From Warm-Up to Cool Down: A 50-Minute Pyramid Treadmill Workout

Have you explored the world of pyramid workouts yet? Think of it as building your fitness empire, one layer at a time, with each level bringing you closer to the peak of your physical abilities. Pyramid workouts are your fitness journey, guiding you toward improved cardiovascular health and stamina.

I vividly remember my first pyramid workout on a treadmill. It felt like embarking on an exciting expedition, with each increase in speed or incline pushing me further into the depths of my endurance. And the results? Absolutely exhilarating.

So, what’s the buzz about pyramid workouts? Research indicates that interval training, the core of pyramid workouts, significantly enhances cardiovascular health and improves both aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

In this blog post, I’m thrilled to guide you through an invigorating treadmill routine designed for runners at any level. Whether you’re a novice lacing up your sneakers or a seasoned marathoner, this pyramid workout is your ticket to elevating your running game.


Let’s get ready

The 50-minute Workout Routine

Let’s dive into this workout, starting with a vital warm-up. Think of this as the appetizer before the main course of your treadmill session.

Begin with a 10-minute jog on the treadmill. Aim for a comfortable speed of 4 to 5 mph. At this stage, don’t focus on incline; just concentrate on getting your muscles warm and prepared. I also recommend the Myrtle Routine for warm-up.

Three minutes: 1st interval

Now, it’s time to ramp up the intensity. Increase your treadmill’s speed to a brisk 6.0 mph. Hold this pace for three minutes. Remember, form is key here. Keep your torso upright and your body relaxed from head to toe.

Four minutes: 2nd interval

Ready to push a little harder? Boost your speed to 7 mph and add a new element by setting the incline to three percent. This combination will challenge you for the next four minutes, adding a new layer of intensity to your workout…

Two minutes: Recovery

Now, let’s dial it back a bit. Reduce your pace and enter a two-minute recovery phase. This is your time to breathe easier, hydrate, and mentally prepare for what’s coming next. Use this period to relax and release any built-up tension, setting yourself up for the next interval.

Four minutes: 3rd Interval

It’s time to get back into action. Set your treadmill speed to 7 mph again, and adjust the incline to three percent. You’re going to maintain this steady pace and incline for the next four minutes, pushing through with focus and determination.

Five minutes: 4th Interval

Ready for a bigger challenge? Increase your treadmill speed to 8 mph and raise the incline to five percent. This interval is going to be an exhilarating five-minute journey, taking your workout to new heights of intensity.

Two Minutes: Recovery 

Time to take it down a notch. Slow your pace to a comfortable 4 mph while keeping a mild two percent incline. This keeps your heart rate up, but also allows you some recovery time.

During this brief two-minute pause, focus on regaining your composure. This is the perfect moment to hydrate and breathe deeply. You’ve worked hard, so use this time to prepare mentally and physically for the next segment.

Five minutes: 5th Interval

Pick up the pace once more. Set your speed to a range of 7 to 7.5 mph with a five percent incline. Keep up this robust pace for a solid five minutes, challenging both your stamina and strength..

Four minutes: 6th Interval

You’re maintaining your speed here, but we’re adjusting the incline back to a more manageable three percent. Continue this steady pace for the next four minutes. This interval is about maintaining consistency and building endurance.

Two minutes: Recovery

Again, it’s time to ease off and slow down to 4 mph. Use this two-minute recovery period to regroup and recharge, preparing yourself for the final part of the workout. This is your chance to catch your breath and gear up for the last push..

Four minutes: 7th Interval 

Now’s the time to really amp it up! Accelerate to a lively 8 mph and match it with a three percent incline. This interval is all about testing your boundaries and pushing through. Maintain your concentration and energy – you’re close to finishing strong!

Three minutes: 8th Interval

Keep the speed locked in at that brisk 8 mph. The twist this time is increasing the incline to a robust five percent. This is your final intense interval, and it’s the culmination of all your effort. Dig deep and power through – you’re almost there!

Five minutes: The cool-down 

Finally, transition into your cool-down phase. Reduce your pace to a comfortable 4 mph and flatten the incline. This five-minute period is essential for your body to cool down and for your heart rate to gradually decrease. It’s also a moment for you to reflect on your achievement and relax. Enjoy this gentle jog as a well-deserved wind-down from an intense workout!

Avoiding Achilles Tendon Injuries: Strategies for Pain-Free Running

Got your sights set on avoiding Achilles injuries while running? You’re in exactly the right spot.

The Achilles tendon is crucial for runners. This strong tissue connects your calf muscles to your heel bone and is vital for each stride, aiding in pushing off the ground and contributing to running efficiency.

Unfortunately, Achilles tendon injuries are common among runners. Achilles tendinitis, for instance, can significantly weaken the tendon, increasing the risk of tears. These injuries are not only painful but can also lead to extended breaks from running, disrupting your training and performance.

And ain’t nobody got time for that.

Worry no more though.

In this article, I’ll explore Achilles tendon health for runners, offering specific exercises designed to alleviate pain and, importantly, prevent future injuries.

Interested in protecting your Achilles?

Then let’s get in.

Understanding the Achilles Tendon

The Achilles tendon? Oh, it’s a big deal in the running world.

The Achilles tendon connects your calf muscle power to the push-off that gets you moving. This tendon is like a built-in spring that stores energy and then releases it to make your running stride more efficient and easier on the energy bills.

But here’s the kicker: even the mightiest Achilles tendon has its vulnerable spot (pun totally intended). It’s prone to wear and tear, just like any other high-performance part. Push it a little too hard, and it might protest, thickening up and losing its neat, organized structure.

It’s the body’s way of saying, “Hey, ease up or we’re in for trouble!”

So, how do you get it back in the game? It’s all about finding that sweet spot of just enough load. By gradually introducing the right amount of stress, you’re signaling to your body that everything’s under control, coaxing it to rebuild and reinforce the tendon with fresh, healthy collagen.

Now let’s look at some of the most causes causes of Achilles pain in runners.

Achilles Tendinitis:

Achilles tendinitis is what happens when your tendon’s been overworked or suddenly asked to do a lot more than usual. This overuse causes inflammation, leading to a mix of pain, swelling, and a general feeling of discomfort right where your Achilles tendon hangs out.

Mostly you’ll notice this after you’ve been active, but it can get worse with more intense activities or even when you’re doing simple things like walking up a hill.

Ever get up and feel like your heel just doesn’t want to cooperate? That’s a sign. It usually feels sore and stiff first thing in the morning but gets a bit better as you move around.

What’s more?

The leg of the affected tendon might feel weaker, and you might even hear a crackling sound (that’s the crepitus) when you move your ankle or press on the Achilles tendon.

Achilles Tendinopathy:

Achilles tendinopathy is when your tendon’s been through the wringer, reaching a point where it’s not just inflamed but starting to actually wear down from overuse. This is the bad news bear of tendon issues, coming from all that repetitive running stress without giving your body a chance to heal properly.

This condition your run-of-the-mill soreness that fades after a bit of rest. Pain actually sticks around, nagging at you constantly. When it’s the case, your tendon is literally breaking down at a microscopic level.

With your tendon not in top shape, your running and even everyday moving around can take a hit. It’s like trying to run with a flat tire; you’re not going to get very far.

Factors Contributing to Achilles Injuries

Here’s the rundown on what puts the Achilles tendon in the danger zone:

  • Too Much Intensity: If you suddenly crank up your running distance or intensity without easing into it, your tendon might not be able to keep up, leading to strain.
  • Skimping on Rest Days: Not giving yourself enough downtime between runs means your tendon doesn’t get the break it needs to repair and strengthen, upping the chances of getting hurt.
  • Shoes That Don’t Cut It: Running in footwear that don’t offer enough support or cushion can leave your Achilles to deal with more than its fair share of the impact with every footfall.
  • Abnormal Foot Mechanics: If your feet roll inwards too much (overpronation) or not enough (underpronation) as you run, it can throw off the stress balance on your tendon.
  • Hardcore Surfaces: Constantly running on hard stuff like concrete can be rough on your Achilles because of the extra pounding.
  • Tricky Trails: If the ground’s all uneven, your tendon has to work overtime to keep you stable, which might lead to trouble.
  • Tight Calves: If your calf muscles are stiff, they won’t let your foot move as freely, making your Achilles pick up the slack and possibly leading to more strain.
  • Getting Older: Age can make tendons less stretchy and a bit weaker, so they might not bounce back as easily from stress.
  • Men Problems: It seems like male runners might get more Achilles issues, maybe because of the way we’re built or how our muscles and tendons work together.

How To Prevent Achilles Injuries In Runners

Keeping Achilles tendon injuries at bay is key for a smooth and enjoyable running journey, not to mention maintaining happy feet. Here are some strategies and tweaks to your training that can help steer clear of trouble with your Achilles:

Detect The Early Signs

Spotting an Achilles injury early on is super important for runners as doing so can save you a lot of trouble down the road.

Let’s look at some of the telltale signs that your Achilles might be in trouble:

  • Pain Alert: If you start feeling pain around your Achilles tendon during or after a run, that’s a red flag. At first, it might just be a mild annoyance, but it can get worse if you keep pushing without addressing it.
  • Stiffness: Notice your Achilles feeling stiff, particularly first thing in the morning or after you’ve been chilling for a while? That’s another early warning sign.
  • Swelling: Keep an eye out for any swelling around your Achilles. It might come and go, getting worse after you’ve been active and then easing up when you rest.
  • Tender to the Touch: If pressing on your Achilles makes you wince, or if stretching it feels uncomfortable, that’s your tendon telling you something’s not right.
  • Feeling Hot or Looking Red: Any warmth or redness in the area can mean your body’s responding to some inflammation going on in there.

Knowing these symptoms can help you catch an Achilles injury early. If you start noticing these signs, it’s a good idea to ease up on your running and maybe get it checked out.

Warm-Up Like a Pro

Never underestimate the power of a good warm-up. Skipping it is like hitting the road with a flat tire—sure, you might still move, but it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Tight muscles mean your Achilles tendon has to work overtime, and nobody wants that. Start off by giving those tight Achilles tendons some love with dynamic stretches that not only loosen up your muscles but also kickstart circulation. Think of it as giving your engine a gentle rev before you hit the gas.

Some of my go-to exercises include:

  • Leg Swings: Do some forward and side swings to loosen up your hips and get your legs ready for action.
  • Ankle Circles: Give each ankle some love with circles in both directions, boosting mobility and blood flow.
  • Gentle Calf Raises: Ease into these to wake up your calf muscles and give your Achilles tendon a heads-up that it’s showtime.

Next, gently ramp up your heart rate and get blood pumping to all the right places, including those all-important Achilles tendons. Do the following:

  • 5-10 Minute Jog: Start with a slow jog, nothing crazy, just enough to get the engine humming.
  • Brisk Walk: Not feeling the jog today? A brisk walk can also do the trick, setting a solid pace to get your body in gear.
  • Jumping Jacks and Lunges: These are great for getting your heart rate up and engaging a range of muscles, making sure your body’s fully tuned and ready to go.

Once you feel warmed up and ready, start your session and keep your pace under control. The rest is just details.

Importance of Wearing the Right Footwear

Choosing the right running shoes is key both for performance and injury-free training. It’s not just about style; it’s about getting the support and cushioning your feet need to keep you running happy and injury-free.

The topic of shoe selection goes beyond today’s article scope, but here are three basics:

  • Heel Cushioning: Look for shoes that give your heels the cushy love they deserve. This helps absorb the shock of each footstrike.
  • Gait Analysis: Swing by a running store where they can check out your running style. This way, you get sneakers that match your unique stride, cutting down the chances of unnecessary strain.
  • Regular Replacements: Shoes aren’t forever. After 300-500 miles, their shock-absorbing powers start to wane, so it’s time for a new pair.
  • Orthotics for Special Needs: If you’ve got specific issues like overpronation or flat feet, think about getting custom orthotics. They work wonders in making sure your foot pressure is spread out evenly.

Improve your Form

Tweaking your running form is another game-changer for keeping your Achilles tendons out of the danger zone. Here are the main points:

  • No Overstriding: Keep your steps under control so that your foot lands right under your body, not way out in front.
  • Watch Your Landing: Try not to land too much on your heels or toes. Extreme landings can put extra stress on your tendons.
  • Stay Relaxed: Keep your posture upright and your strides easy. Tension up top can trickle down and mess with your form, putting extra pressure on your legs.

Achilles Strengthening Exercises

Want to safeguard your Achilles tendon from potential injury? Strength training is your ally in this mission. Specifically, calf raises stand out as the premier exercise for fortifying the muscles that support your Achilles tendon, enhancing their ability to absorb force and, in turn, reducing the burden on the tendon itself.

Whether you’re a dedicated runner keen on dodging injuries or someone keen on bolstering your lower body’s resilience, incorporating these three exercises into your regimen can make a significant difference:

Calf Raises

How to: Stand upright with feet hip-width apart, using a chair or wall for balance if needed. Gradually lift your heels off the ground, rising onto your tiptoes, hold the peak position briefly, then lower back down with control.

Frequency: Aim for 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions, 3-4 times a week, to achieve optimal results.

Eccentric Heel Drops

How to: Position yourself on a step or raised surface so only the front of your feet are on it, allowing your heels to extend beyond the edge. Slowly lower your heels below the step to stretch your calves and Achilles, then lift back to starting position.

Frequency: Complete 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions, incorporating this exercise into your routine 3-4 times a week for maximum effectiveness.

Toe Walking

How to: Begin in a standard standing position, then elevate onto your tiptoes and walk forward for about 20-30 seconds.

Frequency: Perform this 2-3 times per session, with multiple sessions spread throughout the week.

Adding Flexibility Work into the Mix

For athletes and runners, maintaining flexibility in the lower legs is paramount for Achilles tendon health.

Regularly engaging in calf stretching exercises can significantly alleviate tension on the Achilles tendon by enhancing the flexibility of the calf muscles.

Integrating these stretches into your daily routine can be a game-changer in your overall injury prevention strategy, ensuring your Achilles tendon remains protected and your lower body strength continues to grow.

Here are a couple of stretches:

Wall Stretch

Lean into the wall, bending your front knee while keeping the back leg straight. You’ll feel this stretch down the calf of your back leg. Aim to hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds before switching to the other leg.

Bent Knee Stretch

Just like the wall stretch, but this time, add a slight bend to the knee of the leg you’re stretching back. This hits the soleus muscle, which sits deeper in your calf, a bit harder. Hold it there for 20-30 seconds, then swap legs.

Knowing When to Get Professional Help for Achilles Pain

Trying to tackle Achilles tendon pain on your own can be a daunting task, and there comes a point when calling in the experts is not just advisable—it’s necessary. Recognizing when to seek professional assistance can be crucial in not only alleviating your current discomfort but also in preventing long-term damage.

Signs You Need Expert Intervention:

  • Persistent Pain or Discomfort: If your Achilles pain refuses to subside despite rest and at-home treatments, it’s time to consult a healthcare professional. Continuing to run or engage in activities that stress the tendon without seeking help could exacerbate the issue, potentially leading to more severe complications.

The Magic of Physiotherapy:

Physiotherapists can be your Achilles tendon’s best allies. With their expertise, they can tailor exercises and manual therapy techniques specifically to your needs, providing guidance on how to accelerate your tendon’s healing process. They also offer invaluable advice on modifying your running technique and choosing footwear that supports tendon health, helping you steer clear of future issues.

Exploring Medical Interventions:

In certain cases, more aggressive treatments may be necessary to address Achilles tendon problems effectively:

  • Custom Orthotics: These are designed to support your feet in a way that alleviates strain on the Achilles tendon, promoting a more natural and pain-free movement.
  • Ultrasound Therapy: A non-invasive option that uses sound waves to stimulate healing in the tendon, potentially speeding up recovery.
  • Surgery: For severe or persistent Achilles tendon issues that don’t respond to other treatments, surgical intervention might be the best course of action. This step is generally considered only after exhausting all other options.

Recognizing when to seek professional help is a critical step in your recovery journey. By consulting with healthcare professionals at the right time, you can ensure you’re on the fastest, most effective path to healing, allowing you to return to your active lifestyle with confidence and strength.

Your Complete Guide to the Run-Walk Method

Aiming for a 10K race but feeling a tad intimidated? If that sounds like you, then the Run-Walk training program is just what you need to kickstart your journey.

Here’s the truth. If you’re new to running or just getting back on track, the Run-Walk strategy is a game-changer. It’s like having a friendly coach by your side, easing you into the world of running. This method significantly lowers the risk of injuries and keeps burnout at bay.

In today’s post, I’m here to walk you through the ins and outs of the Run-Walk method, especially tailored for your first 10K. We’ll explore the advantages of this approach, understand the mechanics behind it, then show you how to implement it effectively to get you ready for your race day.

Sounds like a great deal?

Then let’s get started.

Understanding the 10K Distance

The 10K race, or about 6.2 miles, is a popular goal for many runners.

It’s a sweet spot for those who’ve conquered the 5K and are eyeing the marathon world but aren’t quite ready to commit to the length of a half-marathon.

This distance is like the middle child of running events, offering a challenge that’s not as intimidating as the marathon but still requires a decent amount of training and endurance.

New to the running scene? Then the 10K is an enticing challenge. It’s a test of stamina and endurance that feels more achievable than jumping straight to a half-marathon.

In track and field, the 10K translates to a 10,000-meter race, making you circle the track 25 times. It’s a perfect middle ground for those looking to step up their running game. It offers a solid taste of what it means to be an endurance runner, challenging yet manageable for those building up their distance.

With each step of those 6.2 miles, you’re doubling what you might have tackled in a 5K and setting the stage for potentially longer races in your future.

How Long Does It Take a Beginner to Run a 10K?

For many beginners starting their journey towards a 10K race, crossing the finish line typically takes around 70 minutes or more. This translates to an average pace of approximately 11:30 per mile.

It’s worth noting that the average finish time for a 10K is around 50 minutes. But, if you’re a newcomer to running, then I’d recommend that you forget about the clock—Instead, focus on simply completing the distance in one piece. Worry about how fast you go once you’ve more experience.

Your first 10K race serves as your baseline. Approach it as a learning experience rather than a race against the clock. Pushing too hard at the beginning can lead to exhaustion, detracting from the joy of finishing.

Understanding the Run-Walk Method

The Run-Walk method, created by ex-Olympian Jeff Galloway, is a game-changer in endurance training. It cleverly mixes running intervals with walking breaks, making your workout more manageable and gradually boosting your stamina.

For instance, you might run for 1 minute then walk for 2 minutes, and repeat this cycle during your session. This strategy breaks down the daunting task of running into bite-sized, achievable goals.

This approach naturally follows the Couch to 5K program, taking the challenge up a notch towards the 10K distance. It’s perfect for those just dipping their toes into the running world, helping to build endurance while keeping injury risks at bay.

As your fitness improves, the method evolves too, shortening walk breaks and encouraging longer runs.

Note – Here’s how long it takes to walk a mile.

10K Walk-Run Program Overview:

If you’re eyeing that 10K finish line but haven’t quite figured out how to get there, or if you’re looking to lace up your sneakers with less risk of an injury, I’ve got just the thing for you: a 10-week 10K Run-Walk training plan. This plan is perfect for first-timers or those wanting to gently increase their running distance without overdoing it.

The nitty-gritty of the plan is pretty straightforward. Your workouts will be spelled out in run/walk intervals. For instance, a 1/1 interval means you’ll run for a minute, then walk for a minute, repeating this pattern for a set number of rounds. And don’t worry about sticking to a rigid schedule. The key is to avoid running two days in a row—feel free to shuffle your run days to suit your life. On your off days, consider some cross-training like biking, swimming, or yoga to keep things spicy and balanced.

Why 10 weeks and why run-walk intervals, you ask? Experience has taught me that rushing towards a fitness goal is a recipe for trouble. This plan gives your body the time it needs to adapt without feeling overwhelmed. The mix of running and walking cuts down on injury risk and, honestly, makes the whole process more enjoyable. You’ll finish each session feeling challenged yet eager for more, all while boosting your metabolism and calorie burn.

What’s more?

My plan isn’t just about running; it also involves doing optional cross-training sessions to add variety and balance. Whether you prefer cycling, yoga, or swimming, feel free to incorporate activities you adore. This holistic approach ensures your training remains diverse and sustainable.

Let’s break down this roadmap to the 10K finish line:

  • Weeks 1-2: Start with manageable run-walk intervals. Begin with 1 minute of running followed by 2 minutes of walking, aiming for a total workout time of 20-30 minutes. This phase helps you ease into the routine, focusing on establishing a comfortable rhythm.
  • Weeks 3-4: As your legs adapt, increase your running intervals to 2 minutes, with 1-2 minutes of walking in between. Extend your total session time to 30-35 minutes, gently pushing your endurance forward.
  • Weeks 5-6: Feeling stronger? It’s time to step it up. Increase your running to 3 minutes with shorter 1-minute walking breaks. Aim for a total workout time of 35-40 minutes. This phase marks the transition towards more running than walking.
  • Weeks 7-8: Longer runs become more manageable now. Try running for 5 minutes at a stretch, interspersed with 1-2 minutes of walking, for a 40-45 minute session. You’re steadily building endurance.
  • Weeks 9-10: With growing confidence, aim for 8-10 minute running intervals, with 1-2 minutes for recovery walks. Target a 45-50 minute session here as you approach your goal.
  • Weeks 11-12: The final stretch! Aim for solid 10-15 minute runs with just 1 minute of walking for recovery. This phase focuses on refining your endurance, getting you ready to tackle the full 10K distance with minimal breaks.

Follow this structured program, and you’ll be well-prepared to conquer your 10K goal with confidence and determination.

The Week-To-Week 10K Walk/running Plan

Here’s how your training will unfold, with workouts comprised of run/walk intervals. The first number indicates minutes to run, the second for walking, and the third shows the number of sets to complete.

Flexibility is key, so feel free to adjust the days to fit your schedule, but aim for a day of rest or cross-training between run days to optimize recovery and performance.

Week 1

  • Monday (Session I): 26-minute workout. Run 1 minute, then walk 2 minutes, repeated 7 times.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 30-minute total workout. Run 1 minute, then walk 2 minutes, repeated 8 times.
  • Saturday (Session III): 33-minute total workout. Run 1 minute, then walk 2 minutes, repeated 9 times.

Week 2

  • Monday (Session I): 35-minute total workout. Run 2 minutes, then walk 2 minutes, repeated 5 times.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 31-minute total workout. Run 90 seconds, then walk 1 minute, repeated 6 times.
  • Saturday (Session III): 35-minute total workout. Run 90 seconds, then walk 30 seconds, repeated 8 times.

Week 3

  • Monday (Session I): 35-minute total workout. Run 2 minutes, then walk 1 minute, repeated 6 times.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 40-minute total workout. Run 2 minutes, then walk 1 minute, repeated 8 times.
  • Saturday (Session III): 40-minute total workout. Run 2 minutes, then walk 30 seconds, repeated 10 times.

Week 4

  • Monday (Session I): 40-minute total workout. Run 2 minutes, then walk 30 seconds, repeated 10 times.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 40-minute total workout. Run 3 minutes, then walk 1 minute, repeated 6 times.
  • Saturday (Session III): 40-minute total workout. Run 3 minutes, then walk 30 seconds, repeated 8 times.

Week 5

  • Monday (Session I): 40-minute total workout. Run 4 minutes, then walk 90 seconds, repeated 6 times.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 40-minute workout. Run 4 minutes, then walk 30 seconds, repeated 8 times.
  • Saturday (Session III): 45-minute workout. Run 5 minutes, then walk 1 minute, repeated 6 times.

Week 6

  • Monday (Session I): 45-minute workout. Run 5 minutes, then walk 30 seconds, repeated 8 times.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 45-minute workout. Run 7 minutes, then walk 2 minutes, repeated 4 times.
  • Saturday (Session III): 45-minute workout. Run 7 minutes, then walk 1 minute, repeated 6 times.

Week 7

  • Monday (Session I): 45-minute workout. Run 8 minutes, then walk 90 seconds, repeated 4 times.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 50-minute workout. Run 10 minutes, then walk 2 minutes, repeated 3 times.
  • Saturday (Session III): 45-minute workout. Run 10 minutes, then walk 1 minute, repeated 3 times.

Week 8

  • Monday (Session I): 50-minute workout. Run 12 minutes, then walk 2 minutes, repeated 3 times.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 50-minute workout. Run 15 minutes, then walk 90 seconds, repeated 3 times.
  • Saturday (Session III): 50-minute workout. Run 20 minutes, then walk 1 minute, repeated 2 times.

Week 9

  • Monday (Session I): 55-minute workout. Run 25 minutes, then walk 2 minutes, repeated 2 times.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 50-minute workout. Run 30 minutes, then walk 2 minutes, then run 20 minutes.
  • Saturday (Session III): 55-minute workout. Run 35 minutes, then walk 3 minutes, then run 15 minutes.

Week 10

  • Monday (Session I): 50-minute workout. Run 30 minutes, then walk 2 minutes, then run 15 minutes.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 55-minute workout. Run 35 minutes, then walk 3 minutes, then run 10 minutes.
  • Saturday (Session III): 45-minute workout. Run 40 minutes.

Week 11

  • Monday (Session I): 45-minute workout. Run 40 minutes.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 50-minute workout. Run 45 minutes.
  • Saturday (Session III): 60-minute workout. Run 30 minutes, then walk 5 minutes, then run 20 minutes.

Week 12

  • Monday (Session I): 45-minute workout. Run 40 minutes.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 50-minute workout. Run 45 minutes.
  • Saturday (Session III): 70-minute workout. Run 35 minutes, then walk 3 minutes, then run 20 minutes.

Week 13

  • Monday (Session I): 60-minute workout. Run 50 minutes.
  • Wednesday (Session II): 45-minute workout. Run 20 minutes, then walk 2 minutes, repeated 2 times.
  • Saturday (Session III): 40-minute workout. Run 15 minutes, then walk 2 minutes, repeated 2 times.

Last Day

Race Day– YOU’VE GOT THIS! Run 6.2 miles.


The Run-Walk method is a fantastic way for beginners or those returning to running to approach a 10K race.

It balances the physical challenge of running with the recovery of walking, reducing the risk of injury and making the training process more enjoyable.

Preparing for race day goes beyond physical readiness; it involves mental preparation, understanding race logistics, and having a nutrition and pacing strategy.

After completing your first 10K, the world of running opens up even further with numerous possibilities for progression and new challenges.

Remember, every runner’s journey is unique – embrace yours with enthusiasm and courage.


How to Accurately Measure VO2 Max with Your Running Watch

Are you intrigued by the idea of your watch gauging your VO2 max? Welcome aboard, you’re in for an exciting journey!

Gone are the days when measuring VO2 max meant a trip to a lab, decked out with all sorts of intimidating equipment.

Thanks to the wonders of wearable tech, we’re now living in an era where your watch does the heavy lifting.

Your Garmin GPS running watch is more than just a timekeeper. It’s like a mini fitness lab that tracks everything from your heart rate zones to how your feet hit the ground. And it doesn’t stop there.

It gives you a peek into advanced metrics like race predictions, lactate threshold, and yes, the star of the show – VO2 max.

In this article, we’re diving deep into the world of VO2 max. Why is it a big deal for runners? And can you really trust your watch to measure it accurately?

Plus, I’ll share some pro tips on enhancing the precision of your watch’s VO2 max readings.

Sounds like a good plan?

Then let’s get started.

What is VO2 Max?

Ever scratched your head at the term VO2 Max and wondered why it gets so much attention? Well, it’s essentially the ultimate measure of your aerobic fitness. Think of VO2 Max as the top volume of oxygen your body can use in one minute, per kilogram of your body weight, when you’re going all out. It’s a major fitness check-up for your lungs, heart, and muscles, showcasing how well they team up to power you through your activities.

So, why should you care about your VO2 Max? It’s crucial because it spills the beans on how effectively your body can turn oxygen into the energy you need for your workouts. It’s like a sneak peek into your aerobic fitness level, showing how skilled your body is at delivering oxygen to your muscles and using it to fuel your moves.

I can personally vouch for the difference boosting my VO2 Max has made in my endurance capabilities. It’s not just about stacking up miles or speeding up; it’s about making every breath count more towards my performance.

And it’s not just personal experience talking here. Science backs it up big time, with studies showing a tight link between VO2 Max and endurance sports performance. A higher VO2 Max means your cardio system is in beast mode, efficiently pumping oxygen to your muscles, which cranks up your stamina and overall performance.

Tech Meets VO2 Max

Running watches have revolutionized the way we track our running and endurance levels. And guess what? They come packed with a feature that sounds like it’s straight out of a sci-fi movie: estimating your VO2 Max. Yes, that elite fitness benchmark that used to be the exclusive domain of high-tech labs is now part of your daily workout routine, thanks to smartwatches and fitness trackers.

Nowadays, everyone from casual joggers to serious marathoners can get a glimpse into their aerobic power right from their wrist. It’s a game-changer for runners aiming to boost their endurance without the fuss and muss of traditional testing methods.

Here’s how it works: these smart devices use a mix of sensor data and some pretty smart algorithms. They take your workout metrics, blend them all up, and voilà, out comes an estimate of your VO2 Max.

But, and it’s an important but, remember this is still just an estimate. As much as I’d love to say it’s spot-on, the truth is, accurately measuring VO2 Max technically requires analyzing your oxygen intake in a controlled lab setting, overseen by professionals. Your smartwatch works its magic by looking at factors like your heart rate and pace, which can provide a ballpark figure but not the exact number.

So, while it’s tempting to take that VO2 Max reading as gospel, it’s more of a guide than an absolute.

How Running Watches Calculate VO2 Max

During your runs, your device picks up speed data from steady segments (think 20-30 seconds long) and crunches these numbers using a special formula to estimate your VO2 Max.

Behind the Scenes:

These formulas are no shot in the dark; they’re based on heaps of VO2 Max data collected in lab settings where conditions are tightly controlled. So, when your Garmin gives you a VO2 Max estimate, it’s tapping into a vast database of research.

Here are the two main formulas:

  • For Flat Terrain: The magic equation is Theoretical VO2 (ml/kg/min) = 3.5 x your running speed. Simple, right?
  • For the Hills: Things get a bit more complex to factor in the extra effort of going uphill. The formula morphs into Theoretical VO2 (ml/kg/min) = 3.3 x your running speed + 15 x tan(inclination) x speed + 3.5.

But how does all this tech wizardry happen? Let’s peel back the layers:

Heart Rate Monitors:

These are the MVPs in the VO2 Max estimation game. Thanks to optical sensors that peek at blood flow right through your skin, these monitors can gauge your heart rate with surprising accuracy. They’re like spies, gathering intel on how your heart’s doing as you ramp up the intensity of your workout.


Think of these as the movement detectives. They’re all about tracking how much you’re moving and how fast. This info, when thrown into the mix with heart rate data, sharpens the VO2 Max estimate, giving you a clearer picture of your workout’s intensity.

GPS Tracking:

For those of us pounding the pavement or hitting the trails, GPS is a total game-changer. It maps out how far and fast you’re moving with pinpoint accuracy. This helps the algorithm figure out that if you’re clocking faster times with a cooler heart rate, you’re likely rocking a higher VO2 Max. Translation? You’re getting better at using oxygen, and your aerobic fitness is top-notch.

Proprietary Algorithms:

This is where the magic happens. Brands like Garmin have their own special formulas that take all this data—heart rate, movement, distance—and turn it into a VO2 Max estimate. They’re looking at how your heart rate vibes with your activity’s intensity, duration, and even things like altitude, to spit out a number that says, “Here’s how fit you are.”

User Input:

To make sure these estimates aren’t just shooting in the dark, your personal details come into play. Adding your age, gender, weight, and fitness level into the equation allows these devices to tailor the VO2 Max calculation specifically for you.

The Research

Let’s dive into the research on how accurately running watches like the Garmin Forerunner 245 measure VO2 max.

A team from the University of Würzburg in Germany decided to put this gadget to the test against the heavy-duty lab equipment traditionally used for these measurements. They had 23 folks (a mix of men and women) run on treadmills in a lab and then take their workouts outdoors, all the while keeping tabs on their VO2 max with the Garmin watch.

The verdict? The Garmin Forerunner 245 was off by about 5.7% on average when compared to the lab’s findings. Interestingly, it was more on point, with just a 4.1% deviation, for runners whose VO2 max hung around the 44 – 55 ml/min/kg range. For those stepping outside this range, the gap between the watch and lab readings got a bit wider.

This isn’t the first rodeo for research on Garmin’s VO2 max accuracy. Other studies looking at models like the Garmin Forerunner 920XZ and the Fenix 6S reported similar findings. And then there’s Firstbeat Analytics, a Garmin collaborator, which noted a 5% error margin in their own tests.

How can I improve VO2 max estimate accuracy?

Improving the accuracy of VO2 max estimates on your device can significantly enhance your training insights and help you make more informed decisions about your fitness regime. Here are some practical tips to ensure that your Garmin provides the most accurate VO2 max readings possible:

Update Personal Information:

Regularly review and update your height, weight, age, and sex data in your Garmin profile. Accurate personal information is crucial for the algorithm to provide precise VO2 max estimations.

Enhancing Accuracy with Personal Data

Age, weight, gender, fitness level… I quickly realized these aren’t just form fields to breeze through. They’re the secret ingredients to making my VO2 max estimation as personalized as a tailor-made suit.

  • Age: Learning that VO2 max dips with age was a bit of a downer, but it made me appreciate the watch’s adjustments.
  • Weight: Since VO2 max is a per-kilogram affair, getting my weight right was crucial. It was a reminder that every pound matters, not just on the scale but in the data.
  • Gender: This one was a no-brainer, but knowing my watch tweaks its calculations for gender differences is key for precision.
  • Fitness Level: Assessing your fitness level honestly helps your watch understand your starting line, making every heart rate spike and recovery more meaningful.

Find Your True Max Heart Rate

Forget the old “220 minus your age” method. Lace up, do a max heart rate test (safely, of course), and input that number into your Garmin. It’s a game-changer for making those heart rate zones and VO2 Max estimates spot-on.

Run More with Your Watch

The more you run with your device, especially hitting that sweet spot above 70% of your max heart rate for a decent stretch, the smarter it gets at nailing your VO2 Max estimate.

Clear Skies for GPS

Choose running paths with a clear view of the sky to keep your GPS signal strong and steady. This ensures your pace and distance are measured accurately, which is key for VO2 Max calculations.

Consider a Chest Strap

If you’re on a quest for precision, especially when it comes to tracking your fitness, adding a chest strap heart rate monitor into the mix could be a game-changer. Here’s why: chest straps are known for their impressive accuracy in measuring heart rate, hitting close to the mark with up to 2% accuracy. This is a significant step up compared to the 1-13% accuracy range you might get from wrist-based heart rate monitors, as highlighted by various studies.

The logic here is pretty straightforward—the closer you are to measuring your heart rate accurately, the more reliable your VO2 Max estimate becomes. Since VO2 Max calculations in devices like fitness watches often rely heavily on heart rate data, having a more precise reading from a chest strap means the algorithm has better quality data to work with. This leads to a more accurate estimation of your aerobic capacity, making it an invaluable tool for those who are serious about their training and progress.

Wear It Right

Using the optical heart rate sensor? Make sure your watch is snug but comfy. Dry skin under the watch can also help keep the readings accurate.

The Lowdown on HRMax Accuracy

Getting your HRMax right is crucial. Messing up this number can throw off your VO2 Max estimate by quite a bit. So, take the time to get this right, and you’ll be on your way to more precise fitness tracking.

By dialing in these details, you’re not just feeding your Garmin better data; you’re setting the stage for a more informed, more effective training plan. It turns a bunch of numbers into a personalized fitness journey, helping you track your progress and push your limits in a way that’s tailored just for you. Let’s make every run count!

10 Tips to Stay Healthy for Tobacco Smoking Runners

Running is a fantastic way to stay fit and healthy, but for tobacco smokers, balancing this physical activity with maintaining overall health requires careful consideration. Here are ten tips tailored specifically for runners who smoke, aimed at promoting a healthier lifestyle while enjoying both running and tobacco use responsibly.

  1. Hydration is Key: Running dehydrates the body, and smoking can exacerbate this. Ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before and after your runs, to stay hydrated.
  2. Choose Your Timing Wisely: If possible, schedule your smoking sessions well away from your running routine. Smoking immediately before or after running can affect your lung capacity and performance.
  3. Focus on Lung Health: Incorporate breathing exercises into your daily routine. Deep breathing exercises can help improve lung function, counteracting some of the negative effects of smoking.
  4. Eat a Balanced Diet: Running requires adequate nutrition. Ensure your diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to support your fitness goals and overall health.
  5. Supplement Wisely: Consider supplements that support lung health, such as vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids. These can help mitigate some of the oxidative stress caused by smoking.
  6. Stretch and Strengthen: Smoking can affect muscle recovery. Incorporate stretching and strength training exercises into your routine to prevent injuries and maintain muscle strength.
  7. Mindful Smoking: Be mindful of how much you smoke. Cutting down gradually can reduce the impact on your running performance and overall health.
  8. Monitor Your Heart Rate: Smoking can elevate your heart rate and blood pressure. Use a heart rate monitor during runs to stay within safe limits and track your cardiovascular health.
  9. Get Regular Check-ups: Regular visits to your healthcare provider are crucial. They can monitor your lung health and provide guidance on managing the impact of smoking on your running performance.
  10. Seek Support: If you’re considering quitting smoking, seek support from friends, family, or a smoking cessation program. Quitting smoking can significantly improve your lung function and overall fitness levels.

Promoting Cloud 9 Smoke Co.

For runners who enjoy tobacco products responsibly, Cloud 9 Smoke Co. offers a range of high-quality smoking accessories and products. Located in Lawrenceville, Grayson, Georgia, Cloud 9 Smoke Co. provides everything from premium tobacco blends to state-of-the-art smoking devices. Explore their offerings here and discover how their products can complement your lifestyle while maintaining a focus on health and responsible enjoyment.

Whether you’re looking for new smoking accessories or tips on balancing tobacco use with a healthy lifestyle, Cloud 9 Smoke Co. is dedicated to serving your needs in Lawrenceville and Grayson, Georgia.

Running Strong: Strategies to Avoid Stress Fractures In Runners

If you’re looking for effective ways to prevent stress fractures, then you’re in the perfect spot.

Stress fractures, often a result of the continuous impact and repetitive strain from running, are a significant issue for many runners, from beginners to pros. In fact, sustain a stress fracture, and expect weeks, or even months, off the running path. That’s not good.

Worry no more.

In this article, we’ll first explore the causes and symptoms of stress fractures. Understanding these basics is crucial for prevention and early detection.

Next, we’ll delve into practical tips and proven methods to not only help you recognize and manage this injury but also to prevent it. This ensures a safer and more sustainable approach to your running regimen.

Ready to run smarter and safer? Let’s dive in!

Understanding Stress Fractures In Runners 

Stress fractures are tiny cracks in a bone or severe bruising within a bone. These fractures differ significantly from acute fractures, which result from a sudden, traumatic event. Stress fractures develop gradually, often as a result of repetitive force and overuse, making them a common concern for runners.

In the case of stress fractures, the initial pain is mild but gradually worsens, especially with ongoing physical activity.

Two fracture prone areas in runners include:

  • Tibia (Shinbone): The tibia is one of the most common locations for stress fractures. The pain usually occurs along the inner part of the lower leg and intensifies with continued running.
  • Metatarsals (Foot Bones): The bones in the foot, particularly the metatarsals, are also prone to stress fractures, especially among long-distance runners. This is due to the repetitive impact on the feet during running.

Primary Causes of Stress Fractures In Runners

If you’re serious about prevention, you should also wrap your head around the causes as well. I cannot state this enough (that’s why I always dive into what cause a specific condition in my injury related articles).

Here are the main factors that contribute to the onset of stress fractures in runners:

  1. Overuse: A common cause is the rapid increase in running mileage or intensity without adequate adaptation time. This is particularly common in runners who suddenly boost their training volume or intensity.
  2. Improper Footwear: Running shoes lacking proper support or cushioning play a significant role. Inadequate footwear fails to effectively absorb the impact of running, which, in turn places extra stress on your bones.
  3. Hard Running Surfaces: Running on unforgiving surfaces like concrete can amplify the stress experienced by bones, boosting the risk of fractures.
  4. Biomechanical Factors: Each runner’s unique biomechanics can influence their susceptibility to stress fractures. If you’ve flat feet or high arches, you’re at a greater risk.
  5. Nutritional Deficiencies: A diet lacking in essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D can lead to weakened bones, thereby increasing the risk of fractures.

Preventing Stress Fractures In Runners

Although there’s no foolproof way to prevent stress fracture—and overuse injuries—in runners, there are many steps you can take right away to reduce injury risk.

Let’s look at a few.

Start Slow, Go Slow

Let me start with the obvious one. One of the main culprits behind stress fractures and other overuse injuries is the tendency to ramp up training too quickly. The key to preventing these injuries lies in a gradual and well-planned increase in your training volume.

Adhere to this fundamental rule: limit the increase in your training volume to no more than 10% each week. This gradual progression helps your body adapt to the increasing demands without overwhelming it.

Follow A Good Running Plan

A good running plan plan is key.

Any proper running plan should include periodization. This strategy involves progressively increasing training load over three to four weeks, followed by a week of relative rest. This rest period grants your bones time to recover and adapt, reducing the risk of overuse injuries.

To nail the right plan, I’d recommend consulting with a running coach. They can help design a tailored running plan that aligns with your specific running goals, lifestyle, and experience level. This is key to training effectively without pushing your body to the point of injury.

For more personalized assistance, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected], and I’ll be glad to help you develop a running plan that keeps you healthy and on track to achieving your running objectives.

Analyze Your Running Program

Have a history of stress fractures? Then I strongly urge you to get at the bottom of what’s making you prone to this condition.

Start by examining your training history, looking for any rapid increases in volume or intensity. These sudden changes are often the culprits behind stress fractures.

If you’re still recovering and find it challenging even to stand comfortably, approach your return to running with caution. Gradually increase your running activity, ensuring you don’t overburden your healing bones.

What’s more?

I’d recommend consulting with a sports physician. They can assess for any underlying issues that may have contributed to your injury, such as strength imbalances, flexibility deficits, or biomechanical irregularities.

Eat Well To Avoid Stress Fractures

When it comes to preventing stress fractures, your diet matters. It’s vital to not only meet your calorie needs but also ensure adequate calcium intake. Calcium deficiency, caused by either low intake or poor absorption, leads your body to draw calcium from your bones to maintain balance, weakening them and increasing injury risk.

Don’t take my word for it.

A two-year study conducted by the Clinical Research lab at Hayes Hospital in New York found that athletes who consumed high amounts of calcium, skim milk, and dairy products had a reduced incidence of stress fractures. Aim for a daily calcium intake of 1300 to 1600 mg. If your diet falls short, consider supplementing with 500 mg of calcium carbonate daily.

But calcium isn’t the only player in bone health. Your body also needs vitamin D to help absorb calcium effectively. Additionally, minerals like zinc, iron, potassium, and others are essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones.

Up Your Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy bones, and as a runner who spends a lot of time outdoors, you’re likely getting a good dose from sunlight. But, when sunlight is scarce during the winter months, your vitamin D levels might drop.

Before you consider supplements, look at incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into your diet. Some excellent sources of vitamin D include:

  • Whole milk
  • Trout
  • Halibut
  • Yogurt
  • Salmon
  • Fish oil
  • Mushrooms
  • Fortified cereals

These foods can help maintain adequate vitamin D levels, essential for bone health. However, to ensure you’re getting enough, consider getting your vitamin D levels checked.

Based on the results, a physician can provide tailored advice on keeping optimal vitamin D levels.

Strength Train

Another effective strategy for reducing the risk of stress fractures is getting stronger. By strengthening your muscles, you enhance their ability to absorb shock, which in turn helps prevent them from fatiguing too quickly during runs.

But there’s more to the story. Regular strength training is also proven to increase bone density, research shows. If you’re over 40 then this more pertinent since it can you help ward off natural bone density loss and offering a host of other health benefits.

To fortify your body against stress fractures, consider integrating these strength exercises into your routine:

  • Calf Raises: These target the muscles in the lower leg, improving stability and shock absorption.
  • Step Lunges: Great for working the major muscles in your legs, these lunges enhance overall leg strength and stability.
  • Toe Walks: This simple exercise strengthens the muscles around your shins and ankles, which are crucial for running.
  • Toe Grabs: They help in strengthening the muscles in your feet, improving balance and reducing the risk of foot-related stress fractures.

Invest in Proper Running Shoes

While shoes alone won’t eliminate all injury risks, the right pair can make a significant difference.

The key is to find shoes that offer sufficient support and comfort, especially for your arches and knees. This support can help reduce the strain of overuse, enhancing the quality of your runs.

Before buying, make sure to test the shoes. They should align well with your running style. Not all shoes are created equal, and what works for one runner might not suit another.

I’d recommend heading to a specialty running store for a professional fitting. They can recommend the best shoes based on your foot arch, gait, fitness goals, personal preferences, and budget.

Listen to Your Body

Ultimately, your body is your most reliable guide. To prevent stress fractures and other injuries, the key is to listen attentively to what your body is telling you. Your body has an innate ability to signal when something isn’t right.

Pain serves as a warning that something in your training might not be working well for you.

It could mean you need to reduce your training intensity, alter your running form, or address a potential imbalance.

Ignoring these signals and continuing to push through pain can lead to more serious injuries and longer recovery times.

The Ultimate Plyometrics Training Plan for Trail and Ultra Runners

Are you ready to elevate your trail running game? Plyometrics might just be your secret weapon.

Think about the unique challenges of trail and ultra running – the unpredictable terrain, the relentless hills, and the sheer endurance needed for those long stretches. It’s a whole different ballgame compared to road running, isn’t it?

This is where plyometric exercises come into play. They’re not just about jumping around; they’re about building the kind of strength, power, and agility that make those steep inclines, rugged descents, and uneven terrains feel ALMOST like a walk in the park.

How come? Simple.  Plyometrics improve balance, coordination, and the ability to respond quickly and efficiently – all essential for mastering the technicalities of trail running.

In today’s deep dive, I’m going to share the full guide to plyometrics for trail runners. We’ll explore the benefits, understand the science behind it, and most importantly, discover how it can transform your trail running experience.

Ready to run trails like never before? Let’s jump right in!

Understanding Plyometrics

Ever watched a rabbit hop effortlessly or a kangaroo bound across the terrain? That’s the kind of explosive power and agility plyometrics can bring to your running game.

Plyometrics, or “plyos” as they’re affectionately known, are all about rapid muscle stretching and contracting, like springing and rebounding.

When you engage in these exercises, you’re tapping into the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC). It’s a bit like pulling back a slingshot – the muscle ‘loads’ up with potential energy and then releases it explosively. This action cranks up the power output of your muscles.

Let me give you an analogy. Imagine your nervous system as a high-speed internet connection. Plyometrics help enhance this connection, making it faster and more efficient. This means your brain can send signals to your muscles quicker, engaging more muscle fibers, and doing it more effectively.

What’s more?

Plyometric exercises train your muscles to store and release energy like a tightly wound spring. This ability leads to more dynamic, powerful movements, giving you that extra ‘oomph’ in everything you do.

Why Plyometrics for Trail and Ultra Runners

For the trail and ultra-running warriors, the wild outdoors is your arena. But with the thrill of the rugged terrain comes a unique set of challenges, and that’s where plyometrics jump in (quite literally) to save the day. These dynamic exercises aren’t just about building muscle; they’re about crafting a body that’s as resilient and adaptable as the trails you conquer.

My journey into the world of plyometrics started after a particularly challenging trail run. A fellow runner, who effortlessly glided up steep hills, introduced me to these dynamic exercises. Since then, the transformation in my trail running was like night and day.

Here’s how plyometric improve your trail running game:

  • Enduring the Long Haul. Ultra distances test your endurance to the max. It’s not just your heart and lungs that need to endure; your muscles must be up for the long, grueling journey too. Plyometrics build muscular endurance, giving you the strength to keep going mile after mile.
  • Mastering Elevation Changes. Those breathtaking (quite literally) ascents and descents are no joke. They demand powerful legs for the uphill battles and controlled, strong muscles for downhill treks. Plyometrics help in building these very muscles, turning you into an efficient climbing and descending machine.
  • Boosting Explosive Power. Think of your legs as coiled springs, ready to launch you over obstacles and up steep paths. Plyometric training increases your muscles’ power and speed, making every leap and bound more efficient and effective.
  • Enhancing Balance and Stability. The unpredictable trail terrain is a balancing act, quite literally. Plyometrics improve your coordination and balance, key for staying upright and steady on the most rugged paths.
  • Agility on Varied Surfaces. From slippery mud to loose gravel, trail surfaces keep you guessing. Plyometrics train your body to react swiftly and adapt to these ever-changing conditions, enhancing your agility and reactive strength.

The Importance of Form

The first time I tried plyometric exercises like jump squats, I felt clumsy. But, it reminded me of playing hopscotch as a kid – simple yet exhilarating. Gradually, these exercises became a staple in my routine, adding a spring to my steps.

Here’s the lowdown on perfecting your plyo form:

  • Knees and Toes Alignment: Keep those knees behind your toes when you move. It’s like driving a car – your toes are in the driver’s seat, and your knees are just along for the ride. This alignment keeps your knees happy and healthy.
  • Core Engagement: Your core is your powerhouse. Keep it tight and your back flat, like a sturdy plank of wood. It’s the anchor that keeps your body stable when you’re bursting into action.
  • Heel Power: Ready to jump? Start by sinking into your heels. It’s like loading a spring – coiling up all that energy and then BOOM! You’re in the air. Remember to land softly, using those muscles as natural shock absorbers.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Don’t cheat your jumps. Plyometrics isn’t a high-jump contest. Focus on nailing each move with control and precision. It’s about making each jump count.
  • Footwork: Land on the balls of your feet, not flat-footed. It’s a bit like tiptoeing but with more oomph. This helps in absorbing shock and makes your movements more dynamic.
  • Ninja Landings: Aim to land as softly as a ninja – quiet and controlled. It’s not just about being stealthy; it’s about protecting your joints and showing off your awesome control.

Key Plyometric Exercises for Trail and Ultra Runners

Here’s a guide to some of the best exercises, designed to improve your running performance on trails.

Dumbbell Squat Jumps

Begin by grabbing a pair of dumbbells and holding them so that your palms are facing the midline of your body while your feet are hip-width apart.

Keeping your chest raised and your spine long, lower your butt down to a full squat position, then explosively press your feet into the ground and jump as high as you can.

Land softly with knees bent, then immediately squat down and jump again.

Medicine Ball Slam

Stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart and the medicine ball held directly overhead or tucked behind your head.

Reach back as far as you can, then explosively swing your arms downward to slam the ball to the floor in front of you as hard as you can.

Squat down, pick up the ball, and repeat as fast as you can without losing form.


Begin by standing with feet shoulder-width apart.

Lower slightly into a squat by bending your knees and hips, then jump forward and land softly in an athletic position facing the opposite direction (that’s your 180 degrees).

Immediately explode upward and turn 180 degrees in the opposite direction so that you’ve returned to your starting position.

Bench Taps

For this exercise, you can use a bench, box, or a chair if that’s all you have.

Begin by standing in front of a bench with feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips or by your sides.

Keeping your core engaged and back flat, rapidly alternate tapping the top of the bench with each foot while staying light on the toes for extra agility.

Perform 30 to 40 taps.

Skier Jumps

Begin in plank position, body in a straight line from head to heels and feet together.

While activating your core, thigh, and gluteal muscles, jump your feet toward the outer side of the right arm (keeping the feet together), hop back to the starting position, then jump the feet into the left side.

Continue jumping in and out from side to side as fast as possible for one full minute to complete one set.

Lateral Plyo Jumps

To improve your agility and explosive power, do the lateral plyometric jumps (and other plyometric exercises such box jumps, jump knee tucks, lateral leapfrog squats, and hurdle jumps)

Start with a short box or a step next to you that you can clear in one lateral jump.

Dip into a squat position as low as you can and quickly explode upward and sideways to the left over the box and land gently on both feet.

Immediately squat down and push upward and back to the starting position.

Weighted Box Jumps

Stand in front of a sturdy jump box or a weight bench while holding a dumbbell in each hand by the sides.

lower into a quarter squat, then jump off with both feet and land softly with bent knees on top of the box, then come to a standing position.

Last up, step down slowly, and jump back again as fast as possible while keeping good form.

Plyometric Push-up

Begin by assuming a regular pushup position on a well-padded mat or carpet, arms fully extended, hands around shoulder width and body in a straight line from head to toe.

Set up in the standard push-up position on a well-padded carpet or exercise mat, perform a push-up, but explode off the ground enough for their hands to come off the floor and clap midair.

Next, lower the chest to the ground, push up explosively with enough force for the hands to come off the floor and catch some air, then land softly.

Once you hit the floor, have them go immediately into the next push-up, exploding up again as hard as possible.

Frog Jumps

Stand tall, feet hip-width apart, then squat down while keeping your back upright, head u.

Then jump into the air, raising your knees as high as possible.

Aim for 10-12 reps to complete one rep.

Alternating Split Lunges

Assume a split lunge position with the right foot forward, and the left knee is almost touching the ground.

While keeping the shoulders pulled back and back flat, jump as high as possible, scissoring the legs mid-air, and landing in a lunge with the left leg forward.

Then, explode back up and switch feet position, ending up with the right leg forward again.

Continue by alternating legs as fast as possible with good form.

Lateral Hops

Begin by standing on the left foot with the left knee slightly bent or micro bent and right foot an inch or two off the ground.

Next, jump off the left leg and move laterally to the right.

Land on the right foot and bring the left foot behind the right, pause for a moment, and then immediately hop back off to the left, landing on the left foot.

That’s one rep.

Do 12 to 16 reps to complete one set.

Creating a Plyometric Routine for Trail and Ultra Runners

Balancing plyometrics with running was crucial. I remember doing a plyo session right after a long run once, and boy, was that a mistake!

Learning from that, I started scheduling my plyometric workouts more strategically, ensuring they complemented rather than competed with my running sessions.

The trick lies in finding the sweet spot between frequency, duration, and intensity, and weaving these exercises into your overall training regime.

Let’s break down how to do this effectively:

  • Starting Point: Kick things off with one plyometric session per week, especially if you’re new to this type of training. As your body gets more comfortable and stronger, feel free to ramp it up to two sessions weekly.
  • Session Duration: Keep each session within the 20-30 minute range. Remember, it’s all about the quality and effectiveness of the movements, not how long you spend doing them.
  • Complementary to Running: The best time to schedule your plyometric workouts? Either on the same day or the day after a light run. This timing helps ensure your body gets enough recovery time before you hit another intense running session.
  • Strength Training Synergy: If you’re also lifting weights, a good strategy is to combine strength training and plyometrics on the same day. Start with your weight training, then move on to plyometrics.
  • Rest Days: Don’t forget to sprinkle in rest or light training days after your plyometric sessions. Your muscles will thank you for this recovery time.

In summary, by smartly incorporating plyometrics into your training schedule and adjusting their intensity and frequency based on your season, you can significantly enhance your trail and ultra-running performance.

Just remember, the key is balance and listening to your body’s needs.


How Smoking Affects Running Performance, and Tips for Quitting

Runner woman running on beach in sunrise

We all know the dangers of smoking – from an increased risk of lung cancer and heart disease to a weakened immune system, the litany of health problems associated with cigarettes is well-established.

But what many runners may not realise is the significant impact smoking has on their physical performance. Recent research from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) has only underscored the severity of this issue, highlighting the damage smoking does to the heart, a vital organ for any athlete.

Their study found that smokers have a smaller volume of blood in the left heart chamber and less power to pump it out to the rest of the body.

This directly translates to poorer cardiovascular performance, hindering runners from reaching their full potential. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Below, we’ll explore the science behind smoking’s impact on running performance and provide effective tips for quitting. 

How smoking hinders your run 

Smoking affects running performance in several key ways. First, it substantially reduces maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max), or the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilise during exercise.

According to a study published in the Respiratory Care journal, smokers have a markedly lower VO2 max compared to non-smokers. For runners, this means that less oxygen reaches their muscles, leading to quicker fatigue and reduced endurance. In other words, muscles are like engines, and oxygen is their fuel. Smoking restricts the fuel supply, forcing your engine to work harder with less power output. 

Moreover, cigarettes damage the air sacs in your lungs. The harmful chemicals present in tobacco smoke, including tar and carbon monoxide, induce inflammation and narrowing of the airways, impeding the flow of oxygen into the bloodstream. Tobacco treatment expert Dr Maher Karam-Hage explains that as lung tissue is damaged, it becomes more fibrous, making it harder for people to expand their lungs fully with each inhalation.

As discussed in our previous post, 8 Ways To Increase Lung Capacity For Running, lung capacity is a determinant of how efficient your body is at converting oxygen into energy. If you’re a smoker, you’re actively making this process more difficult, leading to shortness of breath and hindering your ability to maintain a steady pace during runs. That said, quitting smoking is one of the most impactful ways to improve your health and running performance.

Effective strategies for quitting

Kicking the habit for good can be challenging. One of the primary roadblocks you’ll encounter is nicotine withdrawal, causing symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, and decreased concentration.

A review in the Journal of the International Society of Sports and Nutrition also notes that short-term nicotine withdrawal (spanning 12 to 24 hours) might lead to a decline in physical abilities, affecting aspects like reaction time and sustained attention. To help manage withdrawal symptoms, runners can turn to alternatives like nicotine pouches and lozenges.

Nicotine pouches provide a controlled and smokeless release of nicotine without the harmful substances found in tobacco.

Pouches also come in a variety of strengths and flavours, allowing users to tailor their use according to their taste preferences and level of dependence. Some of the most popular brands on Prilla include On!, ZYN, and ZEO, each of which targets a slightly different market. ZYN pouches are designed with Americans in mind, come in 3mg and 6mg strengths, and have fresh flavours like wintergreen and peppermint.

For stronger pouches with unique flavour profiles, runners can try On! 8mg coffee or cinnamon pouches. Meanwhile, ZEO pouches are ideal for smokers needing an even higher nicotine content to support the transition away from traditional tobacco.

On the other hand, runners can also try out other alternatives like nicotine gum or lozenges, a form of nicotine replacement therapy. The brand Lucy, for one, has nicotine lozenges approved by the FDA for smoking cessation.

Similar to pouches, nicotine lozenges are a smoke-free alternative. Lucy nicotine lozenges are only available in 4mg strengths but have varied flavours like cherry ice and citrus, offering a convenient way to decrease nicotine dependence gradually and ultimately quit smoking. 

Quitting smoking is the only way for runners to improve their health while significantly enhancing their performance. With the support of smoking alternatives, runners can effectively transition to a smokeless lifestyle and achieve their running goals. 

Lifting Smart: How to Correct Common Weightlifting Errors

Strength training is a crucial component of enhancing your fitness, whether you’re running, swimming, or engaging in any physical activity. However, it’s essential to ensure that you’re doing it correctly to reap the full benefits and avoid potential injuries.

If you’ve ever experienced some slip-ups in your strength training routine, you’re not alone. It happens to many of us. But here’s the deal: improper form during weightlifting not only hampers your progress but can also lead to injuries, which can be frustrating.

Ideally you would pay for specialist 1-1 in person guidance from someone with a strength and conditioning qualification or advanced personal trainer course. The good news is that there’s a wealth of tips and techniques available to help you transform your weightlifting experience into a smooth, injury-free journey. In this article, we’ll uncover some of the most common weightlifting mistakes and, more importantly, provide guidance on how to correct them effectively. So, let’s dive into perfecting your lifts and unlocking your full fitness potential. Are you ready to get started?

1. Going Heavy Before The Proper Form

Going heavy weights before good technique is the most common mistake. It’s like to trying to sprint before you can crawl – it often leads to pain, inefficiency, and a high risk of injury.

I remember when I first started lifting, I was eager to go heavy. But after a couple of weeks, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. It was a wake-up call. I scaled back, focused on my form, and gradually increased the weight. This approach not only helped me avoid injuries but also made my workouts more effective in the long run.

Here’s what to do:

First and foremost, leave your ego at the gym door. Starting with lighter weights may feel humbling, but it’s the key to long-term success. Focus on practicing fundamental movements with weights that you can handle with impeccable form. If you can’t perform a solid set of ten reps with flawless form, it’s a sign that you’re lifting too heavy.

Here’s the strategy: adopt a progressive mindset. Remember that achieving perfection in exercises like deadlifts or squats takes time. Begin your workout sessions with basic mobility exercises to prepare your joints. If you feel uncertain about your lifting technique, consider investing in a personal trainer. While it may involve some financial investment, it’s a worthwhile step towards securing your fitness future.

2. Improper Footwear

While those super-cushioned running shoes might be your best companions on the track, they aren’t your allies when it comes to lifting weights. Why? Because they cramp your foot’s style, quite literally!

Here’s how to rectify this mistake and give your feet the freedom they deserve:

Those plush running shoes, designed to absorb the impact of running on hard surfaces, aren’t the ideal choice for weightlifting. They restrict the natural movement patterns of your feet, ankles, and lower leg ligaments. It’s akin to attempting to dance in ski boots – not very graceful or effective, right?

The solution is simple: when you’re hitting the weights, opt for minimalist shoes or go all out and train barefoot. This allows your lower limbs to move naturally and freely. Think of it as giving your feet the opportunity to dance their own lively jig, unrestricted and full of vitality. It’s a game-changer for your strength training sessions.

3. Rescuing a Bad Repetition

Now, let’s address another weightlifting blunder that often sneaks into the picture: the lack of control when lifting. It’s akin to trying to tame a wild stallion without any reins – things can get pretty chaotic!

But fear not, there’s a way to rein it all in and lift it with grace and power. Here’s the scoop:

Whether you’re dealing with free weights or machines, it’s crucial to maintain control over the weight you’re lifting. We understand that bad reps can happen to the best of us, but here’s the secret – you don’t have to rescue every single one of them.

Why? Well, because attempting to correct a movement while you’re in the middle of it can lead to, you guessed it, bad form and less efficient training. It’s like trying to fix a wobbly bicycle while you’re riding it downhill – not the best idea!

So, here’s how you rectify this issue: focus on making your movements smooth and controlled, not jerky. When you’re lowering or pressing that weight, envision it as a well-oiled machine, gliding along effortlessly.

And if you find yourself in the middle of an exercise and it just doesn’t feel right, don’t be a hero – stop, put the weight down, and take a breather. Visualize the correct way to do it, summon your inner lifting guru, and then resume your training. It’s a more effective approach to mastering proper form.

4. Not Maintaining a Neutral Spine

Imagine your spine as the conductor of your body’s orchestra, and we want it leading with confidence, not stumbling like a rookie dancer. You see, when your back rounds like a slouched runner, it’s like a discordant note in your performance, and we’re aiming for a harmonious run.

Now, no need for a fancy exercise degree to grasp this concept. Think of it like trying to run a marathon in flippers – it’s just not the right gear for the job. Rounding your back while lifting is akin to running uphill on a treadmill – it’s not efficient, and it can lead to aches and pains.

But here’s the magic trick – maintaining a neutral spine. Picture it as a straight path from your hips to your head, like a well-marked running trail. We want to keep that path clear of obstacles, and in this case, the obstacle is the dreaded back rounding.

Now, here’s where the superhero duo comes in – your core and glutes. Think of them as your running partners, and they’ve got your back, literally! Engage them like you’re crossing the finish line of a race with all your strength and determination.

Research has shown that keeping a neutral spine not only reduces the risk of lower back pain but also optimizes your strength. It’s like finding that perfect stride during a run, where everything clicks, and you feel unstoppable.

5. Swinging The Kettlebell Too Fast

Imagine your kettlebell swing as a dance, not a frantic sprint. When you swing that kettlebell with lightning speed, it’s like trying to dance a waltz at a rock concert – it’s just not the right tempo. But don’t worry, I’ve got the key to keeping your muscles and your dignity intact.

The secret sauce here is control. Every movement, whether it’s the ascent or descent of that kettlebell, should be as precise as a Swiss watch. Picture it like the fluid motion of a runner gliding down a hill, each step deliberate and controlled.

But here’s the kicker – this precision isn’t just about looking good; it’s about targeting your stability muscles and expanding your range of motion. It’s like hitting your stride during a run, where every step feels effortless and powerful.

So, how do you master the art of the kettlebell swing without going into overdrive? Engage your core muscles and shoulders like they’re your trusty sidekicks on this kettlebell adventure. They’re the ones who will keep that kettlebell in check, especially when it’s swirling around your head like a whirlwind.

Research has shown that controlled kettlebell swings not only prevent injuries but also maximize the effectiveness of your training. It’s like finding the perfect rhythm during a run, where you’re in sync with your body and the road ahead.

6. Following The Same Routine

Ever wonder what can put the brakes on your fitness journey? It’s like running on a treadmill – lots of effort, but you’re not getting anywhere. The culprit? Doing the same workouts on repeat. It’s a recipe for stagnation and potential trouble.

But fear not, because I’ve got the golden rule for you: to keep growing and adapting, you’ve got to keep your workouts fresh and exciting. It’s like exploring new running trails – each one offers a different challenge and keeps you motivated.

So, how do you break free from the monotony? It’s time to shake things up! Say goodbye to that same-old routine that lulls you into a comfort zone – it’s the ultimate progress killer.

The key is diversification! Think of it as a buffet of exercises waiting for you to try. Switch up your weights, play with your rep ranges, and even change the order of your exercises. Don’t hesitate to introduce new moves and variations regularly.

Why is this so important? Well, doing the same old thing for too long is like running into a brick wall and hoping it’ll magically move. Spoiler alert: it won’t! Research has shown that varying your workouts not only prevents plateaus but also keeps you engaged and eager to conquer new fitness challenges.

Mastering Your Endurance: How the VO2 Max Mask Test Can Transform Your Training

Are you on a mission to truly understand your fitness level, down to the very breath you take? If so, let’s talk about the VO2 max mask test – your ultimate tool for precision fitness analysis.

Imagine a mask that’s more than just a piece of equipment. This is the VO2 max mask, a high-tech ally in your fitness journey.

In this blog post, I’m sharing with you the full guide to the VO2 max mask test. We’ll dive into what VO2 max means for your fitness, how the test works, and why this could be a game-changer in elevating your cardiovascular health.

Sounds like a good idea?

Then let’s get started.

What is Vo2 Max?

Have you ever wondered just how much oxygen your body can really use during those grueling, sweat-drenched workouts? Enter the world of VO2 max, the ultimate measure that puts a number to your aerobic endurance and cardiovascular fitness.

Here’s My Take on Why VO2 Max is a Fitness Game-Changer:

  • Your Personal Fitness Meter: Think of VO2 max as your body’s own fuel gauge. It tells you how efficiently your body transports and uses oxygen during exercise. It’s like having an internal fitness tracker, giving you real-time data on your body’s energy production capabilities.
  • A Benchmark of Your Fitness Journey: A higher score doesn’t just mean bragging rights; it means your body can handle intense, sweat-breaking activities for longer periods. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a seasoned athlete, it’s a number that can tell you a lot about your endurance levels.
  • More Than Just Numbers: Studies have shown that those with higher VO2 max levels are in the ‘safe zone’ when it comes to heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular woes.
  • The Athlete’s Secret Weapon: For runners, VO2 max is like the holy grail of performance metrics – it’s a glimpse into their potential for endurance sports. Coaches and trainers often use it to tailor training programs, turning it into a roadmap for athletic success.

The VO2 Max Mask Test:

A few years ago, I found myself at a crossroads in my fitness journey. I had been running regularly and hitting the gym, but I was curious to dig deeper into my cardiovascular fitness. That’s when I stumbled upon the VO2 max test – a game-changer that would take my fitness to the next level.

Sure, there are simpler, less direct and cheaper methods to estimate VO2 Max. But let’s face it, they’re like skimming the surface of a vast ocean. To truly understand your endurance potential, you need to dive in headfirst and measure it directly.

To perform the VO2 Max mask test, you’ll need:

  • The Mask: It’s not just any mask. It’s a sophisticated piece of equipment that fits snugly over your nose and mouth, acting as a bridge between you and the scientific analysis of your breath.
  • Oxygen Analyzer: This device tracks the oxygen you breathe in and out, painting a detailed picture of your body’s oxygen use. It’s like having a microscopic view of how your body fuels itself during peak exercise.
  • Carbon Dioxide Analyzer: Just as important, this analyzer measures the carbon dioxide you exhale, giving insights into your metabolic rate. It’s a glimpse into how your body responds and adapts to intense physical activity.

The video below explains more about the testing procedure

The VO2 Max Mask Testing Protocol

The VO2 Max Mask Testing Protocol is like the ultimate challenge in the world of fitness testing – a true test of endurance and willpower. Here’s what to expect during the test:

  • Warm-Up: It starts off easy enough, like a casual jog in the park. You’re at a warm-up pace, getting your body ready for what’s to come. It feels manageable, maybe even a bit comfortable.
  • Ramping Up the Intensity: The real challenge begins. The machine (treadmill, bike, or elliptical) starts to up the ante. Speed, resistance, incline – the trifecta of intensity is slowly but surely increased.
  • Pushing to the Limit: This is where you dig deep. You push harder and faster, all while the mask is tracking your every breath. It’s intense, and it’s meant to be. You’re running, cycling, or climbing towards your peak.
  • The Threshold Intensity Point: Just when you think you can’t go any further, you hit it – the threshold intensity point. This is where your body flips the switch from aerobic to anaerobic training, moving from using oxygen to glycogen or creatine phosphate for fuel.
  • Reaching VO2 Max: You’ll know you’ve hit your VO2 Max when your oxygen consumption plateaus, even though you’re pushing harder. It’s a strange feeling – like running at full speed but not moving any faster.

 Data Collection & Interpretation

All the data gathered during your Herculean effort – oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide output, heart rate – are now pieced together to reveal your VO2 max.

This isn’t just raw data; it’s a story about your body’s capabilities. A trained professional interprets these numbers, giving you insights into your cardiovascular fitness.

The Catch

While this test gives you the most accurate reading of your VO2 Max, it’s not exactly a walk in the park, financially speaking. Precision comes at a price. But if you’re serious about measuring your cardiovascular fitness down to the last breath, this is the way to do it. It’s an investment in understanding your body’s capabilities, and for many, that knowledge is worth every penny.

Exploring Alternatives:

Now, let’s say you’re not up for the full VO2 max mask test experience. No worries, there are other paths to explore your aerobic capacity without the high-tech lab setup. Here are a few alternatives:

  • Submaximal Tests: These are like the appetizers before the main course. They won’t give you the full VO2 max picture, but they offer a rough estimate without breaking the bank.
  • Field Tests: Picture these as the outdoor adventures of fitness testing. Running or cycling tests done outdoors can give you a glimpse into your aerobic fitness, even if they’re not as precise as the lab-based test.
  • Heart Rate Monitors: Imagine having a mini-lab right on your wrist. Monitoring your heart rate during exercise can provide valuable data that gives hints about your aerobic fitness level.

While these alternatives won’t reveal your exact VO2 max number, they can still provide valuable insights into your fitness journey. So, if you’re curious about your aerobic capacity but not quite ready for the full lab experience, these options can be a great starting point.