Chafing 101: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention for Runners

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Cross Training For Runners
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David Dack

Tired of your runs turning into itchy, painful ordeals? If you’re on the quest for the ultimate guide to banishing chafing while running, you’ve landed in the right place!

Chafing is the bane of many runners’ existence. If you’ve been spared its wrath, consider yourself lucky. But for the rest of us, those red, irritated, and sometimes even bleeding areas are all too familiar.

Fear not, though, because, in this article, we’re diving deep into the world of chafing. We’ll uncover what it is, what causes it, and where it loves to strike the most.

Plus, I’m dishing out expert tips on treating and preventing this pesky problem so you can get back to enjoying your runs without the discomfort.

So, are you ready to say goodbye to chafing and hello to a smoother, more enjoyable running experience?

Let’s lace up those shoes and get started!

What is Runners Chafe?

Chafing is a common issue for runners, and it occurs due to skin irritation caused by friction. This irritation can result in blisters, rashes, or raw skin, and it’s medically referred to as irritant contact dermatitis.

Chafing typically happens when there is repetitive rubbing of skin against skin or clothing-on-skin. Common areas prone to chafing in runners include the inner thighs, crotch, neck, nipples, and armpits.

As you run longer distances or in hot conditions where your body temperature rises, and you sweat more, the likelihood of experiencing chafing increases. While chafing itself is not a severe injury, it can be painful and uncomfortable, and if left untreated, it may lead to infection.

Why Do I Get Chafed While Running

Chafing tends to be more prevalent during long-distance running, but it can occur with any repetitive movement.

Several factors can either cause or contribute to chafing while running. These include:

  • Poor-Fitting Clothing: Clothing that doesn’t fit well can rub against your skin, causing irritation. This includes clothing that is too tight or too loose.
  • Being Overweight: Extra weight can lead to increased friction, especially in areas where skin rubs against other skin or clothing.
  • Having Large Muscles: Muscular thighs or other body parts can create more friction, increasing the risk of chafing.
  • Sensitive or Dry Skin: Skin that is sensitive or overly dry is more susceptible to irritation and chafing
  • Hot Weather: High temperatures can lead to increased sweating, which can exacerbate chafing.
  • Humidity: High humidity levels can make sweating less effective at cooling the body, increasing the likelihood of chafing.
  • Excessive Sweating: People who sweat heavily are at greater risk of chafing, as the excess moisture can contribute to friction.
  • Fabrics that Don’t Wick Moisture: Some fabrics, like cotton, can trap moisture against the skin, making chafing more likely.

The Main Symptoms

Chafing typically starts with the formation of a hot spot, which is a sensitive or slightly painful area of skin that’s beginning to get irritated. Detecting these hot spots early is crucial to preventing full-blown chafing.

How To Treat Chafing While Running

Although some of the preventative steps below help with chafing, sooner or later, you might find yourself left with a painful and raw rash.

In fact, chafing happens to everyone—sooner or later.

But don’t worry.

There are a few steps you can take right away if you get back from a run with a raging rash. These should help soothe the pain and speed up your recovery.

Let’s dive into the main ones.

Additional Resource – Your Guide To Runners Nipples

Wash The Chafed Area

When you shower after a run, use lukewarm water to clean the chafed area. Avoid hot water, as it can worsen the burning sensation.

No Chemicals

Do not use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol on the chafed area, as these can be painful and may not promote healing. The outer skin may appear dry, but inflammation can still be present.


Use a mild antibacterial soap to clean the chafed skin gently. This helps reduce the risk of bacterial infection, such as folliculitis.

Do Not Rub

After cleaning, apply a moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated. Dry skin can worsen chafing and delay healing.

Additional Resource – Your guide to runners itch

Cover The Region

After cleaning the chafed area, it’s important to cover it properly to aid the healing process and prevent further irritation.

Here’s what you can do:

Place a bandage or sterile gauze pad over the chafed area. Make sure the bandage allows the wound to breathe while providing protection. Avoid using adhesive bandages directly on broken skin to prevent further irritation.

What’s more?

Do not use antibiotic ointment on a chafed area that already shows signs of infection. If you suspect infection, consult a healthcare professional for appropriate treatment.

When To See A Doctor

While most cases of chafing can be managed at home, there are situations where you should seek medical attention.

If you notice any of the following signs, it’s important to consult a doctor:

  • Skin Discoloration: Chafing may cause the skin in the affected area to become discolored or darkened. If you observe significant changes in skin color, it’s advisable to see a healthcare professional.
  • Swelling: Excessive swelling in the chafed area may indicate an underlying issue or infection. Consult a doctor if the swelling is severe or persistent.
  • Crust Formation: If the chafed area develops crusts, it could be a sign of infection. Seek medical advice to address the infection and prevent it from worsening.
  • Fluid Discharge: Any discharge of blood or pus from the chafed region is a concerning sign. This may indicate an infection that requires medical treatment.
  • Hot Skin: If the skin in the chafed area feels hot to the touch or if there is a significant increase in skin temperature, consult a healthcare provider.
  • Redness Spreading: If redness begins to spread beyond the initial affected area, it could be a sign of infection or a more serious condition.

How to Prevent Chafing When Running

The best way to deal with chafing is not to have it in the first place.

Fortunately, there are many steps you can take right now to reduce your risk of chafing while running.

When it comes to avoiding chafing, your strategy should revolve around soothing friction and reducing moisture. Let’s discuss a few.

Apply Lubricants

To prevent chafing while running, it’s essential to create a protective barrier between your skin and your clothing or gear. This can be achieved by applying lubricants or creams to areas prone to chafing.

There are various lubricants and creams available for preventing chafing. Some popular options include Body Glide, petroleum jelly, hypoallergenic balms, and ceramide creams like Aveeno. Experiment to find the one that works best for you.

As a rule, make sure to liberally apply the chosen lubricant to chafe-prone areas before you start your run. Ensure thorough coverage on areas like the nipples, armpits, groin, and thighs. Applying the lubricant in advance helps reduce friction from the beginning of your run.

Planning to run for a long time? Consider carrying a small tube or packet of lubricant with you. Reapply as needed during your run, especially if you start to feel discomfort or notice increased friction.

runners itch

Choose Proper Fit

Pay attention to your clothing. This, after all, covers most of your body and has the highest risk of causing friction somewhere.

Here are the main rules:

  • Avoid loose clothes that will rub. If you like wearing them, then at least put on tight-fitting bands around chafe-prone areas.
  • Choose a snug fit. Compression clothing provides a skin-tight fit that keeps chafing at bay. Just make sure it isn’t too tight, as that can irritate the skin and cause other problems.
  • If you have sensitive skin, choose high-quality materials that are softer on your skin. Cover all sensitive areas, such as your inner thighs and armpits, by wearing seamless and tight clothes.
  • All of your running clothing should be made of high-performance fabrics that wick moisture away. It should also fit comfortably—not too tight or loose—and without expressed seams.
  • Your running clothing should have flat seams or seamless in the areas that are prone to chafing.
  • Get rid of any interior tags, as this may help prevent skin irritation. Nobody wants to see your clothing tag anyway, except the laundry.
  • Run in proper socks. Good quality running socks help keep your feet comfortable and dry by absorbing sweat. These also tend to be softer on the skin and feature a bit of compression to support the ankle.
  • Try on new gear such as shirts, shorts, leggings, and bras on shorter runs.

Your Accessories

Chafing caused by running equipment can be particularly uncomfortable, but you can take steps to prevent it.

Here are some tips:

When choosing running equipment, consider designs that are less likely to cause chafing. Look for gear with padded straps or those specifically designed to minimize friction against the skin.

What’s more?

Ensure that your hydration belts, backpacks, and other running gear with straps are properly adjusted and snug but not too tight. This helps minimize movement and friction during your run.

Before using new or unfamiliar running equipment in a race, try it out during your training runs. This will help you identify any potential chafing issues and allow you to make adjustments or choose different gear if needed.

Last but not least, build the habit of regularly inspecting your running equipment for signs of wear and tear, especially on straps and areas that come into contact with your skin. Damaged or frayed straps can increase the risk of chafing.

Additional resource – Prevent Acid Reflux While running

Prone Areas And Specific Solutions

Here are some more specific chafing prevention measures for some of the most chafe-prone areas in your body.

The Thighs

Thigh chafing can be incredibly uncomfortable, but there are effective ways to prevent it while running:

  • Wear Compression Shorts or Spandex Tights: Running in compression shorts or spandex tights is one of the best ways to protect your thighs from chafing. These snug-fitting garments create a barrier between your skin, reducing friction and irritation.
  • Choose Seamless Legwear: Avoid running in shorts or pants that have seams on the inner thigh area, as these seams can rub against your skin and cause chafing. Instead, opt for running gear without inner thigh seams to minimize friction.
  • Proper Fit: Ensure that your compression shorts, spandex tights, or running gear fit well and are not too tight or too loose. Properly fitted gear is less likely to cause chafing.

The Crotch Area

Chafing in the crotch area can be extremely uncomfortable, but there are several steps you can take to prevent it while running:

  • Choose the Right Underwear: Most running shorts are designed to be worn without underwear to reduce friction. However, if you prefer to wear underwear, opt for synthetic materials like polyester, which wick moisture away from the skin and reduce the risk of chafing.
  • Maintain Pubic Hair: If you’ve shaved or waxed your pubic hair, be aware that as it grows back, it can create friction and contribute to chafing. Regularly maintaining or depilating your pubic hair can help reduce this friction.
  • Avoid Bunching: Select running shorts that fit well and do not bunch up around the groin area. Seamless shorts made from breathable fabric are ideal for preventing chafing in this sensitive region.

Nipple Chafing

Nipple chafing is a common issue for male runners, especially during longer runs.

While female runners are generally at a lower risk due to the design of modern sports bras, both genders can take steps to prevent nipple chafing:

  • Cover Nipples: To prevent your nipples from rubbing against your clothing, use adhesive bandages or specialized products like NipGuards. Apply them to your nipples before your run to create a protective barrier.
  • Keep the Area Dry: Moisture can exacerbate nipple chafing. Apply absorbent body powder or cornstarch to the chest area to help keep it dry during your run.
  • Choose the Right Sports Bra: Female runners should select a high-impact sports bra that fits properly. A well-fitting sports bra can provide adequate protection against nipple chafing. However, keep in mind that chafing may still occur in other areas.


Armpit chafing can be uncomfortable and painful, but you can take steps to prevent it while running. Here’s what you can do:

  • Shave or Trim Armpit Hair: Hair stubble can exacerbate armpit chafing, so you have two options. You can either keep your armpit hair well-shaved without nicks or let it grow out. If you choose to shave, use an aftercare product to soothe the skin. Consider long-term hair removal methods like waxing or laser treatment for a more lasting solution.
  • Choose the Right Shirt: The type of shirt you wear can significantly impact armpit chafing. Look for shirts with a design that minimizes seams in the armpit area. Ideally, choose shirts with seamless sleeves or flat seams. A good-fitting shirt will also help reduce friction.

Chafing When Running – The Conclusion

There you have it!

If chafing while running is something you have to deal with on a regular basis, today’s article should set you on the path to preventing it for good. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by

Keep training strong.

David D.

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