The Best Sources Of Electrolytes For Runners

best sources of electrolytes for runners

Looking to boost your running game with the right dose of electrolytes? Well, you’ve landed in the perfect spot.

We all know that water is your sidekick for peak performance and overall health. After all, our bodies are like 80% water, and every organ and cell is thirsty for that precious H2O.

But guess what? Staying hydrated isn’t just about chugging water like there’s no tomorrow. You need those trusty sidekicks known as electrolytes, including sodium and potassium, to keep your body firing on all cylinders.

So, what are these electrolytes, why do they matter, and how can you make sure you’re getting enough of these essential minerals? Stick around, and I’ll give you the lowdown on electrolytes, their roles, and how to keep your body well-oiled and running smoothly. Ready? Let’s roll!

What Are Electrolytes?

Electrolytes are like the body’s electrically charged MVPs. When they dissolve in water, they get all zesty and conduct electricity, carrying either a positive or negative charge. Think of them as the power players behind your nervous system, heartbeats, muscle contractions, and more.

They’re not just hanging around in your body doing nothing; electrolytes are busy at work in your blood, tissues, urine, and other bodily fluids, making sure everything runs smoothly.

For us runners, the essential electrolyte squad includes sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), and calcium (Ca2+). These guys are like the Avengers of the running world, ensuring you perform at your peak and stay well-hydrated

How Many Electrolytes Do Runners Need?

If you’re more of a casual exerciser, just enjoying a light jog in the park every now and then, chances are your regular diet might be giving you all the electrolytes you need. Your body’s like, “I got this!”

But hey, if you’re the kind of runner who’s out there crushing it, pounding those miles, especially in the scorching heat or high humidity, your electrolyte needs might be cranking up a notch or two.

Still skeptical? Let’s break it down. Here’s how much of those magic electrolytes you can lose in just one little liter of sweat:

  • Sodium: A whopping 900 mg!
  • Potassium: Around 200 mg.
  • Calcium: About 15 mg.
  • Magnesium: Roughly 13 mg.

That’s a pretty penny’s worth of electrolytes, right? Imagine what you’re losing after a solid run!

What you Need

Alright, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what runners like you need when it comes to electrolytes!

The stars of the show, the MVPs in your sweat squad, are chloride and sodium, with some potassium, magnesium, and calcium making appearances too.

Sodium chloride—you probably know it better as good ol’ salt—is the real hero here. It’s like the conductor of your body’s orchestra, making sure everything’s in tune. Salt helps maintain the delicate balance of fluids and keeps your nerves playing their A-game for that perfect muscle contraction. When you’re putting in the miles, you can bid farewell to around 1,000 milligrams of sodium per hour through your sweat.

That’s where those handy electrolyte tablets come into play. They’re like little sodium-packed power-ups, usually dishing out 200 to 800 milligrams of sodium to help you replenish what you’ve lost during your sweaty adventures.

Additional reference – Stop peeing while running

How To Get Enough Electrolytes

hen it comes to replenishing those precious electrolytes, you might wonder, “What’s the secret sauce?” Well, the good news is, it’s not rocket science. In fact, it’s something you’re probably already familiar with real food!

Now, I know what you might be thinking, “But what about those popular sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade?” Well, let’s chat about that. While sports drinks have their place, they might not be the best choice for your everyday recreational runner. Why, you ask? Well, they often come loaded with sugars, artificial colors, and chemicals that might not sit well with your body.

So, what’s the alternative?

Real, wholesome food! Nature’s electrolyte-rich goodies can do wonders for your hydration needs. Think beans, spinach, potatoes, lentils, avocado, coconuts, raisins, bananas, and dates. These natural powerhouses are packed with the good stuff your body craves.

Now, if you’re planning an epic, endurance-style run, and you want to reach for a sports drink, be mindful of the sugar content. Opt for something lower in sugar to keep things balanced. There are electrolyte supplements out there that don’t contain sugar. Products like Harlo can help you get the electrolytes you need, along with creatine and collagen. These supplements often come in powdered form so you can add them to water when you need them, as you need them.

And hey, you can even whip up your sports drink at home if you’re feeling crafty. There are plenty of simple tutorials out there to guide you through.

Your body will thank you!

The Best Sources Of Electrolytes For Runners

Here are the most critical electrolytes for runners and how to get enough of them.



Sodium, often referred to as common table salt, is the electrolyte that takes the lead when it comes to losses during sweating. It plays a vital role in regulating body fluids, preventing rapid dehydration, aiding muscle and nerve function, and maintaining acid-base balance and blood pressure.

The good news is, for most folks, including recreational runners, their diets provide an adequate, if not excess, amount of sodium. However, if you’re engaged in endurance training, those runs lasting longer than 90 minutes per session, it’s crucial to replenish this electrolyte afterwards.

The recommended daily intake of sodium is no more than 2300 mg. So, let’s take a look at some common sources to help you keep tabs on your sodium intake:

  • Salt: Just one tablespoon contains a whopping 2300 mg of sodium.
  • Pickles: If you enjoy a cup of pickles, you’re looking at around 1800 mg of sodium.


Potassium, ranking as the third most abundant mineral in the body, is primarily stored within your cells, making up around 98% of its total presence. This vital electrolyte plays a crucial role in ensuring proper muscle contraction, maintaining heart function, and facilitating nerve transmission. Furthermore, it supports glycogen storage and aids in nutrient transport.

The good news is that we don’t burn off substantial amounts of potassium, even during intense training sessions. Therefore, running low on potassium is relatively rare since our bodies naturally store an ample supply of it. Plus, it’s easily obtainable through a regular diet.

For reference, the recommended daily intake of potassium is set at 4700 mg. So, let’s check out some common dietary sources to help you reach your potassium goals:

  • Apricots: A single cup contains a generous 1500 mg of potassium.
  • Sweet potato: One baked sweet potato provides around 700 mg of potassium.
  • Beet greens: One cup of cooked beet greens boasts a remarkable 1200 mg of potassium.
  • White beans: A cup of canned white beans packs approximately 1100 mg of potassium.
  • Bananas: A medium-sized banana delivers a convenient 400 mg of potassium.
  • Tomatoes: A medium tomato offers 300 mg of potassium.
  • Tomato soup: A cup of tomato soup provides roughly 400 mg of potassium.


Magnesium plays a pivotal role in nearly every function within the human body.

This essential electrolyte contributes to muscle and nerve function, helps regulate blood sugar levels, enhances immune functions, and assists in the function of various enzymes. Furthermore, it plays a crucial part in maintaining heart function and supporting healthy blood pressure.

While magnesium deficiencies are relatively rare, when they do occur, they can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including muscle weakness, drowsiness, numbness, and even hallucinations.

For daily reference, the recommended intake of magnesium is set at 420 mg for men and 320 mg for women. Here are some common dietary sources to help you meet your magnesium needs:

  • Almonds: A one-ounce serving of dry roasted almonds contains 80 mg of magnesium.
  • Spinach: One cup of spinach boasts 160 mg of magnesium.
  • Cashews: A one-ounce serving of dry roasted cashews provides 74 mg of magnesium.
  • Swiss chard: A cup of Swiss chard offers 150 mg of magnesium.
  • Peanuts: A one-ounce serving of oil-roasted peanuts contains 63 mg of magnesium.
  • Soymilk: One cup of soymilk delivers 60 mg of magnesium.
  • Black beans: A cup of cooked black beans contains 120 mg of magnesium.
  • Peanut butter: One tablespoon of peanut butter packs 25 mg of magnesium


Calcium is like the rockstar among electrolytes, taking the crown as the most abundant in our bodies.

But it’s not just for building strong bones and teeth. Calcium plays many other vital roles, including:

  • Regulating muscle movements
  • Managing nerve impulses
  • Preventing blood clots
  • Assisting with muscle contraction
  • Supporting the nervous system function

How much calcium you need varies based on factors like age and training intensity. But generally, the recommended daily intake ranges from 1000 to 1300 mg

Common Sources:

  • Skim milk: 1 cup contains 300 mg of calcium
  • Butter milk: 1 cup contains 300 mg of calcium
  • Cottage cheese: 1 cup contains 600 mg of calcium
  • Sour cream: 1 cup contain 130 mg of calcium
  • Yogurt: 1 cup contains 450 mg of calcium
  • Almonds: 1 contains 385 mg of calcium.
  • Spinach: 1 cup, cooked, contains 245 mg of calcium.

Elites With High Mileage

For those of you clocking in less than an hour of running, especially at an easy pace, your electrolyte losses are generally minimal, and water alone might suffice. However, if you find yourself meeting one or more of the following conditions:

(1) running for more than an hour,

(2) training in scorching hot weather, or

(3) being a profuse sweater,

then it’s high time you considered introducing electrolyte supplements into your routine.

Let’s delve deeper into this.

Electrolyte Tablets

Electrolyte Tablets, anyone? There’s no shortage of options in the market. However, I’d like to recommend the SaltStick Electrolyte Capsules, preferably the non-caffeinated version, taken every 30-45 minutes during your training sessions. This becomes particularly crucial if you reside in a humid region or frequently engage in long-distance runs.

These electrolyte tablets are power-packed with essential minerals like calcium, chloride, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and even vitamin D3, ensuring your body stays replenished and ready to tackle those demanding runs.

Sports Drinks

If you’re in search of a quick and flavorful option, a sports drink might be just what the doctor ordered. While you can opt for commercial electrolyte drinks such as Powerade and Gatorade, it’s important to be cautious as these beverages often come loaded with sugar and can trigger unwanted cravings. In my view, they’re not the best choice.

But here’s an alternative – you can whip up your very own electrolyte drinks right at home. That’s right, you have the freedom to create your personalized sports drinks using your preferred ingredients. It’s a straightforward and healthier option that allows you to take control of what you’re consuming.

Here are a few of my favorite recipe

When To Take Electrolyte Supplements While Running

Based on my experience, the optimal time to consume electrolyte supplements is before a run, especially if you’re going to run for a long time and/or in hot conditions. This proactive approach helps you establish a balanced electrolyte foundation right from the start.

As you proceed with your workout, you have a couple of options. You can either sip on an electrolyte-rich beverage or take additional tablets along the way to maintain that equilibrium throughout your run.

However, it’s crucial to emphasize that if you encounter severe symptoms of dehydration, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke, you should immediately seek medical attention. Hyponatremia, which is a dangerous condition, requires urgent medical intervention and sometimes even the administration of an IV line. Be vigilant for signs like severe headaches, confusion, swelling of the hands and feet, and vomiting.

When consulting a healthcare professional during your check-up, consider asking questions such as:

  • How much water should I be drinking daily?
  • What’s the recommended water intake while running?
  • What are the best strategies to stay well-hydrated?
  • Do I have any preexisting conditions that might make me susceptible to electrolyte imbalances?

By seeking answers to these inquiries, you can ensure that you’re taking the right steps to maintain your health and hydration during your runs.

Best Electrolytes For Runners – The Conclusion

If you’re looking for practical advice on getting enough minerals and electrolytes while running, this post should set you on the right path. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

Thank you for stopping by.

How Long Should a Morning Run Be? A Runner’s Guide

how to become a morning runner

We’ve all heard the saying, “The early bird gets the worm,” and that sentiment rings true when it comes to running.

But one of the most common questions I hear is, “How long should I run in the morning?”

The answer? Well, it depends. Your fitness level, goals, and schedule all play a role in determining the perfect morning run.

For beginners, starting with a 20-30 minute run is a great way to build consistency without overwhelming yourself.

If you’re training for a race, your morning runs may stretch longer, into the 60-minute range. And if you’re short on time, a quick interval session can be just as effective in 30 minutes or less.

Let me break this down further so you know exactly what to do.

Ideal Morning Run Duration

When I started running in the mornings, I could barely last 15 minutes. It was tough—especially dragging myself out of bed. But as I kept at it, my endurance slowly built up. Eventually, 30-minute runs felt easy, and now, when training for longer races, those morning runs have become something I look forward to.

Here’s a general guideline based on your running experience:

  1. For Beginners: Aim for 15-30 minutes if you’re just starting. Keep it simple, and focus on getting comfortable with running. I kept it short and consistent when I started, which helped me avoid burnout. Don’t worry about speed; build that endurance and get into the habit.
  2. For Intermediate Runners: Once you’ve got a solid base, 30-45 minutes is a great target. I loved mixing things up at this stage. I’d do steady-state running with some interval sprints. It’s a great way to improve stamina while keeping the run interesting.
  3. For Advanced Runners For the seasoned runners out there, 45-60 minutes or more is usually the sweet spot. I throw in high-intensity intervals or longer steady runs at this level to push my limits.

The Benefits of Early Run

There’s something magical about getting your run in before the world wakes up. Here’s why I think morning runs are a game-changer:

  • Boost productivity: Starting your day with a run energizes and prepares you to tackle whatever comes next.
  • Build consistency: Fewer distractions in the morning mean you’re more likely to stick with your routine.
  • Stronger willpower: You’re more likely to get your workout done when willpower is at its peak—first thing in the morning.
  • Better for weight loss: Running before breakfast can kick-start your daily metabolism and keep it humming through EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption).
  • Less traffic: Morning runs mean fewer cars and quieter streets, which makes for a more peaceful run.
  • Prepare for races: Most races start in the morning, so training at that time helps your body get used to performing at its best early in the day.
  • Boost your mood: The endorphin rush you get from running in the morning can set a positive tone for the rest of your day.
  • Clear mental space: I’ve noticed that my focus and problem-solving skills are sharper after a morning run—it’s like hitting the reset button on my brain.
  • Improved sleep quality: Research shows that morning exercisers sleep better at night.
  • Free up your evenings: Running in the morning means relaxing in the evenings or spending time on other activities.

How to Become a Morning Runner

Ready to make early runs part of your routine? Here are some tips that have worked for me:

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

The best way to NOT become a morning runner is to skip on sleep. That’s why, for God-‘s sake, get enough sleep please.

As a rule, shoot for at least 8 hours of interrupted sleep during the nighttime. Of course, there is no magic number that works universally for everyone, but 7 to 8 hours is the standard guideline.

To improve sleep quality, do the following:

  • Go to Bed Early. The first step is going to bed as early as possible. Sleep only for under six hours, and you won’t have enough energy to run—nor do anything else. My goal bedtime is 11.00 pm. That way, I ensure I have at least hours of quality uninterrupted sleep once my alarm clock goes off at around 6.30 am. Some people believe they can survive much less, but I doubt it.
  • Make a ritual. Or so-called sleep hygiene. Create a nightly sleep ritual that helps you unwind. For example, do something relaxing, such as bathing, yoga, meditation, or reading.
  • Get your significant other on board. If you’re living with another person, a spouse, or a partner, you need to get them on board; otherwise, there will be consequences.
  • Eat light at night. Eat at least two to three hours before going to bed. Avoid bloat-inducing, spicy foods and stimulants like caffeine and heavy drinking. Going to bed right after dinner can make you feel bloated, which may ruin the quality of your slumber.

Dim the Lights Before Bed

If you like surfing social media or binge-watching before bed, I’ve got some bad news.

Recent research revealed that staring at bright screens within a few hours before bed can interfere with circadian rhythms. These are our innate biological clock regulating the body’s daily rhythms.

This has to do with melatonin levels, and this is, by far, one of the biggest challenges facing our generation today.

Melatonin is a vital natural hormone the pineal gland makes that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. Any disturbance in the release of the hormone causes trouble.

Here’s what to do.

In the one to two hours before bed, dim your room lights, stop checking your Facebook and Instagram, turn off the TV, and avoid all forms of texting—this is exactly what you need to set up an environment that lulls you into sleep mode.

I prefer listening to audiobooks, lectures or reading a book (preferably fiction). I’m halfway through Stormlight Archives Book 4 (indeed, a long read). This is also when sleeping apps come in handy.

Get Your Gear Ready the Night Before

I know getting up early is hard, but rifling through the dark half-asleep trying to find your running gear wastes precious time. This, in turn, may make you more likely to skip your workout.

So prepare everything. Charge your phone, update your music playlist, prepare your water bottle and a pre-run snack, get your clothes and shoes out, and lay them on the floor.

What’s more?

Plan your running routine—mainly, how far, how long, and your running route. Use sites like WalkJogRun or MapMyRun to look up and find safe and popular routes for your morning runs. Some of you might want to try a new route, but popular routes are safer. Success favors the prepared mind.

Bonus tip for the hectic runner: sleep in your running clothes. Of course, the fresh ones, not the smelly ones, don’t include your running shoes. I know this sounds silly but just try and see for yourself.

 Wake Up Right

I know that getting out of bed can be tough, so try this:

  • Put your alarm across the room so you can get up to turn it off.
  • Set two alarms: One as a gentle wake-up, and another as the “get up now” alarm.
  • Let in some natural light, or use a wake-up light to simulate sunlight. It helps your body wake up more naturally.

Stay Hydrated

After a night of sleep, you wake up dehydrated. You’re dehydrated first thing in the morning, so drink some water.

How much water to drink depends on how far/hard you’re planning to run. As a rule, drink plenty as soon as you wake up and during your morning ritual. Shoot for at least six ounces of water before heading out the door.

For longer runs—more than an hour—bring a water bottle, plan a route along convenience stores and water fountains, or simply stash a bottle at a strategic location beforehand. Pure water is better than infused water.

To Eat or Not to Eat?

So, should you eat something before your early run?

I have no qualms about training on an empty stomach, especially after I got into the keto diet and intermittent fasting. But I understand that not every runner is the same. So, if you’re a breakfast person, stick with lighter options.

As a matter of fact, for some people, training in a fasted state may not be safe. It might even hinder their running goals.

To err on caution, eat something before heading out the door. A small morning snack or simple sugar may ensure you have enough energy in the tank—especially if you plan to run for more than an hour.

Good options include:

  • A banana,
  • Whole-grain cereal,
  • Whole wheat toast,
  • Dried fruits,
  • Yogurt
  • An energy bar,
  • Granola bar without added sugars,
  • A hard-boiled egg.

Find a Running Buddy

Feeling reluctant about your morning run? Schedule it with a training buddy. You are, after all, the company you keep. And keeping runners as the company is an excellent decision to make.

The rewards (as well as the punishment) that come with group running might be enough to hold you accountable for your action—especially when you’d rather hit the snooze and skip the run.

Pairing up helps you keep yourself accountable and consistent and ensures safety in numbers. So if it’s an issue, especially when running in a not-so-safe, bring someone.

Your training buddy can be a family member, a friend, or someone from the gym or local club—just commit and hold each other accountable. The rest is just details.

Follow a Plan

Follow a well-structured running plan. You should know, in advance, how fast and how far you’ll go and how long it should take.

It’s much harder to blow off a morning run when you’re following specific training—especially when training for a particular race.

What’s more?

Planning your runs helps end the barrage of excuses that will try to interfere with your success.

If you’re that ambitious, I recommend you develop a plan for the entire week or monthly. The clearer the plan, the better, both for the short and long term.

Be Persistent

Becoming a morning runner isn’t easy, but stick with it, and you’ll get there.

It takes time—science says it can take up to 4 weeks to build a habit—but once it clicks, those morning runs will feel like second nature.


There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how long your morning run should be. The key is consistency, whether starting with 15 minutes or pushing past an hour. Find a routine that works for you, stick with it, and enjoy the benefits of starting your day with a run.

Do you have any questions or tips for morning runs? Drop them in the comments below! Keep running, and stay consistent—you’ve got this!

A Deeper Dive Into How Nootropics Impact Running Performance

As a runner, you’re always looking for an edge. Whether it’s a new pair of shoes or a better warm-up routine, anything that can give you a boost is worth considering. But have you ever thought about using nootropics to improve your performance? Nootropics are supplements that are designed to enhance cognitive function, and they can offer a number of benefits for runners. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how nootropics can help runners perform better. 


Boosts Motivation


Have you ever struggled to find the motivation to go for a run? If so, you’re not alone. Many people find it difficult to get motivated to exercise, despite knowing that it’s good for them. However, nootropics can help boost your motivation levels. Some nootropics have been shown to increase dopamine levels in the brain, which can lead to increased motivation and drive. Tyrosine is a particularly effective nootropic for increasing dopamine levels, and it is widely used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts for its ability to boost motivation. If you’re struggling to find the motivation to run, consider adding a tyrosine-based nootropic supplement to your regimen. You may find that it makes it easier to get up and head out the door for your next run.


Increases Stamina And Endurance


If you’re a runner, then you know that stamina and endurance are key. And if you’re looking for an edge, then you may want to consider trying nootropics. Nootropics are a class of cognitive enhancers that can help to improve focus, attention, and energy levels. And while they’re often used by students and professionals to help boost productivity, they can also be beneficial to runners.


Nootropics can help to increase blood flow and oxygenation to the muscles, which can, in turn, improve stamina and endurance. These good brain supplements can also help to reduce fatigue and expedite recovery time. And because they can improve focus and attention, they can help you to maintain a higher level of mental clarity and concentration while running. If you’re looking for an edge over the competition, or just want to boost your running performance, then nootropics may be worth considering.


Increases Focus

You’re a runner. You love the feeling of your feet hitting the pavement, the wind in your hair, and the endorphin rush that comes with a good workout. But sometimes, it’s hard to stay focused. Maybe you’re feeling tired, or maybe your mind is just wandering. Enter Nootropics.

These drugs or supplements are known to improve cognitive function and focus. This means that they can help with things like memory and concentration. When it comes to running, these same benefits can be extremely helpful. After all, running is a great way to clear your head and focus on your goals. By taking these smart drugs or supplements, runners can help themselves stay focused and concentrated on their runs. As a result, they will be able to run further and faster than they ever thought possible. And one of the best nootropics for runners is N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT). NALT is an amino acid that has been shown to boost focus, mental clarity, and alertness. So if you’re looking for a way to improve your running performance, then consider giving Nootropics a try

Helps In Stress Management

As a runner, you know that managing stress is essential to your success. But what you may not know is that nootropics can help. Nootropics are supplements that are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that help support cognitive function. One of the ways they do this is by helping to lower levels of adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones are released in response to stress, and they can lead to high blood pressure and other negative health effects. By lowering your levels of these hormones, nootropics can help you keep your blood pressure under control and manage stress more effectively. So, if you’re looking for an edge on the competition, don’t forget to add nootropics to your list of must-haves.

Shortens Reaction Time

You might not realize it, but the way you react to things can be pretty important. Athletes, for example, need to be able to react quickly in order to perform at their best. That’s why some of them take nootropics since they have been shown to improve reaction time. Studies have found that certain nootropics can help people react up to 20% faster than usual. Not bad, right? So how do these substances work? Well, they seem to increase levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is involved in controlling muscle movement. They also seem to improve blood flow to the brain, providing it with more oxygen and nutrients. 

This is everything you need to know about how nootropics can enhance runners’ performance.

So whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned runner, nootropics can help you take your performance to the next level. If you’re looking for an edge, be sure to give them a try.

Clean Keto Food List for Beginners – A 7-Day Keto Meal Guide

keto food list

Looking for a clean keto food list for beginners? Then my 7-day keto meal guide should get you started on the right foot.

But a little bit about myself first.

If you’ve been following my blog as well as my Pinterest feed over the past few months, you’ll have noticed my increasing obsession with the ketogenic diet.

I tried this fantastic diet last year on a whim, and after a few weeks in, not only that I lost most of the pounds I gained that winter in record timing, but I also felt my best in a long time.

Going high-fat, low-carb was a complete game-changer.

But here’s the tricky part.

Coming up with a delicious, satisfying, yet keto-approved daily menu can be tricky.

It’s in fact, something I struggled with a lot.

I know I’m not alone.

I bet that anyone who tries the keto diet for the first time faces the same challenges—unless they were fortunate.

If you to ensure keto eating success, then you’re in the right place.

In today’s article, I’ll share with you a list of clean  a simple 7-day keto eating plan that will put you on the path to success.

Once you finish going through it, you’ll be looking forward to meals, and enjoying what you eat.

But first things first, let’s do a quick recap of the keto diet and what is it all about.

What’s The Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carb nutrition plan gets you into ketosis: a metabolic state in which your body taps into fat as a primary energy source instead of carbohydrates (glycogen).

But it’s not as simple as it sounds.

Reaching ketosis ain’t easy—and staying in it requires sticking to a daily keto-friendly diet with no more than 20 grams of carbs a day.

That can be quite challenging, especially for a low carb diet newbie.

To make this happen, you’ll need to stick to a diet consisting of lots of healthy fats, moderate protein, and little to no carbs.

Roughly two-thirds of your entire eating plan should come from fats.

Just keep in mind that just before you make the full switch to the ketogenic lifestyle, you’ll experience  a set of ketosis symptoms.

You’ll want to plan your meals around healthy oils, eggs, fish, nuts, non-starchy veggies, seeds, and some lower-carb fruits.

Check the complete list here.

Let’s delve deeper into what foods to eat and what to avoid on the keto diet.

Note – Ketosis Is Not Created Equal

Keep in mind that everyone’s body works differently.

You might be able to reach ketosis by eating roughly 30 grams of carbs.

All while, others may need to reduce their carb intake to 10 or fewer grams per day to be successful.

P.S. You can consider a *healthy keto food delivery* first to try out new dishes.

food for keto meal plan



Clean Keto Food List for Beginners

Here’s the list of keto diet food list I promised.

Keto Food Diet List  – The Healthy Oils

Oils are a great source of healthy fats—as long as you pick the right ones.

Whether you’re adding them to your salads, cooking with them, or using them for dips, you can’t go wrong with healthy oils.

Healthy fats are great because they make up the base of the keto diet, helping you reach and stay in ketosis.

They’re also super healthy.

For instance, some oils, such as coconut oil and olive oil, have been shown to help in weight loss, reduce blood pressure, and even alleviate symptoms of some common chronic diseases.

Fat is essential to body function, but it can also cause more harm than good if you’re reaching for the wrong type.

I hate to break it to you, but saturated fats, the type found in processed pretzels, potato chips, cookies, and processed foods do not make the cut.

Avoid them at all times.

You also need to cut hydrogenated fats, such as vegetable oils.

Instead, make sure to consume plenty of the following:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Cocoa butter
  • Duck fat
  • Ghee
  • Non-hydrogenated lard
  • MCT oil
  • Red Palm Oil
  • Sesame Oil
  • Walnut Oil
  • Macadamia oil
  • Tallow
  • Palm Shortening

 Keto Food Diet List  -The Dairy Products

Dairy is such an integral part of the keto diet for runners that it gets its own category on the food pyramid.

It’s also a great source of protein and vitamin D.

Most dairy is keto-approved, but make sure to go for full-fat items.

Harder cheeses usually contain fewer carbs.

These are a great source of healthy fats, protein, and calcium.

Remember that some dairy has additional carbs in it, so be careful.

Add the following dairy products to your keto menu:

  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Cottage cheese
  • Butter
  • Heavy whipping cream
  • Cream cheese
  • Sour cream
  • Nut milk
  • Plain Greek yogurt

Additional resource – Macros for runners

Keto Food Diet List – The Meats

While lean protein takes drastically less space in a keto eating plan than fats, you’d still need to consume enough of it to ensure cellular functioning.

Quality is key.

When you choose quality, your body will absorb these healthy fats with minimum dire consequences.

I’d recommend that you go for organic, pasture-raised, and grass-fed meats whenever possible.

What’s more?

Consume fattier cuts of meats whenever possible, especially the ribeye, pork belly, etc.

But be warned.

Although meats are some of the best keto foods, too much protein can hamper ketosis, so pay attention to your portions.

Add to cart the following lean protein sources:

  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Turkey
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Venison
  • Alligator
  • Bison
  • Bear
  • Deer
  • Veal
  • Elk
  • Duck
  • Goat
  • Sheep
  • Turkey
  • Goose
  • Wild boar
  • Rabbit
  • pheasant
  • Quail
  • Reindeer
  • Kangaroo
  • Lamb
  • Snake (if that’s your thing)

Check the ingredients for the following cured and premade meats

  • Sausage
  • Hot dogs
  • Salami
  • Bacon
  • Pepperoni
  • Deli meat

Additional resource – Can you run a marathon on keto

Keto Food Diet List  – The Organ Meats

Usually regarded as a second-grade type of meat in the western world, organ meats have an amazing nutritional profile.

Also known as offal, organ meats are the organs of the animals raised mostly for their meat, eggs, and milk.

The most common types include the heart, kidneys, livers, tongue, brain, tripe, and gizzards.

Organ meat is incredibly nutritious and boasts a host array of health benefits.

These meats used to be a significant part of our ancestor’s diets, providing a substantial nutritional advantage to groups of people who rarely had access to nutrient-dense foods.

It also happens to be super keto-friendly. However, some types contain varying amounts of carbs, so pay attention.

Add to cart the following items:

  • Liver
  • Heart
  • Kidney
  • Gizzards
  • Bone marrow
  • Tripe
  • Tongue

Keto Food Diet List – The Seafood

Besides organ meats, seafood might be the most nutrient-dense food you can eat.

Seafood options such as tuna, shrimp, crab, and scallops are low carb options that work very well on the keto diet.

They are also leaner than red meats, boasting less saturated fat and cholesterol.

What’s more?

Seafood is also a great source of healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for heart and brain health as well as other vital nutrients like protein and selenium.

Try to consume fatty fish, wild-caught, if possible.

Add to cart the following:

  • Sardines
  • Wild salmon
  • Shrimp
  • Mackerel
  • Tuna crab
  • Cod
  • Mussels
  • Caviar
  • Crab
  • Abalone
  • Shrimp
  • Squid
  • Lobster
  • Clams
  • Scallop
  • Anchovies
  • Oysters
  • Haddock
  • Bass
  • Eel
  • Herring
  • Flounder
  • Rockfish
  • Mahi Mahi
  • Halibut
  • Perch
  • Red snapper
  • Turbot
  • Tilapia
  • Grouper
  • Sole

Additional resource – Magnesium for runners

Keto Food Diet List  – The  Vegetables

A great source of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, vegetables are the foundation of healthy eating—the ketogenic diet is no exception.

But not all veggies are keto-friendly.

As a rule, starchy, high-carb, choices are off-limits.

These include all veggies grown below ground such as beets, yams, carrots, turnips, sweet and regular potatoes.

Instead, opt for non-starchy veggies.

These score high on vitamins, fiber, minerals, antioxidants, and so much more.

The only non-starchy veggies to avoid are ones that you’re allergic to or those that upset your digestive tract.

Here is the list of veggies listed from the lowest to the high carb content per serving.

  • Mushrooms
  • Spinach
  • Artichokes
  • Bok Choy
  • Cabbage
  • Chicory Greens
  • Endives
  • Garlic
  • Leeks
  • Chives
  • Cucumber
  • Dandelion Greens
  • Fennel
  • Kohlrabi
  • Parsley
  • Jicama
  • Mustard Greens
  • Okra
  • Onions
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Kale
  • Watercress
  • Radicchio
  • Scallion
  • Swiss Chard
  • Turnip Greens
  • Pumpkin
  • Rhubarb
  • Seaweed (all sea vegetables)
  • Shallots
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Celery
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Zucchini
  • Broccoli

Fermented vegetables

  • Sauerkraut
  • Kimchi

Additional resource – Keto recipes for low carb eating

Keto Food Diet List  – The Fruits

Although fruits pack a lot of nutrients, their carb content makes them a no-no on the keto diet.

You don’t have to give up fruit on the ketogenic diet, but go for lower-carb options, and there is plenty of low-sugar, and thus low carb fruits worth including in your diet.

Some of these options are full choke of antioxidants, help stabilize blood sugar levels, etc.

Also, pay attention to portion sizes to avoid going overboard on carbs.

Add to cart the following:

  • Avocadoes (yes, it’s a fruit!)
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Lemon
  • Limes
  • Coconut

Additional resource – Vitamin D for runners

Keto Food Diet List  – The Drinks

If you’re a coffee addict—just like me—then rest assured that you don’t have to give up your morning expresso on the keto diet.

There’s a thing known as keto coffee.

This tutorial shows you how to make it the right way.

For more taste without the carbs, try blending your coffee with MCT oil or coconut oil.

My best recommendation is to keep it simple and stick to mostly water.

You can add some flavor if you want to with lemon/lime juice or stevia-based flavorings.

Add to cart the following drinks to your diet:

  • Unsweetened Coffee
  • Keto coffee
  • Almond coffee
  • Broth (vegetables, chicken, beef, bone)
  • Herbal Teas
  • Sparkling Mineral Water
  • Water
  • Coconut Milk
  • Seltzer Water

Keto Food Diet List  – The Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a fantastic source of healthy fats and protein on the keto diet.

They’re also great for a snack on the go as well as a tasty and crunchy addition to any meal, especially salads.

Stick to fattier nuts like almonds and macadamias.

Roast them to get the most out of them.

Be careful of their calorie content.

They can rack up quite fast.

If you’re trying to lose weight, too much of the stuff may derail and compromise your efforts.

These also may contain various amounts of carbs so watch out.

I hate to break it to you, but peanuts are not from this family.

They’re legumes and should be avoided on the keto diet.

Grab the following at the store:

  • Almonds
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Pistachios
  • Pecans
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Cashews
  • Walnuts
  • Sesame seeds
  • Pine nuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Psyllium seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Hemp seed

Keto Food Diet List  –  Keto-Friendly Condiments

Finding ketogenic approved condiments for some extra flavor can be tricky.

Not all condiments make the keto cut.

BBQ sauce, ketchup, and many salad dressings have lots of extra sugar.

So pay attention to labels and choose sugar-free options.

Or, better yet, make your own low-carb condiments.

Add some flavor to your meals using the following:

  • Olive oil mayonnaise
  • Unsweetened ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Oil-based salad dressings
  • Vinegar
  • Salsa
  • Mao
  • Guacamole
  • Aioli
  • Hot sauce
  • Sugar-free dry rubs

Additional resource – Best sources of electrolytes for runners

The 7-Day Keto Meal Plan 

What follows is a simple 7-day keto meal plan that’s ideal for keto beginners.

The plan has 21 keto recipes—breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day for one week.

It also contains some of my favorite easy-to-make low-carb recipes that deliver delicious and satisfying eats.

This eating plan should provide a complete guide for beginners who want to try this way of eating.

I hope it delivers on its promise.

Otherwise, I’m failing both of us.

Additional resource – Salt tablets for runners

Keto Meal Plan – Day 1

Breakfast – Fat Coffee

Keto coffee is one of the best keto-friendly drinks out there, and the perfect way to start the day if you need that morning jolt, just like the rest of us.

The drink provides plenty of fuel and a great sated feeling while being frothy and delicious.

Not to mention that it’s healthier than your average Starbucks macchiato.

What’s more?

Keto coffee is easy to make.

Take good quality coffee, pour it into a large container, then blend it with grass-fed butter, coconut oil and a bit of stevia.

Still confused?

Watch this tutorial.


  • Coffee freshly brewed
  • Grass-fed and unsalted butter
  • MCT oil or coconut oil
  • Heavy cream
  • Stevia, vanilla extra, or any other non-sugar flavor of your choice.

Lunch: Keto Spinach Salad

I love spinach.

This superfood, calorie for calorie, provides more nutrients than any other food, according to the World’s Healthiest Foods.

Keto spinach salad is the perfect low-carb lunch option or light dinner.

It’s flavorful, fresh, and full of nutrients.

It’s also sweet, crunchy, creamy, and tangy.

It also comes together quickly in less than 30 minutes.

Just wow.

What’s more?

You can also easily customize this spinach salad, adding more or less spinach—as well as other ingredients—depending on what you like.

For more taste, feel free to top it with eggs and bacon and toss it with a red wine vinaigrette, or some romaine lettuce.


  • Spinach
  • Chicken thigh
  • Hardboiled eggs
  • avocado
  • Olive oil
  • Grated cheese
  • Curry powder
  • Salt and pepper.

Dinner – Keto Pizza

If you crave pizza on the low-carb diet, the following recipe will get you covered.

There are many pizza keto-friendly recipes out there.

The keto version is made from cheese, protein powder, meat, cauliflower, and most importantly, almond flour.

The recipe yields the perfect thin crust pizza chew.

It has everything you want in a regular pizza—cheese, peppercorn, tomatoes sauce—minus the carbs.

The recipe also comes together in less than 20 minutes.


  • Eggs
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Cream cheese
  • Almond flour
  • Baking powder
  • Unsweetened tomato sauce
  • Dried oregano
  • Olives
  • sea salt and ground black pepper

Additional resource – How to eat less sugar

Keto Meal Plan  – Day 2

Breakfast: Sausage Breakfast Sandwich

If you want something to help you get over your breakfast sandwich obsession—something I had to deal with myself—then the following recipe is exactly what you need.

I consider this low carb sausage sandwich the ultimate keto breakfast for people who crave taste in the early morning.

It’s also low in carbs and high in healthy fats and nutrients.

What’s more?

The mix of juicy patties, keto-friendly almond flour, eggs, and melted cheddar cheese is the healthiest alternative to a McDonalds.

You can also freeze and reheat in the microwave for an on-the-go, but deliciously satisfying breakfast, or any other meal of the day.


  • Eggs
  • Sausage patties
  • Heavy cream
  • Butter
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Avocado
  • Salt and pepper

Lunch – Tuna Salad Lettuce

It won’t take you a long time to make a mouthwatering meal when you have got a lot of delicious and simple ingredients on hand.

Don’t you believe me?

This tuna salad is proof.

The following recipe makes a fantastic keto tuna salad in less than 10 minutes with accessible ingredients.

It’s ideal as a post-workout snack or for on-the-go low carb lunch.

With a few simple ingredients, you can throw together a satisfying lunch, no cooking required.

It’s also easy to make.

Mix tuna, celery, mayonnaise, red onion, lime juice, and the rest of the ingredients in a bowl.

Toss in some tomatoes to brighten the plate.

So tasty.

So simple.

So keto.


  • Can of tuna
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Mayonnaise
  • Lemon juiced
  • Diced onions
  • Sea salt and pepper, to taste.

Additional resource – Diet mistakes runners make 

Dinner – Keto Chicken Garam Masala

A fan of Indian cuisine?

This one is for you.

The following low-carb recipe got plenty of pieces of chicken in a rich, creamy sauce, tomato paste, and lots of spices.

Add in some sweet bell peppers, coconut cream, and chicken, and you’ll want to have this dish over and over again.

Don’t freak out when you check the ingredient list.

Sure, it’s a bit lengthy, but it takes just 15 minutes to throw everything together.


  • Chicken breast
  • Butter or ghee
  • ground cumin
  • Ground coriander seed
  • Yellow onion
  • Ground cardamom
  • Ground turmeric
  • Coriander
  • Paprika
  • Chili powder
  • Red bell pepper
  • Coconut cream or heavy whipping cream
  • Nutmeg
  • Tomato paste
  • Finely chopped cilantro
  • Sea salt and pepper

Keto Meal Plan – Day 3

Breakfast – Egg Omelet with Cheese, Spinach, and Sausage

Eggs are nutrient-dense, healthy, and one of the keto-friendliest foods around.

That’s why they are an integral part of most low-carb diets.

The following recipe is one of the best keto dish made with fatty ingredient.

Feel free to use plenty of butter, cheese, oil, egg yolks, and low carb veggies.

You can also add a small portion of fatty meats.

I recommend sausage.


  • Eggs
  • Spinach leaves
  • Breakfast sausage
  • Feta cheese
  • Fresh Dill
  • butter
  • Olive oil
  • Leafy greens
  • Sea salt and pepper

Lunch—Keto Chicken BLT Salad

I was never a big fan of salads.

But once I resolved to eat healthier, I couldn’t avoid them anymore.

So I had to find recipes that I like and that work for me.

The keto check BLT salad is an excellent example.

The following recipe is one of my favorite salads out there.

You can easily throw together this salad either with leftover chicken, rotisseries or even canned chick if you’re pressed for time.


  • Boneless chicken thighs
  • Cheery tomatoes
  • Butter
  • Bacon
  • Avocado
  • Mayonnaise
  • Romaine lettuce (for wrapping)
  • Celery seasoning
  • Sea salt and pepper.

Dinner – Bacon Cheese Balls

If you don’t love eating cheese balls stuffed with bacon—one of the most delicious meats known to man—then there’s something wrong with your taste buds.

These bacon cheese balls are easy to make ahead and are ideal for parties and other social gatherings.

What’s more?

These balls are typically served at room temperature, so don’t worry about keeping them warm.


  • Bacon
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Pecans
  • Cream cheese
  • Green onion
  • Garlic powder
  • Butter, at room temperature
  • Dried parsley
  • Poppy seeds
  • Onion powder
  • Driven chives
  • Chili flakes
  • Sea salt and pepper

Keto Meal Plan –  Day 4

Breakfast – Keto Egg Muffins

When you’re leading a busy life, you’d, sooner or later—need something quick to grab while running out of the door.

Finding keto-approved snacks can be quite challenging—but the following recipe should keep you covered.

These muffins are perfect for keeping on hand in your fridge or freezing through the week.

This also makes ideal to make-ahead on your meal prep day if you’re into that.

Pop on in the microwave for 30 seconds when you’re ready to serve.


  • Eggs
  • Shredded cheese
  • Spinach
  • Scallions
  • Mushrooms
  • MCT oil powder
  • Red pesto
  • Salt and pepper

Lunch – Keto cheeseburger

Don’t let low-carb lifestyle eating stand in your way of enjoying a good burger.

These keto burgers are not only delicious but with none of the carbs and sugars to spike your blood sugar levels and kick you out of ketosis.

Try this recipe, and you’ll enjoy a burger that tastes just like the real one and even adds it to your keto meal plan without worrying about your macros.


  • Ground beef
  • Clove garlic
  • Onion powder
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Black pepper
  • Tomatoes
  • Scallions
  • Avocado
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt and pepper
  • Fresh cilantro

Dinner – Baked Salmon with asparagus

Salmon is one of my favorite fish.

It’s a fish you could eat every day, has a lot of nutrients but a low mercury choice, unlike tuna or swordfish.

Although it may appear as if you spent endless hours in the kitchen, making this dish is relatively straightforward.

The following recipe only requires three simple ingredients: salmon, asparagus, and butter.

You can transform the recipe into a delicious dinner in just 20 minutes.

It’s not only keto-friendly but also super delicious.

For more flavor, add some lemon juice, chopped garlic, or sauce of butter.


  • Salmon fillets
  • Green asparagus
  • Butter
  • Garlic Cloves
  • Lemon juice and zest
  • Sea salt and pepper.

Keto Meal Plan –  Day 5

Breakfast – Bacon, and Eggs

Fried eggs and bacon may not seem like much, but they’re full of healthy fats and lean protein that will keep you satisfied all morning without kicking you out of ketosis.

If you’re bored with the classic combo, then the following recipe will help you take it to an entirely new level.

The secret to making great eggs is never overcooking them and always adding more richness to them.


  • Eggs
  • Bacon
  • Butter
  • Heavy whipping cream
  • Avocado
  • Green bell pepper
  • Walnuts
  • Sea salt and pepper

Lunch – Keto Smoked Salmon & Avocado

This dish combines two of my favorite foods: salmon and avocado.

The recipe yields a high-fat, high-fiber salad that will keep you energized for hours thanks to the avocado and salmon.

What’s more?

The dish is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and can be prepared in under 15 minutes.

After all, life on the keto diet doesn’t have to be complicated.


  • Smoked salmon
  • Avocadoes
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream
  • Lemon juice
  • Sea salt and pepper

Dinner – Ground Beef Tacos

Ground beef is a keto-friendly and relatively inexpensive form of meat.  That’s why I ‘m adding this recipe to the list.

The recipe comes together quickly, so it’s ideal for busy weeknight keto dinners.

Simply cook up some ground beef and use romaine for sheets.

For more texture, throw in some cheese and sour cream, and you’ll never crave tortillas.

Remember to use cheddar cheese shell instead of the high-carb proceed corn taco shells found at the grocery store.


  • Cheese taco shells—or your low-carb favorites
  • Lean ground beef
  • Low carb taco seasoning
  • Tomato Paste
  • Sea salt and pepper
  • Shredded cheddar cheese

Keto Meal Plan – Day 6

Breakfast – Sausage and Egg Breakfast Bowl

If you’re craving a high-protein breakfast that’s still keto-friendly and easy to make, look no further than sausage and egg breakfast bowl.

I love the following recipe because it’s fun to make and I get to enjoy a bunch of different foods in one go.

It’s also simple and easy to throw together without throwing your keto efforts out of whack.

Since you’ll be cooking the eggs separately, you can fry them up exactly the way you love the most.


  • Sausage
  • Whole eggs
  • radishes
  • Cheddar cheese
  • butter
  • Sea salt and pepper

Lunch – Leftover Turkey Salad

The following recipe is a fantastic way to use those lunch leftovers.

The dish can also be ready to serve in a few minutes since you’re using pre-cooked ingredients.

Chop up the ingredients into small pieces and mix them all.

Feel free to add more taste with some keto veggie crusts.


  • Cooked turkey meat
  • Avocado
  • Cream cheese
  • lettuce
  • Stalk celery
  • Olive oil
  • Onion
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sea salt and pepper.

Dinner – Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole

If you love eating chicken pasta casserole, but no longer can have it because of the pasta, then the following casserole recipe is something you could enjoy.

Instead of the carb-rich noodles usually used, you’ll substitute the noodles with cauliflower.

This low carb recipe is pretty great—extra fat from the bacon and cheese, enough protein to keep you satisfied, and super low in carbs.

For more taste, you can also get a bit creative and toss in a few other veggies too.

Feel free to use squash, zucchini, turnips, or even radishes.


  • Bacon
  • Boneless, skinless, chicken breasts
  • Ranch seasoning
  • Chives
  • Salt and pepper

Keto Meal Plan – Day 7

Breakfast – Keto Blueberries Pancakes

The following recipe makes delicious pancakes without traditional flavors and sugars.

It’s made with the ideal mix of coconut flour, almond flour, eggs, and blueberries for a meal that’s so delicious and fluffy that you’ll be hardpressed to believe they’re low carb.

The blueberries—one of the few keto-friendly fruits out here—adds a touch of sweetness but they also have some sugar so pay attention to the portions.


  • Eggs
  • Cream cheese
  • Fresh blueberries
  • Melted butter
  • Almond flour
  • Oat fiber
  • Baking powder
  • Sea salt and pepper

Lunch – Bacon Spinach Frittata

Tired of making omelets?

Try the following frittata recipes that make a dish full of greens, leafy veggies, and bacon.

It may seem complicated, but the recipe is fantastically simple to make. Combine eggs, spinach, bacon or sausage, and veggies into a mouth-watering feast for the tummy.

For more flavor, feel free to top it with a scoop of ghee or guacamole for a mouth-watering meal.


  • Eggs
  • Diced bacon
  • Butter
  • Fresh spinach
  • Whipping cream
  • Grass-fed ghee
  • Shredded cheese
  • Rosemary sprig
  • Sea salt and pepper

Dinner—Slow cooker Mexican Tacos

Unlike your typical high-carb Mexican feasts, the following slow cooker Mexican shredded because of the keto-friendly ingredients that won’t spike your blood sugar levels nor kick you out of ketosis.

The recipe takes roughly 30 minutes to be thrown together and pre this impressive dish.

You can serve it with lettuce wraps or classic low-carb tacos or combine it with roasted veggies or cauliflower rice.


  • Pastured beef short rips or beef shank
  • Cilantro
  • Ground turmeric
  • ground cumin
  • Ground coriander
  • Garlic Cloves
  • Chipotle powder
  • Diced onions
  • Jalapenos
  • Garlic powder
  • Smoked paprika
  • Sea salt and pepper
  • Water

Clean keto food list for beginners – The Conclusion


There you have it.

The above clean keto food list for beginners  is all you need to get started on the low carb path and ensure success in the process.

You need to show up, get the ingredients, and start cooking.

The rest is just detail.

Thank you for dropping by.

Please feel free to leave your comments and keto meal recipe ideas in the section below.

In the meantime, keep eating healthy.


David D.

Overtraining Syndrome – How Much Running is Too Much?

overtraining syndrome

Eager to Run Without Burning Out? Here’s the Lowdown

There’s no doubt that running can work wonders, from shedding those extra pounds to sculpting your physique.

But hold up—did you know it’s possible to get too wrapped up in that runner’s high? Whether you’re a marathon maestro or just getting your running shoes dirty, running burnout is lurking around the corner for the unwary.

Also known as overtraining, burnouts are a common and painful reality in the running world. telltale signs? Fatigue, decreased performance, and a dwindling love for the sport.

So, how do you strike the perfect balance, reaping the rewards of running while keeping burnout at bay? Fear not! This guide is your trusty roadmap.

In today’s article, I’ll demystify running burnouts, shedding light on their causes and symptoms. Plus, we’ve got a treasure trove of tips and tricks to manage and, better yet, prevent them.

Ready to run smart and sustainably?

Grab your shoes, and let’s hit the trail with knowledge as our compass!

What is Overtraining Syndrome?

It’s the dark side of running—a shadowy space where the love for the sport unintentionally morphs into its own enemy. Overtraining, or as many aptly dub it, ‘burnout’, arises when you’re heaping on the miles and speed without giving your body its well-deserved downtime.

Why Does it Happen?

  • Packing on Intensity: Piling on challenging runs back-to-back without sprinkling in some easier days? This is a one-way ticket to Overtraining Ville.
  • Skimping on Recovery: It’s not just about the sheer volume of runs but also about the time you grant your body to rejuvenate.
  • Sudden Shifts: Suddenly upped your mileage or started sprinting more? Such abrupt changes can jolt your system, leading to overtraining.

How Much Running is Too Much?

Running is exhilarating. The wind against your face, the rhythm of your footsteps on the ground, and the sheer thrill of surpassing your limits. But as with anything, there’s a fine line between passion and overindulgence.

So, how much is too much? It’s a bit like asking, “How long is a piece of string?” The answer: it varies. It’s influenced by your personal fitness goals, your experience level, and even your genetics.

Elite vs. Novice Runners:

An elite marathoner might effortlessly rack up 100 miles a week, while for a beginner, clocking in a consistent 10-15 miles might be the ceiling.

Who’s at Risk? Everyone, Really:

The more experienced can sometimes fall into the trap of pushing beyond their limits, especially when chasing a personal best or gearing up for a significant event.

What’s more?

For those new to the sport, the initial excitement can lead to doing too much too soon.

The Beginner’s Blueprint:

For newcomers, a walk-run program is gold. It ensures a gradual build-up, reducing the risk of burnouts and injuries.

A Startling Statistic:

It’s estimated that a whopping 60% of runners will encounter overtraining at some point. While that might sound daunting, remember—knowledge is power. Being aware means you’re halfway to preventing it.

How to Evaluate Your Routine:

  • Frequency & Intensity: If you’re running just a few times a week at a comfortable pace, burnout might not be a looming threat.
  • Cross-Training: Diversifying workouts can mitigate risks. But if you’re juggling intense running with rigorous gym sessions, it’s crucial to ensure you’re not inadvertently overloading your system..

The University of South Carolina Study:

This research suggests that the typical runner clocks in no more than 20 miles weekly. These miles are smartly spread out, ensuring that there are recovery days in the mix.

The same study highlights that most runners typically limit their longer runs to approximately an hour. This might be to prevent undue stress on the body and to aid optimal recovery.

What’s more?

Some eyebrow-raising findings emerged from studies published in these journals. They indicated that individuals running more than 20 miles a week might have a shorter life span than those who run less.

Implications & Considerations:

While these findings might sound alarming, it’s crucial to remember that correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation. There could be various confounding factors at play, including genetic predispositions, other health habits, or underlying medical conditions.

Consistently, studies seem to suggest that moderation in running might be beneficial. It’s about finding a balance that promotes cardiovascular health without introducing undue physical stress.

To further answer this question, let’s look at some side effects of running more than you should.

Running Burnout Symptoms

Pay attention to your body indicators to gauge when to keep going forward and when to back off by learning to recognize these warning signs.

Let’s dive into some of the subtle (and not-so-subtle) red flags that might indicate you’re pushing beyond your limit:

Entering the Muscle-Burning Phase:

Instead of muscle-building and endurance-boosting, overtraining can shift your body into a phase where muscles are constantly being depleted and not recovering adequately.

Constant Irritability:

Feeling snappy or perpetually in a bad mood? Your running routine could be the unsuspecting culprit.

Hormonal Havoc:

Overtraining can lead to disruptions in hormone production and release. One notable example is the reduction in catecholamine, a hormone that plays a pivotal role in mood regulation.

Stress & Anxiety:

The hormonal imbalances triggered by overtraining can impact your sympathetic nervous system, leading to heightened stress and anxiety levels.

Hydration Status: 

It might feel a tad odd to inspect your pee, but it can be quite the telling indicator. Clear or light yellow urine typically signifies proper hydration, while a dark yellow hue can be a sign of dehydration.

Heartbeat Tells a Story

As your body grapples with the demands of excessive running, it might ramp up metabolic rates, which can consequently push up your RHR.

While a heightened RHR can be an indicator, remember it’s not the sole reason. Several external elements, like caffeine, hydration status, stress, and sleep quality, can skew your RHR. Hence, it’s crucial to consider the broader picture.

Additional reference – Stop peeing when running

Falling Sick Repeatedly

Frequent bouts of cold, coughing, congestion, persistent runny nose, fever, and other common illnesses could be your body’s way of sounding the alarm. If these symptoms seem more recurrent than before, it could be linked to your rigorous training regime.

Incessant Pain & Prolonged Injuries

The philosophy of “No pain, No gain” doesn’t always apply. While some soreness after a workout is normal, persistent pain or injuries are red flags. Overtraining doesn’t allow the body the crucial recovery time it needs. As a result, instead of training on a robust foundation, you may inadvertently be causing wear and tear on an already weakened structure.

Look out for recurring aches in places you haven’t felt before or previous injuries that seem to flare up repeatedly. Another sign is when the usual muscle soreness after a workout doesn’t ease up after a day or two.

Tired All The Time

A general feeling of fatigue, a sudden dip in enthusiasm for workouts, or feeling unusually drained post-exercise might indicate overtraining. It’s not just about physical tiredness—overtraining can also make you mentally sluggish.

Sleepless Nights

If you’re tossing and turning, waking up in the wee hours, or struggling to get some shut-eye despite feeling exhausted, it’s worth assessing your training routine. Chronic sleep deprivation can further exacerbate the symptoms of overtraining, creating a vicious cycle..

Decreased Motivation

Just as the body speaks through physical pain and exhaustion, it also communicates subtly through our emotions and metabolic responses. Let’s delve into these nuanced signs of overtraining:

Unwanted Weight Loss

This isn’t about the usual calorie deficit from exercise. Chronic overtraining can stress the body, impacting metabolic rates, appetite, and even nutrient absorption. Your body might start tapping into muscle reserves for energy, leading to muscle loss.

A Quick Note.

For an in-depth dive into overtraining syndrome, check the following resources:

How To Measure Running Burnouts?

Now that you know the many signs of overtraining, it’s time to put it into practice.

Green Light: 0-1

No reason to panic here.

You are safe to push it a bit further.

You’re barely pushing your body.

Do more.

Be Careful: 3-4

Go ahead with your training program, but reduce the duration and intensity of your runs until some of the red flags subside.

Danger Zone: 5 or more

This is where you risk hurting yourself if you keep it up without taking the right recovery measures.

Counting more than five warming signs means you’re definitely in danger.

For the most part, your recovery time depends on how overtrained you are.

The more symptoms you suffer from, the longer it’ll take for your body to recover.

This could range from a couple of days to a few weeks, or you may even need to visit a doctor.

Additional resource – Common Overuse injuries


Overtraining in Runners – The Conclusion

Every serious runner needs to learn how to deal with and prevent running burnout when training. But, don’t let your problems eat you from the inside.

Remember that there is such a thing as too much running.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training hard.

Cheap Running Gear Guide – How To Find Affordable Running Clothing, Shoes & Races


Looking to buy cheap running gear? Then this post is for you.

Here’s the truth.

Buying new running gear can be stressful when you have many options but are overcharged. This is especially the case when you’re already on a tight budget.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Here’s the truth—if you know how and where to look, you can find pretty decent running gear at a very affordable price.

Cheap Running Gear Guide 

Without further ado, here are a few tips and tricks to help find affordable running shoes, running clothes, and races.

Choose The Right Stores

If you want to shop on a budget, one smart move is to avoid specialty stores that only sell running clothes.

Even if you love brands thanks to their exclusive designs and reliable quality, they’re still not worth the splurge

Specialty stores such as Nike, Puma, or Lululemon will always try to overcharge you simply because of brand name recognition and because they’re held as experts in making workout clothing.

Here’s what to do instead.

As long as you can tell quality material, get your next running shirt or shorts from “broad-specialty” stores like Forever 21 or H&M. These brands will often sell gear of similar value and performance but at a much more affordable price.

You can also try your luck at department stores that sell brand-name items for lower prices, such as TJ Maxx. Remember, being fancy is never a priority. Comfort first.

How To Buy Cheap Running Shoes

With a pair of running shoes costing 90-120$, expenses can add up fast regarding running gear.

Generally, you’ll need a new pair of shoes every 400 to 500 miles. So if you ran 30 miles per week, you’d be burning through at least three pairs a year. That’s more than $300 on shoes alone per year.

Proper running clothing costs money, too.

How much gear you need likely depends on how often you train. If you exercise all year round, you’ll need a mix of summer and winter running clothing.

The following steps should help keep your running gear costs at bay:

Buy During Sales

So how to buy cheap running shoes?

One thing you can do to save money on shoes is to buy them during major sales (you have to wait for them or go to a warehouse store) or online (by searching for the best deals). Also, some reputable sports brands may slash the price of previous season shoes at the onset of a new year, making it the perfect time to hunt for new shoes.

Go Digital

Some websites, such as ShoeKicker and The Clymb, may help you find some of the best deals on running shoes and other gear in one place.

Check other colors

When choosing a certain shoe model, check in on other colors/styles, as some colors might be cheaper than others.

Shop at Non-Specialty Stores

For the best deals on workout clothing, steer clear of high-end athletic wear stores. Instead, shop at other stores such as TJ Maxx, Baleaf, Target, and H&M. all of these stores offer great quality workout gear at an affordable

Compare Prices

Getting the best deals on running gear is a process and one that takes time.

It’s easier to hit the nearest high-end store and splurge on their clothing, shoes, and accessories, but only if you can afford them.

You must play the long game if you want quality without breaking your bank account. So be patient and go slow.

I’d recommend an online source such as Best Budget. Tools like this one provide you with relevant price comparisons and reviews—it also makes the research phase a little bit easier.

Sign up For Newsletters

Don’t want to give up on brand-name products? Then, sign up for their newsletter to find out about big sales and discounts.

You can also subscribe to your favorite stores for coupons. Choose your favorites and stay in touch with them but don’t get stuck on one brand. You’ll be sorry when you can find another item that’s cheaper but of similar or better quality.

Don’t want to get spammed into your main inbox? Create a separate email just for subscriptions and coupons.

Buy Last Season’s Models

Running gear doesn’t change as much throughout the season. More often than, the only things that differ are the colors or patterns.

So instead of the navy blue running shorts offered now, find the black ones from the previous collection. You might end up paying half the price.

The material will be the same, and you’ll feel just as comfortable wearing the black shorts as you’d be wearing the navy blue ones.

As long as you’re choosing comfortable and high-performing fabrics, you’re good to go. Comfort over fashion. That’s the golden rule.

Where to find them?

Grab last season’s items at outlet stores, clearance racks, sales sections, or online. Some stores usually hold a clearance sale on certain dates of the month.

Take Care Of Your Running Shoes

The average running shoe lifespan is roughly 400 to 500 miles, depending on various factors such as weight, running style, intensity, and shoe model itself.

In other words, you’ll need to get a new pair every few months, which can take a toll on your bank account.

Fortunately, there are a few measures you can take right now to make sure that your sneakers last you as long as possible.

Let’s discuss a few.

Keep them To the Running

Do not use your running shoes for any other activity other than running. Gym, grocery trips, and all the walking around add to the mileage. Even if you’re just walking around in them, you’re still wearing out the support and cushioning.

Wash regularly:

As the first line of contact, your shoes can take quite a beating. Cleaning your sneakers is something you should be doing at least once a week or after any rainy, muddy run

You should also avoid throwing them in a washing machine, drying machine, or near a radiator. Instead, wash your running shoes manually, then let them air dry.

Take them Off Properly

Instead of using your foot to kick the shoes off, untie and loosen the laces before removing your shoes.

Forcing your feet out may put a lot of pressure on the laces and heel collar, which forces them to stretch out and lose their shape.

Store Right

Keeping your shoes in the trunk of your car or exposed to direct sunlight is another way to break them down sooner.

Instead, keep your shoes in a dry, cool place away from a heater or the trunk of your car.

If your shoes are wet, you can speed up the drying process by stuffing them with balls of newspaper to absorb the moisture.


Where to Find Cheap Running Clothes

You don’t have to break your bank account to get higher-end running wear. Instead, get your running gear from the following places.

Old Navy

For relatively cheaper but decent quality wear, Old Navy Active line provides a good selection of workout shirts, shorts and tops, and pants that have gotten rave reviews.

What’s more?

Old Navy often offers 30 percent and even 40 percent off sales to schedule your purchases accordingly.

Pricing: Clothes range from $5 to $30 per item.


One of my favorite places for inexpensive yet reliable activewear. H&M offers stylish and effective activewear items that can be used everywhere—running is no exception.

Pricing: Activewear range from $10 to $50.


Not only is Macey’s a great source of exercise clothing such as shorts, shirts, sports bras, and socks. For less, the store offers a range of reputable shoe brands, such as Nike, Asics, Adidas, and Skechers.

What’s more?

Macey’s also offers amazing regular sales on highly reputable brands, so remember to sign up for their newsletter to keep up on its current promos and deals.

Pricing: Clothes range from $5 to $30.


Gap Fit, Gap’s activewear line, is one of the inexpensive lines of activewear out there.

The brand has a wide variety of stylish and comfortable styles. It also lets you easily shop by type of workout and level of intensity.

Price range: $10 to $30 per item.


Zappos offers a good range of activewear for runners of all ages, gender, and sizes. You can also find a wide selection of running shoes from Nike, Brooks, Asics, Hoka One One, and much more.

It also provides free standard shipping on virtually all orders, with no minimum required, which is one of the reasons the website has become so successful.

Price range: $10 to $30 per item.

Stick to Quality

Eventually, you’ll come across a cross of a piece of clothing that looks amazing

But is it worth it? Is it durable?

Nothing is worse than spending your hard-earned money on a garment that falls apart after just a few runs.

Quality gear should also last you through more than a single season, and there are a few measures you can take to tell if your workout items are well-made.

When shopping, check for the following:

The Fabrics

Check the tags that display the materials of the clothing piece. For example, what fabric is the clothing made of?

Next, check if the fabric wicks sweat away from the skin, which is essential for keeping dry and comfortable. Natural wicking fabrics include bamboo and wool, whereas synthetic ones include Lycra and Polyester.

Ideal fabrics usually contain polypropylene or fabrics such as Coolmax and Supplex.

These fabrics allow sweat to evaporate from your skin but do not leave you feeling sweaty and uncomfortable. Check also if there’s any brittle on the cloth.

The Seams

Check the seams. Good stitching is one of the best signs that a piece of clothing is high quality.

If the stitch work is subpar, it usually indicates that the items were cheaply made using cheap materials. Even the price tag says differently. So don’t bother to get stuff like this.

To check for quality, do the “pull test.”

Simply grip the fabric on both sides, pull on a seam and check if you see through the other side. If you can see, that’s a sign that the item might not be sewn properly.

affordable running gear
Jogging and running are healthy fitness recreations

Save Money On Running Nutrition

Gel packets, protein powders, energy bars, and supplements work well for sustaining your training caloric needs but can also be expensive.

Fortunately, there are some ways to help you save money on different running nutrition essentials.

These include:


Go natural. Test out cheaper alternatives for energy during your long runs instead of sports gels. For example, try jelly beans, honey packets, candy corn, and other sweets.

Additional resource – Best sources of electrolytes for runners

Make your own:

You don’t have to buy every single protein bar. Instead, you can make your own and, in the process, save a lot of money.

Check out this YouTube Tutorial.

Buy in bulk

Your diet should be the main source of calories and nutrients, so keeping certain foods on hand is the way to go.

The best way to save money on food is to buy in bulk.

The main items include:

  • Eggs
  • Chicken breasts
  • Canned tuna
  • Frozen vegetables
  • Rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Beans and lentils
  • Nuts & seeds
  • Dried fruits

Stay Injury Free

Medical bills stack up quickly when dealing with an injury.

And nobody’s immune

Run long enough, and you’ll sooner or later get hurt. The recovery cost can be extremely high depending on your injury and insurance converge.

To avoid falling into the trap of injury, do the following:

Listen to your body

Your body is your best coach. It’ll tell you when to keep going and when to stop. You just have to be willing to listen.

Progress slowly

Make it a rule never to increase your weekly mileage by more than 10 percent from one week to the next.

Stretch & foam roll

Regular mobility work helps protect your body against common injury by improving your range of motion and making your muscles more supple.


Especially strength and non-weight-bearing training, as research has shown that regular resistance training helps runners avoid injury.

For more, check these posts:

Save Money On Races

Although you might not want to start racing anytime soon, chances are you might see in the future.

The following measures should help keep your racing costs at a minimum.

Sign Up Early

The best way to save money on racing fees is to sign up as early as possible. Most events offer early bird pricing.

Be A Member

If racing is important to you, join an affiliated running club. By doing so, you might take advantage of the occasional discounted or free race entry. It might not be a lot, but your money-saving efforts do add up in the long haul.

Race local

While travel can be fun, transportation, hotels, and meals can be more expensive than the race.

Instead of wasting money on hosting, save money and time by running races closer to home. You’ll find the registration fees relatively cheaper by sticking to local, often smaller, races.

Still keen on going to the race three hours flight away? Then  I’d recommend that you combine your races with vacation—destination races.

Two birds. One stone.

Cheap Running Gear – The Conclusion

There you have it! If you’re find cheap running gear, today’s measures and tips should help you get started on the right foot. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong

David D.

The Half Marathon Pace Chart You Need To Run Your Best Race

half marathon pace chart

Getting ready to run a half marathon? Then you need to wrap your head around half marathon pace charts.

How come?

One of the most pressing questions in choosing a half marathon goal is the finish time.

Here’s the full guide to how long is a marathon.

The Importance of Running Charts

Before I get into the half marathon pace chart weeds, let’s explain why they’re important.

Finding your race pace (and sticking to it come race day) is crucial to your training progress and racing success.

Pace charts are useful for both beginner runners and elite runners. Whether preparing for your first half marathon, trying to PR, or going on a long run, knowing your pace can help you run and race better. What’s not to like.

A pace chart will help you know how fast your pace should be if you have a specific finish time for the half marathon.  For instance, find out what pace you need to keep to run a 1:45 half marathon.

It also allows you to determine your running pace for your training runs. For example, find out how fast your pace should be for a 10-mile long run, which is often run one to two minutes slower than your goal HM pace.

What’s more?

A chart pace is a great visual way to help you understand how a little change in pace can drastically impact your half marathon finish time. For example, 15 seconds could mean the difference between running a sub-1:40 race and running just over it.

Additional Source – Check this treadmill pace chart

The Importance of Finding Rhythm

Overall, sticking to an even steady pace from the start line to the finish is a fantastic way to run your best HM and achieve a personal best.

When it comes to a half marathon, kicking the race faster than your goal pace will likely lead to falling off in the later miles, and you don’t want that.

So, as a rule, determine your goal of peace and start then. Then, feel free to speed it up by mile 10 or 11—but only if you’re feeling strong.

Presenting The Chart

The chart will list average paces per mile or kilometer, which helps provide you with the correlated finish time.

My half marathon pace chart list what finish time a given pace will produce. This is helpful since it lets you know what pace you’ll need to average for a goal time.

The following chart provides paces in average mile time. First, find your goal finish time. Next, see that goal per mile pace.

The chart below will translate your HM goal finish time into your per-mile or per-kilometer pace. It also shows the halfway split and the split for every 3 miles.

For example, if you’re targeting a 1.30 half marathon, you can easily see that you’ll need to run 4:15 per kilometer or faster to achieve that time.

Knowing that pace beforehand allows you to plan your training program accordingly to reach your goal. Seeking a finish time outside that range or an exact finish time between those 30-second jumps? Then try this pace calculator.

What’s more?

Keep in mind that my half marathon pace chart isn’t considering any specific type of race course, whether it’s hilly, snowy, hot, or has lots of turns.

For example, if you want to run a half marathon in 1 hour 30 minutes, you’ll see that 6:52 minutes per mile or 4:16 minutes per kilometer is what you need to come in at just under your goal time.

Additional resources:


What Are Pre-Workout Supplements? Do I Need One?

race warm-up

Pre-workout supplements are all the rage nowadays. However, it can be a bit tricky for a newcomer to figure out what a pre-workout supplement even is. Pre-workouts have replaced the pre-workout meal with an array of vitamins, supplements, minerals, and nutrients that many people swear by nowadays.

But what exactly are pre-workouts, and why do they come in so many shapes and sizes? What kind of ingredients are included in a pre-workout supplement? These are the questions that we aim to answer today.

What Exactly Is a Pre-Workout Supplement?

A pre-workout is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: something that you take before your workout. The idea behind a pre-workout is that the vitamins and minerals included in the supplement will help improve your workout.

Pre-workouts can come in a variety of different forms. The most common is a powder that you can mix into a drink. However, you can also find pre-workouts in these forms:

  • Capsules containing a number of different vitamins and minerals
  • Chewable pre-workout supplements
  • Canned or bottled drinks with various ingredients
  • ‘Shaker bottles’ which contain a pre-workout that can be mixed into the drink by shaking it

No matter what form you get your pre-workout supplement in, though, you can expect that it’s going to have the same general idea behind it: helping you work out harder, better, faster, and stronger.

That said, the chances of you finding the same pre-workout recipe from a different company is pretty slim. There are hundreds, if not thousands of different ingredients out there that can help improve your workout. Each company has their own recipe and their own ingredients.

A lot of pre-workout supplements use proprietary blends, as well, which means that they won’t even tell you what’s in the supplement. If you’re interested in trying one of these products then you’ll have to rely on the reviews of other people to decide whether or not the supplement will work for you.

We advise reading more about the best pre workout supplements.

What’s In a Pre-Workout Supplement?

As mentioned above, the ingredients in a pre-workout supplement tend to vary from company to company. There are a lot of different things that might be included in a pre-workout supplement.

Carbs or No Carbs?

Some pre-workout supplements focus on supplying you with a healthy dose of carbs. Carbs are an energy source, and healthy carbs are a great way to get powered up before a workout. With enough carbs, you’ll feel like you’re ready to rock the gym.

However, not everyone likes to rely on carbs as an energy source. The keto diet fad has shown many people that fat is a viable energy source, in many ways better and more sustainable than carbs. For that reason (as well as a few others) some pre-workout formulas make a point of being low-carb or carb-free.


Some pre-workout supplements focus on getting you to jack up your output. One of the ways to do this is by putting stimulants in the pre-workout supplement. These stimulants will kick in as you begin your workout, allowing you to work harder at the gym.

  • Caffeine is the most common stimulant used in pre-workouts (and throughout the world). Caffeine stimulates your nervous system and makes it easier to do heavy workouts. However, it can also keep you awake at night – so avoid using a pre-workout with caffeine too late in the day.
  • Some pre-workout supplements contain other natural stimulants like ginseng or guarana. These aren’t as powerful as caffeine but they also aren’t going to keep you up at night. They also don’t strain your immune system.

Amino acids?

A lot of pre-workout supplements contain amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. They can also have interesting effects on their own. Some common amino acids used in pre-workout supplements include:

  • L-arginine, a popular amino acid supplement that is known to enhance blood flow throughout the body. This brings more blood and oxygen to your muscles so you can work them harder.
  • L-ornithine, which is supposed to kick in your fight-or-flight response and improve your performance by causing you to push harder.
  • L-citrulline, which has similar effects as L-arginine and actually turns into L-arginine once you digest it.

Nitric oxide?

If you don’t know what nitric oxide is, it’s not too late to learn. This is a compound that your body produces. It’s used to help dilate your blood vessels so that you can get oxygen and blood traveling through your body. It’s extremely important for athletes and bodybuilders because it allows your muscles to get the supplies they need to work properly.

Many pre-workout supplements contain supplements that help to boost levels of nitric oxide, such as beetroot powder or certain amino acids.

Do I Need a Pre-Workout Supplement?

The reality is that nobody needs a pre-workout supplement. There’s some debate as to whether or not they’re good in the long-haul. Pre-workouts are great for pushing your body past its natural limit.

This benefit is also the downfall of the pre-workout: you’re pushing yourself harder than you would be able to otherwise. The jury is out as to whether or not this is a safe or healthy idea in the long-run.

However, in the short-term, there’s no denying that pre-workouts can improve your workouts. You’ll probably notice that your endurance goes up, you get more results from your workouts, and you’re able to tone up much quicker than you would be able to without the pre-workout.

Whether or not you want these benefits is up to you. Some prefer the challenge of seeing how strong they can get working within the limits of their body. Others prefer to push it up to the next level by using pre-workouts.


Pre-workout supplements vary from company to company, but ultimately they’re all designed to help you work out better. If you think a pre-workout might help you, don’t hesitate to start using one and see how it feels.

Note – This is A guest post by Huge Supplements .

How To Properly Warm Up For The 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, & The Full Marathon

race warm-up

Looking to get the best of your race? Then you should start with the proper race warm-up.

Here’s the truth.

The warm-up is one of the most detrimental elements of a successful race, yet it’s also one of the often overlook aspects of pre-race preparation.

A good warm-up should prepare you for the transition from zero effort to race effort smoothly and efficiently, which improves your performance and reduces your risk of injury.

The warm-up doesn’t have to be complicated, though. You just need the right approach.

That’s where today’s post comes in handy.

Regardless of your race, the following warm-up routine will help prepare for your event.

In the article, I’ll explain

  • Why a warm-up is key
  • Benefits of a warm-up
  • Different warm-up routines for different races
  • And so much more

The Golden Rule

Overall, the shorter the race, the longer and more thorough the warm-up needs to be.

The length and intensity of your race warm-up depend on your race distance and fitness level. Overall, warm-up seeds are more intense for shorter distances, such as a 5K,  and less strenuous for longer races, such as the marathon.

That’s why you should tailor your warm-up to the type and distance of the race.

For example, if you want to run your best 5K race, you’ll need to be at race speed from the start.

What’s more?

I’d recommend that you keep it similar to the same way you warm up during training. Don’t try anything new on race day.

Additional resource – Guide to pacing strategies for different races

The Benefits Of  A Race Warm-up

A proper warm-up for your race will help prevent injury and is the ideal way to improve your race performance.

The warm-up has two main purposes:

  1. To prepare you for the physical demands of the race
  2. To enhance your muscular systems dynamics, you’re less likely to get injured.

Warming up properly helps prepare your body to run hard and race fast.

Let’s dig more.

Increase Core Temperature

Warming up properly before a run or race raises your core temperature by heating your muscles.

This also improves your metabolism and speeds up the energy supply to your muscles—all of which sets the stage for better performance.

Improve Muscle Performance

As your heart rate increases, your muscle temperature, and resistance—or viscosity—decreases.

This improves both muscle contraction and relaxation, which improves athletic performance.

Prevents Injury

Research has shown that warm-ups help limit injury risk.


It improves tissue and muscle flexibility while prepping your body to engage in intense movement.

What’s more?

You’re less likely to pull or tear a muscle when you’re well warmed up.

Improve Heart Function

A good warm-up, especially when it includes cardio movement, boosts cardiac output and respiratory minute volume (RMV), increasing your VO2 max.

For more on the importance of warming up for running performance and injury prevention, check the following sources;

Don’t Wait For Too Long

Although, as you can Cleary see, warm-ups have a lot to offer, as a rule, you shouldn’t wait too long between your warm-up and race start time. Or else, you risk losing some of the benefits of the warm-up.

As a general rule, complete the warm-up 5 to 10 minutes before the race starts.

I know.

This is not always possible due to corrals, crowds, wave start, bathroom wait, etc.

But at least pay attention to this and have a backup plan.

I’d recommend finding space away from the crowds and then performing your warm-up.

Next, head to the start line 5 to 10 minutes before the signal. You should also pay attention not to warm up too hard or too long before the race. This, again, can be counterproductive.

A long, intense warm-up may cause fatigue, negatively impacting your race performance

Stuck in a line? Then do butt kicks and high knees in line.

I recommend the Myrtle Routine for warm-up in case you want a well-rounded routines.

Warming Up for The 5K

I hate to sound like a broken record, but the shorter the distance, the longer you should warm up.

A 5K is an intense race. Therefore, it calls for an intense(r) warm-up. You’ll want to be 100 percent at the start line to run at your goal race pace.

So how should you warm up?

Depends on your fitness level and racing goals.

If this is your first 5K or you are joining a fun run (where speed doesn’t matter), performing a light 10 to 15 minutes warm-up before the start should be enough.

I’d recommend walking briskly or jogging for 5 to 10 minutes to gradually raise your heart rate and circulation.

Then perform 5 minutes of dynamic exercises to get your muscles and joints ready and release any tightness.

By then, your body will be warm and set to go.

But, if you’re looking to get the most out of the race or racing hard, you’ll want to prepare your body for top speed ahead of the start.

Start with a 5-minute walk to wake your body up, then run one to two miles at an easy and conversational pace. During the last half of the running warm-up, add four to six 30-second accelerations at your race pace. The stride-outs should feel comfortably hard.

Additional resource – How to avoid slowing down during  a race

Next, do a series of dynamic stretches, performing each movement for 30 to 45 seconds. The more, the merrier.

Some of the best moves include:

Leg swings

Walking lunges

Butt kicks

High knees


What’s more?

Try to complete your warm-up as close to the start of the race as you can. This might be easier in smaller events and more trying in larger ones. But at least do your best.

Have to get to the start line earlier? Then do your warm-up but then keep moving in the corral by running in place, doing butt kicks or knee lifts. Keep it active. This will help keep your body warm, especially on colder days.

A beginner runner? Try this couch to 5K plan.

Additional Resource – What’s A Good 5K Time For A Beginner.

Warming Up for The 10K

The 10K is another distance that will require you to start hard and fast if you want to run your best.

Run for 10-minute at an easy pace. It shouldn’t feel hard at all. Then do 4 to 6 strides at your 10K pace to get your body primed for fast speed.

Sure, I know it sounds counterintuitive to run before a race, but trust me, accelerations and strides are helpful—just make sure not to do too much.

Next, perform a dynamic stretching routine, doing plenty of high knees, running in place, butt kicks, and lunges. These should help you loosen up for the race.

Just keep in mind that static stretching—holding a strong stretch for 30 seconds or longer—is not recommended before racing, as research has shown that it can increase injury risk and hinder performance.

Going to be standing around before the race starts? Then you should stay warm and shed clothes just before the start (if possible).

I’d recommend starting your warm-up 30 minutes before the start time. This will give you enough time to warm up and get to the race’s start line. (Here’s the full guide to the couch to 10K plan)

Additional Resource – Here’s how to run a 10K in one hour

Warming Up For The Half Marathon

Finding the right recipe mix between energy conservation and preparation is tricky regarding the half marathon.

If this is your first half marathon, keep your warm-up simple since you’re trying to make it to the finish line and earn that medal instead of chasing a PR.

I recommend keeping it to a 5-minute brisk walk and some easy jogging for a few minutes to get your body loose. Then, save your energy for the race course.

Trying to PR and competing in a half marathon? Then run 2 miles and include a few race pace intervals later in the warm-up.

Is it a cold-weather race? Then jump into a hot shower before the race to help warm up your body before you head to the race venue.

Remember that you need to conserve your energy, so don’t perform too intensely of a warm-up and burn out before the start line. Ten minutes is enough, so plan it around the start line.

A beginner? Try my couch to half marathon plan.

Warming Up for The Marathon

I hate to state the obvious, but the full marathon is another event in which you’ll want to minimize your warm-up time and conserve your energy.

You got plenty of time to get into your race pace during a marathon. However, burning off a lot of energy in the warm-up be detrimental to your race performance.

Again, how you warm up depends on your fitness level and race goal.

In it for a PR? A 10-minute brisk walk, a few dynamic stretches, and yoga-like movements to focus on your breathing and how your body feels in the movement.

Remember that when it comes to the marathon, you still have plenty of miles—21.2 miles, to be precise—to get into your race pace and settle. So don’t feel ice you have to rush or expend too much energy that hinders your performance during the race.

Additional resources:


Race Warm-up Guide – The Conclusion

There you have it! If you’re serious about running your best event, you should always start off with the right race warm-up. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

The Benefits of Ice Baths For Runners

ice baths for runners

If you’re into fitness, you shouldn’t be surprised to see runners—and athletes across all disciplines—jumping into an ice bath after a hard workout.

Also known as cryotherapy or cold water immersion, this “super cold” practice is touted to help reduce muscle pain and soreness.

In this article, I’ll touch on some of the main benefits ice baths offer and how to make the most out of polar practice.

What is An Ice Bath

An ice bath is exactly what it sounds like: an immersion in super cold water. Unlike relaxing baths that you might take for stress and relaxation purposes, ice baths are swift, therapeutic immersions in water filled with ice cubes.

Ice baths are used by athletes from various sports as part of a post-exercise recovery route but can be helpful any time of the day. More on this later.

What Do Ice Baths Do

As long as you’re healthy and don’t have any chronic conditions, ice baths may have a lot to offer.

It cannot only help you relax and feel better but can also help you feel better, enhance your mood and even improve your performance.

Let’s explore some of the benefits of ice baths for runners.

Reduce Core Body Temperature

I hate to state the obvious, but an ice bath can bring your temperature down like nothing else.

This is especially the case if you just worked yourself into a sweat.

Ice baths are a common therapeutic tool for marathon runners and other athletes experiencing heat injuries. The ice can be lifesaving as it has been used to treat serious conditions such as heat stroke.

But be careful. Taking the cold plunge for too long can reduce your core body temperature too much, which is dangerous.

Reduce The Impact of Heat & Humidity

Whether you just finished a long and hard run or are in the middle of summer, cooling off fast can be crucial in many situations.

An ice bath can cool you off quickly—and much more effectively than other methods.

What’s more?

A cold plunge before a long race in heat or humidity can reduce your core body temperature to enhance performance.

Don’t take my word for it.

A review of 19 studies has reported that jumping in cold water cooled off overheated subjects twice as fast as otherwise. But this is only possible if much of the skin is immersed.

Soothe Sore Muscles

After a hard run, plugging into cold water can rely in sore and burning muscles. The cold constricts your blood vessels which slows circulation and soothes some of that soreness and swelling in your muscles post-exercise.

Again, don’t take me for word for it. Some research has shown that cold water immersion limits muscle soreness post-exercise.

According to a study that looked into volleyball, players reported that cold baths benefit muscle recovery in those who practiced it post-workout over 16 days

That’s not the whole story.

Another study found that immersion in cold water can lower inflammation and muscle soreness after intense exercise. The researchers had 15 subjects plunge into cold water at 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) for 15 minutes after their workout. The control group was kept at room temperature.

In the end, the researchers found that the cold water was effective at suppressing the inflammatory markers neopterin two hours following an intensive bout of exercise. That’s a good thing if you ask me.

Simply spending 15 minutes in cold water can help reduce muscle soreness following a workout rather than just resting at room temperature.

However, remember that you’re only using the cold to soothe post-workout aches and not actual pain.

Additional resource – Should I run Today? 

Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is our body’s reaction to injury and is characterized by redness, pain, and swelling. Again, the cold has been shown to help with this.

The theory is cold water constrict your blood vessel by decreasing the local temperature after exercise, which can help reduce swelling and inflammatory response. This, in turn, helps you recover faster.

It almost functions like a drug-free anesthetic.

Runners with inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, will find great relief in cold water immersion as it helps reduce discomfort and swelling from flare-ups post-run.

Just keep in mind that some people get better results with heat, so it’s a matter of finding out what feels best for your body at the end of the day.

Additional resource – Running with a labral tear

Improve your Focus

Another benefit of cold water immersion is that it snaps your brain into focus.

Although plunging into cold water may seem like the last thing to do, studies have found some surprising benefits for brain power and mental health.

Like breath work, meditation, and mindfulness, cold water immersion is another efficient practice for your cortisol levels, stress, and mental state.

Additional Resource – Here’s the full guide lower abdominal pain while running.

Trains Your Vagus Nerve

Cold water immersion can also benefit your nervous system.

Ice baths may help you train your vague nerve, which is linked with the parasympathetic nervous system and training.

The vague nerve is a long nerve that extends from the brain to the stomach and helps us deal with stressful situations.

Improved Vagus nerve function improves mental function, cognition, and digestion, reducing anxiety and so much more.

Again, don’t take my word for it.

Research has reported that cold stimulation activates the Vagus nerve, especially in the neck region. Therefore, reducing heart rate and likely soothing stress.

What’s more?

A review of different research papers has reported that cold showers have an antidepressant effect. Another review of hydrotherapy treatments found that cold exposure can improve the capacity and function of the certain nervous system (CNS). A functional CNS can help you feel better and sleep better.

Although more research needs to be conducted to get the full picture of the link between ice baths and mental conditions, jumping into cold water every now and then might help your mood.

Additional resource – Sore quads after running

The Risks of Ice Baths

Although cold water immersion are beneficial, just like anything else, there are some side effects.

For starters, jumping into icy water feels very cold—especially the first few times you do this.

In addition to this superficial “discomfort,” ice baths’ main downside applies to those with high blood pressure or any preexisting disease.

The immersion in ice constricts blood vessels and slows down circulation in your body.

This can be unsafe if you have circulation problems which can put you at risk for cardiac arrest or stroke.

What’s more?

You may also risk hypothermia, especially if submerged in icy water.

Additional resource  – Here’s the full guide to aqua jogging

Who shouldn’t try ice baths?

Staying in an ice bath for too long can also cause hypothermia, which occurs when your body temperature drops too low.

That’s why it’s important to use a timer and keep your ice baths brief. And remember to pay attention to your body. You should get out of an ice bath immediately if you start shivering uncontrollably or notice skin color changes.

Though cold water plunges are likely a risk for everyone, some people may be especially vulnerable. That’s why it’s key to ensure it’s safe for you before jumping into cold water.

Avoid ice bathing if you have:

  • Type 1 or 2 diabetes
  • A cardiovascular condition or high blood pressure
  • Peripheral neuropathy.
  • Poor circulation
  • An open wound
  • Venous stasis.
  • Cold agglutinin disease.
  • Conditions that increase your cold sensitivity
  • Another preexisting condition limits your body’s ability to regulate body temperature or blood pressure.

Not sure if ice baths are a good idea? Get the green light from your doctor first.

The Cold Isn’t A Fix For Serious  Injuries

Although cold water immersion can help soothes your aches and pains, it’s not the right option if you’re suffering from something more serious, like a fracture, ligament tear, or a chronic overuse injury.

That’s why you need to ensure you’re not dealing with an underlying issue.

Additional Resource – Your Guide to Groin Strains While Running

Tips For Taking An Ice Bath

Ready to take the plunge? Then there are a few things to make sure you make the most out of it.

How do you make an ice bath? 

You can throw together an ice bath by failing your bathtub halfway with cold water and then tossing in a few large bags of commercial ice.

You can also use a smaller container to zone in on a specific part of your body, such as your calf.

The Temperature

The temperature of the ice should usually be roughly 50 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit. Likewise, the water shouldn’t be colder than 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Timing is everything

Spending a long time submerged in cold water can have negative consequences.  So, limit your cold exposure to no more than 10 minutes. Start with 5 minutes and slowly work your way up.

It may not seem that cold, but you’ll feel the chill.

Also, use a bath thermometer to ensure you’re doing it right.

Additional Resource – Can You Run With An Abdominal Strain?


To make the most out of the cold bath, immerse your entire body in the cold water. This should have the most positive impact on blood vessel contraction.

If this is your first few times, make sure to first expose your feet and lower legs. Then, as you get used to the cold, move toward your chest and upper body.

Bath Timing

The sooner you jump into the cold water following a hard run or workout, the better the effect.

This helps you target your muscles while they’re still in the healing process. Otherwise, some inflammatory and recovery processes may have already run their course if you wait an hour or longer.

Additional resource – Common running injuries

How Long To Ice Bath

If this is your first time, keep it quick. I’d recommend starting with no more than five minutes, then max out at 10.

If this is your first time trying ice therapy, most experts recommend starting much warmer—maybe at around 58 to 62 Degrees.  Just keep in mind that it’s cold for a bath.

What’s more?

Research also tells us that ice baths have little to nothing extra to offer after a few minutes. Furthermore, research has suggested that after around three minutes, extra benefits taper off.

Additional resource –  Prevent Sunburn in runners


Although more research is needed to look into the effects of cold baths on performance, recovery, and overall health, the current scientific consensus is favorable.