Prevent and Treat Big Toe Pain: The Runner’s Guide to Healthy Feet

running shoe brands

Running offers fantastic health benefits, from reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues to building muscle and burning fat. It’s a go-to exercise for many of us. But there’s a catch – the high-impact nature of running can lead to injuries or worsen existing conditions, especially in your lower body.

Your big toe might seem small, but it plays a big role in generating forward momentum as you dash down the track.

This tiny joint, also known as the MTP joint, plays a crucial role in generating forward momentum while you’re hitting the pavement. However, it’s also susceptible to various overuse injuries.

In this article, we’re diving into the common causes of big toe pain while running. We’ll explore their symptoms, treatment options, and, most importantly, how to prevent these issues from slowing you down.

The Anatomy of the Big Toe

Understanding the anatomy of the big toe is essential to grasp the potential causes of toe pain in runners.

The foot is a complex structure composed of bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons, all working together to support your weight and enable movement. When runners experience foot injuries, various components of this intricate network can be affected.

One crucial element of the foot is the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, located at the base of the big toe. This joint plays a vital role in the mechanics of walking and running, allowing the foot to roll forward, push off the ground, and flex with each step. Despite its small size, the big toe bears a significant amount of weight and contributes to the overall function of the foot. Research has shown that approximately 5 percent of running injuries involve the big toe joint.

When the MTP joint becomes stiff or experiences issues, it can lead to pain and discomfort, making weight-bearing activities, including running, especially challenging. To better understand toe pain in runners, it’s important to explore the potential causes and appropriate actions to address these issues.

Additional Resource – A Tibial Posterior Tendonitis Guide in Runners

How to Treat Big Toe Joint Pain From Running

Without further ado, let’s look at the main cause of big toe pain in runners as well as how to treat them.

Hallux Rigidus

Hallux rigidus, also known as turf toe or stiff big toe, is a common condition that can cause significant pain and discomfort in the big toe joint. It is characterized by degenerative arthritis of the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint of the big toe and is the second most common condition affecting the big toe, following bunions. This condition can result from various factors, including injury to the toe or overuse, which can make walking and standing difficult.

Runners may experience turf toe due to the strain placed on the MTP joint during running or by stubbing the toe while running. Overuse of the joint, such as running long distances or running too frequently, can also contribute to the development of hallux rigidus. Common symptoms of this condition include pain while bearing weight on the affected toe, swelling near the base of the big toe, and limited mobility of the big toe.

Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for effectively managing hallux rigidus. Proper shoes with a roomier toe box can help reduce friction and pressure on the base of the toe. Stiff-soled shoes may also provide relief. Non-surgical treatments, such as over-the-counter pain medications, orthotic inserts, physical therapy, and corticosteroid injections for pain and swelling, are often recommended.

In severe cases where conservative treatments are ineffective, surgery may be necessary to alleviate pain and restore joint function. The specific surgical intervention required depends on the extent of damage to the joint, as determined by a physician through various diagnostic tests, including X-rays. Multiple surgeries may be needed to address all aspects of the condition.

If you suspect you have hallux rigidus or are experiencing symptoms of a stiff big toe, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. Early intervention can significantly improve the prognosis and facilitate a gradual return to running and other physical activities.

Additional Resource – Running with Hemorrhoids

Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenails can be a painful and uncomfortable condition caused by the toenail growing into the skin of the toe. This often occurs when the toes rub against the front of tight or ill-fitting footwear, leading to the toenail piercing the skin and growing into it. Cutting the toenail too short or curving it too far when trimming can also contribute to ingrown toenails.

Common symptoms of ingrown toenails include tenderness, darkened skin around the affected nail, swelling, and redness. In some cases, an infection may develop, leading to pus drainage from the area.

If you suspect you have an ingrown toenail, it is essential to address it promptly to prevent further discomfort and complications.

Here are some steps to manage ingrown toenails

  • Keep the area clean: Wash your feet regularly with soap and water to prevent infection.
  • Soak the foot: Soaking the affected foot in warm water a few times a day can help reduce pain and swelling. Add Epsom salt to the warm water for added relief.
  • Wear comfortable shoes: Choose footwear that provides ample room for your toes and avoids putting pressure on the affected toenail. Open-toed shoes or sandals can be beneficial during the healing process.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers: Non-prescription pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can help alleviate pain and inflammation.
  • Avoid self-surgery: While it may be tempting to attempt to remove the ingrown nail yourself, it’s generally best to leave it alone. Self-surgery can lead to infection and further complications.
  • Consult a healthcare professional: If the pain persists, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider. They may recommend antibiotics if an infection is present or perform a minor surgical procedure to remove the ingrown portion of the nail.


Blisters can be a painful consequence of excessive friction and moisture, especially in hot and humid conditions. These fluid-filled pockets can form on various parts of the foot, including the toes, due to the repetitive rubbing of the skin against socks or shoes.

One crucial aspect of blister prevention is paying attention to any early signs of tenderness or discomfort on your toes or other susceptible areas of your feet. Catching these warning signs early can help you take preventive measures before a blister develops.

Here are some strategies to prevent blisters on your toes while running:

  • Proper footwear: Ensure your running shoes fit correctly and provide enough space for your toes. Shoes that are too tight can increase friction and blister formation.
  • Moisture-wicking socks: Choose moisture-wicking socks designed for running. These socks help keep your feet dry by wicking away sweat and reducing the chances of friction-related blisters.
  • Lubrication: Apply a lubricant or anti-chafing product to areas prone to blisters. Common choices include petroleum jelly or specialized anti-blister products.
  • Correct lacing: Experiment with different lacing techniques to find the one that minimizes friction on your toes. Some runners find that using a loop lacing technique or skipping specific eyelets can help reduce pressure points.
  • Foot care: Keep your feet clean and dry before putting on your socks and shoes. Consider using foot powder to reduce moisture.
  • Gradual adaptation: If you’re breaking in new running shoes, gradually increase your mileage to allow your feet to adapt to the footwear.

Additional Resource – Your guide to runners itch

Plantar Fasciitis

Experiencing stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot or heel post-run, after long periods of sitting, or first thing in the morning?

Plantar fasciitis could be the culprit.

Plantar fasciitis is an infamous overuse injury that causes inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is the tissue that attaches to the heel bone and extends across the bottom of your foot. This bundle of tissue functions as a shock absorber that also supports the foot’s arch during weight-bearing.

Plantar fasciitis is common among runners and one of the leading causes of heel pain. The condition is common among runners who have flat feet, but it can also offer those with high arches.


If you suspect you’re dealing with plantar fasciitis, take a few days off immediately.

  • Rest: Give your foot some time to heal by reducing or temporarily stopping your running activities. Overuse is a common cause of plantar fasciitis.
  • Icing: Apply ice to the affected area for about 15-20 minutes several times a day to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
  • Stretching: Perform gentle stretching exercises for the calf muscles, Achilles tendon, and plantar fascia. Stretching can help relieve tension and promote healing.
  • Footwear: Ensure you have appropriate running shoes that provide adequate arch support and cushioning. Orthotic inserts may also be beneficial for some runners.

If pain refuses to dissipate, consult a foot specialist for a thorough diagnosis.

Stress Fractures

If you just took up running or started running more than usual and are dealing with localized, acute pain, you might have a stress fracture.

Stress fractures of the toes are common among runners. These consist of a small crack in the bone or a serious bruising within a bone. The condition is usually caused by repetitive activity and overuse.

Foot stress fractures typically impact the end of the long bones in the foot (the metatarsals), at the base of the pinky toe (the fifth metatarsals), and in the bones of the ankle joint.

Swelling and pain are the most common symptoms of a stress fracture, but you might also notice discoloration around the toe.

Left ignored, a stress fracture can turn into a complete fracture where the bones break through and dislocate.


Rest: The most crucial aspect of stress fracture treatment is rest. Avoid putting weight on the affected foot or engaging in activities that exacerbate the pain.

  • Ice: Apply ice to the affected area to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Compression: Consider using compression bandages or sleeves to reduce swelling and provide support.
  • Elevation: Elevate your foot to reduce swelling, especially when resting.
  • Orthotics: Consult with a healthcare provider to assess your footwear and possibly recommend orthotic inserts or changes to your running shoes.
  • Physical Therapy: Physical therapists can guide you through exercises to maintain strength and flexibility in the rest of your body while your foot heal

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to calf pain while running

Other Causes of Big Joint Pain In Runners

Big toe pain in runners can have various causes, and it’s essential to consider other potential culprits beyond the more common conditions mentioned earlier.

Here’s a brief overview of some of these additional causes:

  • Raynaud’s Disease: This condition affects blood circulation, leading to temporary narrowing of the blood vessels in response to cold temperatures or stress. It can cause pain and numbness in the extremities, including the toes.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune disease that can affect joints, including those in the toes. It often causes pain, swelling, and stiffness in the affected joints.
  • Morton’s Neuroma: This is a thickening of the tissue around a nerve leading to the toes, often between the third and fourth toes. It can cause sharp, burning pain and numbness in the toes.
  • Gout: Gout is a type of arthritis caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints. It can lead to sudden and severe pain in the big toe joint.
  • Sesamoiditis: Inflammation of the sesamoid bones, which are small bones located beneath the big toe joint, can cause pain in the area.
  • Bunion: A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe. It can cause pain and discomfort, especially during activities like running.
  • Turf Toe: This is a sprain of the ligaments around the big toe joint and is common in athletes, including runners. It can result from hyperextension of the big toe.
  • Capsulitis: Inflammation of the joint capsule surrounding the big toe joint can lead to pain and limited range of motion.

Symptoms and treatment options can vary depending on the cause of the pain, so at the end of the day, you’re better off consulting your doctor for a thorough examination.

Additional resource – Chiropractor for runners

How To Prevent Big Toe Pain While Running

You can take many steps to protect yourself against big toe pain while running.

Some of these include:

Strengthen Your Soles

Strengthening the muscles in your feet, especially those around the big toe, can indeed help improve your running performance and reduce the risk of injuries. Stronger foot muscles provide better support and stability during your runs. Here’s a brief overview of an exercise you can try to strengthen your big toe and the surrounding area:

Big-Toe Raises:

Stand with your feet flat on the ground and your weight evenly distributed. Lift your toes off the ground while keeping your heels planted. Try to raise only your big toes, leaving the other toes on the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower your big toes back to the ground.

Repeat this exercise for several repetitions.

As you progress and your strength improves, you can increase the duration and repetitions of this exercise. It’s essential to perform exercises like these regularly to maintain strong foot muscles, which can benefit your overall running performance and comfort.

Warm up & Stretch

Warming up and stretching are essential components of a good running routine, helping to prepare your body for the demands of exercise and reducing the risk of injuries. Here’s a bit more detail on how to approach warm-up and stretching:


Begin your runs with a dynamic warm-up routine that includes movements like leg swings, high knees, butt kicks, and hip circles. These dynamic stretches help increase blood flow, improve flexibility, and activate the muscles you’ll use during your run.

Aim for 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching to adequately prepare your body for the workout ahead.

Cool Down and Static Stretching:

After your run, spend 10-15 minutes on static stretching to improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension.

Focus on stretching major muscle groups, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, hip flexors, and glutes.

Hold each stretch for about 20-30 seconds, feeling a gentle stretch without pushing yourself to the point of pain.

Stretching helps relax and lengthen muscles, which can aid in recovery and reduce the risk of post-run soreness.

Additional resource – Sore quads after running

Your Running Shoes

Finding the perfect pair is like hitting the jackpot in the running world. Here’s the lowdown, spiced up with some tips and facts:

Step 1: Comfort is Key

You’re gearing up for a run, and you slip into those running shoes that feel like a warm hug for your feet. That’s the sweet spot you’re aiming for. Comfort is your North Star here. If the shoes don’t feel right, move on – it’s a deal-breaker.

Step 2: Know Thy Feet

Get to know your feet like the back of your hand. What’s your foot type? High arches, flat feet, or that Goldilocks “neutral” type? This nugget of self-knowledge will guide you to the right shoe category.

Step 3: Match Your Terrain and Goals

Running goals, terrain, and shoe types go together like peanut butter and jelly. Trail running, road racing, sprints, marathons – they each have their own shoe match made in heaven. Choose wisely to level up your running game.

Step 4: Check the Sole Story

The stiffness of the soles matters. Imagine running on shoes as hard as a rock – ouch! On the flip side, shoes that flop around like spaghetti don’t offer the support you need. Find that sweet spot of cushioning and support for your precious tootsies.

And here’s the secret sauce: studies have shown that proper running shoes can reduce the risk of injury. So, your choice of kicks isn’t just about style – it’s about keeping those feet happy and healthy.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to break in new running shoes.

Massage Often

After you’ve conquered those miles, it’s time to give your feet the royal treatment. Here’s a little secret: regular massages are like a VIP pass to foot bliss.

Step 1: A Date with Your Feet

Block out at least 10 to 15 minutes for a soothing foot massage. It’s not just about pampering; it’s about preventing those pesky injuries.

Step 2: Nerves Need Love Too

Your feet have a network of nerves that are like tiny messengers telling you how you’re hitting the ground. Regular massages wake them up, making you more aware of your stride. It’s like a secret weapon for your running form.

Additional Resource – How To Prevent Ankle Pain For Runners

Take Enough Rest

Listen up, runners! Your feet are like the unsung heroes of your body, and they deserve some downtime, too.

Step 1: Time to Recharge

Just like after a long day of work, your feet need a break. Give them at least two days off from running each week to prevent overuse injuries.

Step 2: Race to Rest

If you’re training for a race, don’t forget about rest days. Schedule at least one day of complete rest and use the others for cross-training. You can switch it up with strength training, swimming, cycling, or yoga – whatever floats your boat and is easy on those feet.

Step 3: Mileage Magic

Want to increase your weekly mileage? Here’s a golden rule: stick to the 10 percent rule. Gradually add distance, and your feet will thank you.

Additional Resource -Your guide to jaw pain while running

When To See A Doctor

isten up, folks! When it comes to foot pain, don’t play the waiting game.

Step 1: Pay Attention

If your feet are giving you grief, don’t ignore it. Foot pain can be a sign of trouble brewing, and the longer you wait, the worse it can get.

Step 2: Seek Professional Help

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor. They’re the experts and can pinpoint the issue, offer short-term treatments, and even suggest strategies to prevent future pain. Plus, they can recommend at-home treatments to ease the discomfort.

Remember, running through pain might seem tough, but it’s not worth the risk of long-term injury. So, when in doubt, check it out!

Here’s the full guide to arch support for running

Here’s the full guide to Running with bunions

How to prevent Foot pain in runners

Big Toe Joint Pain From Running – The Conclusion

There you have it! If you’re suffering from big toe joint pain while or after running, then this post has you covered. The rest is just details.

Thank you for stopping by.

Keep running strong.

The 9 Best Supplements For Runners

supplements for runners

Are you a runner on the hunt for that extra edge in performance? Well, you’re in the right place!

Let’s face it, the world of fitness supplements can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the game. There’s a supplement for everything, from turbocharging recovery to giving your muscles that extra oomph and even boosting your lung power.

But worry not, my running friend. In today’s article, we’re going to navigate this supplement maze together. I’ll be your guide to uncover some of the best supplements for runners, ensuring your high-performance engine keeps humming at its best.

So, if you’re ready to explore the world of running supplements and take your running game to the next level, let’s lace up those shoes and get started!

Note – Please keep in mind that the supplement world is vast and constantly evolving. Today, I’ll share some well-researched supplements that have proven benefits for runners. However, it’s essential to remember that the supplement industry is a massive business, and not every product out there is worth your hard-earned money.

While seeking ways to enhance your running performance, it’s crucial to rely on science-backed options. To optimize your post-run recovery, consider some of the best recovery supplements for runners, including BCAAs, omega-3 fatty acids, and magnesium, all of which have strong research backing their effectiveness in reducing muscle soreness and enhancing overall recovery.

What is A Supplement?

Sports supplements are a powerhouse of performance-boosting goodies that are custom-made for athletes and fitness fanatics. They’re like a turbocharged version of your regular diet, delivering a range of benefits that go beyond what you get from your everyday meals.

We’re talking about a diverse squad here, including:

  • Amino acids: These are your trusty sidekicks for muscle recovery.
  • Vitamins: The essential alphabet for keeping your body in top shape.
  • Herbs: Nature’s little helpers for various fitness goals.
  • Minerals and electrolyte-rich drinks: The hydration heroes.
  • Bone & joint support compounds: Keeping your frame strong and sturdy.
  • Other botanicals: A wide world of natural goodness.

So, supplements are like your fitness toolkit, packed with specialized tools to help you smash those goals. Whether you’re looking to recover, energize, strengthen, or do something else entirely, there’s probably a supplement out there for you.

Do supplements work?

Ah, the million-dollar question.

Well, it’s a bit like navigating through a foggy forest. Science suggests that certain supplements might lend a hand with certain types of exercise, but here’s the plot twist: they’re no magical shortcut to fitness heaven.

See, experts advise that supplements can be helpful sidekicks, but they’re no replacement for a healthy, balanced diet.

And here’s where the plot thickens: while many sports supplement companies make grand claims, only a select few have the research receipts to back them up.

To add a twist, some supplements might come with hidden surprises, like harmful additives and sneaky artificial compounds not mentioned on the label.

What’s more?

Supplements don’t have to pass any strict Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tests before hitting the shelves. It’s like the Wild West out there!

So, here’s the golden rule: if you’re considering playing the supplement game, make a pit stop at your doctor’s office first. No dice-rolling with your health!

Oh, and here’s a pro tip for the journey: store your supplements in a cool, dry place to keep them pristine. Don’t go rogue and take more than the recommended dose, and if you encounter any side effects, it’s time to drop the supplement like a hot potato.

Do Runners Need Supplements?

When it comes to supplements, runners don’t necessarily need them like a squirrel needs nuts for winter.

In fact, I’d say runners probably shouldn’t pop those pills and powders unless a wise doctor in a white coat gives the green light.

So, what’s the game plan? Well, step one is to make a pit stop at the doc’s office for a checkup, especially if you’ve been grinding those miles or made some major lifestyle changes recently. Safety first!

Remember, supplements for runners are like sidekicks to your diet’s superhero. They can swoop in to save the day if there’s a nutrient deficiency, but they’re not the main show.

So, lace up those running shoes, hit the pavement, and let your diet be your trusty fuel. And if things feel off, that’s when you bring in the health experts for backup!

Be Careful

I’m not a doctor, and I’m not here to give you a prescription for supplements. The decision to take supplements should be based on your individual circumstances and needs.

Several factors can come into play, including:

  • Your training intensity and volume. If you’re pushing the limits with your mileage and intensity, supplementation might become more important.
  • Your competitive level. If you’re a serious competitive runner, your training demands might necessitate supplements.
  • The quality of your diet. If your dietary choices aren’t the healthiest, or if you have dietary restrictions, supplements could fill in the gaps.
  • Your blood test results. If your blood work reveals specific nutrient deficiencies, supplements might be recommended.

Now that we’ve covered some of the potential drawbacks of supplements, let’s dive into the actual list.

The 9 Best Supplements For Runners

In today’s market, there are many innovative supplement options available to cater to the specific needs of athletes and runners.

Let’s dive into some of the most recommended supplements for runners and how to make the most of them.

  1. Protein

Protein is indeed a vital supplement for runners and athletes. It plays a crucial role in muscle repair and recovery, which is essential for maintaining performance and preventing injuries. When you engage in activities like running, your muscles undergo stress and breakdown, and adequate protein intake helps in rebuilding and strengthening them.

To determine how much protein you should consume, it’s recommended to aim for approximately 0.8 to 1.1 grams of protein per pound (or 1.6 to 2.2 grams per kilogram) of body weight per day. This means that, for instance, a 160-pound individual should target around 140 to 180 grams of protein daily. Meeting this requirement through dietary sources can be challenging, which is where protein supplements become beneficial.

Whey protein, especially hydrolyzed whey protein, is an excellent option for runners. It is known for its quick absorption into the muscles, making it an efficient choice for post-exercise recovery. Whey protein is considered a high-quality protein due to its high biological value and has been shown to support recovery and limit muscle protein breakdown.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to pre and post-run nutrition

  1. Electrolytes

Electrolytes are crucial for runners, especially when training in hot weather. These charged ions play a vital role in various bodily functions. While you can meet your electrolyte needs through your diet, excessive sweating during long, hot runs can lead to imbalances.

Signs of electrolyte deficiency include nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness, soreness, fatigue, cramping, and, in severe cases, blood pressure and heartbeat issues, as well as an increased risk of stroke.

Fortunately, there are electrolyte drink tablets available to help replenish lost electrolytes after your workouts, leaving you feeling refreshed instead of tired and sluggish. These tablets typically contain potassium and sodium, essential for proper hydration.

While some sports drinks also contain electrolytes, they often come with added sugars. In contrast, electrolyte tablets contain only the necessary electrolytes and are designed solely for hydration. Look for tablets that can be dissolved in water or taken in capsule form, whichever is more convenient for you.

When selecting an electrolyte supplement, ensure it includes essential electrolytes like sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Prioritize products that offer a reasonable price per serving and are easy to use. The key is to stay hydrated and maintain your electrolyte balance for optimal running performance.

  1. Magnesium

Magnesium is a critical micronutrient that many people are deficient in, and it plays a vital role in numerous biological processes. For runners, magnesium is even more essential due to its involvement in various aspects of exercise performance.

This coenzyme is responsible for approximately 300 reactions in the body and influences bone health, blood pressure, nerve function, and muscle contraction. Specifically for runners, magnesium helps regulate heart rhythm, lower blood pressure, facilitate proper muscle contraction, and is crucial for ATP production—the primary energy source for our cells.

However, surveys have indicated that a significant portion of the American population, around 85 percent, is deficient in magnesium. Given that many individuals in developed countries lead sedentary lives, it’s likely that trained athletes, especially those who log high mileage each week, may also experience magnesium shortages.

Magnesium deficiencies can exacerbate the loss of various vitamins and minerals as the body struggles to absorb nutrients from the gut. To address this, it’s important to include magnesium-rich foods in your diet, such as leafy vegetables (e.g., spinach), nuts, whole grains, seeds (e.g., Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, cashews), legumes, and bananas.

Supplementing with magnesium is another option, and there are different forms available, including magnesium oxide, citrate, glycinate, malate, and chloride. When selecting a supplement, it’s essential to read the labels carefully. Avoid amino acid oxide-based supplements like magnesium carbonate and magnesium glycinate if you’re prone to stomach issues while running. Instead, opt for magnesium malate and magnesium glycinate chelates, which tend to be more digestible and absorbable by the body.

The appropriate daily magnesium intake varies depending on individual needs. If your doctor prescribes magnesium supplements to address a deficiency, you should generally take more than 250 mg daily.

However, be cautious with the dosage, as excessive magnesium intake can lead to diarrhea and digestive problems. The recommended daily allowance for the general population is approximately 450 mg for men and 350 mg for women. Research suggests that athletes, especially runners, may benefit from safely taking 600 to 800 mg of magnesium daily.

  1. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a crucial nutrient that can significantly impact your running performance and overall well-being. If you frequently experience fatigue or lethargy or seek to enhance your running capabilities, it’s worth considering increasing your vitamin B12 intake.

Vitamin B12 serves various vital functions in the body, including:

  • Facilitating protein absorption
  • Ensuring the release of dietary folate into the body
  • Maintaining healthy blood cells
  • Promoting muscle strength
  • Reducing fatigue and tiredness

A deficiency in vitamin B12 can lead to neurological issues and a range of unwanted symptoms. Weak muscles and fatigue may occur because your body can’t produce enough red blood cells, which are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to working muscles during running. Severe deficiency cases can even affect your balance, increase the risk of falls, and cause mouth ulcers.

While vegans are particularly susceptible to B12 deficiency, anyone can be at risk if they don’t consume enough B12-rich foods. Whole grains, leafy greens, eggs, nuts, and dairy products are natural dietary sources of vitamin B12.

Ideally, vitamins should be obtained from a balanced diet whenever possible. However, if you believe you’re not getting enough B12 through your diet, supplementing with a B-complex vitamin may be a safe option, especially under the guidance of a certified physician.

When it comes to supplements, vitamin B12 is available in two primary forms: methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. While cyanocobalamin is more cost-effective, it’s less readily absorbed by the body and may not effectively address your deficiency. When choosing a supplement, check the label for vitamin B12 in the form of methylcobalamin, which is more bioavailable and effective.

  1. Iron

Feeling unusually tired and can’t pinpoint the cause? Low iron levels might be the culprit, making iron supplementation a valuable consideration for runners as a form of insurance. However, it’s essential to be aware that even with supplementation, factors like gut health and inflammation can still put you at risk of iron deficiency.

Why is iron so crucial for runners? Iron is a mineral responsible for oxygen transport throughout your body, especially to working muscles. It plays a vital role in energy production and the distribution of oxygen via red blood cells, making it particularly important for athletic performance.

Unfortunately, research has shown that more than 56 percent of runners suffer from iron deficiency, significantly impacting their performance. Several factors make runners more susceptible to this deficiency, including excessive sweating, gastrointestinal (GI) issues, and a condition known as “foot strike hemolysis.”

This condition, often referred to as runner’s anemia, occurs when the repetitive stresses of running damage red blood cells as they pass through the feet.

Female runners face an increased risk of iron deficiency due to menstruation and may require additional supplementation.

So, how should you address this? Iron-rich food sources include red meats, grains, and black beans. When considering iron supplements, it’s advisable to undergo a blood test to assess your current iron levels. This not only helps determine if you have a deficiency but also establishes a baseline for tracking improvements with supplementation. Remember, you can’t enhance something you can’t measure.

To maximize iron absorption, increase your intake of vitamin C, which assists your body in absorbing iron effectively. By addressing iron deficiency, you can potentially alleviate fatigue and enhance your running performance.

  1. Calcium

Calcium isn’t just about maintaining strong bones; it’s essential for various organ systems’ proper function. This mineral plays a crucial role in nerve signal transmission, heart rhythm regulation, and muscle contraction. For runners, calcium is particularly important in preventing stress fractures and knee problems.

Runners have higher calcium requirements compared to the average person, but the specific daily intake can vary based on factors like age, training level, and weight. Younger runners might need around 1,300 mg daily, while older ones may manage with about 1,000 mg.

Apart from supplements, there are dietary sources rich in calcium that runners can incorporate into their nutrition. These sources include dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and salmon. Additionally, calcium-fortified beverages like soy and almond milk are excellent alternatives, especially if you can’t consume dairy products.

To ensure optimal calcium absorption, it’s essential to have an adequate intake of vitamin D. This fat-soluble vitamin plays a vital role in calcium absorption, making it a critical companion for maintaining strong bones and overall health.

  1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is more common than you might think, with research revealing that approximately 75 percent of adults are deficient in this essential nutrient. Even among runners who average 20 miles a week, three-quarters were found to have low vitamin D levels, according to a study conducted at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas.

Vitamin D isn’t just important for bone health; it also has a significant impact on cardiovascular health, mood, and immune system function. As a runner, it’s crucial to ensure you’re meeting your daily vitamin D needs.

If you’re concerned about your vitamin D levels, it’s wise to get tested by measuring your blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Your doctor can assess whether you’re at risk of deficiency and recommend an appropriate dietary or supplement plan. These blood tests are relatively inexpensive, typically ranging from $30 to $50, and can be combined with other tests for a comprehensive blood panel profile.

The primary source of vitamin D is direct exposure to sunlight, as your skin can produce this nutrient from cholesterol when exposed to UVB rays.

However, various factors such as sun protection, skin color, and genetics can affect how much vitamin D your body generates from UVB light. Additionally, there are limited food sources of vitamin D, making supplements a practical option for many individuals.

Considering these factors, runners, especially those who are deficient, may require around 5000 IU of vitamin D per day for eight weeks to reach a blood level of 40 ng/mL. It’s worth noting that vitamin D is fat-soluble, so consuming it alongside a source of dietary fat can enhance absorption.

  1. Probiotics

Gastrointestinal issues can be a common challenge for runners. If you’re someone who experiences stomach problems during your runs, maintaining a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract can make a significant difference.

Probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria found in certain foods and supplements, can play a crucial role in supporting digestive and gut health.

Probiotic-rich foods help balance the friendly bacteria in your digestive system. This balance is essential for reducing the risk of various digestive disorders, promoting heart health, enhancing your immune system, and more. On the flip side, an imbalance in gut bacteria can lead to increased inflammation and various health problems.

If you’re committed to reducing instances of skipping runs due to feeling run down or experiencing stomach issues, probiotics can be a valuable addition to your routine.

Probiotics can be obtained from foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, miso, kimchi, tempeh, and kombucha. Alternatively, you can opt for probiotic supplements. However, it’s important to choose your supplements carefully because not all products labeled as “probiotics” may be suitable for your specific microbiome.

When it comes to selecting probiotics for runners, the best choices should be tailored to your individual needs, including factors like recovery, performance, immunity, and overall gut health. To find the most suitable probiotic options for your training goals and health conditions, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your unique circumstances.

  1. Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish oil, offer a wide range of health benefits, and they can be particularly beneficial for runners. Research suggests that these fatty acids help reduce inflammation, limit the build-up of lactic acid in muscles, and contribute to longer runs, reduced soreness, and faster recovery.

Furthermore, omega-3s have been shown to improve immunity, alleviate inflammation, and potentially reduce workout-induced muscle damage and delayed onset muscle soreness. For runners, incorporating omega-3 fish fatty acids into their routine can be highly advantageous.

It’s important to note that our bodies cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids, so we need to obtain them through our diet or by taking supplements. Experts typically recommend a daily intake of approximately 250 mg to 600 mg of DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids. This is equivalent to consuming two to three seafood meals per week, as per the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020. Additionally, the recommended daily intake for ALA omega-3 fatty acids is around 1600 mg for men and 1100 mg for women.

Where and how To buy Running Supplements

You can purchase running supplements from various sources, including health food stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, and online retailers. However, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re buying high-quality supplements that meet your specific needs.

Here are some tips to help you make informed choices

  • Choose Reputable Retailers: Always buy supplements from reputable and trusted retailers. Look for stores or websites with a good track record for selling genuine products.
  • Check Ingredient Lists: Select supplements with the fewest extra ingredients and no added fillers. This ensures that you’re getting the active ingredients you need without unnecessary additives.
  • Third-Party Testing: Look for supplements that have been independently tested for quality and purity. Organizations like Consumer Labs provide reviews and evaluations of various products, helping you assess their quality.
  • Beware of Extremely Low Prices: While cost is a consideration, extremely cheap supplements may raise concerns about their quality and authenticity. If a product is significantly cheaper than similar options, it’s essential to scrutinize it thoroughly.
  • Price Doesn’t Always Equal Quality: Conversely, the most expensive product on the market doesn’t necessarily make it the best for your needs. Evaluate the ingredients, dosage, and intended purpose of the supplement to determine its suitability for your goals.

The 9 Best Supplements For Runners – The Conclusion

There you have it! Today’s article should get started on getting to know the most important supplements for runners.

Remember that when your body is running low on essential nutrients, you might be causing more harm than good.

Chiropractor For Runners – Do you Need One?

prevent running injuries

Did you know that over 70 percent of runners get injured each year?

Of course, don’t take my word for it.

Research by Harvard scientists reported that two-thirds of runners would be injured over a period of a year of training.

Most runners are aware of the high-impact nature of the sport. Push your body harder than last time, and you’ll be prone to sprains, tears, and strains. These pains can manifest into more serious running injuries that can kick you off the training wagon for a while.

Knee injuries are pretty common, and so are other conditions. Shin splints, ankle sprains, tendonitis, and calf strains are a few of a runner’s many injuries.

In most cases, a mix of rest, compression, and proper recovery practice can get the job eventually.

But if you want to sidestep running injuries fast, a chiropractor should be on your list as they can help bring your body into proper alignment, reduce pain and injury risk, and improve your overall health.

In today’s article, I’ll explain some ways that a chiropractor can help your running game and how to pick the right one for the job.

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

What is Chiropractic?

Technically, a chiropractor is a healthcare professional who focuses on the diagnosis, prevention, and conservative care of spine-related conditions and other painful musculoskeletal disorders.

The chiropractor’s overall objective is to soothe pain and restore normal function by manually adjusting or manipulating the spine and its structures.

The best part about working with a chiropractor is that they look at your whole body, not just the injury. For example, you might have pain in your knee, but the problem might be your hip. Your whole body works as one unit—and your spine is the center, so anything that affects it can also affect the rest of your body.

Around 50 million Americans visit a chiropractor each year.

Additional resource – Compression leggings for running

The Process Demystified

Literally translating to “healing with the hands,” chiropractors use hands-on spinal manipulation and other alternative methods. They can fix musculoskeletal problems and improve nervous function—all of this in a non-invasive manner.

How come?

By making manual adjustments to joints, mostly to those in the spine, to south pain and restore range of motion to joints and other structures hindered by scar tissue caused by injury. This is believed to help the body’s health without medicating or surgery.

During the session, you might hear some cracks—a change in pressure in the joints that releases a bubble that pops. This might be problematic for some, but most people report instant relief.

Additional resource – The Myrtl routine

Enter Sport Chiropractor

Although standard chiropractic offers plenty of health benefits to people, it’s usually not enough for those engaging in high-impact sports—runners are no exception.

That’s why sports chiropractors exist as they might be the best manual therapist for dealing with chronic injuries and optimizing performance.

A sports chiropractor is a health professional that focuses on diagnosing and treating sports-related injuries and issues. They primarily treat injured athletes and those who want to improve their athletic performance.

Most sports chiropractors, such as Gratason and Active Release Technique (ART), are trained in muscle work. They also tend to be experts at rehabilitating and preventing sports injuries and designing treatment programs that allow athletes to return to their sports faster, according to

What’s more?

A good chiropractor can also provide soft-tissue therapies, fitness coaching, diet advice, and lifestyle recommendation.

That’s why there’s always chiropractic on professional sports and Olympic teams. Their services are invaluable.

Additional resource – Running with a labral tear

How Can A Sports Chiropractor Help Runners

When the vertebrae of your spine are misaligned, or your muscles are imbalanced, you’ll insentiently change your running gait—as in the way you move—to compensate.

When this occurs, other muscles and structures pick up the slack, forcing them to be used in the not-so-optimal (or wrong) way. This, as you can already tell, sets the stage for pain, especially overuse injury.

Runners, just like any other athletes, are prone to misalignments, including running on a slanted surface, sticking to the same type of surface, or training in ill-fitting shoes. Of course, you can simply change up your running terrains and shoes more often, but your chiropractors will help you figure you if your body is in want of more balance. The rest is just details.

So how can a sports chiropractor help?

The chiropractor’s goal is to single out muscular-skeletal issues related to physical activity and running, with the ultimate objective of relieving pain and preventing future (re)-injury.

A good sports chiropractor is trained to use advanced diagnostic tools, such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and musculoskeletal Ultrasound. These tools, in turn, help fully analyze a condition while also keeping tabs on the therapy progress.

For example, a chiropractor would assess how you move and run, then test for imbalances. Next, you’ll be asked to lie on a table while they put you into different positions body to align muscles, joints, and other structures.

Additional Resource – Running with Hemorrhoids

The Benefits of Chiropractors For Runners

So why do runners need a chiropractor? First, let’s dig into how they can help improve your running game and performance.

Speed Up Recovery

I hate to be the harbinger of bad news but sooner or later if you’ll come down with a running injury. The recovery period can last up to weeks or even months. Losing the ability to run can be a real setback, especially if you’re working toward specific running goals.

For this reason, lowering the risks of spending long spells on the sideline is welcome.

Although physical therapy helps speed up recovery and restore movement post-injury, a chiropractor can take your recovery game to the next level, getting you back on the road as soon as possible.

A thorough examination by a chiropractor will assess:

  • The way you move
  • The way you tend
  • Your foot arch type
  • The alignment (or mis-) of your knees
  • The alignment (or mis-) of our hips
  • And so much more

Following the assessment, the chiropractors recommend the right treatments and proactive measures.

Reduce Risk for Injury

As I’ve explained earlier, you’ll unconsciously change your running gait to compensate when your muscles or joints are out of alignment. This, in turn, forces certain structures to bear more load than usual, leading to overuse injury down the road.

A sports chiropractor can help keep your spine in alignment, which can positively impact the rest of your body. Regular adjustments limit the impact stresses caused by running, which helps prevent overuse injuries over the long haul.

Improved Range Of Motion

Relaxed and functional joints lead to an improved range of motion, especially through your pelvis and hips. This, in turn, can help improve your gait performance.

Although working with a chiropractor won’t turn you into the fastest runner on the block overnight, improving your range of motion can undoubtedly help you move more freely. This, in turn, lowers your risk of running-related injuries.

Lower Risk of Injury Recurrence

Another great benefit of using the services of a chiropractor is reducing the risk of having an old injury recur.

Regular adjustments can help restore balance to your body, which may help stop old injuries from resurfacing. This follows the same formula as the initial preventative measures employed by chiropractors that I mentioned earlier.

Can A Chiropractor Help With Runners’ Knee?

Tough back pain isn’t the most common running issue, runners’ knee is the signature injury of the running world. It’s also a condition that could be managed under the guidance of a sports chiropractor.

Although it’s not the ONLY culprit, one common cause of the runner’s knee is poor alignment (often stemming from misalignments within the spine).

Adjusting the spine triggers a domino effect on the rest of the body since the spine plays a major role in our central nervous system and everyday function. Most manual adjustments often focus on the sacroiliac joint, where the pelvis and hips meet.

A good sports chiropractor can also help evaluate the risks of a future injury by singling out muscle imbalances or joint restrictions that somewhat contribute to knee pain.

Some of the treatment strategies used by chiropractors for runners’ knees may include:

  • Deep tissue massage to break down scar tissues
  • Stretching the muscles around the knee
  • Strengthening the muscles around the knee
  • Fixing gain and foot strike
  • Improving function in the lower back to help improve proper leg movements
  • And so much more.

Sports Chiropractic Treatments For Runners

A good sports chiropractor will use various techniques and strategies to tend to a runner’s specific needs.

According to my research, the main chiropractic treatments are often recommended for runners.

  • Active Release Technique (ART) – this method combines stretching and active massage by applying deep tension to a certain body part. The goal is to feel for damaged or abnormal tissue in the muscle, tendons, ligaments, nerves, or fascia.
  • Y-Strap adjustment – This method helps the chiropractors stretch out your back and neck, and it works by pulling the head in the Y-Axis of the body. This pulling force helps achieve spinal decompression.
  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) – This is a technique that soothes tension by stimulating the surface muscles.
  • Functional Dry Needling – a great technique for releasing tension in trigger points via deep muscle stimulation with special needles.
  • Graston Technique – A form of Instrument Assistance Soft-tissue Mobilization, this method helps break up concentrated scar tissue with hand-held stainless steel tools.

How Much Do Chiropractors Cost?

In general, the services of a chiropractor can set you back anywhere from roughly $40 to several hundred dollars per appointment. The average fee for consulting a chiropractor in the U.S is around $65 per visit.

For some individuals, health insurance may cover a portion of chiropractic treatment. But, in most cases, a chiropractor may not design their intervention plan according to payouts from the insurance company.

How To Find A Chiropractor For Runners

Looking for a sports chiropractor? Hop onto Google. Look up terms such as “chiropractors near me” or “sports chiropractors in (your region)” for quick results.

I’d also recommend you check with your insurance company to see if they have any nearby chiropractors in your region.

What’s more?

Remember to check the reviews. You can also ask your family members, friends, or gym buddies about any referral they might have, especially if they’re also serious runners.

Chiropractor For Runners – The Conclusion

There you have it!

If you’re interested in consulting with a sports chiropractor to help you with your running program, then today’s article should set you on the right path. The rest is just details, as the saying goes.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep running strong.

Fighting Athlete’s Foot With Essential Oil Aromatherapy: 5 Recipes for Success

With summertime comes “warmer” weather, and with that, an increase in cases of Athlete’s Foot. This fungal infection is not only itchy and unsightly, but can also be quite contagious.

Thankfully, there are a number of fungicidal essential oils that can help to clear up the infection quickly. In this article, we’ll explore five different recipes for using aromatherapy to treat Athlete’s Foot.

So read on to learn more!

What is Athlete’s Foot?

Athlete’s Foot, or tinea pedis, is a fungal infection of the skin on the feet. It is caused by a type of fungus known as a dermatophyte, and often manifests as an itchy rash between the toes. Other common symptoms of Athlete’s Foot include dry, scaly skin on the soles of the feet, and blisters.

The fungus that causes Athlete’s Foot thrives in warm, damp environments, such as locker rooms and showers. Wearing shoes that are not breathable can also contribute to the growth of fungus.

How can aromas fight a fungus?

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to treat a variety of health problems. Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that contain the ‘essence’ of the plant’s fragrance. They are generally extracted through a process of steam distillation or cold pressing.

Each essential oil has its own unique smell, and also contains different medicinal properties. The oil’s smell and its medicinal properties are a result of a combination of aromatic compounds known as terpenes.

There are over 20,000 terpenes in the natural world, and they interact with each other to create the plant’s unique smell. Each essential oil contains a different combination of terpenes, which is what gives it its particular medicinal properties.

For example, the terpene limonene is found in many citrus oils and is known for its antifungal properties. The smell of any one essential oil, therefore, has a direct connection to the (potentially) therapeutic compounds in that oil.

running shoes

Treat Athlete’s Foot with these five oils

Now that we know a little bit more about Athlete’s Foot and how essential oils can be used to treat it, let’s take a look at five fungicidal essential oils that can help to clear up the infection quickly.

  1. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree, which is native to Australia. It has a fresh, camphoraceous smell and contains the fungicidal properties of terpinen-4-ol and 1,8-cineole. Tea tree oil is one of the most commonly suggested fungicidal oils, and for good reason.
  • To treat Athlete’s Foot with tea tree oil, add 10 drops of oil to 2 cups of warm water in a foot basin. Soak your feet in the mixture for 20 minutes, then dry thoroughly. You can also make a tincture by adding 10 drops of tea tree oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil such as olive oil or almond oil. Mix thoroughly and apply the tincture to the affected areas 2-3 times per day.
  1. Oregano oil: Oregano oil is extracted from the leaves of the Origanum vulgare plant, which is native to Europe. It has a warm, spicy smell and contains the fungicidal compounds carvacrol and thymol. Oregano oil is a potent oil, so it should be used sparingly.
  • To treat Athlete’s Foot with oregano oil, add 2-3 drops of oil to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil such as olive oil or almond oil. Mix thoroughly and apply the mixture to the affected areas 2-3 times per day. You can also add 2-3 drops of oregano oil to a foot basin filled with warm water. Soak your feet in the mixture for 20 minutes, then dry thoroughly.
  1. Cinnamon oil: Cinnamon oil is extracted from the bark of the Cinnamomum verum tree, which is native to Sri Lanka. It has a warm, spicy smell and contains the fungicidal compound cinnamaldehyde. Cinnamon oil is another potent oil that should be used sparingly.
  • Use cinnamon oil in similar proportions and methods as oregano oil.
  1. Lemon oil: Lemon oil is extracted from the peel of the Citrus limon fruit, which is native to Italy. It has a fresh, citrusy smell and contains the fungicidal compound limonene. Lemon oil is also an antibacterial and immunostimulant.
  • To treat Athlete’s Foot with lemon oil, add 10 drops of oil to 2 cups of warm water in a foot basin. Soak your feet in the mixture for 20-30 minutes, then dry thoroughly.
  1. Thyme oil: Thyme oil is extracted from the leaves of the Thymus vulgaris plant, which is native to Europe. It has a fresh, herbaceous smell and contains the fungicidal compounds thymol and carvacrol.
  • Use thyme oil in similar proportions as oregano oil.

Other healthy foot practices

Athlete’s Foot can be treated with fungicidal essential oils, but these oils can also be combined with other natural products to create an even more potent treatment.

Each has its own unique set of benefits that work synergistically to help clear up the infection quickly. Let’s take a quick look at each one.

Salt: Salt has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to soothe the itchiness and redness associated with Athlete’s Foot.

Vinegar: Vinegar is acidic and can help to kill the fungus that causes Athlete’s Foot. It also has astringent properties that can help to dry out the rash.

Terpenes: Even more elemental than an essential oil, terpenes are the building blocks of many plants’ medicinal properties. Legal terpenes can easily be found online and in stores.

Mustard seed: The mustard seed is a natural fungicide that can help to kill the fungus causing Athlete’s Foot.

Garlic: Garlic has both antifungal and antibacterial properties. It can also help to boost the immune system, which is important in fighting off infections.

Additional resource  – Here’s your guide to pain on top of the foot while running.

Soaking safely

There you have it! Five fungicidal essential oils that can help to treat Athlete’s Foot quickly and effectively. When using essential oils, always be sure to use a carrier oil to dilute the oil before applying it to your skin.

Improperly used, essential oils can easily cause skin irritation that can make your healing process take even longer. And never ingest essential oils without first consulting with a medical professional.

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The Cambivo Non Slip Exercise Mat Full Review

Whether you’re a regular runner looking to invest in a yoga mat or a yogi who loves to run, getting the right mat for the job is key.

Yoga is a convenient and easy way to stretch and strengthen your body. But your experience can be less convenient if you’re using a low-quality yoga mat.

That’s why a premium mat is a worthwhile investment. Practicing Yoga on a slippery towel, rug, or super-soft gym cushion can cause pain and injury. Sure, most yoga studios and gyms provide mats for their members, but owning your can be the more hygienic option.

What’s more?

If you prefer to do yoga post-run, a high-quality NON-SLIP mat can make a huge difference in your practice. You’ll need a mat that provides enough grips for your hands and feet so you won’t have to constantly adjust your position—or, God forbid—fall flat on your face.

Although there are many options available, if you’re looking to buy your first—or new—mat, I recommend the CAMBIVO Large Non-Slip Exercise Mat.

This mat is incredibly supportive yet lightweight while also offering the thick and reliable cushioning you expect from a high-quality mat.

The mat is also made from eco-friendly material, has a non-slip surface on both sides, and is pretty big—like really big.

But before we into why this yoga mat is such a great choice, let’s first explain some of the benefits yoga has to offer runners.

Why Runners Need Yoga In Their Lives?

Runners from all levels and backgrounds can benefit from regular yoga practice. The physical, emotional, and mental aspects of Yoga can help you increase strength, prevent injury distress, improve focus—to name a few.

What’s not to like!

The two main benefits yoga offers runners are the following:

Helps With Flexibility

Runners are notoriously known for their tight hips, hamstrings, and calves.

Fortunately, Yoga has some of the best stretches that focus on improving blood flow and flexibility to these key running muscles. This, in turn, not only speeds up recovery but can also improve your performance and protect you against injury.

Improve Total Body Strength

Logging the miles involves a repetitive movement that uses virtually the same muscles over and over.

However, Yoga training engages all of your muscles in a position very different from running.

That’s why doing Yoga regularly can help improve strength and stability within your hips and core, which is key for optimal and pain-free running.

Some other benefits of Yoga include:

  • Improves breathing control and capacity
  • Improve running form
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Weight loss and management
  • Improves focus
  • Improves mobility
  • Improves sleep
  • Enhances well-being
  • And so much more.

How to Get Started

Do you know what the best part about Yoga is?

It’s easy to get started. All you need is the right mat, and a few simple Yoga poses to perform.

Since Yoga has exploded in popularity over the last few decades, there are a ton of types of yoga mats to choose from. This can prove tricky, especially if you don’t know what type of yoga mat you need.

One great yoga mat to try out is the CAMBIVO Large Non-Slip Exercise Mat.

Here are the reasons why you should go for this brand.

Super comfortable

The Cambivo Yoga mat is designed to provide the most comfortable yoga experience. The mat’s thickness lets you easily perform virtually any yoga pose, Yin pose, Stretch, and Pilates.

You can also perform barefoot bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, planks, lunges on the mat.


As someone who tends to sweat a lot, especially post-workout, having a mat with a great grip is non-negotiable.

The mat features honeycomb bottom grips designed to prevent it from sliding around and provides stability on most soft or hard surfaces. You’ll feel easily secured and grounded on the mat as you go through your practice.

Great Cushioning

The Cambivo features a 6mm thickness for stellar cushioning and is resilient for practitioners with excellent stability in any pose.

The thicker the mat, the more cushion to your muscles, bones, and joints. This helps take some pressure away from your joint to protect you from injury. This makes the mat perfect for newbies who require extra padding or just want a bit more comfort.

What’s more?

This oversized mat also protects your carpets and floors from damage during training and reduces noise caused by exercise.

Just keep in mind that thicker mats also test your balance.

Designed For Tall People

Looking for a mat that will allow you to stretch into every position? Then The Cambivo yoga mat has you covered.

The Cambivo yoga mat was designed for taller individuals and those who need longer and wider exercise space by offering extra space to stretch and practice.

At around six feet (72″) long and four feet (48″) wide, The Cambivo yoga Mat is around the double side of your typical yoga studio mat for all-purpose workouts. Thanks to this space, you won’t ever feel limited or restricted by the size of this mat.

For this reason, this yoga mat might be better suitable for home and than to take to a yoga studio since the length requires more space than the typical size mat.

Tear Resistance

The Cambivo yoga mat is constructed with an extra mesh fiber layer in the middle, which improves the durability and lifespan of the mat.

As long as you’re taking good care of your yoga mat, it can last you for a very, very long time. This alone makes paying the extra buck for the Cambivo yoga mat worth it over the long haul.


There you have it! If you’re in the market for a new yoga mat, then the Cambivo yoga mat is exactly what you need.

So what are you waiting for?

Get the yoga mat here for $120 and use the coupon code B24FBW8AB9JV to get 20 Percent OFF!

How to distinguish between various types of mountain bikes?

There are multiple types of mountain bikes that you can buy these days, so it can be a bit challenging to narrow down what model is ideal in your situation. That’s why it makes a lot of sense to distinguish between the multiple types of mountain bikes available at this time. Each one of them comes with its pros and cons, so it all comes down to where and how you want to choose a mountain bike. Here are the things you need to keep in mind.

Cross-country mountain bikes

These Mountain Bike models are created for those that want great pedaling performance. They are great if you want to go uphill without a problem, and they are also very efficient and have really good endurance. Their geometry is very similar when you compare these with road bikes. These cross-country models are lightweight and very focused on efficiency. However, their downhill performance is not the best, which is okay, since they are more suitable for regular biking on offroad locations.

That being said, these models are very good for any biker that wants to pedal for miles without worrying about comfort or anything like that. Most of these cross-country models have a larger wheel size, and they are ultra-light. Hardtails are preferred in most cases, and the wheelbase, as well as chainstay, is longer here. With that in mind, you do want to have great rolling resistance and efficiency instead of control or traction.

Downhill/freeride mountain bikes

As the name suggests, these are designed for things like jumps, big drops, and speed. Most of the time, you want a durable frame, adequate suspension travel, and a low center of gravity. This gives you the confidence you want even if the terrain is very aggressive. The dual crown forks are actually very much preferred for these models, which is something you need to take into consideration here. These models also have lots of durability and traction. Two-ply casings are ideal here.

Enduro or All Mountain bikes

The all mountain bikes are designed to combine uphill and downhill bikes for a great equalizer. Most of these mountain bikes come with a 27.5” or even 29” wheel, and they have a bit less suspension travel when compared to a trail bike. However, descending is preferred in this situation, and that’s something to keep in mind.

Some of the terms to focus on here are things like a slack head angle, a low bottom bracket, and a long reach and wheelbase. These are things to keep in mind and the value you receive as a whole is among some of the best on the market. With that being said, the tires are known to favor aggressive knobs for traction and cornering.

Trail mountain bikes

These Types of Mountain Bikes are great for bringing lots of suspension and components focused mostly on gravity. They also offer a relaxed geometry when compared to other models. With that being said, these are really easy to use and they do help with both downhill and uphill situations as well. They are the ideal option if you want great durability, rolling efficiency, and traction. Also, trail mountain bikes are what people mostly refer to as mountain bikes anyway, but you can find some expensive models here as well. It’s a good idea to give these a try if you want value, quality, and a great attention to detail while riding. Some electric mountain bike models are in this category as well.


As you can see, there are always going to be challenges when it comes to finding the best mountain bike that suits your needs. However, Cool Mountainbikes covers the information on these mountain bike models, with which you will have no problem overcoming any kind of biking challenge. All you have to do is to give it a try for yourself, and we guarantee that you will be very happy with the benefits and experience. Rest assured that mountain bikes are always going to be exciting and a pleasure to use, just make sure that you pick the one you like the most. It will take a bit of a trial and error to find the right mountain bike style and type, but it’s worth it!

Avoalre Running Socks Full Review

Although most runners go through a long process before deciding to buy a pair of running shoes, most will likely devote a few seconds to sock selection.

But that’s a big mistake since the humble running sock plays a vital role in keeping your feet dry, warm, and comfortable. In fact, your socks are just as important as the rest of your running kit.

Proper running socks function as a barrier between your foot and the shoe—think of them as a foot shield. Not only does this help prevent blisters and keep your feet happy and dry, but it’ll also make your whole training just feel right.

For these reasons—and some more—in today’s post, I wanted to share the full review of one of my favorite sports socks—Avoalre.

Last month I received a package of running socks to try out. The socks made it to my home in Bali in a good state and very reliable box protecting the items inside.

After trying them for a few days, even on a long hike to Gunung Padang, I must say that I’m impressed. In fact, these Avoalre socks have become some of my favorite exercise socks to road running in, going to the gym, or while hiking.

They’re comfortable to wear, really easy on the feet, and don’t slip when you take your shoes.

So what is Avoalre running socks, and what’s so special about them?

Keep on reading for the answers.

Avoalre Explained

Avoalre is an activewear brand that’s becoming increasingly popular in running and cycling circles for its reliable lineup of high-performance products.

The company focuses on making premium fitness gear at affordable prices. Between exercise socks, yoga mats, sunglasses, and other items, Avoalre has plenty of products for every fitness enthusiast out there. You can read more about Avolare here.

But overall, Avoalre has some of the best running socks around. Though most brands focus on the designs and look without paying much attention to the actual fabric or the customer’s comfort, Avolare socks cover all bases: design, look, materials, you name it.

As a result, if you’re looking to buy new running socks, here are some reasons why you should go for Avoalre’s socks over any other brand in the running market.

Sounds great?

Let’s lace up and dig in.

Moisture Wicking Technology

One thing that runners hate about their socks is the smell.

Fortunately, Avoalre sports socks got you covered. These socks are made with high-performance moisture control and fast-to-dry CoolMax fiber, which can move moistures away from your skin surface. So your feet may still be dry and comfortable after a 15-mile run in wet weather.

This can help reduce your risk of blisters and stop your feet from smelling bad.


Run often in hot weather? Then your socks should be super breathable to help prevent your feet from overheating.

One of the most important features of a good running sock is its breathability. Socks that aren’t breathable are going to create blisters.

That’s where Avoalre socks can help.

These socks are designed with mesh ventilation construction to promote and improve airflow within the fabric. According to the company, mesh ventilation provides 30 percent more breathability than most other running socks.

Greater Resistance To Wear & Tear

Avoalre sports socks are made with durable materials that can take a beating.

Made with over 30 percent nylon, Avoalre socks are more resilient than many other running socks. According to the company, the lifespan of these running socks is roughly three times other socks.

What’s more?

The unisex variety is made for everyday use for any activity, such as walking, running, standing, hiding, playing tennis, working, etc.

Can Be Multipurpose

Although I mainly use Avoalre socks while running, they’re suitable for different activities such as walking, hiking, playing tennis, and even be used on everyday mundane activities.

Super Comfortable

According to my experience, the fit sets Avolare socks from any other brand in the market.

The socks fit perfectly and ensure everything stays in place in your shoes while logging the miles.

The brand offers plenty of choices of sizes, so you’re guaranteed to find the right fit for you.

What’s more?

Avoalre running socks are designed with right and left labels, which offer a more customized and personalized fit that provides better comfort and support to each foot.

Different Color Designs

Avoalre athletic socks come in two color designs: grey with white and black with grey, and four different sizes:

  • S 35-38
  • M 39-42
  • L (43-46)
  • XL (47-50)

I wear size nine, so I went with a large size, and the socks were snug and fit, really, well.

The Price

Sure, Avoalre socks are pricier than the cheapest running socks, but they’re not going to break your bank. Instead, I think it’s worth paying the extra buck for a pair of socks that’s reliable and fit well, even with repeated use.

When it comes to price, Avoalre socks are within the mid-price, affordable range, which is what I almost always recommend for socks.

Starting at $19.99 for three pairs, I’d consider Avoalre socks one of the upper end of what I’d normally consider, which works fine for me.

So what are you waiting for?

Buy Avoalre Socks Now and Get 10% OFF
by using the code BRLXQW9W
(expiry date: 2025-12-31)

Thanks for stopping by.

Top 9 Exercises to Prevent Knee Cracking and Snapping

Can You Run After Knee Replacement

Have you ever heard a crackle in your knee when you climb the stairs or squat? This has probably got you thinking whether you’ve overloaded them or is it worth worrying about? Firstly it’s essential to know the causes behind the crackles or snaps. The first thing you have to notice is whether the snap brings along a wave of pain or swelling. 

If you do not feel any pain or witness swelling, this could probably be due to age. The cartilage covering the bones wears out with age which causes a sound when the bones come in contact due to friction.

However, if your crackles come with pain and swelling, there could be serious issues that these symptoms can hint towards. 

  • Meniscus damage: Meniscus plays the role of dividing the load of the knee. If you are still young, this might be caused by load due to exercise or injury. However, at older ages, this damage can be caused by smaller loads.
  • Cartilage damage: Cartilages function as a protective covering of the bones. With age, this can suffer from wear and tear on its surface, causing swelling and difficulty in movement. In the case of highly damaged cartilage, it can become arthritis. 

Since the area has no nerves, the patient doesn’t feel any pain. Pain only appears in the case of osteoarthritis, which is a degenerative disease. People aged above 40 are more likely to suffer from this.

  • Cavitation: This happens when the joint pressure in your knees fluctuates. Our joins have a liquid synovial fluid around them. When the pressure changes, the fluid becomes saturated with carbon dioxide, creating bubbles in the joint. These bubbles form air that bursts to create a crackling or popping sound.
  • Tense thigh muscles: Due to tight or tense thigh muscles, they might limit your knees’ range of motion. Due to the load, they create a crackling sound when you move. 
  • Tension in ligaments or tendons: The sound may also be caused due to tensed ligaments. They might have also caught up on a bony bump that creates a snap sound when you move as it gets back in its place.
  • Larger kneecap: If your kneecap is larger than the indention in your thigh bone, then you may hear crackling or snapping sounds. 

If you are worried about the new sounds that you are hearing from your knee, then visit a doctor. Otherwise, there are several practical exercises that you can try to prevent knee cracking and snapping. Make sure to wear knee sleeves during these exercises to support your joints. 

Additional Resource – Here’s how to use KT Tape for runners knee.

Effective Exercises to Prevent Knee Cracking and Snapping 

Perform the following exercises to protect your knees from cracking and snapping. 

Standing Front Thigh Stretching

  • Stand straight with feet hip-width.
  • Bend your knee back so that your toes touch your hips. 
  • Grab onto your ankle with your hand.
  • You will feel the tension in your thighs muscles, both front and back.
  • Hold the position for thirty seconds. 
  • Repeat with the other leg. 

Front Thigh Massage with Foam Roller 

  • Wear the powerlifting knee sleeves, lie down on your stomach and place the roller under your thigh.
  • Keeping it just above your right knee, lean on your right leg and roll it up till your hip bone and down till your knee.
  • Make sure to keep your intensity moderate to have a smooth movement and lower the stress on your kneecap.
  • Switch legs.
  • Complete 5 reps on each leg.

Standing Single Leg Rotation

 Wearing your lifting knee sleeves, stand against the wall or chair to follow the correct form.

  • Keeping your back straight, lift your right leg towards your chest, making a 90 degrees angle.
  • Move your hip to draw a circle with your lifted knee. This will stretch your thigh muscles.  
  • Complete one set of 10 reps each. 
  • Switch legs and complete 10 reps again. 

Static Lunge

      Start with standing straight. Then take a step forward with your left leg and bend your knee.

  • Take a step back with your left foot and stretch your leg. 
  • Lower your rear so that your right leg makes a 90 degrees angle.
  • Keep your back upright and your abs contracted. 
  • Stay there for 20 seconds, then repeat with the other leg.
  • Repeat 5 times for each foot.

Straight Leg Raises

  • Lay on your back and bend both your knees. 
  • Now lift your left leg straight in front of you with the other knee bent. 
  • Squeeze your quadriceps, then lower the leg slightly towards the floor.
  • Raise it about 8 inches above the floor, then lower it back again. 
  • Repeat with the other leg.
  • Begin with 2-3 reps, then keep increasing to 12. 


  • Wear your powerlifting knee sleeves. You can perform this exercise with or without the weight as per your fitness level.
  • Stand upright and feet hip-width.
  • Bend your knees and pull your torso forward towards the ground.
  • Make sure to keep your back straight and neck neutral. 
  • Keep your core tight and feel the tension in your back, lower back, and hips. This will minimize the load on your knees.
  • Return to the starting point. 
  • Repeat.

On Wall Squats

  • Stand with your back up straight against the wall.
  • Keep your feet about 2 inches away from the wall.
  • Using the wall’s friction, lower yourself down till you are in a sitting position. 
  • If that places pressure on your back, don’t go that far. Stay in the position for 20 seconds. 
  • Lift yourself back up to the starting position.
  • Complete 10 reps. 

Inner Thigh Squat  

  • The inner thigh is always weaker than the outer thigh. Therefore, this exercise will strengthen your inner thigh.
  • Stand with toes out and feet hip-width apart.
  • Begin with lowering yourself in a half-squat, then lower yourself deep down. 
  • Make sure you don’t lower yourself any more than 90 degrees. 
  • Drive through the heels of your feet back to the starting position.
  • Complete 3 sets of 15 reps each.

Calf Muscle Stretching

  • Wear your CrossFit knee sleeves to relieve your calf muscles from the tension. 
  • Sit down on a mat. Bend one leg and extend the other one.
  • Place a roller under the calf of your extended leg. You can also do this with a tennis ball.
  • Lifting your body up on your arms, gently roll your calf forward and backward. 
  • Keep doing this for 30 seconds. 
  • Switch legs and repeat for 30 seconds. 

Wearing weightlifting knee sleeves through all the exercises mentioned above is highly significant. They help reduce swelling and soreness and enhance blood flow. Since you want to improve your body movement through exercises, knee sleeves will play an integral role. 

We suggest you go for powerlifting knee sleeves by DMOOSE as it increases compression, enhances mobility, and is super comfortable. 

The Bottom Line

Our knees can go through wear and tear for multiple reasons, so it’s essential to build strength in your knees and improve mobility during early ages to prevent them from snapping. Exercises like static lunges, on-wall squats, and straight leg raises will reduce the load on your knees. Start doing it, and you will keep your ears from hearing a new knee sound every day. 

Can Testosterone Boosters Help Boost Testosterone Naturally?

running at night

Are you looking for a way to boost your testosterone levels? If so, you may be wondering if testosterone boosters can help. There is a lot of discussion around testosterone boosters and whether or not they work. Some people swear by them, while others think they waste money. So, what’s the truth? Can testosterone boosters help boost testosterone naturally? The answer may surprise you. This article will discuss the benefits of testosterone boosters and how they can help improve your overall health.

What are Testosterone Boosters?

Testosterone boosters are supplements that are designed to increase your testosterone levels. They typically contain various ingredients that are thought to boost testosterone, such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids. While there is no one-size-fits-all testosterone booster, they are generally safe for most people to take.

However, you need to note that the market is filled with supplements that claim to be testosterone boosters but don’t contain any ingredients that have been proven to boost testosterone. So, it’s essential to do your research before buying a supplement. The best ones must contain clinically-proven ingredients that have been shown to increase testosterone levels.

How do Testosterone Boosters Work?

The human body produces testosterone naturally. However, as men age, the amount of testosterone produced by the body decreases. This can lead to several issues such as muscle loss, fatigue, and decreased libido. Testosterone boosters are designed to help increase the amount of testosterone in the body, which can help reduce these symptoms.

There are several different testosterone boosters on the market. Some work by increasing the amount of testosterone produced by the body, while others work by blocking the absorption of estrogen, which can help reduce the symptoms caused by low testosterone levels.

Do Testosterone Boosters Help Boost Testosterone Naturally?

There is a lot of debate over whether testosterone boosters help boost testosterone levels naturally. According to some testosterone booster reviews, some people believe they do help. Several studies have been conducted on the subject, and the results have been mixed.

Some studies have shown that testosterone boosters can help increase the amount of testosterone in the body. Others have shown that they do not help boost testosterone levels and can even be harmful. More research is needed to determine if testosterone boosters effectively increase testosterone levels naturally.

If you are thinking about taking a testosterone booster, you must speak with your doctor first. They will advise you on whether or not a booster is right for you. Some studies have shown that testosterone boosters can be harmful, so it is essential to ensure that you take a safe and effective product.

Additional Resource – Your guide to running and sex drive.

Benefits of Using Testosterone Boosters

There are several potential benefits associated with using testosterone boosters. Some of these include:

  • Increased Strength: Testosterone is responsible for the growth and development of muscle tissue. By increasing the amount of testosterone in the body, you may increase your strength.
  • Improved Muscle Mass: Testosterone boosters can also help improve muscle mass. By increasing the amount of testosterone in the body, you may build more muscle tissue.
  • Improved Libido: Testosterone is also responsible for libido. By increasing the amount of testosterone in the body, you may improve your sex life.
  • Reduced Fatigue: Testosterone boosters can help reduce fatigue. This is because testosterone plays a role in energy production.

There are several other potential benefits associated with using testosterone boosters. Speak with your doctor to determine if a booster is right for you.

Side Effects of Testosterone Boosters

There are several potential side effects associated with using testosterone boosters. Some of these include:

  • Gynecomastia: Gynecomastia is the development of breast tissue in men. This is a common side effect of testosterone boosters.
  • Hair Loss: Hair loss is another common side effect of testosterone boosters.
  • Acne: Acne is a common side effect of testosterone boosters. This is because testosterone can increase sebum production, which can clog pores and lead to acne.
  • Increased Aggression: Testosterone boosters can also cause increased aggression. Testosterone is responsible for the “fight or flight” response.

You need to note that these side effects vary from person to person. Not everyone will experience them. It is advised to start with a lower dose and increase it gradually to minimize the risk of side effects. You should also speak with your doctor if you think about taking a testosterone booster.

Testosterone Boosters vs. Hormone Replacement Therapy

There is a lot of debate over whether testosterone boosters are better than hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement therapy replaces the hormones that are no longer being produced by the body. Testosterone replacement therapy for men is the most common form of hormone replacement therapy.

Testosterone boosters might help some people boost their testosterone levels, but this is not always the case. Some people might experience better results than others, and the specific ingredients in a testosterone booster can make a big difference. It’s essential to do your research before purchasing any booster and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns.


Lumen Metabolism Tracker Review

To achieve your running and fitness goals, you’ll need the right help that can go a long way in getting you what you want.

One useful measure is learning more about your metabolism and how your body uses up its energy reserves to perform everyday functions. That’s where using the right device can bring you one step—or many—toward hacking your own metabolism.

So what is Lumen, and how it works? Keep on reading for the answers.

In this article, I’m sharing with you the full in-depth Lumen review, explaining the ins and outs of how this amazing device works, how it can crack metabolism, what’s the science behind it, and so much more.

Sounds great?

Let’s get started

If you’re like to give Lumen a try, make sure to use the discount code RBP40 to get $40 off.

What is Lumen

Lumen is a metabolic breathe analyzer that looks a bit like an inhaler or vaping device that’s designed to hack your metabolism.

The small device is equipped with Bluetooth that syncs with an app and can tell you whether you’re running on carbohydrates or fat. So what used to be hard-to-access data it’s now available to anyone.

Lumen began with twin sisters Merav and Michal – two Ironman winners, and PhDs in physiology. As scientists and athletes, they were passionate about developing a way to provide personalized nutrition but knew the only way to measure metabolism was costly and time-consuming

The premise is simple. Lumen measures your carbohydrates and fat levels via your breath and determines whether you’re burning carbs or fat for energy.

Technically speaking, the metabolism tracker consists of a CO2 sense and a flow meter that measures air volume as you inhale and exhale. This is achieved by using a CO2 sensor and flow meter to determine CO2 concentration in your breath.

Based on this, the device can tell what type of fuel your body is running on at any given point: carbohydrates or fat.

On the inhale, Lumen analyzes your breath and provides you with a score on a scale of 1 to 5. This scale tells whether your body is currently running on fat (1 or 2), carbs (4 or 5), or a combination of both (3).

Once you get the result, the app will suggest a recommended meal plan of roughly how many carbohydrates, fat, and protein surviving’s you should consume that day.

Metabolism Explained

One of your main fitness goals should be to improve your metabolic flexibility. But to understand the latter, let me first explain what metabolism is all about.

Every runner needs energy to perform. Your ability to log the miles depends, mainly, on your body’s ability to extract energy from the food you consume.

This fuel comes from mainly two sources: carbohydrates and fats. Your body’s process to convert this fuel into energy, or what’s known as metabolism, is a key factor in athletic performance and overall health.

Metabolic flexibility is the term used to refer to how well your body can switch between burning carbs and burning fats. The more flexible your metabolism, the fitter and healthier you can be

Although there are plenty of wearable health technology devices that can help you keep track of your activity levels, they won’t reveal much about your body’s efficiency at burning calories nor when and what to eat.

That’s where Lumen can come in handy as it can provide you with real-time data about how your metabolism is doing and guide you toward making better nutrition and lifestyle decisions.

In essence, this metabolism tracker can help you achieve “metabolic flexibility.”

Improving your metabolic flexibility has a lot to offer. Some of the main benefits include:

  • Natural weight loss
  • Improved energy & mood
  • Reduced cravings
  • Improved insulin sensitivity
  • And so much more.

The Technology Behind Lumen

So what’s the science behind the Lumen device, and how does it work?

The principle behind Lumen isn’t new – the device relies on breath analyzers to measure respiratory exchange ratio or the ratio between the amount of oxygen you breathe in and the amount of carbon dioxide you breathe out.

More specifically, Lumen measures the concentration of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the breath via an integrated sense and flow meter that works out your current body’s fuel—carbohydrates or fat.

Overall, high carbon dioxide levels indicate you are burning carbs for fuel, whereas low levels mean that you’re burning fat.

Based on this data, you get customized suggestions and recommendations on training, nutrition, and sleep, like what you should eat, how much sleep you need, etc.

Of course, don’t take my word (or the company’s) for it. Here’s a peer-reviewed validation study that backs up these claims.

How Lumen Can Help Your Running Performance

As a runner, achieving metabolic flexibility is useful, especially if you’re looking to use fat as your main fuel during long runs.

For example, a high-fat, low-carb diet (think Keto) has been associated with improved ultrarunning performance. With the help of Lumen, you can tell whether you have reached this high-fat, low-carb state.

That’s not the whole story. Knowing what type of energy you’re burning before a run can make the difference between an average workout and a successful one.

For instance, if you’re performing a sprint session—a form of high-intensity interval training—most of your fuel should come from carbohydrates if you want to perform at your best since carbs provide an efficient energy source for intense training.

What’s more?

The device can also help catch if you’re under-fueling, especially during long-distance running.

Other Benefits

One of the biggest perks of Lumen is that it’s so personalized. After all, it measures your own breath.

The device doesn’t give generic advice. Instead, based on your personal data, you get your own customized nutrition plan for the day based on your goal, whether you’re looking to build muscle, lose weight, or whatever.

Other perks of the device include:

  • Fairly accurate
  • Good quality maters and strong build
  • High-quality hardware
  • Reliable accuracy measuring the body’s metabolic stat
  • Elegant and futurist design
  • Motivating smartphone app
  • Easy to charge and simple to use the device
  • Allows extended fasting
  • Integration with Garmin, Google fit, and Apple watch
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Great tool for long term weight loss
  • One year warranty
  • Fast shipping

The downsides

Just like any other device, Lumen has its shortcomings. The main ones include:

  • You’ll need the habit of using the device regularly to get accurate results.
  • Lumen is more expensive than alternative products
  • Carrying the device around throughout the day can be a hassle
  • You’ll need to take larger breaths for an accurate reading

 How Does Lumen Work?

Using Lumen is pretty simple.

After receiving the device, you download the mobile app, sign up for an account and pair the device to the app through Bluetooth. Next, you answer a bunch of questions about your physiology, lifestyle, and health goals.

To put Lumen to use, you fire up the app, then simply inhale through the device for approximately five seconds, hold for ten seconds, then exhale into Lumen for approximately five seconds. You might need to repeat the procedure twice for a more accurate reading.

After a few moments, Lumen will reveal exactly what your metabolism is currently burning so you can make the right adjustments.

Should Runners Buy Lumen

This is the most important question. I hate to state the obvious, but the answer is it depends. It depends on you and what you’re looking for.

Overall, I wouldn’t recommend Lumen if you:

  • Have a limited budget. At $300, the device can be quite expensive, especially if money is tight. Instead, look into other health gadgets, such as a smartwatch or a heart rate monitor.
  • Looking for a quick weight loss plan. Lumen works best for long-term weight loss plans. The device isn’t for you if you’re seeking a magical weight loss pill.

On the other hand, I’d recommend using the device if any of the following describes you:

  • Have the money for it. If you can afford the device and are serious about taking care of your health, Lumen is a great addition to your health plan.
  • In it for the long haul. Lumen, just like any other device, works best if you’re looking for long-term health benefits. When used over a long time, especially when used with other tools, the device can help take your health to the next level.
  • Monitoring nutrition. If you’re looking for a convenient and easy way to keep tabs on your diet, Lumen is for you.

 How Much Is Lumen

The Lumen device is sold on a subscription basis, and your initial investment will depend on how long you’re willing to commit to the subscription.

Once you buy the Lumen device and open the box, you’ll also find a travel case, charging dock, USB-C charging cable in the package. You’ll also be granted access to the Lumen app, which is compatible with Android and iOS smartphones, and premium customer support.

On Lumen’s official website, you can find three pricing options:

  • $249 for the device ploys 6-month subscription
  • $299 for the device plus a 12-month subscription
  • $349 for the device plus an 18-month subscription.

Keep in mind that all of this comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, free US shipping, a one-year warranty, and 10 percent off for ordering two devices.

I strongly urge you to always purchase any fitness- and/or health-related divided and supplements directly from the company’s official website. This is to ensure that you’re getting the right product, warrant, refund, discount, and other similar benefits.

If you’re like to give Lumen a try, make sure to use the discount code RBP40 to get $40 off.