Strength Training Exercises to Improve Your Running Performance

Are you looking for ways to improve your running performance? Running is a high-intensity sport that demands strength, speed, and endurance. Believe it or not, the key to boosting your mileage and improving your performance is not more cardio, but strength training. 

Strength training for runners can make you faster, stronger, and help you improve your pace. In this article, we’ll review some of the most effective strength training exercises for runners, and how they can reduce your risk of injury, boost your performance, and help you advance in your sport.


It goes without saying that leg-strengthening exercises should be a key component in your training program. Lunges target your hamstrings, quads, and glutes to improve balance, muscle strength, and coordination.

To perform a lunge correctly, begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. While shifting your weight to one leg, slowly step forward with the opposite leg and lower your back knee toward the ground. Try to keep your front knee at a 90-degree angle. Do this for three sets of 10-12 reps with each leg.


Deadlifts are a compound exercise that targets various muscle groups including the lower back, core, glutes, and hamstrings. While building strength in the legs, deadlifts also strengthen your core to improve your posture during runs. This will help offset some of the stress that running puts on your body by allowing proper movement of your joints, ligaments, and muscles.

Deadlifts are very simple and the weight can be adjusted based on your fitness level. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and the barbell on the floor, grip both hands tightly around the bar. While keeping your arms straight and spine neutral, brace your core muscles and slowly lift the barbell to hip or thigh level. Then keep your back straight as you slowly lower the bar back down to the ground. Repeat for three sets of 10-12 reps.

Calf Raises

At first sight, calf raises may not seem all that impressive. However, they are a simple yet incredibly effective exercise to boost your speed and reduce your risk of injury. This is because calf raises isolate your soleus and gastrocnemius muscles, which are two highly injury-prone sites in runners.

To do a calf raise, simply stand on a step with your heels hanging over the edge. Shift your weight to your toes and raise your heels up as high as you can, and then gently lower them back down. Repeat this for three sets of 10-12 reps.


Earlier we discussed the importance of core strength for runners. Planks are a dynamic, full-body exercise that can help improve your posture and balance, and help prevent back pain. To perform a plank, begin in a pushup position, straightening your spine with your arms fully extended. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, then relax and rest for 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise for three sets. 

Strength training plays a vital role in your performance, and should be a focal point of every runner’s training program. Lunges, deadlifts, calf raises, and planks are all highly effective exercises to improve strength, balance, posture, and speed, and reduce your risk of injury.

Complete Guide To Running At Night – Benefits, risks & Tips

running at night

Want to give night running a try but are afraid?

Then you have come to the right place.

Daytime savings, work meetings, family duties, and so on can get in the way of a running routine during the daytime. That’s why shifting to the nighttime might be the last resort for many runners.

But here’s a little caveat – Running at night requires a different approach than running when the sun is up.

I will share everything you need about safe nighttime running in today’s article.

More specifically, I’ll explain the following;

  • The benefits of running at night
  • The dangers and risks of nighttime running
  • Is it worth it to run at night?
  • Safety tips for running a time
  • And so much more

Sounds great? Let’s get started

The Benefits of Nighttime runs

Here are some of the benefits of logging miles during the nighttime.

More Time

Most of your day is likely booked when you lead a busy life (just like the res of us). Maybe you’ve got a challenging job that requires every hour of the day, or you’ve kids to take care of, feed, and send to school.


If any of this applies to you, you might feel tempted to give up on running altogether.

But it shouldn’t be.

Running at night removes that excuse. You might have fewer interruptions and distractions following work, so you can put your energy into your run and likely long in one or a few extra miles.

Release Tension

Feeling tensed up during the day? Then your nighttime run is the ideal de-stressed.

Forget about drinking

Forget about clubbing

Forget about unwinding in front of a TV

Forget about Netflix and chill

And forget about those boring and expensive yoga classes.

Get your shoes on and chop away that stress monster one stride at a time. Then, no matter how bad your day was, you’ll feel that flood of endorphins.

In other words, a nighttime run can make you feel better.

Improve Your Sleep

If you run at night, you might experience deeper and higher quality sleep. You might also find it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep longer.

Again, don’t take my word for it.

Research consulted at the University of South Carolina reported that individuals who performed mild to high-intensity exercise for a couple of hours could fall asleep 30 minutes later.

But there’s a little caveat.

Research has found that exercising too hard too close to bed time may interrupt sleep quality in some individuals.

So to make the most of your night run, keep the pace easy, cool down properly after, shower, and unwind before you sleep. At the very least, your core temperature should return to normal before hitting the sack.

Fewer Injury Risks

Running when your core temperature is at its peak is ideal for avoiding injuries.

Guess when it is? It’s often between 4 pm and 8 pm.

When your core temperature is at its peak, your muscles will have more oxygen and nutrition, your blood flow will be improved, and your joints will be well lubricated—all of which sets you up for the perfect workout.

Science backs this up. An experiment conducted at London University found that subjects consistently run around a minute faster on a 10K course at night than during the day.

3 Risks of Running at Night

There are particular risks to running at night concerning sleep and safety. Some of these include:

 Visibility issues

Vision is impaired once the sun sets. Noticing bumps, holes, or ice on the road will be harder. Nighttime running can be dangerous. You might have trouble seeing obstructions or vehicles; other road users will find it hard to see you. This puts at a higher risk of accidental collisions.

This is especially true if you focus on breathing instead of being aware of running terrain. (It’s not a deal breaker. I’ll share a few tips later on how to sidestep this.)

Difficulty Sleeping

I touched upon this before, but it merits repeating. This is especially true if you plan to do a hard run at least two hours before bed. Night time intense running raises your heart rate and boosts your core temperature, making it harder to fall asleep.

(Again, I got a few solutions for this. Just hold on.)


Depending on where you run, getting harassed can be troublesome. This is especially the case for a female runner.

How to Start Running At night

Without further ado, here are the guidelines for a safe and effective nighttime run.

Have Situational Awareness

By far, this is the cardinal rule of safety.

Situational awareness is the overarching principle of safe outdoor exercise—not just at night but also during the day. Abide by this rule, and you’ll reduce the risk of getting yourself in dangerous situations.

First of all, be aware of your surroundings. Avoid quiet alleys, dark parks, overgrown trails, deserted areas, etc. Instead, stick with busier streets, staying on the left side of the road—preferably under a streetlight—the entire time.

Next, keep your eyes straight ahead, check your sides, and turn to check what’s behind you occasionally—especially if you feel anything out of place.

What’s more?

Keep your eyes open for obstacles that can trip you up: rocks, broken concrete, gumballs, drivers, and everything else.

And please, be wary of any suspicious people on your running route.

No Headphones Allowed

Many runners love to hit the pavement with their favorite tunes in the background—I’m no exception.

But running at night is a different beast. First, your vision is impaired. Thus, you’ll need your ears to guide you forward.

However, loud music restricts your hearing and distracts you from your environment, cutting you completely from what’s happening around you.

According to a study from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and The University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, traffic incidents involving pedestrians wearing headphones tripled from 2004 to 2011.

The worst part is that a whopping 70 percent of these incidences resulted in the death of the pedestrian.

If you feel like you have to run with your headphones, at the very least, have the volume low enough that you can hear your surroundings, whether it’s people, oncoming cars, trains, or cyclists.

You can also use one earbud (tuck the other bud safely into your shirt or jacket) and keep an ear for anything heading your way.

night time running

Be Traffic Smart

Traffic is another huge source of headache for runners—especially city dwellers. Cars are the biggest source of danger during night time running.

About 80,000 pedestrians get hurt each year by cars in the U.S., and the risk of being struck increases 10-fold after dark, with the majority of accidents occurring between 6 p.m. and midnight, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

The number of fatalities is also alarming. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, roughly 4000-5000 pedestrians sustain fatal injuries in traffic crashes yearly.

And as a runner, you are, basically, a pedestrian on steroids. So here are the sensible steps you need to take:

First, never run in the same direction as traffic. Instead, run against it. By facing traffic, you’ll see oncoming cars clearly if you must make any last-minute evasive maneuvers.

Secondly, do not make the mistake of assuming that a driver can see you. Instead, assume that every driver is busy texting, talking on the phone, listening to the radio, or just lost in thoughts. In other words, run like a defensive driver.

What’s more?

If you can, avoid rush hour time—the fewer vehicles to worry about, the better. Wear a cap or visor if you find headlights blinding.

Here are more traffic rules to follow:

  • Look both ways before crossing the streets, even if a stop sign is nearby.
  • Slow down, or stop at a curb to get a full picture of the road ahead.
  • Make eye contact with a driver before crossing the road.
  • Keep your eyes on reverse lights and an ear for cars with running motors.

Run With a Partner

I hate to sound cliché, but there is strength in numbers.

Running with a buddy gives you extra ears and eyes for danger. This will drastically reduce the risk of someone accosting you.

Pairing up with a buddy can also boost your motivation and consistency. So, don’t you want to be a safe and better runner? I bet you do.

Ask your running friends, and join online runners’ forums. Or just join a local running club. They must have night time running plans.

Leave Word

Let your family members, friends, roommates, or a neighbor know where you are going, as well as what time they should hear back from you.

Once you are back home, touch base and tell them you are safe and sound.

Have Your ID on

Carry your identification with you, such as your driver’s license or some other form of ID. Put it in your pocket, use an ID bracelet, or clip on a tag to your running shoes.

Also, jot down your name, address, blood type, a list of emergency contacts, and any pertinent information.

Protect Yourself

To err on the safe side, consider keeping pepper spray or a Taser gun on you (depending on your state’s laws) to ward off any uninvited animals or individuals.

Have A Phone

Bring your cell with you even if you prefer staying off the grid while running (it’s your solo time, after all, so I won’t blame you).

Opt for an armband if you don’t have a pocket or bag to safely (and comfortably) carry your phone.

Don’t hesitate to call the police—and everyone else—if you’re in a pinch or got yourself embroiled in something bad.

Use Apps

Put modern technology to your advantage by using tracking and safety apps.

Some of the best security apps include safe. This one sends an alert message with your exact location to a list of emergency friends (or Guardians) who can respond promptly.

RunSafe is also another great option. This has the same functionality as most fitness apps, with GPS-enabled tracking.

It also has, like safe,  a sort of panic button that triggers a siren and strobe light, records videos, alerts the authorities, and tells them your exact GPS location.

Vary your Routes

Alter your running routine by running various routes throughout the week. If that’s impossible, run your usual running route backward.

Sticking to a rigid running routine creates a predictable pattern for creepers and stalkers to track you.

But, the less predictable you are, the harder you make it for someone to learn your habits.

Of course, random attacks do happen, but for the most part, stalkers usually pick their victims by observing a given area and looking for patterns.

And if you end up on their radar, they could predict where and when you will be solo during a night run.

The Right Gear For Nighttime Running

Your running gear also matters when running in the dark. Here are the must-have items:

The Right Clothing

Choose clothes designed for the night-conscious runner. It’s key that other road users can see you out there, especially when you’re crossing roads or running on the street.

You can find plenty of running-friendly clothing made of neon, light-reflection materials for nighttime workouts.

The good news is that high-visibility running gear can be lightweight, affordable, and a simple way to stand out during nighttime runs. The more reflective your clothing is, the more visible you will be on the road. Thus, the safer you’ll be.

Reflectors Around your Joints

For more visibility, strap a few reflectors around your joints, mainly your shoulders, elbows, knees, and ankles.

Doing so makes you instantly stand out from a still object like a tree or a mailbox and tells drivers which direction you are going. If you cannot afford them, use reflective tape or straps instead.


A good headlamp cuts through the darkness like a hot knife through butter. This can help you choose the safest course while improving visibility. Some modern brands are lightweight enough to attach to your hat or visor without much hassle.

Clear Glasses and a billed cap

These two items are critical for protecting your eyes at night.

The clear glasses act as a sort of shield for your eyes from cobwebs, thin branches, buds, leaves, and other obstacles. While on the other hand, the bill of a cap will protect your eyes from tree branches and other unseen obstacles that might obstruct your path.

Follow your Instinct

In the end, gut feelings are what might save the day.

Hence, if the hairs on your neck stand up for no apparent reason or a given situation is giving you the heebies jeebies, trust that feeling and run to a safer location.

Those gut feelings have protected us for millions of years and are there for a reason.

And do not think twice about alerting the authorities. Call the police in case you notice anything suspicious, whether it’s a person, a car, or a situation, you name it.

In other words, if you see something, say something.

Night Time Running – The Conclusion

There you have it! If you’re serious about making the most of your night runs, then today’s post should get you started on the right foot.

The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

David D.

50 Efficient Running Pick-Up Lines for Local Singles

Attention all single runners! Are you tired of running solo and ready to mingle? Look no further than the power of the pickup line.

Sure, some may say they’re outdated or cheesy, but when used correctly, they can be the secret weapon to catching the eye of that special someone. And let’s be real, there’s nothing like the rush of successfully landing a great pickup line. But before you start spouting off every line in the book, it’s important to remember that not all pickup lines are created equal. You need to find the right one that fits the situation and the person you’re talking to.

Whether it’s a witty one-liner or a playful joke, the perfect pickup line can help you exude confidence and show off your personality. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter! And the best part? You can use them anywhere, whether you’re out on a run, grabbing coffee, or waiting in line at the grocery store.

Local singles runners may overcome the uneasiness of a first date by using cute, funny, and sports pickup lines. They’re in luck if they seek some great pickup lines for women. If you’re a local single, you may utilize the finest ones from our list of the most excellent at any time to flirt and attract the attention of that particular someone.

Pick one that both you and your crush will like. Ultimately, if your efforts are unsuccessful, keep trying. There could be a person who enjoys your sense of humor and is flattered by your interest in them.

Running Pick-Up Lines That Work

While pick-up lines can be fun, it’s important to remember that they’re only sometimes the most effective way to start a conversation with someone. Here are a few running-related conversation starters that could work:

Cheesy Runner Pick Up Lines

  1. Are you a track? Because I can’t stop running to you.
  2. Is your name Usain Bolt? Because I feel like I’m racing to catch up to you.
  3. Do you believe in love at first sprint, or should I run by again?
  4. I must be on the right track because I can’t take my eyes off of you.
  5. Are you a long-distance runner? Because you’ve been running through my mind all day.
  6. You must be a track star because you just sprinted away with my heart.
  7. Are you a relay race? Because I want to be the one to pass the baton to you.
  8. Do you need a personal trainer? Because I can teach you how to run into my arms.
  9. Are you a hurdles racer? Because I want to jump over all obstacles to be with you.
  10. I’m not a sprinter, but I’ll run a marathon for you.

Dirty Running Pick Up Lines

  1. I must be a squirrel because I’m just nuts about you.
  2. Excuse me, but I think you owe me a drink because I dropped mine when I looked at you.
  3. Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?
  4. If I were to ask you out on a date, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?
  5. I’m not a genie, but I can make your dreams come true.
  6. If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cucumber.

Running Back Pick Up Lines

  1. Are you a runner? Because you’ve been sprinting through my mind all day.
  2. I must be a stopwatch because I stop and stare every time I see you.
  3. If running were a religion, you’d be my god.
  4. I don’t need a GPS to find my way into your heart, just your running route.
  5. Is it hot here, or just the sweat from our run together?
  6. Are you a treadmill? Because I could run on you for hours.
  7. I hope you’re a good runner because you stole my heart.
  8. Are you a track and field athlete? Because you just jumped over all the hurdles in my heart.
  9. I’m not a professional runner, but I’d love to jog with you sometime.

Pick Up Lines Involving Running

  1. Are you a cross-country runner? Because I’d love to explore new paths with you.
  2. You must be a track and field athlete because you’ve got me jumping hurdles for you.
  3. Do you need a running coach? Because I’d love to help, you improve your stride.
  4. Is your name Google? Because you’ve got everything I’ve been searching for.”
  5. Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.
  6. I’d spend all nine lives with you if I were a cat.
  7. Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears.

Running Inspired Pick Up Lines

  1. Are you a golfer? Because you’ve got a hole in one when it comes to my heart.

34 Are you a diver? Because I can’t stop falling for you.

  1. Do you play volleyball? Because you just spiked my interest.
  2. Are you a runner? Because I’m feeling a marathon of emotions for you.
  3. Are you a cyclist? Because you’re spinning my heart like a wheel.
  4. Are you a weightlifter? Because I’m feeling the weight of your love.
  5. Are you a fencer? Because you’ve got me feeling like I’m sword-fighting for your love.

Running Away Pick Up Lines

  1. Are you a martial artist? Because you’re making my heart kick and punch with excitement.
  2. Are you a swimmer? Because I’m drowning in your beauty.
  3. Are you a skier? Because I’m downhill falling for you.
  4. Are you a figure skater? Because you triple-axle right into my heart.
  5. Are you a soccer ball? Because I can’t stop kicking myself for not asking you out sooner.
  6. Is your name Lionel Messi? Because you are a goal-scoring machine.
  7. Are you a basketball player? Because I can’t resist dribbling all over you.
  8. Do you play tennis? Because you have a racket going on.
  9. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again in my running shoes?
  10. Are you a sprinter? Because you’ve been running through my mind all day.
  11. Are you a gymnast? Because I’m falling for you head over heels.

How to Use Sports Pick-Up Lines Effectively

Sports pick-up lines may be a fun and flirtatious way to introduce yourself to someone who enjoys the same sports you do. Here are some pointers for crafting successful sports pick-up lines:

  • Have confidence. When utilizing pick-up lines, confidence is essential. Don’t fear putting yourself out there; believe in your abilities and approach.
  • Recognize your audience. Ascertain whether the individual you’re attempting to impress shares your enthusiasm for sports. Someone who doesn’t enjoy the sport of football might not respond favorably to a pick-up line concerning it.
  • Use humor. Don’t take yourself too seriously; sports pick-up lines are supposed to be lighthearted and entertaining. A well-timed joke or pun might help to establish a rapport.
  • Be original. Avoid using cliched or overused pick-up lines. Create something original and situation-specific.
  • Be reasonable in your approach. Keep in mind that pick-up lines are only a method to initiate discussion. Avoid being intrusive or making the other person uncomfortable.
  • Effective use of pick-up lines requires practice, just like any other talent. Try them out on friends or in casual situations to become accustomed to the delivery.

Now that we have listed 50 efficient running pick-up lines for you, pick the best lines that fit your purpose perfectly. Remember, the key to using sports pick-up lines effectively is to have fun and be playful. Don’t take yourself too seriously, and enjoy the conversation.

How to Rotate Running Shoes

running shoes rotatation

If you want to improve your performance and reduce injury risks, then chances you you’ve heard of rotating running shoes.

But is it true? Any proof that backs this up?

Here’s the truth.

Having more than one pair comes in handy for many reasons—some of which we’ll discuss in today’s post.

In this article, I’ll dive into:

  • What’s the meaning of rotating running shoes
  • Benefits of rotating running shoes
  • How many pairs of running shoes do you need
  • How to rotate running footwear
  • Variables to consider when rotating different running shoes
  • And so much more.

Let’s lace up and dig in.

The Meaning of Rotating Running Shoes

So what do I mean by rotating running shoes?

Quite simple. This practice involves having a few pairs of running shoes.

So, for example, if you have two pairs of running shoes, you will switch back and forth between the two.

What’s more?

You’ll be using different running shoes on different days, which helps you cycle through your shoe rotation from run to run.

Let’s look at this from an other angle.

Take a look at your wardrobe. You, hopefully, have sweatpants, jeans, casual pants, work pants, and sleep pants. I’d wager that you don’t wear the same pants every day and on every occasion, right?

You choose your pant based on the occasion. So, it’s not a huge leap to seriously consider doing the same things when it comes to running shoes.

For example, you might wear light shoes for your speedwork run on Tuesday, trail running shoes for your trail run on Thursday, then road running shoes for your long run on Saturday. That’s why experienced runners have more than a few pairs of running shoes in rotation.

Do you Need A Running Shoe Rotation

If you’re only running a couple of times per week, there’s likely no need to have more than one running shoe in rotation. However, once you decide to take things to the next level and go after performance goals, consider having a shoe rotation.

More on this later.

How Many Running Shoes Should I Have?

IF you ask for my advice, I’d say that most runners need at least two pairs of running shoes. If you often run three to four times a week, two pairs of shoes will likely be all you need.

But if you run more often and/or train for a long-distance race, such as a marathon, consider having at least three pairs in your running shoe rotation. The more, the merrier since you’ll likely be running on various terrains, from track and treadmill to roads and trails.

Keep in mind that each running shoe is made for a specific terrain.

Make sure you’re wearing the right shoe for the right terrain. Trails running shoes for the trails. Road running shoes for the road. Don’t do your speedwork on a track using a pair of trail running shoes.

Benefits of Running in Two Pairs of A Shoe

Let’s delve deeper into how rotating your running shoes can help you get the most out of your training and your sneakers.

Reduced Injury Risk

According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, subjects trained in more than one pair of shoes were at a lower risk for injury.

Research has found that rotating running shoes can limit the risk of running injuries by roughly 40 percent, which is one of the main reasons that all runners should have more than a pair of shoes.

Research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports looked into the impact of shoe rotating on injury risk using a sample size of 264 runners.

Research by Malisoux reported that runners who rotate between at least two pairs of shoes are 39 percent less likely to develop an injury when compared to those who only run in one pair of running shoes.

The theory

Pounding the street using the same shoes stresses your muscles and joints in the same way every run. And since running is such a repetitive and high impact, it can overstress these issues, especially when you increase training intensity.

Here’s the kicker.

When you alternate your sneakers, you vary the load applied to the musculoskeletal system, which may help you reduce the repeated load on different joints, muscles, and ligaments.

Don’t get me wrong. Rotating running shoes doesn’t make you immune to injury. You still have to take precautions to limit injury risk, such as increasing weekly load slowly, taking rest days, and following a nutritious diet.

But having more than one pair can provide additional protection against injury, especially if you run a lot and/or often.

Your Shoes Will Last Longer

It’s common knowledge in the running world that most running shoes have a lifespan of around 400 to 600 miles.

Of course, the exact range varies depending on many factors, such as your:

  • Foot strike
  • Running surface
  • Running frequency
  • Running speed
  • Bodyweight
  • Running gait

Here’s the good news.

Rotating running shoes helps elongate their lifespan, which can help you save money.

Here are more ways to make your running shoes last longer.

rotating running shoes

Find The Perfect Shoe

Finding the right sole-mate takes a lot of experimentation. Using more than one pair allows you to test various models and styles and do objective, real-world experimenting. This should help you find your ideal pair of running shoes.

By experimenting with different shoes, you’ll have more exposure to a wide range of running shoes, allowing you to test different models and styles in your running shoe rotation.

Different Shoes For Different Runs 

If you rotate through multiple sets, have a pair for each specific workout.

Shoes will function differently at slow or fast paces and offer different running experiences. This is especially the case as you progress as a runner and start to vary the length and speed of your workouts.

For example, you’ll choose lighter shoes with minimal cushion for faster/shorter runs, whereas, for a longer run, you opt for a shoe that provides a little more cushion.

Here’s the full guide to running shoe anatomy.

Proper Drying

Alternating your shoes gives the one you just used a chance to dry out thoroughly.

This helps remove the fungus and mold that can fester quickly in sweat-laden and moisture-rich shoes.

Long runs can produce an immense amount of moisture in your running shoes. This moisture build-up will eventually break down the component of your shoes, which can result in uneven wear in the uppers.

Good Wash

If one pair gets dirty, you’ll need at least a couple of days to get washed and dry, and you don’t want to skip your important runs just because you washed your running shoes last night.

Run Commute

If you run to or from work, you can leave the extra pair at the office without bringing them back and forth.

Shoe Running Rotating Factors

So what does shoe rotation depends on? Many variables, actually, but the most important ones include the following:

  • Running goals
  • Running frequency
  • Running mileage
  • Running terrain
  • Your budget

Buying More Than One Pair

How to Create A Running Shoe Rotation

Once you decide to have more than one pair of running shoes, you might ask yourself how.

Here are a few guidelines to get you started rotating running shoes.

  • How many? Decide how many pairs you’ll rotate through based on run, type of terrain, and support.
  • Different models. If your budget allows it, you should have at least two pairs of running shoes, ideally two different models with different heel drops.
  • Ask for advice. Next time you head to your local running shoe store for a new pair, ask which two—or three—pairs they recommend for your training goals, foot type, body weight, and experience, and test them all out.
  • Check the heel drop. Using running shoes with a different heel-toe drop is a fantastic way to subtly change your gait and foot strike and get your body working slightly differently.
  • Keep them for the road. Don’t use your running shoes for non-running activities, such as wearing them to the grocery store or lawn mowing. All of those miles add up.
  • Look for good deals. Ask for a discount on the second pair when panning to buy two pairs simultaneously. You can also hunt for sales, either closeout at online stores or running stores
  • Different surfaces. Do your best to vary your running terrains during any given weak and wear appropriate shoes. Changing things by running on trails, dirt paths, paved roads, concrete bike paths, gravel roads, grass, and tracks.
  • Keep track. Don’t run your shoes into the ground. Instead, keep track. A worn-out shoe could increase your risk of developing overuse injuries.
  • Know the signs. Keep track of mileage logged in, and remember to flip your shoe over to assess the wear pattern—if the tread is worn down, change up your shoes.

How to Rotate Running Shoes – The Conclusion

So you are sold out on the effectiveness of having more than one pair of running shoes?

My hope’s the case.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep running strong.

Running On a Treadmill VS. Running Outside

buy used treadmills

Runners know very well that running in the gym is much more pleasant: no stabbing in the side, no drying out of the throat, no panting – you run at your pleasure at least 5 km, at least 10. But as soon as you go outside, the happy and easy miles you’ve run a thousand times suddenly become torture. Today, in this article, the paper writer will examine why this happens and determine which workout helps you burn more calories.

There is little difference if you compare running in the gym and running on the street: both are cardio workouts, and the muscles involved are the same. And if it is a track at the stadium with a unique surface, the surface is almost no different. But a more detailed comparison shows that there is a difference. And a significant one!

The weather conditions


It’s almost always the same “weather conditions” in the halls. Sometimes it can be a little cooler or hotter, but this is all corrected by adjusting the air conditioner settings. And if you have breathing problems: a deviated septum, frequent maxillary sinusitis, or frequent bronchitis, a treadmill can be your salvation because breathing while running indoors is much easier. You’re unlikely to catch bronchitis in temperatures of +23 without a headwind and with the right clothing choices.

If you want to simulate wind resistance, increase the angle of the treadmill by 1 degree.


Outdoors has everything: sun, wind, humidity, and different temperatures. Physical sensations are a separate topic because in the gym, with constant temperature and humidity, you are unlikely to get runny eyes, dry up your nasopharynx, or have water running out of your nose. All of this is a hindrance and makes running outdoors more challenging regarding feeling and exertion.

Injury rate


Even though the treadmill’s surface is flat and made of suitable material, injuries happen to it. You can turn down the pace or change the angle of the treadmill with a few button presses, but constantly repeating runs at the same rate and for the same amount of time puts stress on the same muscles and joints because the landscape underfoot doesn’t change (you can read more about treadmill injuries in this article).


Outdoor injuries happen for several reasons: the wrong running surface (concrete slabs or asphalt) or trivial inattention (holes, roots, ice, and so on). But on the other hand, the ever-changing terrain provides a variety of stresses on your legs and your whole body in general. You are not constantly pounding on the same points but continually changing the load and which muscles are more involved in the work.

Calories burned


On a treadmill, the weather conditions around you (if you call the gym and air conditioning that) are the same in winter and summer. During the heating season, the humidity sometimes drops, but this is easily leveled out with a humidifier, assuming you have a treadmill in your home.

Keep in mind that the number of calories burned displayed on your treadmill (and other cardio equipment) may be inflated by 15-20%.


We’ve written before about factors that affect the amount of energy expended during exercise. It is cold outside – you spend more energy warming up the body. When it’s hot and humid, your body temperature rises, your blood works to cool your body, and your muscles get less oxygen, resulting in an increased workload. Or the same wind blows into your back, helping and pushing you, or slows you down, blowing right in your face, and you have to work harder to overcome the resistance.

Some studies show that running outside burns an average of 5 percent more calories than exercising on a treadmill. At a pace of 6 minutes per mile, the difference goes up to 10%.

Running Technique


Treadmill running teaches us to avoid taking vast strides. For example, if adults can set a comfortable pace on a treadmill, they run slower, and their stride becomes shorter. That is the cadence increases.

Running on a treadmill in the gym does not involve moving your body forward because it moves under your feet. This means that the load on the quadriceps muscle is much greater than the load on the glutes and biceps, which can lead to muscle imbalances.


You can learn any running technique on the street under the supervision of a trainer, and after a few lessons, you can practice independently. The main thing is to choose a suitable running surface.



The beauty of the treadmill is that it can think for you. There are different programs out there that allow you to choose a goal and walk slowly but surely toward it. For example, you can select the Hill Run workout and set your elevation gain and incline. No surprises! However, unpleasant surprises are also excluded.


You can choose any route on the street and run as long as you like. As long as it’s not a lap in the school stadium, the scenery that passes by can be very diverse: from the streets of your hometown to suburban trails – it all depends on your mood and abilities.

As you can see, there are pros and cons to both options. Of course, the pros of running outside are much more, except that in terms of comfort, the treadmill wins. But in any case, it is up to you to choose where to run, and no one prevents you from alternating between options depending on how you feel and the weather conditions.

Prevent Peeing When Running – A Stress Incontinence Guide

peeing when running

Running is an excellent way to burn calories, increase endurance, and build strength.

But run long enough, and you’ll likely wet your pants at some point.

Here’s the truth

Bladder leaks, ranging from mild to severe, are a real problem faced by many runners of all ages. They shouldn’t be given.

What’s more?

Incontinence doesn’t mean that you have to halt your running routine. On the contrary, by taking the right precautions, you can manage and cure this problem.

In today’s article, I’ll explain the link between running (and exercise) and incontinence and describe how to prevent and treat it.

The Link Between Running and Urine  Leaks

First, let’s learn more about incontinence.

Technically known as”stress urinary incontinence (SUI), the condition refers to the involuntary loss of urine triggered by increased pressure or abrupt bladder muscle contraction.

In other words, it’s when you cannot control your bladder.

Incontinence can be a minor nuisance (just small leaks now and then) to a complete loss of bladder control.

Surveys show that incontinence affects twice as many women as men. This may be blamed on hormonal changes and delivery history. At least one in three female runners over 30 may experience bladder leaks while running, research reports.

Why You Pee When Running

In most cases, you’ll experience leakage while running because you’re placing extra pressure on your bladder or pelvic floor muscles. Virtually all types of exercises, such as running, jumping, cycling, and weight lifting, put extra pressure that causes leakage.

No one is immune.

You may also experience leakage when coughing or sneezing. Surveys show that around 1 in 3 women sometimes suffer from SUI. The most common reason for SUI is the natural decline in pelvic floor muscle strength that comes with age.

Simply put, stress incontinence happens when the pressure on the bladder surpasses your internal capacity while running and exercising. In female runners, running puts vertical pressure on the perineum thanks to gravity, which can result in leakage.

The Risk Factors For Urinary Stress Incontinence

The following increases your risks of SUI:

  • Age, especially in people over 65 years old.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth procedures are often associated with the weakening of the perineum, which causes SUI.
  • A higher body mass index—the more overweight you’re, the greater your risk of developing SUI.
  • High impact activity
  • Weak pelvic floor muscles
  • Having a history of bladder conditions


It is normal to Pee Yourself While Running

Though it’s not normal, it’s more common than you think. Surveys say that 25 million adult Americans are dealing with urinatory incontinence.

So if you’re experiencing some urine leakage while running, know you’re not alone. Instead, you’re among a large percentage who have the same problem.

Again, don’t take my word for it. This survey has revealed that roughly half of female runners experience incontinence while running.

What’s more?

Most of the women in the survey had never given birth. This means they had no pelvic floor damage because of pregnancy or childbirth.

The Main Categories and Causes

Urinary incontinence is split into three main categories: Stress Urinary Incontinence (or SUI), Urgency Urinary Incontinence (UUI), and Urinary Overflow incontinence (OUI).

Let’s break them down.

Stress Urinary Incontinence

SUI, for short, is the most common type of incontinence among runners—and the topic of today’s post. This stress has nothing to do with the emotional anxiety you experience when fighting with your partner or preparing for your first marathon.

In this case, the stress stems from intra-abdominal pressure, forcing urine to leak out. This is often triggered by sneezing, couching, jumping, and running.

Urge Incontinence

Often referred to as overactive bladder, this happens when your bladder muscles squeeze incorrectly or lose the ability to relax. This often happens before you can get to the toilet.

Most common in the elderly, urge incontinence may indicate an overactive bladder, a tract infection from the imbalance passage, or prostate problems.

Overflow Incontinence

Overflow incontinence is having the urge to urinate but only releasing a small amount.

Because the bladder isn’t emptying fully, it leaks urine later. This is usually caused by something blocking the urethra, which causes urine build-up in the bladder.

How To Prevent and Stop Urine Leakage While Running

Now that you know why you’re leaking urine while running, what can you do?

The following.

Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

The ideal way to limit urinary incontinence in runners is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, the sheet of muscles that supports the bladder and bowel.

When this sheet of muscle weakens, you may experience urine leakage whenever stress or strain is placed on it, especially when running.

Kegel exercises might help you, in which you consciously engage, then loosen the muscles that regulate urine flow. This help strengthen your pelvic floor, rectum, sphincter, bladder, and small intestine.

Don’t take my word for it. Research has reported that subjects who performed pelvic floor muscle training regularly were much more likely to improve their leaking than those who didn’t get training.

To locate your pelvic floor muscle, stop urinating in midstream.

If you can do that, you’ve got the right muscles. Here’s how to perform Kegel exercises:

  1. Squeeze the muscle you use to stop urinating midstream.
  2. Hold the squeeze for 6 to 8 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
  3. Perform three to four sets daily. And that’s it.

Repeat the movement 12 to 16 times in a row—and remember to do the exercise daily.

Be Prepared

While investing time in strengthening your pelvic floor is a step in the right direction, other measures can help you get back to running comfortably.

Padding is one of them.

Many over-the-counter products limit leaks before they happen. These often consist of small, soft foam patches that gently attach over the urethra to limit leaks while running.

As a rule, use a pad designed for bladder leakage instead of menstruating. According to my research, incontinence pads and sanitary pads are different things. Menstrual pads are designed for that purpose, and since they’re primarily cottonwood based, they don’t mesh well with liquid.

A wide range of incontinence products is also available, and you choose products designed to offer maximum comfort and discretion. These are also designed for runners and people with a more active lifestyle. You can also go for stretchy incontinence pants that provide freedom of movement.

You should also be prepared, especially on long runs. Bring wet wipes or tissue and spray stored in a Ziploc bag in case of an emergency.

Keep a Diary

Use a diary to keep track of your bladder habits. This should help you determine when it’s best to hit the bathroom to minimize leaks while running.

Keeping an accurate and thorough diary of your bladder weakness will allow your doctor to gain insight into the severity of your condition and enable them to develop a bladder training program specifically for you.

Try to keep your diary for at least a week before you see your doctor, then take it with you to your appointment. Your bladder diary should include a table with the following 7 rows : Time Urinated, Toilet, Leakage, Product or Clothing, Activity, Flui Intake/Output.

opic Overview

Keep a daily diary of all liquids taken in and all urine released, whether voluntary or involuntary. Your health professional may also call this a voiding log, bladder record, frequency-volume chart, incontinence chart, or voiding diary. The diary is usually kept for 3 to 4 days.

Record in your diary:

  • The time and amount of each urination.
  • The conditions under which urine release occurred, such as voluntary urination in the toilet, involuntary urine release, or leakage due to sneezing, laughing, or physical exertion.
  • The amounts and types of all liquids consumed. This includes frozen liquid items such as ice cream and frozen fruit juice bars.
  • Whether the liquid consumed contained caffeine (if your health professional instructs you to specify this information).

Based on the results of your bladder diary, your doctor or continence advisor have detailed insight into the severity of your bladder weakness and be in a better position to develop a bladder training program that’s right for you.

Instructions for Bladder Diary

  • Make at least seven copies of the blank bladder diary form so that you can keep the diary for a week.
  • Record the date and time of day when you urinated in the toilet or have light bladder leakage (LBL).
  • Note your health and general wellbeing, if applicable – Cold, hayfever, PMT etc
  • Record (yes/no) that you urinated in the toilet in the “Toilet” column.
  • Indicate the degree of leakage (none/damp/wet) in the “Leakage” column.
  • Indicate if you changed your absorbent product or had to change your clothing.
  • Note the activity you were undertaking at the time of any leakage – Driving, exercising, coughing, working, relaxing etc
  • Measuring the amount you drank or urinated may help the doctor or nurse assess your condition. If possible, record these measurements in the “Fluid Intake” and “Fluid Output” columns.

Also, keep track of your diuretic intake, like coffee.

Have Enough Water

Although I won’t recommend not drinking water before a run, I’d urge you not to drink too much fluid before you head out. Make sure you have enough, but not too much.

Bladder Training

As the name implies, bladder training is a plan that involves urinating on a schedule. The objective is to slow the amount of liquid you can hold comfortably.

Bladder training has often been used as a treatment for an overactive bladder. This method can be used alone or with medications and other interventions (some of which I’ll discuss in the following paragraphs).

Bladder training can help improve your stress incontinence symptoms by increasing the length of times your body can hold urine. This method is a low-cost, low-risk, and convenient way that doesn’t inherently require the guidance of a professional.

What’s more?

It’s simple. The program involves peeing on a set schedule to increase the time between restroom uses.

To begin bladder training, hold your pee for five minutes when you feel the urge to use a restroom. Then, slowly increase the time by roughly three to five minutes. Of course, this may feel challenging at first, but sooner or later, you’ll improve your SUI and make fewer trips to the bathroom.

Empty Your Bladder

This may seem redundant, but it’s a step many runners fail to take.

After all, a bursting bladder is more likely to leak than an empty one.

Exercising with a full bladder may also make you feel uncomfortable. It can even cause UT stone, according to research.

As a rule, stop by the bathroom before heading out and completely clear your bladder.

I’d suggest you do a double-void—urinate, wait for a couple of minutes, then urinate again. This ensures you got nothing left in the”tank.”

Plan Your Toilet Stops

As usual, planning is essential.

In case you’re running for a long distance, make sure to plan your route around places where you can stop for a restroom. For example, have a route that passes convenience stores with public bathrooms where you can easily pop in if you need to pee.

You can also use an app like SitOrSquat that shows you where the restrooms are along a pre-planned route.

Remember to bring some change with you, as some service stations may require them to use the restroom.

Breathe Properly

Another thing you can do to better manage your toilet stop is to pay attention to how you breathe. Though you might not see the connection, how you breathe while running can impact your pelvic floor muscles.

Breathing is crucial for limiting pressure on the pelvic floor while running.

On the inhale, the muscles of your pelvic floor are pushed downward, and on the exhale, these muscles draw upward.

If you’re breathing inefficiently while running, your pelvic flood muscles might be impaired, weakening them. This, in turn, may contribute to SUI.

To breathe correctly while running, ensure you’re breathing deeply in a relaxed and synchronized manner.

Did you know that diaphragmatic breathing can help with that “gotta go” anxiety feeling that accompanies urinary urgency and incontinence? About 40% of women in the United States experience urinary urgency, the feeling of having to urinate right now, or urinary frequency, having to pee too often. Many also know the angst that accompanies wondering if we’ll make it to the bathroom in time. These are real worries associated with bladder health and create symptoms that affect the quality of people’s lives. In fact, bladder symptoms have been associated with conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Bladder angst has been substantiated in the scientific community. Recent research identifies the influence of stress and psycho-social factors on  the development or exacerbation of bladder symptoms. A study of chronic psychological stress also shows that animals placed in stressful conditions experienced more bladder urgency, frequency and pain.

So what can be done to alleviate symptoms? Breathing!

Behavioral training has been used for overactive bladder syndrome (defined as frequent urination with or without urine leakage) and bladder pain symptoms. This technique focuses on improving voluntary control over bladder symptoms. One important area of control is using the breath. Breath control can be used as a “suppression” technique to gain control over the bladder symptoms of urgency and/or frequency.

There are actually several ways to breathe, but most of us aren’t conscious of the way we breathe, or how it may affect our bladders. Breathing into the belly takes thought and some practice to be tension free and expansive. Belly breathing is known as diaphragm breathing, and it helps decrease stress and anxiety associated with overactive bladder or painful bladder syndromes. Typically, when people are anxious they tend to take rapid, shallow breaths from the chest, and reversing this with belly breathing improves symptoms.

Tension free diaphragmatic breathing affects the autonomic nervous system which works to regulate bodily functions such as the heart rate, respiratory rate, and urination. In addition to reduced urinary urges, diaphragmatic breathing helps with a whole host of other stress-related symptoms and contributes to less angst all around.

Please enjoy and share the free download on how to perform tension free diaphragmatic breathing. Your bladder will thank you.

Wear Black Pants

If you don’t mind sogging yourself but prefer to keep it away from other people, consider wearing black running shorts, leggings, or pants. This simply trick can, at the very least, help you prevent any embarrassing scenarios.

To go the extra mile, consider getting loose-fitting clothing to hide any extra protection you might use to stop leakage while running.

Consult Your Doctor

Research estimates that around d60 percent of people with SUI wait roughly a year or longer before consulting a doctor about stress incontinence.

As a rule, consult a doctor to determine the right treatment and plan for you. The rest is just details. Remember that you might want to use stress incontinence as an excuse to give up on running. However, remember that exercise overall may help your incontinence problem long-term by strengthening pelvic floor muscles.

Depending on the severity of your incontinence and what you can cope with, your physician may suggest any of the following treatment options:

·       Medication. This can help your bladder retain more, improve your ability to empty it, and reduce urgency.

·       A Botox injection into the lining of the bladder to limit the release of chemicals that trigger muscle contractions.

·       Surgery.

Consider Surgery

Most treatment options for SUI are un-invasive and do not involve surgery, but in some cases, non-invasive intervention might not be enough.

The type of surgery you’ll need will depend on the severity of your condition and how much you can handle. Overall most physicians will only recommend surgery for severe conditions.

The two most common types of surgery to help with stress incontinence are tension-free vaginal tape and burch colposuspension.

Other procedures, used less often, include:

·       Sling procedure

·       Bulking agents

·       Anterior vaginal repair

·       Artificial sphincters


There you have it! You have several options for managing and preventing leakage while running. Try following some of the above strategies, and don’t let stress incontinence keep you from logging the miles.


Running with a Heart Murmur – The Complete guide

heart murmurs in runners

Runners have great hearts.

I mean, for real. After logging thousands of miles over the years, a runner’s heart might have bigger arteries, more copious coronary capillaries, and more flexible coronary arteries than the average joe.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise. It helps you burn calories, improve endurance, and get in the best shape of your life.

But if you have heart murmurs, high-intensity training can be uncomfortable and maybe dangerous.

So what causes heart murmurs?  are you in danger? That’s where today’s post comes in handy.

In today’s article, I’ll examine whether you should run with a heart murmur and what to do about this cardiovascular condition.

The Anatomy of your Heart

The heart is undoubtedly one of the most important organs in your body.

Made up of chambers and valves, your heart has one of the most important jobs: to keep your blood flowing throughout your body.

The heart has four chambers, two upper chambers (atria) and two lower chambers (ventricles). Circulation flows through a valve before leaving each chamber of the heart. These valves function as guards that prevent the backward flow of blood.

Yes, it’s an amazing design.

What Are Heart Murmurs?

Before I get into whether you should run with a heart murmur, let’s first define what a heart murmur is to ensure we’re on the same page.

A heart murmur, in short, is the sound made by turbulent blood flow within your heart. This is often triggered by a change in circulation through one of the heart valves. The murmur can be a rasping, blowing, or whooshing sound during a heartbeat.

In other words, it’s an abnormal noise between heartbeats.

Most heart murmurs are benign—common in children and young adults. But at times, they might indicate serious heart problems (more on later).

So what’s causing the switch in blood flow within the heart valves? And is it a sign of a serious problem in the heart?

Here’s the good news.

Heart murmurs can strike both healthy and sick hearts.  Changes in blood flow are often a normal thing in a normal heart—or what’s known as a benign flow murmur.

In most cases, the change in blood flow within the heart can be caused by fever, stress, anxiety, anemia, or an elevated heart rate after a run. In addition, roughly 10 percent of adults and 30 percent of children experience benign murmurs at some stage.

Benign Vs. Abnormal Heart Murmurs

Heart murmurs can be divided into two kinds:

  • Benign
  • Abnormal

As the name implies, benign murmurs aren’t dangerous.

In some people, benign murmur can be caused by pregnancy, intense exercise, severe anemia, or fever.

If you have a benign heart murmur, you won’t experience any other symptoms.

However, When a serious heart condition causes a heart murmur, you may experience other symptoms such as:

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Enlarged neck veins
  • Chronic coughing
  • Profuse sweating, especially when you’re done running.
  • Blue skin around the lips and fingertips
  • Cold clammy skin

These symptoms may indicate a serious underlying heart condition that hasn’t been diagnosed.

If you’re coming down with any of these symptoms while running and/or at rest, call 911 immediately. You need to get checked up right away. Don’t dilly-dally.

Heart Murmurs In Runners

In most cases, heart murmurs in runners are of the “innocent” variety. The whooshing sound is blood flowing through a normal, healthy heart.

What’s more?

They might indicate an improved cardiovascular function instead of a dangerous heart abnormality. As you get fitter and stronger—especially aerobically, your heart might adapt by somewhat enlarging. This, in turn, allows moving more blood on each contraction.

What the Latest Research Says About Exercising with a Heart Murmur

Staying active with a heart murmur can be safe and beneficial, but it’s always wise to stay informed on the latest recommendations. Here’s a look at recent studies and expert advice from reputable health organizations on exercising with a heart murmur.

 Exercise is Often Encouraged for Innocent Murmurs

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), those with innocent heart murmurs can typically continue regular physical activity, including running, without any restrictions. In fact, the AHA notes that exercise is beneficial for overall cardiovascular health, helping to maintain heart strength and efficiency. However, it’s still important to check with your doctor to confirm that your murmur is indeed innocent and safe to exercise with.

Abnormal Murmurs May Require More Caution

For runners with abnormal murmurs, guidelines are a bit more cautious. A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology recommends that individuals with certain heart conditions, including some types of abnormal murmurs, undergo thorough medical screening before engaging in high-intensity exercise. This often includes tests like an echocardiogram or stress test to assess heart function under exertion.

When To Consult A Doctor

I hate to sound like a broken record, but most heart murmurs are not a threat unless you experience any abnormal symptoms; consult your doctor immediately.

The examination—preferably by a cardiologist—will likely include an echocardiogram, which examines the function of your heart muscles and valves.

By doing this, they can determine if your heart murmurs are benign or if they do require medical attention.

In some cases, a heart murmur could be a sign of a problem with your heart. This problem can either result from an abnormal function within the heart or a structural abnormality in one of the heart valves or chambers.

For example, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is a condition that causes an abnormal thickening of the heart muscle, can also result in murmurs. This condition can limit or block blood flow from the heart’s left ventricle to the aorta, your body’s main blood vessel.

For these reasons, and some more,  if you have a heart murmur, it’s key to get to the root of the sound. Is it innocent? Or is it caused by abnormal pathology? It’s always better to safe than sorry, you know.

Additional resource – Prevent Heart Burn In Runners

How To Treat A Heart Murmur

Treating a heart murmur depends on the main cause. Benign heart murmurs don’t require any treatment, but dangerous ones need medical attention ASAP, especially if you have symptoms like those listed below.

  • Shortness of breath
  • Ankle swelling
  • Chest pain
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Fever or night sweats
  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Fainting or dizziness
  • Chronic fatigue

Most of the latter are typically treated with medication. However, serious conditions could require surgery.

Some of the most common medications used for managing and treating abnormal heart murmurs include:

  • ACE inhibitors or Beta Blockers—work great for lowering blood pressure.
  • Statins—work great for managing cholesterol.
  • Aspirin or warfarin is an anticoagulant to help prevent blood clots from forming.

Surgery is needed in extreme cases, especially when medication isn’t enough. For example, if one of your heart valves needs to be replaced or has a hole in your heart, you’ll need surgery.

Running With A Heart Murmur

Getting diagnosed with a heart murmur may scare most people from running.

However, most cases are benign, therefore, shouldn’t prevent you from running. But it’s always recommended to get checked by a cardiologist to ensure you understand the cause of the murmur. Then, once you have your doctor’s green light, go back to training.

As I’ve explained in this article, it’s not always the case, and most runners can keep on training when experiencing heart murmurs.

To err on the side of caution, do the following:

  • Consult your doctor to understand the cause of the murmur
  • Check the history of heart disease in your family
  • Stick to a healthy nutrition plan
  • Get a yearly electrocardiogram or chest X-ray
  • Learn how to train by heart rate zones
  • Run regularly
  • Follow proper recovery practices
  • Listen to your body

Preventative Measures For Running With Heart Murmurs

It’s always better to err on the side of caution. So take the following measures to ensure your cardiovascular health is checked, even if you feel healthy.

  • Look into whether your family has a history of cardiovascular conditions
  • Learn how to monitor your pulse during training for rate and regularity. I’d recommend that you learn how to use heart rate training zones.
  • Get a general annual exam, including a chest X-Ray and an electrocardiogram (ECG).
  • Keep a healthy diet
  • And most importantly, keep running. It does your heart good but doesn’t push yourself too hard.

Risk Factors For Heart Murmurs

You’ll be more prone to heart murmurs if someone in your family has some form of heart problem associated with the unusual sounds.

Some of these conditions include:

  • Endocarditis, which is an infection of the lining of the heart
  • Cardiomyopathy, which is the weakening of the heart muscle
  • Hypereosinophilic syndrome is a blood condition that involves an increased number of certain white cells.
  • Some autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
  • Heart valve diseases
  • Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid.
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Pulmonary hypertension, which is high blood pressure in the lung

Share Your Heart Health Tips!

Managing a heart murmur while staying active can be a unique journey, and every runner’s experience is different. We’d love to hear your stories and any tips you’ve discovered along the way. Whether it’s a pacing strategy, a favorite way to track your heart rate, or advice from your doctor, your insights could be just what another runner needs.

Have You Managed a Heart Murmur While Staying Active?

Jump into the comments and share your experience! 

Get Fit and Stay Motivated: How Running Apps Can Boost Your Weight Loss Journey

woman starting a run

It’s hard to make exercise a habit, but it’s vital if you want to achieve your goals. One of the best exercises for weight loss is running. It is perfect for beginners and doesn’t need much training.

However, if you’re struggling to stay motivated, it can be helpful to use a fitness tracking application that shows you how many steps you’ve taken or how far you’ve run in a certain amount of time. Running apps also allow you to see your overall progress and encourage you to push yourself harder.

If you find that your workouts are becoming boring, try changing up the exercises you do. For example, running apps help you to mix your workouts, so you don’t get bored when running.

These apps also bring out your competitive side by enabling you to share your progress on social media or with the community. You can also challenge others to run with you. All these features of the running app can keep you motivated and help you to lose weight.

If you want to know how running apps can boost your weight loss journey, continue reading.

What Are Running Apps?

A running app is a program you can download onto your smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch that will help you track your run. They usually come with a wide variety of features to help you stay motivated, achieve your goals and train for a race.

When it comes to running apps, choose the one that offers personalization. You want a program that takes into account your current level of running ability, training goals, and desired timeline when creating a plan for you.

A good running app will offer a detailed history of your runs. This includes distance, time, pace, splits (pace for each mile or section of your run), and calories burned. It will help you to check your progress.

How Can Running Apps Boost Your Weight Loss Journey?

Running is a great way to lose weight, but it can be hard to keep up if you don’t have the right tools. Luckily, there are plenty of apps that can help you to improve your run-walk plan and stay motivated. Here is how running apps can boost your weight loss journey.

Running Apps Help You To Get Started

Running has a lot of health benefits and is great for weight loss. It is also a fantastic stress-relieving activity, and it can improve your mood. It is a good idea to download a running app to help you with your goals. There are many different apps available to help you with your running journey, and some are specifically designed for weight loss, so it is important to choose one that suits your needs. The best running apps for weight loss will be able to guide you through a realistic plan that will help you to get started with your weight loss journey.

Running Apps Help You To Set Goals

Running is one of the best ways to burn calories, boost your heart rate and improve your overall fitness. However, in order to lose weight, you need to set goals. You can do this using a running app. These apps help you to set daily, weekly as well as monthly running and weight loss goals. There are many different apps available on the market, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.

Running Apps Keep You Motivated

Running can be a lonely sport for some people, but it’s not impossible to build a strong community with the help of a good running app. Some apps offer a social interface or the ability to send your workouts to other platforms, which can be a great way to share your progress with a wider group of friends. You can also find a running community with friends or even run as part of a team if you’re feeling extra motivated.

Running Apps Help You To See Progress

Running apps can boost your weight loss journey by allowing you to see progress. They can help you to track your workouts, calculate your calories, and get rewards when you reach your goals. Some also offer weekly or monthly challenges for extra motivation. These apps will also give you a better understanding of your running progress and will allow you to track your running distance, calories burned, and other important statistics. You can also use them to keep track of your fitness progress and see how you compare to others.

Running Apps Offer Tips for Weight Loss

Whether you’re a new runner or an experienced fitness aficionado, finding the right running app can help you to boost your weight loss journey. They can make your workouts easier, increase the number of calories you burn and keep you motivated to stick with your training plan. The best running apps for weight loss will also offer helpful tips and guidance on how to achieve your goals. Many of these apps offer training plans designed to fit your schedule and level of fitness.

Running Apps Offer Safety Features

If you are looking for ways to boost your weight loss journey, running apps are a great option. They can help you to stay motivated, set goals, and share your progress with friends. Many of these apps also have safety features that allow you to share your location with trusted contacts in real time. This feature can be particularly helpful if you are running alone or on a dangerous route.

Running Apps Are Easy To Use

Running apps are easy to use and can make your weight loss journey a lot easier. They have plenty of features, such as custom motivation, access to an online community, goal-setting, training tips, and more. Some of them also have additional features, such as cross-training workouts.

Running Apps Offer Meal Plans and Water Tracker

There are a number of other features that will help you to achieve your weight loss goals, including meal plans and water trackers. The meal plan will help you to follow a balanced diet, and the water tracker will help you to drink enough water to stay hydrated.


A weight loss journey is a series of changes you make to your eating, exercise, and stress habits. This change can help you lose and maintain weight over time. One of the best ways to stay motivated through your weight loss journey is by using a running app. These apps will not only keep you motivated while you’re running but also help you to follow a balanced diet. Some are great for tracking your progress, and others help you stay motivated with training plans or interval workouts. A good running app can make your workout more fun and help you to lose weight easily.

Acid Reflux Running – How To Treat & Prevent Heart Burn In Runners

Why Running Causing Heart Burn?

Looking for the best ways to treat and prevent heart burns when running? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Getting heartburn in the middle of a run sucks.

But, if you’re prone to acid reflux but keen on running regularly, you know too well that running is prime time for heartburn flare-ups.

In today’s post, I’ll cover all you need to know about running when you have acid reflux.

By the end, you’ll learn the following:

  • What is acid reflux?
  • Main symptoms associated with heartburn
  • What’s causing heartburn during running
  • How to treat heartburn during a run
  • How to prevent heartburn while exercising

Note – check with your doctor before applying any advice shared here. I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on the internet.

Heart Burn While Running Explained

First, to properly treat and prevent acid reflux during a run, it’s crucial to understand what’s causing it.

Heartburn, as the name implies, refers to mild pain turned into a sharp or burning sensation in the chest area (but has none to do with the heart).

Medically known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), acid reflux happens when the stomach’s content moves up the stomach into the stomach pipe—what’s known as the esophagus

This is normal and happens to most people. It’s only referred to as a condition or a disease when the esophagus exposure to gastric acids exceeds the normal limit. This is especially true when the symptoms are not triggered by food and/or occur at night.

The Main Symptoms

Some of the most common symptoms associated with acid reflux include the following:

  • Regurgitation
  • Burning sensation radiating up from your sternum
  • A dry cough or hoarseness followed by discomfort in your throat (acid or bitter taste)
  • Dysphagia—difficulty swallowing
  • Laryngitis
  • Irritation of the esophagus
  • Increased asthma symptoms
  • Sporadic heartbeat during exercise
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • A sensation of a lump in the throat
  • Bloated stomach
  • Halitosis

Causes of Heartburn While Running

The following consists of the most common triggers of exercise-induced heartburn, according to the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA).

Weakness in The Muscle

Heartburn happens when a band of muscle at the bottom of the esophagus, known as a lower esophageal sphincter (LES), becomes too weak, too relaxed, or opens inappropriately. This allows for stomach acid to travel upward into the esophagus.

Running and other forms of exercise can trigger heartburn if the lower esophageal sphincter is too relaxed or weak, especially in exercises that require a lot of abdominal work.

Foods to Blame

You’re more likely to suffer a heartburn flare-up after eating certain foods.

These mainly consist of acidic foods like coffee, orange juice, alcohol, spicy foods, high fiber, gassy food like sodas, and overly processed foods.

The logic here, when your body needs to process more, it will produce more gastric acid.

Additional resource – Can Running Help Cure Your Hangover?

Why Running Causing Heart Burn?

Acid reflux can be a painful condition while running—especially because high-impact exercise, running, for example, often makes it worse.

There are many reasons why. For starters, running usually limits blood flow to the gastrointestinal area, interrupting proper digestion. Running also requires a constrained body position.

What’s more?

All that high-impact movement, core activation, and jostling manhandle the intestines, forcing stomach content to escape. The risks of this occurring depend on many factors, such as your training intensity and the type of food consumed in the hours before the workout.

Again don’t take my word for it. Research from the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that when it comes to running, weight training, or stationary biking, running resulted in the most acid reflux in study subjects.

So should you give up on running altogether?

But just because you get heartburn during a run doesn’t mean you should stop exercising altogether. Running and exercise, in general, can reduce the risks of developing GERD by getting in shape and helping maintain a healthy weight.

Again, don’t take my word for it. A study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology reported that shedding 10 to 15 pounds can curb heartburn symptoms by up to 40 percent.

And it’s not just one research.

Another research out of the Journal Neurogastroenterology & Motility looked into about 15,000 generally overweight subjects who exhibited GERD symptoms for a few years.

The conclusion?

The researchers reported that those who lost more than 5 pounds and reduced their waist circumference by more than five centimeters improved their GERD symptoms.

The key is to make the right adjustments and take proper precautions. That’s where the rest of this article comes in handy.

How To Treat And Prevent Heart Burn When Running

Here are some precautions you need to take to keep this unwanted guest away from your premises.

Avoid the Four C’s

Trigger food can boost acid secretion, limit stomach emptying, or compromise the LES—all of which can set the stage for heartburn.

As a general guideline, avoid the Four C’s.

This includes Citrus, Caffeine, Carbonated foods, and Chocolate.

You should also avoid any fatty food rich before a hard run.

I’d also recommend keeping a food journal for a few weeks.

At least two weeks, since it’s also the proper timing for gastric acid adaptation towards the treatment or changing lifestyle.

Inside it, keep track of the times you eat, the food content, speed/mileage, and whether you experience any stomach issues.

Eat Simple

Whether it’s premature fatigue, IG issues, stomach discomfort, or heartburn, what you eat just before going for a run impacts your running performance.

I can’t emphasize this enough.

So what’s the solution?

Eat something low in protein and fat while high in the right carbs.

But all things considered, the best (diet) course of action is to experiment with different foods till you find a match.

Then, stick with that for the long haul.

Want a fast source of energy before a run?  Try any of the following:

  • Eggs on wholegrain toast,
  • Strawberries with honey,
  • Greek yogurt,
  • Banana with peanut butter.
  • A small bowl of whole-grain cereal.

These snacks should provide you with enough energy without upsetting your stomach.

Time it Right

The less stuff you have sloshing around your stomach while running, the better. Providing your meals with enough time to get digested can drastically reduce the frequency of heartburn.

An empty stomach causes no reflux.

For this reason, avoid eating anything heavy two to three hours before a run. The bigger the meal, the more time you’ll need between eating and running. There’s no way around that.

This should give your stomach enough time to process the food.

You should also experiment with how long before a run to consume the right snack and/or meal.

Drink Lots of Water

Proper water intake naturally cleanses your esophagus and might even help prevent, or at the very least, soothe the symptoms in case of heartburn during a run.

Just make sure not to drink too much.

Too much water in your stomach is as bad as eating a large meal just before a workout.

Moderation is key.

I would rather recommend normal water instead of sports drinks or ion water.

They might be too acidic for your stomach.

Don’t take my word for it.

Research had reported that heartburn-prone athletes suffered from more flare-ups than those who drank water when they had a sports drink during training.

Try Medication

Sometimes, natural remedies and lifestyle changes can’t help much.

Give medication a try.

Some over-the-counter drugs, such as Antacids or Simethicone, can quickly stop the acid in its track and bring some relief.

If the meds feel too much, start with two weeks of moderate intake so your gut linings can adapt well.

Wear Loose Fitting Clothes

Runners swear by compression gear, whether tights or other form-fitting clothing, but such outfits often may prove problematic if you’re prone to GERD.

Tight clothing puts pressure on your abdomen and may force stomach content into your esophagus.

It may also impede proper food digestion. In addition, these “unprocessed” foods contribute to acid reflux.

Add to this the jostling motion of running, and you got yourself a recipe for disaster.

As a rule, choose loose-fitting running shorts, shirts, and other running clothing that gives your body enough room to encourage proper digestive function.

Don’t wait for it.

Or, at the very least, consider loosening up a little and choosing running gear that doesn’t constrict your chest, stomach, and waist.

Seek Medical Help

If changing your lifestyle habits and taking OTC drugs don’t get your workout-induced heartburn under control, consult your doctor.

For more severe symptoms, you might need a prescription from your doctor.

This is especially the case when suffering from intense chest pain, whether running-induced or not.

In some cases, heartburn is like heart attack pain.

Your doctor may prescribe a combination between antacids (such as calcium chewable tablets), proton pump inhibitors (like omeprazole), and H2 blockers (like ranitidine and cimetidine).

Stick with this for at least two weeks straight before you get off immediately.

This way, you may lower your risk of relapse.

In some cases, taking such medication a day before a long run or race may help ease your symptoms—or prevent them altogether.

Just keep in mind that there are downsides to any form of medication.

Only to use in case of emergencies.

Run, Forrest, Run!!


DO NOT stop running.

Do not let heartburn interfere with your consistency.

You stand a lot to gain by running with heartburn than living a heartburn-free life as a couch potato.

As you already know, running has a lot to offer.

It can help you get in shape, relieve stress, improve stamina, etc.

Thank you for reading my post.

Feel free to leave your comments and questions below.


What Can You Do With a Precision Nutrition Certification?

Obtaining a Precision Nutrition Certification is invaluable when seeking professional recognition as a certified coach specializing in nutrition. By participating in this program, individuals receive comprehensive training on the scientific foundations of proper nutrition.

This allows them to develop tailored meal plans and provide effective coaching for healthy behavioral changes. Considering the growing incidence of chronic illnesses such as obesity that plague large segments of society today, it’s essential to acknowledge and prioritize adequate nutritional awareness as an essential aspect of wellness.

Opportunities with a Precision Nutrition Certification

Do you want to intensify your interest in nutrition and exercise? You may require a Precision Nutrition Certification. Regardless of your career ambitions, the precision nutrition certification can open doors to intriguing opportunities in the fitness and nutrition field. Click here to read about the Precision Nutrition cost review to learn more about the price. But what can you do with this qualification once you’ve obtained it? Here are four excellent possibilities to think about:

Personal Training

By obtaining a Precision Nutrition Certification, you will possess the necessary proficiency and expertise to construct tailored nutrition strategies for your clients that coordinate with their exercise programs and enable them to achieve their fitness goals.

Nutrition Coaching

A nutrition coach collaborates with individual clients through personalized dietary counseling to develop and maintain beneficial nutritional patterns, aiming to promote their general well-being in the long run.

Health Coaching

Committed to promoting healthy living through various interventions catering to diverse aspects of one’s life, the health coach considers numerous factors that impact an individual’s wellness. These factors include; 

  • Nutrition intake and physical activity regimen
  • Techniques for managing daily stresses encountered in life situations
  • Ensuring adequate rest is obtained nightly through sleep hygiene protocols, 
  • Relevant lifestyle adjustments or changes made as warranted by each client.

Online Coaching

There are many opportunities to share your knowledge of nutrition with clients all around the world, thanks to the growth of virtual coaching. 

Advantages of having a Precision Nutrition Certification

Obtaining a Precision Nutrition Certification can have various benefits for a nutrition practitioner. Let’s take a closer look at some of these advantages:

Providing Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness

With the acquisition of a Precision Nutrition Certification, practitioners possess a distinct advantage in providing customers with an all-encompassing methodology for maintaining healthy lifestyles. This certification stresses upon its aspirants that nutrition has implications beyond physical health, placing equal emphasis on mental and emotional well-being. With this knowledge, you can give customers tailored nutrition regimens that address their needs and goals.

Having the Ability to Offer Specialized Nutrition Coaching

Another benefit of the Precision Nutrition Certification is the ability to give specific nutrition coaching. This certification program gives in-depth teaching in different areas, including sports nutrition, weight loss, and gut health. You’ll attract clients expressly seeking your knowledge by specializing in a certain area.

Standing out in a Competitive Industry

In a competitive industry, having a Precision Nutrition Certification might help you stand out. This certification is acknowledged as one of the most difficult and thorough programs in the business, and completing it displays a high degree of dedication and skill.

Improving Credibility and Increasing Earning Potential

Finally, having a Precision Nutrition Certification can improve your credibility and increase your earning potential. Clients are more inclined to trust a nutrition specialist who has finished a rigorous certification program, which can lead to more recommendations and a better salary.

Steps to Getting a Precision Nutrition Certification

To become a certified Precision Nutrition coach, there are a few steps you need to take. First and foremost, you must complete the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification, an online course that takes roughly six months to complete. The course covers the essentials of nutrition, including macronutrients, micronutrients, and meal planning.

After finishing the Level 1 Certification, you can pursue the Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certification, a more advanced course that takes another six months. 

Once you finish the Level 1 and Level 2 Certifications, you will be a Precision Nutrition Certified Coach. However, it’s crucial to know that retaining your certification needs continual education, including attending workshops, completing online courses, and reading industry periodicals. This guarantees that you stay up-to-date with the latest research and advancements in nutrition coaching and can continue giving your clients the best service.


Achieving a Precision Nutrition Certification can significantly impact one’s career in the health and wellness field. By upskilling in nutrition coaching, individuals can aid clients in attaining their health objectives. With evidence-based knowledge and application strategies, certified professionals can lead their clients toward a better quality of life.