on why it works. Breathing in through your nose can actually do a fantastic job of warming up and humidifying the icy air. You see, as that frigid air embarks on its journey to your lungs, it’s got quite a distance to cover. And that’s a good thing. It gives it more time to get toasty and moist as it winds its way through your nasal passages and those nifty little cells lining your windpipe.

Nasal breathing isn’t just about heating things up; it’s a master of maintaining your body temperature too.

Now, here’s the catch – it won’t let you inhale as much oxygen as the mouth can manage. This becomes especially apparent when you crank up the intensity of your run, like when you’re tackling those grueling intervals or conquering hill reps.

So, here’s the game plan for those frosty days. If you find yourself in the midst of an extreme cold snap, consider dialing down the intensity a notch. This will help you avoid those desperate gasps for air. Keep your workouts cruising along at a conversational pace. And when the conditions are just right, and the breathing feels easy, then, my friend, you can crank up the intensity to your heart’s content.

Are You Asthmatic?

Feeling like you’ve tried everything but still finding yourself gasping for breath in the chilly air? Well, it might be time to consider whether you’re dealing with asthma or another pulmonary issue.

You see, when you inhale that dry, icy air, it can be a real irritant to your throat. It might even lead to inflammation and damage, triggering an asthmatic response.

If this sounds like your situation, it’s crucial to consult with your doctor for a thorough check-up. They’ll be able to determine if asthma is the culprit, and, if so, they can prescribe medication and maybe even an inhaler to help you out.

But asthma isn’t the only condition that can put a damper on your cold-weather runs. Here are a few others you should be aware of:

  • Cardiovascular Disease: If you’re dealing with heart issues, it’s best to avoid running in the cold. The extreme temperatures can strain your heart and potentially worsen your condition.
  • Exercise-Induced Bronchitis: This nasty condition can rear its ugly head when you work out in chilly weather. It’s characterized by chest tightness, coughing, and wheezing. Not fun, right?
  • Raynaud’s Disease: This one messes with your blood circulation, leading to numbness and pain in certain parts of your body. Running in the cold can make these symptoms even worse.

So, if any of these health issues sound familiar, it’s time to think twice about those frosty jogs and consider alternative indoor workouts instead.

A Better Alternative

It’s all about making the right choice for your comfort and well-being, my fellow runner!

When you’re standing there, all bundled up, contemplating a chilly run, just remember: you have options! If the cold weather isn’t vibing with you, it’s totally okay to skip that run and live to hit the pavement another day.

Consider shifting your workout indoors to the cozy gym. You don’t have to be a running martyr!

Treadmills, as much as they might get a bad rap from some runners, are actually fantastic machines. They’re like your trusty sidekick for year-round, consistent training. Who wouldn’t want that, right?

So, remember, it’s not about battling the elements; it’s about making smart choices for your fitness journey. Whether you’re out conquering the cold or rocking it indoors on the treadmill, you’re still making strides toward your goals. Keep it up!

Couch To 10K Plan – What’s a 10K In Miles & How To Train for One?

So you’re thinking about running your first 10K?

I get it—6.2 miles can seem like a lot, but trust me, it’s doable, even if you’re just starting.

When I was training for my first 10K, I remember the same feeling of uncertainty. I’d already done a few 5Ks, but the thought of doubling that distance felt like a giant leap.

But here’s the thing—just like you, I started somewhere, and with a solid plan and the right mindset, that 10K can feel like the perfect challenge.

Here’s the good news.

My Couch to 10K program is designed to take you from zero to hero in just 12 weeks.

Let’s get to it.

What Exactly is a 10K?

You might already know that a 10K stands for 10 kilometers, but how does that translate?

Well, 10K equals about 6.2 miles.

To put that into perspective, think about running around a standard track 25 times.

Sounds like a lot, right? But breaking it down in chunks—like with any big goal—makes it much more manageable.

When I first realized I’d be running over 6 miles, it helped to focus on the “bite-sized” pieces. Whether it was aiming for that next mile marker or simply thinking about the next corner of my route, mentally breaking it up made the distance seem more approachable.

As a frame of reference, to complete a 10K distance, you’ll have to :

  • Run 50 laps around a standard indoor trackthat’s 200 meters long.
  • Run a football field—(109.73 meters) —including the end zone—91.14 times.
  • Climb the Empire State Building (443.2 meters high, including antenna) 26.25 times.
  • Scale the Eiffel Tower (324 meters tall) 31.25 times.

Here are some useful links on the history of the 10K and some interesting facts.

Now that you know what’s 10K in miles,  let’s move on to the practical stuff.

How Long Will It Take to Train?

For a beginner, I usually recommend a solid 12 weeks of training. For the record, a “beginner” is someone who can already walk comfortably for about an hour or maybe jog a mile.

Don’t worry if that sounds like a long time—you’re building up both physically and mentally.

When I started, I was just like you—wondering if I’d ever get there.

But after weeks of gradually increasing distance and speed, you realize your body is more capable than you think.

The Average 10K Time For Beginners

How long it takes to run a 10K for beginner runners depends on many factors, including fitness level, sex, age, injury history, training frequency, and motivation.

According to a survey, the average United States 10K finish results is roughly 53 minutes for men, whereas women cross the finish line at around 63 minutes.

Wondering the average time for running a mile in a 10K race? The answer is around 9 to 13 minutes for beginner runners.

The average untrained beginner might be able to jog/walk the entire 6.2 miles in about 70 to 90 minutes. After a few months of training, the same runner can finish under 60 minutes. Anything under 40 minutes puts you in the serious athlete category.

What’s The Fastest 10K Time?

According to Wikipedia, the current men’s outdoor world-record holder, at the time of writing this, is Joshua Cheptegiy of Uganda at 26:11:00, set on October 7, 2020. That’s a whooping 4:12 a mile.

The women’s world record is 29:01:03 and held by the Ethiopian Letesenbet Gidey on June 8, 2021.

Is a 10K Right for You?

This depends on where you’re starting from. If you’re in decent shape and can walk or jog for a mile, then a 10K is achievable.

But if you’ve been dealing with injuries or health issues, you might want to start smaller, with something like a 5K.

When I had a knee injury a few years back, I had to scale back to shorter distances before building back up.

It’s all about listening to your body.

What Time Should You Aim For?

Now, let’s talk times.

For most beginner runners, you’re looking at somewhere between 70 to 90 minutes to finish a 10K if you’re running at a steady pace. But if you stick with your training, you might cross that finish line closer to an hour.

When I first started, I aimed to complete the race without walking. No fancy time goals, just finishing strong. And you know what? Once I had a few races, I focused on pace and cut my time by a good chunk.

So What 10K Finishing Time Should I Aim for Then?

Aim for what suits your current fitness level on race day.

That’s the best advice I can give.

If this is your first time doing a 10K, don’t start with a too challenging goal.

Sure, it’s good to have a goal that pushes you, but don’t try to bite more than you can chew—or else, you’ll end up injured or burned out.

What I’d consider a good 10K is anything around 45 to 50 minutes. I’ve concluded this number by averaging 10K times across various ages and genders worldwide (check the charts below).

To finish a 10K in around 45 to 50 minutes, you’ll need to average about 8 minutes a mile.

Remember that runners with more experience can cross the finish line in under 40 minutes, an average of less than 7 minutes a mile.

10K Race Pace Chart

This 10K pace chart predictor will estimate your 10K finishing time.

Remember – This is only a prediction of your maximum potential—glorified fortune-telling—It might not be the reality.

If you can pass it somehow, kudos to you.

But don’t feel discouraged if you miss it.10K in miles -



Average 10K Times Based on Age & Gender

Run Repeat completed an interesting study that showed average running speeds and times for men and women divided by age groups. To no one’s surprise, this study reported that age groups correlated drastically with an average 10K time, with younger age groups tending to have a faster average running pace.

The research also found that the average competitive 10K time is around 58 minutes for men in the U.S., whereas the competitive finish time for women stands at 1 hour and 6 minutes.

Relying on the data from the same study, the following charts show averages of 10K times by sex and age in the standard format of hours:minute:seconds.


How Do You Train?

One thing I always recommend is starting with a walk-run method. It’s less intimidating and allows your body to get used to the impact of running.

I did this when I first started, and even now when I’m building up to longer distances, I’ll return to it. It’s a lifesaver for both beginners and experienced runners.

You want to feel tired but not exhausted to the point you’re dreading the next run.

And remember—if the training plan feels too fast, slow it down.

The goal is to progress at your own pace.

When I trained for my first 10K, I repeated a few weeks to ensure I was ready. It’s much better to take it slow than risk injury or burnout.

Find The Right Intensity

Let me tell you one of my favorite tips to stay injury-free—find the right intensity. You’re in the sweet spot if you can carry on a conversation while running.

If you’re gasping for breath, it’s time to dial it back. Think of it like this: aim to run at about 65 to 75 percent of your max heart rate—on a scale from 1 to 10, that’s around a 6 or 7.

Rest or Cross Train During 10K Plan

And listen, it’s not just about avoiding injury, it’s also about avoiding burnout. Rest is key, so don’t feel guilty about taking a day off every week—most runners choose Sunday, but do what works for you.

On non-running days, try cross-training. It’s a great way to keep improving your fitness without pounding the pavement. Biking, swimming, strength training, and yoga are all solid options. I’m a big fan of strength training because it does wonders for your running economy and injury prevention.

Focus on strengthening those glutes, hips, hamstrings, quads, and calves, and you’ll be stronger and more resilient

The 10K Training Plan For Beginners

As your running coach, I’m excited to share the Couch to 10K training plan, specially crafted for beginners.

This isn’t just any plan; it’s your roadmap to successfully conquering a 10K, designed with the utmost care to fit your initial running journey.

As I’ve already explained, we start with the run/walk—or the Galloway method, as many know it. This technique is fantastic for building a solid running foundation.

Over the weeks, as your stamina improves, we’ll gradually decrease walking time and increase running. This method is great for building endurance and crucial for preventing injuries—a common concern for new runners.

I’ve tailored this plan to avoid the pitfalls of increasing mileage too quickly, a mistake I’ve seen in other programs. It’s about progressing at a challenging yet sustainable pace, ensuring you grow stronger without overdoing it.

10K in miles

Note – If this 10K plan is too much for you, try my couch to 5K schedule instead.

Race Day Tips

Here’s where things get exciting—your first race! The night before, lay out all your gear and try to get a good night’s sleep.

I remember how jittery I was the night before my first 10K, but being prepared calmed those nerves.

On race day, start slower than you think you should. It’s so easy to get caught up in the excitement and dash out too fast, but trust me, you’ll thank yourself later when you still have energy for the last couple of miles. My first 10K, I went out way too fast and regretted it by mile 4—don’t be me!

Final Thoughts On The Beginner 10K Plan

The 10K is a great goal—it’s long enough to feel like an achievement but not so long that it requires months and months of grueling training. Take it step by step, enjoy the journey, and remember, everyone starts somewhere. I did, and now I look back on that first race with pride. You’ll get there too.

Feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

8 Ways to Increase Lung Capacity For Running

runner tyring to improve Lung Capacity

Are you ready to take your running to the next level? Then you need to understand the importance of lung capacity.

Think of your lungs as the engine of your body, powering you through every step of your run.

Your lung capacity determines how much oxygen you can take in and how much carbon dioxide you can expel.

Without strong lungs, your body can’t perform at its best, and your running goals may seem out of reach. But don’t worry, with the right strategies, you can boost your lung capacity and achieve your running dreams.

In this post, I’ll dive into the many strategies that can help you increase your lung capacity for running. I’ll provide you with research-backed advice to guide you toward running farther, faster, and with less fatigue.

Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting, increasing your lung capacity is a great way to boost your performance and feel more powerful and stronger. So, let’s get started!

What is Lung Capacity?

Imagine your lungs as two balloons. The bigger the balloons, the more air they can hold. This is exactly how your lungs work.

Lung capacity is the amount of air your lungs can hold, and it’s a vital factor in determining how well you perform in cardiovascular activities, particularly running. The larger your lung capacity, the more oxygen your bloodstream can receive, and the more efficient your body becomes at converting that oxygen into energy.

Unfortunately, just like any other organ, our lungs start to deteriorate with age, and our lung capacity typically begins to decrease after we hit our 30s. If you have a preexisting health condition like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), this process can happen even faster. But don’t worry, there are many things you can do to improve your lung capacity and, ultimately, your overall health and well-being.

8 Ways to Increase Lung Capacity For Running

Without further ado, here are eight strategies to help you improve lung capacity for running.

Start Slow

Have you ever found yourself gasping for air while running, even with perfect technique? It turns out that lack of conditioning is often the culprit, especially if you’re new to running.

When you run, your muscles require more oxygen, and the more you push your body, the more oxygen you need. This can cause you to become exhausted earlier than you’d like.

So, what can you do to improve your lung capacity for running? The key is to start slow and keep it at a conversational pace. You should be able to speak in full sentences without gasping for air. Once you can do this for 30 minutes straight, work your way up to more challenging sessions.

Here are a few effective strategies to help you increase your lung capacity for running over time:

  • Run a longer distance at a slower pace. This approach can help increase your red blood cell count, grow more capillaries, and strengthen your heart, which is a muscle, after all. By gradually increasing the distance you run, you can gradually build up your endurance and improve your lung capacity.
  • Run more frequently each week. When you run more frequently, you provide your body with enough stimulus to build more cell mitochondria and capillaries. This, in turn, allows more oxygen to course through your bloodstream, ultimately improving your lung capacity and endurance.
  • Consider cross-training. Engaging in cardiovascular activities like cycling, swimming, and skiing can help push your endurance without putting too much stress on your body. This can help you improve your lung capacity without risking injury or burnout from running too much.

Learn Deep Breathing

Breathing is an essential part of running. Deep breathing, in particular, can help you increase your lung capacity and improve your endurance. But did you know that most runners breathe from their chest instead of their bellies? It’s like trying to fill a balloon by blowing air into the nozzle instead of using your whole mouth!

To fully engage your lungs and diaphragm, practice deep breathing. The diaphragm is a muscle shaped like a jellyfish or a parachute that sits below the lungs and helps you breathe. When you take a deep breath, your diaphragm pulls down on the abdominal cavity, inflating your lungs with maximum air. On the exhale, it deflates, squeezing the air out.

Belly Vs. Chest Breathing

Most runners tend to breathe from their chest instead of the belly.

Don’t you believe me? Go run a mile at a challenging pace, then place your hand on your belly and the other one your chest, then watch.

You’re breathing right if the upper hand stays relatively still while the lower hand is moving on each breath, which is more than often not the case.

Also known as shallow or thoracic breathing, chest breathing occurs when the act of respiration originates from the top lobes of the lungs.

When breathing this way, you expand and contract the chest but without engaging the diaphragm, which in turn, draws in minimal air into the lungs.

Here’s how to practice deep breathing in the comfort of your own home.

1 –  Start out lying flat on your back, chest open, and shoulders relaxed. Keep one hand resting on your chest and the other on your belly.

2 – Breathe in slowly, spending about ten seconds on your inhale. Visualize your lungs filling up with air. Feel the air moving into your chest, stomach, and abdomen.

3 – Once your lungs are full of air (you might feel mild discomfort in the solar plexus middle of your torso), hold your breath for a count of ten, then exhale slowly for ten seconds through pursed lips while pulling your belly button to your spine.

And that’s it! By repeating the exercise over and over again, you’ll teach your body how to rely more on the diaphragm for the act of respiration. This, in turn, should help you increase lung capacity for running.

Breathing Exercises

Looking for more breathing exercises? I’ve got you covered.

The breathing exercises described below can increase strength in your respiratory muscles and help build endurance.

That, in turn, will improve lung function.

Long-term result?

Improved running performance.

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

These breathing exercises are simple and can be done anywhere.

Feel free to do them at home, at work, during your commute, or, preferably, as a part of your warm-up routine.

Repeat each exercise three to five times.

Bhastrika Pranayama (bellows breath)

Rib Stretch

Abdominal Breathing

The 4/7/8 Technique

Kapalbhati Pranayama (Breath of Fire)

Pilates Exercises

Breaking away from chest breathing is easier said than done, especially when you’re busy running, trying to keep pace.

But it’s not all doom and gloom.

One thing you can do to help you practice deep breathing while exercising is doing Pilates.

Pilates exercises are a form of cross-training that improves endurance without putting too much stress on your body.

They are also ideal for improving lung capacity.

Pilate exercises focus on isometric exercise.

It deliberate breathing patterns to increase muscle strength, build mobility, and improve posture.

More specifically, Pilates exercises to strengthen all the muscles of the core—including the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles, which are super useful for your breathing.

Practice the exercises below two to three times a week, either as a part of your cool down or as a stand-alone routine.

You might find some similar positions in yoga but with different names.

  • The Swan
  • The Standing Chest Expansion
  • Spine Twist

Breathing While Running

“Should I breathe through my nose, my mouth, or both?” This is a common question in the running world.

My answer makes everybody happy: use both pathways.

When you’re running, you should focus on getting as much air as possible into your lungs so that the oxygenated blood can meet your muscle’s needs.

Don’t know how to make that happen? Try the following:

Open your mouth—preferably in a “dead fish” position.

The mouth is larger than the nostrils, so it’s more effective at drawing in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.

Rhythmic Breathing

If you want to run like a pro, try rhythmic breathing, which is the practice of coordinating your inhales and exhales to your foot strikes.

It’s not as complicated as pranayama.

For example, a 2:1 breathing ratio means taking two steps on the inhale and one step while breathing out.

The exact ratio to follow depends largely on your training intensity, fitness level, speed, and personal preference.

The rhythmic patterns I recommend for beginners are 2:2 and 2:3.

These work well for training at slow to moderate intensity.

To take your breathing power to the next level, I’d recommend taking up yoga.

To get started on the right foot, try a paid subscription service that can cost you up $10 to $15 a month (but worth it).

Additional resource – Your guide to Runners cough

Advanced Tactics For Expanding Lung Power For Running

By now, you have all the tools you need to increase lung capacity for running.

But if you still want more, check out the following.

Altitude Training

Altitude training is a technique used by elite athletes from different sports for a reason – it works. At higher elevations, the air contains less oxygen, forcing your body to compensate by triggering red blood cell and hemoglobin production. This increase in oxygen-carrying capacity and your body’s ability to use oxygen can improve your running performance. Once you return to lower elevations, your body maintains this increased level of red blood cells and hemoglobin for up to two weeks.

But be careful! Altitude training can be dangerous if you don’t give your body enough time to adjust to the thinner mixture of oxygen in the air. You may experience symptoms of altitude sickness, such as gasping, fatigue, and dizziness. If you can’t go on, don’t force it. Overdoing it can damage your respiratory tract.

Respiratory Training Equipment

Another strategy is respiratory training equipment, which partially blocks airways, simulating high-altitude training. While it can be effective, it’s neither easy nor cheap to access some of these tools. Overuse of these tools can also lead to overtraining, which is why it’s not recommended unless you’re a pro athlete.

Some tools include:

  • Hyperbaric sleeping chambers
  • Low-oxygen tents
  • Swimming while using a snorkel with restricted airflow
  • Working out with a hypoxic air generator
  • Portable hypoxic machines

There’s one important caveat.

It’s neither easy nor cheap to get access to some of these tools.

A good hypoxic mask may be within your budget—they retail for under $100.

You also risk overtraining when you overuse them.

That’s why, unless you’re a pro athlete making a living out of running, I don’t see any reason to turn to hypoxia training.

Additional Resource – Running and pollution

Keep Your Lungs Healthy

All of these tips will be of no use if you neglect your lung health. The best thing you can do to improve your lung function is to simply take good care of your lungs.

The following tips will help keep your lungs as healthy as possible.

  • Stop smoking. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 40 years, you already know that smoking is bad for your health.  Research has shown that smoking is a major cause of lung cancer, lung diseases, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Eat healthily. Choose foods rich in antioxidants, such as leafy green and cruciferous vegetables. They contain many healthy compounds that can help rid your body of harmful toxins. Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are good examples.
  • Get vaccinated. I’m not going to argue about vaccines’ pros and cons, but we didn’t get rid of polio by accident. Shots like the pneumonia vaccine and the flu vaccine can go a long way in preventing lung-related issues and promoting overall health. Make sure to contact your GP before deciding.
  • Improve air quality. By keeping your home well-ventilated, reducing pollutants like artificial fragrances, using a humidifier, and getting rid of mold.

Additional resource – Guide to Urban running

Don’t Hesitate to Seek Medical Help

If you’re dealing with symptoms of poor lung health, such as pain when breathing, shortness of breath during daily activity, or persistent coughs, contact your doctor.

The earlier you receive treatment for your lung problems, the sooner you’ll heal, and the better the outcomes are likely to be.

Remember that your lung consists of pocketed air sacs, so be careful.

Don’t dismiss everything as simple as a common cold.

What’s more?

It’s always a good idea to consult your doctor before trying any new exercise, especially running.

This is especially the case for beginner runners with underlying health conditions, such as COPD , asthma, or other obstruction diseases.

Increasing Lung Capacity for Runners – The Conclusion

In conclusion, increasing your lung capacity is crucial for taking your running to the next level. Your lungs are like the engine of your body, supplying the necessary oxygen for optimal performance. By understanding the importance of lung capacity, you can work towards achieving your running goals and surpassing your limits.

Remember, before embarking on any new exercise or training regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Additionally, if you experience symptoms of poor lung health, seek medical help to receive proper diagnosis and treatment.

By implementing these strategies and caring for your lungs, you can expand your lung capacity and unlock your full running potential. Embrace the journey of improving your lung capacity, and enjoy the benefits of increased endurance, improved performance, and overall well-being in your running endeavors.

Thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong

David D.

Running Cadence – What’s The Ideal Stride Turnover

do you want to improve running cadence?

If you want to improve your running speed while cutting injury risk, increase your running cadence.

That’s why stride cadence has become one of the key things to monitor and improve on among both elite and recreational runners.

There’s plenty of ways you can improve running cadence, but I’ve found seven that are simple, effective, and easy to implement.

But first things first, let’s delve a little deeper into cadence itself and why it matters so much.

Let’s get this ball rolling.

What Is Running Cadence?

Also known as stride rate, or leg turnover, cadence is the number of steps you take during a given period, typically measured per minute (SPM).

Running cadence is one of the most common metrics used to assess running form and remains crucial for several reasons (some of which I’ll discuss in today’s post).

Swimmers and cyclists have tracked their RPMs for decades, but the practice of monitoring running cadence only became a thing in the last few years.

Factors that determine stride rate include height, weight, fitness level, leg and stride length, etc.

What’s The Average Stride Turover?

In general, recreational runners take roughly 160 to 170 steps per mine, whereas elite athletes have cadences of 180 per minute or higher (with some reaching 200spm at their fastest speeds, when sprinting for instance).

Factors that determine your running cadence include height, weight, fitness level, leg, and stride length.

Cadence as a Sign of Good Form

One of the most common running form mistakes I see in many runners is the overstriding. When you overstride, you’ll tend to lock your knees and slam your heel hard on the ground on every foot strike.

Get this: overstriding won’t make you go faster. Instead, it’ll slow you down, creating a choppy, bouncy gait, and places additional pressure on muscles and bones, increasing the risk of injury.

Here is the good news

One way to fix overstriding is to increase your running cadence. By doing so, you’ll be taking smaller steps, with each foot landing underneath your hips, thus, within your center of gravity.

Increasing cadence can also result in more efficient running as you translate that energy into forward momentum.

Don’t get me wrong. This is not just anecdotal evidence nor simply my own observation. The fact is, science backs this up.

Prevent Running Injury—The Research

There’s plenty of research that has been devoted to running cadence, some of which have found strong links between leg turnover and injuries.

Let’s look at some of them.

A study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise has provided evidence that subtle increases in cadence can reduce the energy absorbed by a runner’s weight-bearing joints.

The researchers recruited a group of young athletes to run on the treadmill at different step frequencies using a metronome.

runner improving Running Cadence
The Ideal Running Cadence

The subjects were told to run as their usual cadence, faster than their usual cadence, and slower than their usual cadence, and then, while using three-dimensional kinematics, the researchers looked at the impact forces going through the hips, knees, and ankle joints.

The Conclusion?

When the participants adopted a running cadence around 15 percent faster than their preferred step frequency, the load on their weight-bearing joints significantly decreased.

This, as the researchers hypothesized, may help prevent common overuse running injuries.

What’s more?

Researchers out of the University of Wisconsin-Madison have reached a similar conclusion.

They examined the link between running cadence and impact concluded that mild increases in running cadence could drastically lessen the stress shock to the knee and hip joint during running. This may work very well in the treatment and prevention of common running overuse injury.

Here are more links to further research.

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link 5

What is the Ideal Running Cadence?

According to conventional thinking, a good running cadence is roughly 180 steps per minute.

But here is the truth. Contrary to popular belief in most running circles, there is no such a thing as an ideal, universal, running cadence.

The Origins Of The 180spm Myth

According to conventional thinking, the magic number when it comes to cadence is 180-or so, but is it true? Where does that number come from?

Certainly, it didn’t come out of thin air. The 180- rule was first observed at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Game by Jack Daniels.

During these Olympics, the world-renowned exercise scientist looked at the total stride rate of Olympic runners and found that the fastest and most efficient runners took at least 180 steps per minutes, with some reaching as high as 200 SPM, regardless of their size or gender.

Unfortunately, as far as I can tell both from my personal experience and the research, most of Daniel’s work has been taken out of context whenever his work is cited to back up the  180 SPM rule.

The 180-SPM Debunked

Jack Daniel’s conclusion isn’t a universal rule. It doesn’t mean that every runner, especially recreation runners, MUST have a 180spm cadence.

Here’s the truth. The 180-SPM rule represents the statistical average of an efficient running cadence. You may take slightly fewer or more steps per minute, and you won’t be breaking any “running commandments.”

What most recent studies found is that cadence is not a one-size-fits-all. It, in reality, hinges on many factors, such as pace, etc.

These differences mean that works the best for one runner (or a bunch of elite Olympic runners for that matter) may not necessarily work for all.

What you should do instead, according to scientists in the field of biomechanics,  is to measure your cadence and set a goal to increase by five to ten percent—even if it doesn’t result in a 180 SPM number.

Running Cadence – What’s The Ideal StrideTurnover & How to Improve it

Now that you have a clear understanding of what cadence is as well as the many factors that affect it, you can work on improving it (if need be).

Here are a few guidelines that can help.

Find Your Running Cadence

The first step to improve your running cadence is to first figure out your current leg turnover.

As previously stated, the exact number will vary, mainly, according to the type of run you’re performing. During faster-pace training, chances are your cadence will be quicker and faster than during long or recovery runs.

For instance, your racing/speed training cadence will be faster than your basic training level. Your leg turnover will also be different up or downhill sections.

For that reason, you’d need first to set your cadence zones up by determining your leg turnover for various paces, including recovery runs, 5K training, tempo running, marathon, etc.

The Basic Run Cadence Test

Find a smooth, flat surface to perform the test. I recommend a long stretch of road or track. Next, after a thorough warm-up, get in your usual running pace. Then, count the number of foot strikes you take per minute with both feet.

To make it easier, pick either your right or left foot, then count the number it hits the ground in a minute. Next, multiply that by two to get the total number of steps.

Example. Let’s imagine yours was 77. Double that to get the total steps taken by both feet, which is 154. That’s your cadence for that specific running speed.

The Multi-Pace Cadence Test

Hop on a treadmill, then after a 10-minute warm-up, increase your speed by 30-second per mile until you reach your easy training pace.

Next, give yourself two to three minutes to adjust to the speed, then count your steps for one full minute.

Record the number, then speed up to your next pace.

You can also do this on a track, but doing it in the controlled environment of a treadmill is more accurate—especially if you already know your average pace.

Increase Your Leg Turnover By 5 to 10 Percent

Now that you have a number, you can gradually work on improving your current cadence for various types of runs.

I hate to sound like a broken record but, just like anything training related, it’s essential to take it slow.

According to a University of Wisconsin-Madison research, the safest and most efficient way to improve cadence is to increase it by 5 to 10 percent at a time.

For example, if your easy runs cadence is 156spm, your goal cadence should be between 163 and 169.

Add “Faster Cadence” Segments

To make a smooth transition into your goal cadence(s), add short segments into your runs. During these segments, try to keep your new leg turnover for a predetermined time/distance.

For example, one minute of slightly quicker cadence followed by three to five minutes of your base rhythm. You can also do it by distance, running every third mile or so at a relatively faster leg turnover while maintaining the same effort level.

After a while, you’ll be able to do this without consciously thinking about it.

Your first session at this improved cadence might look as follows:

  • 10 minutes warm-up
  • One minute easy running at a cadence of 164
  • Five minute easy running at base cadence
  • One minute easy running at a cadence of 165
  • Five minute easy running at base cadence
  • One minute easy running at a cadence of 166
  • 5-minute cool-down.

Take Small Steps

Form also matters when trying to increase cadence.

Get this. You’ll not be able to increase your running cadence by running faster, but by reducing your stride length. That’s why one little form tweak I’d recommend is to focus on taking smaller steps.

Keep your feet close to the ground. Think shuffling motion. Your feet should barely leave the ground (but be careful on trails and rugged terrains). This might feel awkward at first, but as training progresses, it will become second nature.

Additional source – Here’s the full guide to average stride length.

Use a Cadence Metronome

According to my own experience, the simplest way to speed u your leg turnover is to run with a metronome (and yes, of course, there’s an app for that)

The metronome is a device that produces a predetermined number of clicks or beat per minute that sets the pace for you. This device is great because with its help you’ll no longer have to count the number of steps you take per minute.

Instead, you run to the rhythm of the metronome where each click or beat equals a step.

Of course, certain running watches (such as Garmin 735XT) have a metronome feature built in. You can also use an app, like Audiostep, Cadence Trainer, or BeatRun.

Use the 180 Beats Songs

Another smart tactic to help you accelerate the transition to a faster cadence is to download 10 to 12 songs around 180bmp (or near your goal cadence), so your foot strike can sync in with the music.

For that, you’ll either need an online recommendation or get a program that analyzes songs and provides the beats per minute.

Use a website, like JogTunes, to find songs with beats that match your desired running cadence. These websites have long lists of music playlists that meet a variety of cadences. Perfect for a music lover.

Just remember to keep a steady pace by making sure your feet always strike the ground on the beat.

Practice Fast Cadence Drills

Having trouble increasing your cadence? Then you might need some drill training to “drill” faster leg turnover.

These simple drills can help your feet to move quick and light, which in turn helps your body get used to a faster leg turnover.

Here is one exercise to try.

Start by standing tall while assuming an athletic stance with your feet shoulder width apart, core engaged, and back straight. Next, while positioning your arms as if you were running, begin marching in place and swinging your arms.

Once you nail the form, speed it up to a jog, lifting up your knees and driving your arms across your body. Then, run in place as fast you can.

As you pick up the pace, keep a good posture, and gaze forward rather than looking down at your feet.

Your knees should be pointing straight ahead, and heels are touching the floor.

Here are three more drills that I believe to be super helpful.

Drum Major


Butt Kicks

High Knees

Just whatever you do, make sure you’re moving as fast as possible during the drills. That’s how you imprint faster leg motion.

Do Workouts That Require Faster Leg Turnover

Workouts like strides and downhill sprints train your muscles to react and move quicker, helping improve stride rate naturally.

Just be careful when performing these workouts since they can increase injury risk if you run with bad form or if you’re out of shape.


Strides consist of fast acceleration of running at 80 to 90 percent of maximum effort. One stride should take you about 20 to 30 seconds.

Here is how to add them to your training routine.

At the end of your workout, run hard for 20 to 30 seconds—or the equivalent of 100 meters—while keeping the focus on fast leg turnover and strong arm drive.

Next, give yourself two minutes to fully recover, then repeat.

Start with four strides a couple of times per week, then after three to four weeks, increase that to six or eight.

Downhill Sprints

Downhill sprint is ideal for improving your technique and increase your leg turnover.

After a thorough warm-up on a flat surface, find a hill with a 4 to 6 percent gradient incline. Speed up on the descent, reaching maximum speed velocity at the end of the hill. Jog slowly or walk back to the top, then repeat.

Whatever you do, don’t overstride. Instead, reduce your stride length, focusing on a fast and light turnover.

Then jog back do to recover. Rinse and repeat for 15 to 20 minutes. Here are five hill workouts to try.

Take Your Time

Like anything with exercise, it’s important to take it slow. Don’t try to chew more than you can swallow. Otherwise, you’re going to regret it.

Improving running cadence is not rocket science, but it does take time. You cannot (nor should you try) to increase it overnight. If you do so, you’ll get hurt.

As a rule, give yourself a couple of months for your body to adapt to your new cadence. The full transition and adaptation can take six to eight week before you start feeling comfortable with the faster cadence.

It’s going to take you a lot of focus and commitment over that week to stay in turn your stride rate, focusing not only on your cadence but also knee drive and landing midfoot under your body.

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The Conclusion

What I like about cadence is that it’s a straightforward concept.

Regardless of your current fitness level or training goals, you can always benefit from increasing your cadence.

Of course, it might feel odd during the first few sessions, but with practice and patience you can find your ideal training cadence and reap the benefits of increased running speed and reduced injury.

Feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

Thank you for reading my post

David D.