The Link Between Overuse Injuries And Running Cadence

Curious about how your running cadence affects your risk of getting injured? You’ve landed in the right spot!

In the world of running, cadence – often referred to as your stride rate – is a game-changer. It’s not just about how fast you can run; it’s about how you run efficiently and, more importantly, how you can reduce your chances of getting injured. That’s precisely what we’re going to dive into today.

In this article, we’re going to explore the intriguing connection between cadence and the risk of injury. Stick with me until the end, and you’ll be ready to boost your cadence, making your runs smoother, more efficient, and less injury-prone.

Sounds like a win-win, right? Well, let’s get started.

What Is Running Cadence?

At its core, cadence is pretty straightforward. It’s all about the number of steps you take in a specific timeframe, usually measured per minute. We refer to this as steps per minute (SPM).

In simpler terms, it’s how many times your feet hit the ground in a minute while you’re out there pounding the pavement.

But why should you care about this number? Well, That’s where things get interesting. Cadence isn’t just a random number; it’s your running rhythm and pace indicator.

Measuring cadence is as easy as counting the steps one foot takes in a minute and then doubling it. These days, most running gadgets and apps can do the math for you, making it a breeze.

Now, here’s the juicy part. Why should you even bother tracking your cadence? Here’s the scoop: researchers, coaches, and elite athletes have all clued into its importance, and the reason is crystal clear. Cadence is like a window into your running world – it tells you about your efficiency, your form, and even helps prevent those pesky injuries.

What’s The Average Stride Turnover?

Alright, let’s talk numbers – specifically, the average stride turnover for runners.

So, if you’re a recreational runner, you’re likely cruising along at about 150 to 160 steps per minute. This range can flex a bit depending on your experience, fitness level, and the way you naturally run.

Now, let’s shift gears to the elite runners. They often take things up a notch and maintain a cadence of over 180 steps per minute. This higher cadence isn’t just for show; it’s linked to greater efficiency and, you guessed it, blazing speed.

Here’s the deal – there’s no one-size-fits-all cadence that’s perfect for everyone. It’s a bit like a fingerprint, unique to you and influenced by factors like your height, weight, fitness level, leg length, and stride length. All these pieces come together to create your own special running rhythm.

But here’s the exciting part – your cadence isn’t set in stone. You have the power to fine-tune it to unlock your full running potential. By bumping up your cadence, you can experience a boost in speed, efficiency, and even lower the risk of injuries.

The Relationship Between Cadence and Running Injuries

Running cadence holds the key to your risk of running-related injuries. It’s not just a number; it’s a powerful factor that affects how your body deals with the impact of every step you take. This, in turn, can either put you at risk for injuries or help prevent them.

Here’s how cadence plays its part in the distribution of stress on your body:

Low Cadence and Overstriding:

When your cadence is on the lower side, it often means you’re taking longer strides. Sounds good, right? Not so fast. Longer strides often result in your foot landing far ahead of your body’s center of gravity. This can send shockwaves of impact through your joints, especially your knees and hips, and that’s a recipe for a higher injury risk.

Common injuries that often tag along with low cadence and overstriding are shin splints and knee pain. The increased impact forces on your shin and knee with each stride can spell trouble.

Plus, overstriding might even push your knee too far forward, adding to the knee pain dilemma.

High Cadence:

On the flip side, increasing your cadence usually means shorter strides and encourages a midfoot or forefoot strike. This is where the magic happens. Shorter strides mean less impact force and less stress on your knees and hips. But here’s the catch – if you crank up your cadence to an extreme, it might shift the stress to other areas, like your calves and Achilles tendon.

Watch out for calf strains and Achilles tendon issues if you’re running with a very high cadence. The increased load on your calves and Achilles tendon, especially if you’re landing on the forefoot, can lead to overuse injuries. This is especially true if you suddenly increase your cadence without giving your body time to adapt.

Prevent Running Injury Via Cadence—The Research

Let’s dive into the exciting world of running injury prevention backed by solid research.

In one groundbreaking study published in the esteemed journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers decided to put cadence to the test. They gathered a group of young athletes and had them complete a treadmill run under lab setting conditions.

The athletes were given a simple task: run at their usual cadence, as well as faster and slower than their norm. Meanwhile, the researchers used three-dimensional kinematics to analyze the forces at play in their hips, knees, and ankles.

The results?

When the subjects increased their cadence by roughly 15 percent compared to their usual step frequency, the strain on their weight-bearing joints took a nosedive. Yes, you read that correctly – just by tweaking their cadence, they managed to significantly reduce the stress on their joints. This says a lot about preventing those all-too-common overuse running injuries that plague so many of us.

That’s not the whole story.

Another team of researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison set their sights on the relationship between cadence and its impact on our knee and hip joints. What they discovered was music to the ears of runners worldwide.

Their research showed that even subtle increases in running cadence could lead to a dramatic reduction in the shock and stress experienced by our knees and hips while running.

This newfound knowledge not only offers hope for treating running overuse injuries but also holds incredible potential for preventing them altogether. Just imagine – feeling lighter on your feet, with less strain on your precious joints.

Here are more links to further research.

Optimizing Cadence for Injury Prevention

When it comes to optimizing your cadence for injury prevention, a little patience can go a long way. Here are some smart strategies to keep in mind:

  • Gradual Increases: The name of the game here is gradual. You don’t want to make abrupt changes to your cadence – that’s a recipe for trouble. Instead, take it slow and steady.
  • Incremental Changes: Start by increasing your stride rate by a modest 5-10% over several weeks. This gradual approach allows your body to adapt without the shock of a sudden shift in cadence.
  • Monitoring Response: Pay close attention to how your body reacts to these cadence adjustments. If you start feeling discomfort or, heaven forbid, pain, it’s time to listen to your body. Don’t hesitate to slow down the adjustment process or even seek professional advice if needed.

Remember, optimizing your cadence is like fine-tuning a musical instrument. It might take a bit of time and patience, but the harmony it brings to your running can be well worth the effort.

How Extra Pounds Affect Your Running Pace

Ever found yourself mulling over how those sneaky extra pounds could be impacting your running times? Then you’ve come to the right place.

When it comes to running, the scale’s impact is as hotly debated as the quest for the perfect sneaker or the ultimate marathon challenge.

Here’s the deal: talking about shedding weight to boost your speed isn’t exactly my cup of tea. Ideally, reaching your prime race weight should just happen, right? Like a cool bonus from all your hard work training and smart eating, not something you gotta fixate on.

But, let’s be real—we’re all a bit nosy about the digits. Just how much does that extra pound drag you down when you’re pounding the pavement? No need to fret any longer.

Today’s article is all about cracking open the complex, sometimes puzzling connection between your weight and how fast you can run. I’m diving deep into what makes you run more efficiently and how to strike that perfect weight balance for top-notch performance.

Sounds like a good idea?

Then let’s get started.

Understanding Body Weight and Running Performance

I hate to state the obvious but weight matters. Think of it this way: it’s a bit like a car. The heavier the car, the more it’s going to impact how quickly it can speed up or how much gas it’ll guzzle. When it comes to running, your body weight has a similar effect on your performance.

I’ll never forget the day I realized how much weight affects running. It was during a local 5k race. I was heavier than my usual, and boy, did I feel it! Every step seemed harder, and my usual pace felt like a distant dream. That’s when I knew: weight isn’t just a number; it’s a crucial part of the running equation.

Let me dive deeper into the impact of body weight on your running times.

How Weight Changes Your Stride and Gait

Imagine you’re running with a heavy backpack. You’d naturally adjust how you move to handle that extra weight, right? That’s what happens with our stride and gait when we carry extra body weight. It can change how our feet strike the ground, affecting balance and efficiency. I noticed this myself when I was training with a weighted vest – it completely altered my usual stride.

The Impact on Your Joints

Carrying extra weight is like a car that’s loaded down with too much cargo; it puts a lot more stress on the suspension, or in our case, our joints. The knees, hips, and ankles feel the brunt of it. I’ve also experienced this first hand after gaining over 20 pounds last years. I started having serious Achilles and ankle pain, something she’d never dealt with before. The pain subsided the weeks after I lost the extra weight.

The Science Behind It:

If this still doesn’t make sense, let me simplify it more. When you run, your body generates force to propel you forward. More weight means your muscles have to work harder to produce this force, leading to quicker fatigue.

Efficiency in running is how well your body uses energy. Extra weight can reduce this efficiency since you need more energy to move. Elite runners often have this perfect balance of power-to-weight ratio, which lets them run faster and longer without using as much energy.

Research on Weight and Running Pace

Please don’t take my word for it. Studies show that for every extra pound, you expend more effort per mile. This means more energy is used, making you slower and reducing your endurance.

In a study, runners were found to gain an impressive 2 seconds per mile for every pound they shed. So, imagine the possibilities—a 16-pound weight loss could slash a whopping 30 seconds off your mile time. That’s a significant difference that can truly elevate your running game.

And guess what? This isn’t just a one-off study. In a classic experiment conducted in 1978, researchers explored how adding extra weight affected a 12-minute run performance. They discovered that for every additional pound added, the running pace slowed down by approximately 1.4 seconds per mile.

But here’s an interesting twist. Another study took the reverse approach and focused on lightening runners’ loads.

By reducing runners’ weight by 5 to 10 percent of their normal body weight using ropes and pulleys while they ran on a treadmill, researchers found that they became approximately 2.4 seconds faster per mile for every pound they shed. It’s like shedding those pounds gives you a boost of running superpowers.

Now, I know what you might be thinking—a few seconds per mile doesn’t sound like much. But let me put it into perspective for you. A 16-pound weight loss could translate to a jaw-dropping 20 to 30 seconds faster mile time. That’s a PR in the making.

Now, keep in mind that these studies were conducted in a controlled lab setting, so real-world conditions may have their variations.

Plus, losing weight isn’t always a straightforward process. You might inadvertently lose some muscle along with the fat, which isn’t ideal.

And if you’re training for a demanding race, you need to ensure you’re fueling your body adequately to avoid compromising your training and overall performance.

Calculating the Impact of Extra Weight on Running Speed

In the running world, we often use certain formulas and guidelines to gauge how those extra pounds might be affecting our pace.

Understanding these can really help when you’re setting goals or tweaking your training plan.

Let me share a few:

The “1% Rule”:

This one’s pretty straightforward. It says that for every 1% increase in your body weight, your running pace might slow down by about the same percentage.

So, let’s say you’re a runner who weighs 150 pounds. If you put on an extra 1.5 pounds (which is 1% of your body weight), you might find your pace slowing down by 1%. It’s a quick way to get a rough idea of how weight changes might affect your speed.

The “Two Seconds Per Pound Per Mile” Rule:

This rule is another popular one among runners. It suggests that for every pound you gain, you could see about a two-second increase in your mile time.

So, if you gain 3 pounds, you might expect to be about 6 seconds slower per mile. It’s like adding a small weight to a car and seeing the speedometer drop slightly.

Muscle Mass vs. Fat Mass

Now, while these rules offer a handy way to estimate the impact of weight gain, remember, it’s not all cut and dried .

For example, gaining muscle in those crucial running muscles may boost running performance, despite the uptick on the scale. Think about it like souping up a car – those muscles beef up your strength and power, which can really give you an edge, especially in sprints or powering up hills.

On the flip side, putting on fat mass is a whole different story. Unlike muscle, fat doesn’t help in producing force when you’re running. It’s more like dead weight, dragging down your energy efficiency. Every stride becomes a bit harder, like you’re running with a weight belt.

What’s more?

Your fitness level can play a big role here, too. Seasoned runners or those in top-notch shape might not feel the pinch of a few extra pounds as much. Their bodies have become super efficient at running, which can kind of balance out the effect of that weight gain.

Here’s what makes a good running pace.

Conclusion: Embracing Your Unique Running Path

In the end, it’s not a race to a specific weight. It’s about crafting a lifestyle that supports your running ambitions and overall well-being.

My journey in finding this balance has been as unique as my running style, and that’s something all runners can relate to.

Is Your Resting Heart Rate Too Low? Insights for Endurance Runners

Worried about whether your resting heart rate is too low? Well, you’re in the right place.

When it comes to measuring cardiovascular health and overall fitness, one metric stands out as simple yet highly revealing: Resting Heart Rate (RHR).

If you’re a runner, your RHR is like a window into the efficiency of your heart—a crucial factor in your athletic performance and overall well-being.

Typically, a lower RHR is a sign of a well-conditioned heart. For seasoned runners, it’s often a point of pride, reflecting their dedicated training and superb cardiovascular fitness.

But here’s the intriguing part: how low is too low? That’s the question we’ll explore in this article.

I’ll dive into what a healthy low heart rate looks like for runners, finding that sweet spot where a low RHR signals peak fitness without raising any health concerns.

Ready to uncover the secrets of a healthy low heart rate for runners? Let’s dive in.

Basics of Resting Heart Rate

Let me take you through the basics of RHR, as I came to understand them. Your RHR is basically how many times your heart beats per minute while you’re at rest. It’s a glimpse into how efficiently your heart works.

The lower your RHR, the less your heart needs to work to keep you going. Measuring it is simple: just count your pulse for 60 seconds first thing in the morning. It became a ritual for me, a moment of quiet connection with my body’s rhythms.

Here are the factors that influence RHR:

  • Fitness Levels: Regular aerobic exercises like running can lower your RHR. It’s a sign of a healthier, fitter heart.
  • Age: RHR typically increases slightly with age, a natural part of the aging process.
  • Medication: Some medications, particularly those for blood pressure and heart conditions, can affect RHR.
  • Health Conditions: Stress and anxiety can elevate RHR, while regular exercise can help lower it.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Smoking, caffeine, and poor sleep quality can raise RHR, while a balanced diet and good hydration support a healthier RHR

What’s Considered Normal?

For most folks, a normal resting heart rate (RHR) hovers between 60 to 100 beats per minute. But us runners? We often find ourselves chilling at the lower end of that range, thanks to all the miles we log.

When I noticed my RHR dipping into the 40-50 bpm zone, it was a real “heck yeah” moment. It felt like my body’s way of giving me a thumbs up, showing me it’s becoming more efficient with every run.

Here’s the truth. Running, along with other aerobic exercises, really fine-tunes your heart. It becomes a super-efficient machine, pumping more oxygen-rich blood to your muscles with each beat. And as you stick with running, your RHR starts to drop.

Don’t take my word for it. Research, including a hefty review from 2018 that looked at nearly 200 pieces of research, confirms this. It turns out, engaging in all kinds of sports, from endurance heavy-hitters like running and cycling to the more mellow vibes of yoga, helps lower your RHR.

Want more? Here’s the average HR during a marathon.

Understanding Why Runners Have Low Resting Heart Rates

There are several factors that influence your RHR. As a runner, I’ve noticed the direct impact of my training on my heart rate.

The more I run, the lower my RHR tends to be, showing me the tangible benefits of my efforts. Age, lifestyle choices, and even the medications you take can also play a role. This made me reflect on how interconnected our choices and our health really are.

Let’s break it down without the frills.

  • Age Impact: As we age, our heart rates typically rise slightly. However, regular runners tend to defy this trend, maintaining lower resting heart rates, no matter their age.
  • Fitness Matters: Our hearts are muscles, and like any muscle, they get stronger with exercise. Regular running makes our hearts more efficient, reducing the need to work hard at rest.
  • Physical Activity Contribution: Beyond running, other activities like yoga or staying active throughout the day also contribute to a healthier heart rate.
  • Weather Influence: Extreme temperatures, especially heat and humidity, can make our heart rates increase slightly as our bodies work to cool down.
  • Emotional Factors: Stress, anxiety, and excitement can elevate heart rates. However, regular runners often manage stress better, thanks to the mood-boosting effects of running.
  • Medication Effects: Certain medications can either slow down or speed up heart rates, adding a variable to consider.

Signs Your Resting Heart Rate Might Be Too Low

While a low Resting Heart Rate (RHR) can be a sign of good fitness, especially for us runners, there are times it might wave a red flag. Here’s what to keep an eye on:

  • Dizziness or Light-headedness: If you feel like you’ve just hopped off a carousel after standing up, it could mean your heart isn’t pumping blood around your body as efficiently as it should.
  • Unexplained Fatigue: Sure, we all relish that post-run tiredness, but if you’re constantly feeling drained despite getting enough rest, it’s something to consider more closely.
  • Shortness of Breath for No Good Reason: It’s one thing to be panting after a sprint, but if you’re struggling to catch your breath doing everyday stuff, that’s a red flag.
  • Fainting or Near-fainting: Definitely not normal. If it feels like your brain’s sending out an SOS for more blood, it’s time to listen.
  • Heart Palpitations: That odd fluttering or skipped beat in your chest? A very low RHR might be making your heart rhythms go out of sync.

Now, I’m not here to scare you away from your beloved runs. However, if you’re experiencing these signs regularly, it might be a good idea to chat with a healthcare pro. Your heart deserves all the love and attention.

Potential Causes of Extremely Low RHR

Curious about why your resting heart rate (RHR) is more of a slow burn than a rapid fire? There are several reasons your heart might be taking the scenic route. Let’s explore what could be behind the calm beats:

  • Bradycardia: This is when your heart plays it too cool, maintaining a chill beat often under 60 bpm. While it sounds laid-back, bradycardia can lead to circulation issues if it’s too laid-back about doing its job.
  • Athletic Heart Syndrome: Picture your heart as a gym enthusiast, all buff from regular, intense workouts. This condition, often found in endurance athletes, means a lower heart rate and a bulkier heart. It’s like your heart’s mantra is “never skip a cardio day.” Usually, it’s no biggie, but it’s something to keep on your radar.
  • The Meds Effect: Sometimes, the culprit is in your medicine cabinet. Drugs, particularly those for hypertension or heart conditions, can dial down your heart rate to a more mellow tempo.
  • Electrolyte Imbalance: If your body’s electrolytes are out of sync, your heart rhythm might get quirky. It’s akin to the DJ flipping the wrong switch and changing the beat. Look out for potassium and magnesium – they can be the sneaky ones at this party.
  • Hidden Heart Conditions: This is the plot twist nobody wants. Some heart issues, like heart block or sick sinus syndrome, can lower your heart rate without any heads-up. It’s as if your heart has decided to go incognito.

Can A Resting Heart Rate Be Too Low?

Can your resting heart rate (RHR) be too low, you wonder? Let’s dive into what a low RHR means for folks who live to hit the track.

Enter Athletic Heart Syndrome. Discovering that your heart’s become so efficient it barely breaks a sweat can feel like a double-edged sword. It’s a badge of fitness, sure, but it also raises the question: Can you be too fit?

But here’s the thing: for most part, this syndrome is as benign as it gets. It’s common among those who dedicate more than an hour daily for cardio training.

If you find your RHR lounging between 35 to 50 bpm, you might notice some arrhythmias popping up on an EKG. But don’t let that spook you. More often than not, this condition just hangs out and doesn’t cause any real drama.

So, why the low RHR? As I’ve explained earlier, running transforms your heart in the best ways. It grows stronger, its pumping capacity gets a boost, and it sends blood on its way more effectively.

But should you never worry about a low heart rate? Well, if it’s accompanied with fatigue, dizziness, or weakness, then it’s time to worry.

And if you’re dealing with chest discomfort, an irregular heartbeat, or fainting episodes, it’s probably time to consult a professional.

Other Conditions

While Athletic Heart Syndrome isn’t much to worry about, there are times when your heart might be sending you some signals that shouldn’t be ignored.

If you ever feel something’s off – say, a bit of chest discomfort or your heartbeat seems out of rhythm – that’s your body’s way of waving a flag for a health check. No need to panic, but it’s a good idea to consult with a professional.

While I’m not a doctor, here are a few conditions they might check for:

  1. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Imagine your heart’s muscle deciding to bulk up way too much. This excessive growth can lead to complications, and it’s definitely something to keep an eye on.
  2. Left Ventricular Noncompaction: This rare condition is like your heart’s left chamber missed the memo on efficient blood pumping from day one. It can struggle to keep pace, leading to potential problems.
  3. Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia: Here, part of your heart muscle decides to check out early, leading to a bit of chaos in the form of arrhythmias.

How To Determine your Ideal Resting Heart Rate

Figuring out your ideal resting heart rate (RHR) isn’t as tricky as it may seem, and it’s a key part of understanding your overall fitness.

This is how. Right after you wake up (and preferably while still in bed), find the pulse on your wrist by placing your index and middle fingers just below the base of your thumb.

Now, count how many beats you feel in 60 seconds. There you have it—your RHR!

When To Contact A Doctor

I’ve talked a lot about resting heart rates (RHR)—the good, the quirky, and everything in between. Now, let’s chat about when it’s time to get on the line with your doc.

If you’re an athlete with a low RHR, usually, it’s all good—it’s a sign your heart’s keeping up with your active vibe. But, if any of these red flags pop up, it’s time to make that call:

  1. Feeling Unusually Weak: If you’re feeling more like a deflated balloon than your energetic self, your body’s waving a flag.
  2. Dizziness: Feeling like you’re on a merry-go-round, especially when popping up from sitting or lying down? Your heart might be messing with you.
  3. Fainting or Near Misses: If the ground’s come up to meet you unexpectedly, it’s a heads-up that your brain’s craving more oxygen.

Sometimes, you just need a bit of reassurance that your heart’s just showing off its fitness level. Your doc can give you the all-clear, or the guidance you need.

For those already managing heart conditions or other health concerns, keeping those doctor appointments is key to making sure your RHR is in the sweet spot for you.

Back on Track: A Runner’s Guide to Conquering Injuries and Rediscovering Joy

Are you ready to rediscover the joy of running and leave the frustration of injuries behind? Welcome to your ultimate guide for getting back on track!

Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner sidelined by an unexpected injury or a casual jogger looking to enhance your running experience, this article is your beacon of hope. We’re diving deep into the world of running, tackling common setbacks head-on, and unveiling secrets to keep your motivation sky-high.

So, lace up your sneakers, prepare to break free from the chains of repetitive injuries, and embark on a journey that promises not only a triumphant return to the track but also a revitalized love for running.


Let’s get going.

Identify And Solve Your Running Problems

If an injury has previously thrown your training off track, it’s time to take a smart and proactive approach. We’re not looking for a repeat performance, right?

From the well-known runner’s knee to the pesky plantar fasciitis, or even that nagging ITBS (iliotibial band syndrome), it’s time to meet these challenges head-on. Think of your recovery period as a golden opportunity. It’s your chance to look closely at what went wrong and make the necessary adjustments to your training routine.

Remember this key piece of advice: Don’t cut corners with your physical therapy and rehab exercises. These are your power tools in building a stronger, more resilient body, ready to ward off future injuries. It’s a common slip-up among runners to overlook these crucial exercises or to increase their mileage too quickly, often leading them right back to where they started – sidelined with an injury.

But that won’t be your story.

This time, you’re going to approach your comeback with wisdom, care, and discipline. Adopt the mindset of a learner, both in mind and body. Listen closely to the subtle cues your body gives you. At the first sign of trouble, be ready to tweak your strategy. Your goal is to strike a perfect balance – challenging yourself while also prioritizing your health and safety.

Here’s how to motivated while running.

Find Inspiration

When your running motivation starts to flicker, it’s time to stoke the flames. I’ve found my best fuel in books, fitness magazines, and the endless universe of runners’ blogs.

Believe me, I’ve been there.

My own blog actually sprang from a need to keep my running spirit alive. Diving into the stories and advice of fellow running enthusiasts and fitness experts can be transformative. Their narratives are a rich tapestry of triumphs and setbacks, offering invaluable insights into the entire spectrum of the running experience.

These stories have taught me valuable lessons, sparing me from the pitfalls of trial and error. Their shared wisdom is like having a mentor at your fingertips, offering guidance and inspiration without the need for a physical presence.

But the journey doesn’t stop there. The internet is a treasure trove of motivational gold. I often find myself searching for success stories that mirror my running aspirations. These tales of achievement act as fuel for my own goals.

And let’s not forget the power of community. I’ve joined various forums and connected with runners who share my zeal. Engaging in discussions, sharing experiences, and offering advice – it creates a sense of belonging to a community that’s all about mutual encouragement and support.

Here’s a little trick that always works for me: running mantras and quotes. They’re like a surge of energy, a rush of adrenaline. I’ve collected phrases that resonate deeply with me, speaking directly to my runner’s soul.

I display these mantras where I see them daily – they’re my constant source of inspiration, reminding me of my goals and inner strength.

Here are a few:

  • “Strive for progress, not perfection.” -Unknown
  • “Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it.” – Oprah Winfrey”
  • “You want me to do something… tell me I can’t do it.” – Maya Angelou
  • “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” ― Haruki Murakami,
  • “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” -Wayne Gretzky
  • “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” – Marine Corps
  • “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” -Mahatma Gandhi

If these don’t do the trick for you, then you can always GOOGLE them.

Commit Publicly To Your Running Return

n today’s digital age, why not leverage the power of social media to turbocharge your running comeback? Picture this: you transform your personal running goals into a shared journey with the entire world cheering you on. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and blogs aren’t just for staying connected; they’re perfect for declaring your running ambitions loud and clear, setting the stage for an epic pursuit.

Imagine virtually surrounded by friends, family, colleagues, and even those distant Facebook buddies. With excitement buzzing, you boldly unveil your running goals for all to see. It’s not just a statement; it’s a commitment etched in the digital realm. Suddenly, there’s no turning back. Your goals, once tucked away in your mind, now shine in the spotlight, urging you to chase them with everything you’ve got.

But the magic doesn’t stop there. Dive into the lively world of online running communities. These forums are packed with folks just like you, each with their own dreams and aspirations. Engage, share, and connect; here, you’re not just a solo runner – you’re part of a dynamic, inspiring tribe.

Going public with your ambitions does something incredible. It builds a robust network of accountability around you. When your circle knows what you’re aiming for, backing out isn’t an option. You’ve created a safety net of support that lifts you up, especially during the tough times.

So, how do you kickstart this adventure?

  1. Commit to running three to four times a week for the next month.
  2. Schedule these runs, mark them in your calendar.
  3. Share your plan with your online community. Let them be part of your story.

Change up your Running Routine

To keep your running journey exciting, it’s essential to avoid falling into a monotonous routine. Here are some tips to spice things up:

  1. Change Your Running Routes: Explore new trails or urban paths to keep things fresh and exciting.
  2. Vary Your Training Sessions: Mix in different types of runs like intervals, tempo runs, and long runs to challenge your body and prevent plateauing.
  3. Update Your Music Playlist: Refresh your playlist with motivating tunes that match your running tempo to keep you pumped up and energized.
  4. Refresh Your Gear: Treat yourself to new running shoes or stylish activewear to boost your motivation and make you look forward to your runs.

Befriend Runners

Picture yourself on your regular running path, but this time, you’re accompanied by a running buddy. Their presence adds an extra layer of energy and motivation. You encourage each other, breaking through barriers together. It’s like having a personal motivator who understands the dedication running requires.

The concept of positive peer pressure plays a crucial role here. The commitment to meet someone for a run adds a layer of responsibility to your routine. Skipping a run becomes more difficult when you know someone is relying on you. This kind of peer pressure acts as a motivational force, ensuring you stick to your running schedule.

Beyond accountability, there’s a unique energy you tap into when running with others. The enthusiasm and commitment of fellow runners are contagious, uplifting your spirit and reigniting your passion for running.

Celebrate your Successes

Congratulations on making the decision to get back into running! That step alone is a significant achievement and should be celebrated. Remember, every little progress you make is an important step toward your goal.

As you begin your journey back to running, it’s essential to acknowledge and celebrate your milestones. These celebrations are not just rewards; they’re important motivators for your journey. Finished your first week of running again? Reward yourself!

There are countless ways to celebrate your achievements. Consider a relaxing spa day or a manicure to soothe your muscles. If you love movies, treat yourself to a night out watching the latest hit – like the new Avengers film, which is sure to entertain.

For those who enjoy spending time with friends, plan a fun activity like a football or baseball game. It’s a great way to enjoy your rest days while staying active and having fun with friends.

If shopping is your thing, why not celebrate by adding new items to your running gear? A fresh outfit or a pair of stylish running shoes can be a big motivational boost. It’s all about enjoying the journey and treating yourself to things that make you happy.

In case running is out of the question, then at least try to stay more active. Here’s how to walk 10K steps everyday.

The Benefits of Essential Oils for Runners: From Stress Relief to Muscle Recovery

Are you curious about how essential oils could up your running game? Well, you’re in the right place

You know, in the bustling world of wellness, essential oils not just about enchanting scents; these little wonders are celebrated for their power to enhance well-being.

But hold on, what’s their role in the fast-paced, adrenaline-filled life of a runner like you and me?

That’s exactly what I’m unpacking today. I’m going to take you through the fascinating ways essential oils can be a game-changer in your running routine.


Then let’s get going.

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are made by extracting the best bits from different parts of plants: the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, or roots. This process ensures that the oil is brimming with the plant’s natural fragrance and beneficial compounds.

“Essential” in essential oils refers to the essence of the plant’s character and aroma being encapsulated in the oil. It’s like each drop holds a bit of the plant’s own story.

High-quality essential oils are usually free from additives or diluents. This means what you get is the pure power of the plant, unwatered-down and potent.

The extraction process is designed to preserve the most therapeutic aspects of the plant. So, when you use an essential oil, you’re harnessing the maximum healing potential that the plant has to offer.

Benefits of Essential Oils for Runners

The world of essential oils is not just about pleasant aromas; it’s a treasure trove of potential fitness and health benefits.

Here’s a glimpse into how these fragrant oils can be game-changers:

Supercharging Your Lungs

A whiff of Neroli or Spearmint essential oil before a race could actually turbocharge your lungs. A study exploring this found that participants who inhaled these essential oils before a 1500m run not only improved their lung function but also slashed their run times. And among the two, Neroli took the lead in effectiveness.

Enhancing Athletic Performance

According to the British Journal, essential oils are like a secret weapon for athletes. They not only prepare your mind and body for peak performance but also help in quicker recovery post-exercise. Imagine giving your muscles a motivational speech and a relaxing massage, all through the power of scent.

Relieving Stress and Boosting Endurance

A study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition revealed some impressive stats. Participants who consumed a tiny amount of peppermint oil daily saw significant improvements in exercise performance and respiratory function.

Here’s the kicker: their overall exercise effort increased by 51%, and their endurance levels jumped by 25%. That means not only could they run faster, but they also kept going for much longer.

Relieving Asthma Symptoms

For those with asthma, running can be a challenge. But essential oils might offer some relief here too. Their natural properties can help open up airways, making breathing easier during physical exertion.

The Muscle Relaxer

Imagine finishing a grueling run and treating your sore muscles to the soothing touch of lavender oil. Mixed with a carrier oil, it can help ease muscle tension and promote relaxation.

The Cool Soother

Menthol in peppermint oil offers a cooling relief to muscles. It’s like a refreshing breeze for your aching limbs, and it may even boost circulation.

The Breath Enhancer

Breathing in eucalyptus oil can open your airways, making it easier to breathe during your runs. It’s like a breath of fresh air for your lungs!

Clearing Out The Passages

Known for its antimicrobial properties, tea tree oil helps keep your respiratory passages clear. Just a few drops in a diffuser or on a tissue, and you’re set for a comfortable run.

Combating Fatigue and Anxiety

The American Journal of Nursing Science highlighted the power of essential oils in warding off fatigue and anxiety. They’re like a natural energy drink for your soul, providing a boost when you need it most. Plus, they offer a glimmer of hope in fighting off the blues.

The Antimicrobial Guardian

Tea tree oil is like a shield for your skin. Its antimicrobial properties make it perfect for areas prone to chafing. Dilute it in a carrier oil and apply it to keep infections at bay and soothe any irritation.

The Skin Soother

Lavender oil is like a gentle, soothing caress for troubled skin. Whether it’s in a warm bath or mixed with a carrier oil, it can help ease the discomfort from chafing and blisters and promote skin healing.

The Cool Comforter

For that instant cooling relief on irritated skin, look no further than peppermint oil. When diluted and applied to chafed or blistered areas, it can be a real game-changer..

Potential Risks OF Essential Oils

While essential oils can be wonderful natural aids for various wellness practices, it’s important to recognize and understand their potential risks. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

Skin Sensitivity and Reactions

Essential oils are potent! Applying them directly without dilution can lead to skin irritation or allergic reactions. Always mix them with a carrier oil or lotion before skin application.

Risks of Ingestion

Not all essential oils are safe to eat or drink. In fact, some, like tea tree and eucalyptus oils, can be harmful if swallowed. Even those that are safe for consumption should be used with extreme caution and proper dilution.

Respiratory Concerns

Inhaling essential oils offers benefits, but overdoing it or inhaling undiluted oils can irritate your respiratory system. Be cautious, especially when using diffusers in enclosed spaces.

Potential Drug Interactions

If you’re on medication, some essential oils might not play well with your drugs. Always consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating essential oils into your routine, particularly if you have pre-existing health conditions or are on medication.

Not a Cure-All

While they have their perks, essential oils aren’t a panacea. They should complement, not replace, professional medical advice and treatments.

Evolving Scientific Evidence

The science behind the benefits of essential oils is still a work in progress. While there are promising studies, more research is needed to fully understand their effects and efficacy.

How Do you Use Essential Oils

Embarking on the journey of using essential oils is exciting, but it’s crucial to navigate it with knowledge and caution. Here’s a guide to help you use these aromatic treasures effectively and safely:

Aromatherapy: Inhaling the Goodness

Essential oils can have a profound impact on your limbic system, which influences your emotions, behaviors, and memories.

To enjoy aromatherapy benefits, you can use a diffuser to disperse the oil into the air, directly inhale from the bottle, or put a couple of drops on a handkerchief for occasional whiffs.

Consuming Essential Oils: A Word of Caution

Be very careful with ingestion. Not all essential oils are safe to eat or drink, and some can be harmful.

If you do use them in food or drinks, remember, less is more. A single drop in about 250 ml of liquid is usually sufficient.

Never ingest oils like tea tree and eucalyptus, and always consult a healthcare professional before consuming any essential oil.

Topical Application: Gentle on Your Skin

Dilution is the golden rule. Mix essential oils with a carrier oil or lotion before applying to your skin to avoid irritation.

Applied topically, essential oils can target specific areas for relief or contribute to overall well-being through skin absorption.

Natural First Aid

Essential oils can be a part of your natural first aid kit. For sore spots or minor injuries, a warm compress with a few drops of suitable essential oil can provide relief. Just be mindful of oils that might irritate the skin.

From Footwear to Fitness Trackers: The Complete Treadmill Gear Checklist

Serious about making the most out of your treadmill workouts? Then you shouldn’t dismiss the importance of proper gear.

Choosing the perfect gear for your treadmill sessions is more important than you might think.  It’s not just about looking the part; it’s about boosting your performance and ensuring you stay comfy while you break a sweat.

Training on the treadmill might seem straightforward, but trust me, having the right gear can make all the difference.

In today’s post, we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty of treadmill essentials. I’ll spill the beans on everything you need to gear up for an epic treadmill training session.


Let’s get going.

Proper Running Shoes

I cannot emphasize the importance of proper of running. Early on,  I thought the sneakers I had lying around would suffice. How wrong I was! Before I knew it, discomfort and a bit of pain crept in, making me realize just how crucial the right footwear is.

So, when you’re on the hunt for the perfect treadmill running shoes, here’s what you should keep an eye out for:

  • Cushioning: This is a game-changer. Make sure the shoes you choose have plenty of cushioning, especially around the midsole. It’s all about keeping your feet comfortable and safeguarding them from the jarring impact of each step.
  • Stability: Ever think about how your foot lands and pushes off? Well, shoes with solid arch support can make all the difference. They help keep your feet aligned and stable, making your runs smoother and more enjoyable.
  • Tread and Sole Flexibility: The treadmill belt and your shoe need to get along. Look for a tread that grips just right, not too much or too little. And flexibility? Absolutely. It should mimic the way your foot naturally moves, so you feel like you’re running on clouds.
  • Breathability: Treadmill runs can get pretty warm, especially indoors. Opt for shoes made from materials that let your feet breathe. Keeping them cool and dry means you can focus more on your run and less on the sweat.

The Right Attire

Getting your outfit right for treadmill training is as crucial as lacing up the perfect pair of running shoes. It’s not just about looking good (though that’s a nice bonus); it’s about feeling good throughout your run by managing heat and sweat like a pro.

Let’s break down how to pick the best gear for your indoor runs:

  • Go Light: Aim for lightweight, breathable fabrics. These are your best friends because they help air circulate, keeping you cooler as you heat up.
  • Fit Matters: You want your clothes to fit you like they were made for you. Not too tight, because hey, we all need to move freely. But not too loose either, to avoid any unwanted treadmill mishaps or chafing.
  • Stay Dry: Fabrics that wick away moisture are game changers. They pull sweat off your skin and send it to the outer layer of your clothes, where it can say goodbye through evaporation. This keeps you dry, cool, and comfortable.
  • Cotton? Maybe Not: While cotton feels great for a chill day, it’s not your ally on the treadmill. It loves holding onto moisture, which can lead to a less than comfortable workout.
  • Shorts: Opt for shorts that are light, offer great flexibility, and are made of—you guessed it—moisture-wicking fabric to keep you cool.
  • Tops: Whether you’re team tank top or team t-shirt, look for options that are sleeveless or have short sleeves, made from breathable, moisture-wicking materials.

For Women – Sports Bras:

Running is a high-impact activity. A well-fitted sports bra is crucial to protect breast tissue from discomfort and potential injury. It’s not just about support; it’s about safeguarding your body.

Sports bras come in light, medium, and high support levels. For treadmill pounding, you’ll likely need medium to high support. This choice depends on your breast size and what feels most comfortable and supportive to you.

Here’s what to look for:

  • Moisture-Wicking Fabric: Keeps you dry by drawing sweat away from your body, enhancing comfort.
  • Wide Shoulder Straps: These distribute weight more evenly, reducing pressure points and increasing comfort.
  • Snug, Yet Breathable Fit: It should be tight enough to minimize movement but not so tight that you can’t breathe comfortably. Remember, a good sports bra should complement your treadmill workout, not complicate it.

Essential Accessories for Your Treadmill Training

Getting into a treadmill groove isn’t just about cranking up the speed and pounding away. It’s also about decking yourself out with the right gear to boost your comfort, keep you motivated, and help you crush your fitness targets like a pro. Here’s a rundown of must-have accessories:


Say goodbye to pesky sweat droplets crashing your run party. Headbands or sweatbands keep the sweat from sabotaging your vision and hair from doing a funky dance on your face. Stay focused on your run, not on wiping your brow.

Armbands for Phones:

Keep your phone safe and accessible while you sweat it out. Armbands secure your phone, so you can easily switch tunes, track your progress, or even take a call mid-stride without missing a beat.

Water Bottle and Holder:

Stay hydrated without missing a step. Whether it’s a holder on your treadmill or a bottle you can grab on the go, having water close at hand is key for keeping your performance top-notch and dehydration at bay.

Heart Rate Monitors/Fitness Trackers:

Track more than just your steps. Monitor your heart rate, pace, and distance to fine-tune your workout intensity on the fly and keep your training on point.

Wireless Earbuds or Headphones:

Ditch the cords and dial up the motivation. Wireless earbuds or headphones keep your favorite tunes or podcasts right in your ears, no tangling required.

Anti-Chafing Balm:

Banish chafing discomfort with a swipe of anti-chafing balm. It forms a protective barrier, so you can focus on crushing your goals without the burn.

Non-Slip Mats:

Keep your treadmill—and yourself—grounded. Non-slip mats prevent slipping, reduce noise, and protect your floors from damage.

Emergency Stop Features:

Safety first! Make sure your treadmill has an emergency stop mechanism to prevent accidents and injuries.

Clear Space Around the Treadmill:

Room to breathe—and to step off safely. Keep the area around your treadmill clear to avoid obstacles and ensure a safe dismount if needed.

Cooling Fan:

Stay cool under pressure. A cooling fan regulates your body temperature, so you can keep your cool and push through even the toughest workouts.

By decking out your treadmill setup with these essentials, you’re not just setting the stage for a safer workout—you’re also creating a more enjoyable and effective training environment where every stride takes you closer to your fitness goals.

Here’s a guide in case you need to replace your treadmill belt.

Unlocking Your Running Potential: The Power of Core Strength

Ever wondered if your core muscles have a secret life beyond those occasional planks and crunches? Well, if you’re a runner, you’re in for a surprise. Your core muscles are key for your running game, and it’s time they get the recognition they deserve.

In today’s post, we’re going to uncover why your core is your best running buddy. We’ll dig into the nitty-gritty of core anatomy, explore its role in boosting your performance, highlight the pitfalls of a weak core, and arm you with tips to keep your core game strong.

Sounds like a great idea?

Then let’s get started.

Anatomy of the Core Muscles

Let’s take a closer look at the anatomy of your core muscles – the key players that keep you upright and balanced while you conquer those miles.

  • Rectus Abdominis: You might know these as the “six-pack” muscles. They run down the front of your abdomen and are responsible for flexing your lumbar spine – think crunches. When you’re running, they play a crucial role in keeping you upright and stable.
  • Obliques: Found on the sides of your abdomen, obliques come in both internal and external varieties. They’re all about those rotational movements and side-bending of your spine. When you’re navigating turns or uneven terrain during a run, your obliques are hard at work, ensuring your pelvis and spine stay steady.
  • Lower Back Muscles: These include the erector spinae and multifidus, and they’re all about extending and stabilizing your spine. They’re your body’s shock absorbers, distributing those impact forces that travel up your spine as you run.
  • Transverse Abdominis: The deepest layer of abdominal muscles, these guys wrap horizontally around your torso like a corset. They provide stability to your pelvis and spine by increasing intra-abdominal pressure.

Role of Core Muscles in Running

Now, let’s get into why these core muscles are so important for runners.

Think of your core muscles as a team of essential players, each with a specific role in ensuring your running performance is top-notch.

From the abdominal muscles to the pelvic floor, they work together to support your every stride.

But this isn’t just about looks; it’s about optimizing your running efficiency and minimizing the risk of injuries. Scientific studies published in reputable journals, like Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, have highlighted the significance of core strength for runners.

Let’s break down their contributions even further:

  • Energy Transfer: Your core muscles act as a central hub for transferring energy between your upper and lower body. A strong core ensures efficient energy transfer, helping you conserve energy and run more effectively.
  • Limb Movement: Core stability is essential for controlling your leg and arm movements, ensuring smooth and coordinated strides, which is crucial for maintaining your rhythm and pace.
  • Posture: A strong core helps you maintain an upright posture while running, allowing for optimal lung capacity and reducing strain on your neck and shoulders.
  • Efficiency: Core stability minimizes unnecessary side-to-side movements, leading to a more efficient running motion. Efficiency is particularly important during long-distance runs when conserving energy is key.
  • Pelvic Stability: Core muscles play a significant role in stabilizing the pelvis during foot impact, which is vital for aligning the lower extremities and preventing injuries like IT band syndrome or runner’s knee.
  • Spinal Alignment and Shock Absorption: Running involves repetitive impact, and a strong core helps maintain spinal alignment and absorbs some of the shock, reducing the risk of lower back pain.

I remember a time when I underestimated the importance of core strength. During a particularly grueling trail race, my lower back started to ache very badly. This also took a toll on my running form as I started flailing around. Please don’t my mistake. Never underestimate the important of a strong core for a successful and pain-free running experience.

Here’s how to refine your abs by running.

Downside of Weakness Of The Core In Runners

Here’s the truth. Without a strong core, your running journey could be fraught with challenges and setbacks.

And please don’t take my word for it.

Research published in renowned journals like the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy has highlighted the critical role of core strength in running performance and injury prevention. These studies have shown that runners with weak cores experience compromised stability, reduced efficiency, and an increased likelihood of injuries, such as lower back pain, hip issues, and even strains in other muscle groups.

Imagine running with a weak core as trying to navigate treacherous terrain without a reliable compass. Your body lacks the stability and control needed to maintain optimal form and transfer energy efficiently.

Common Core Weaknesses in Runners

If you’re a runner, then you likely suffering from specific core weaknesses that affect your form and injury risk. Here are the most common ones.

  • Weak Lower Back: Many runners have underdeveloped lower back muscles, leading to poor posture.
  • Imbalanced Abdominals: Strong obliques but weak rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis can affect stability.
  • Weak Hip Flexors: Hip flexor weakness can impact stride length and efficiency.
  • Glute Strength: Weak glutes can contribute to core instability, affecting pelvis stability.

Tips to Keep Your Core Game Strong

Now that you’re convinced of the core’s significance, it’s time to strengthen these vital players. Here are a few exercises that have worked wonders for me:

  • Planks: Holding a straight body position on your forearms or hands engages multiple core muscles simultaneously, building endurance and stability. I make it a point to include planks in my routine regularly.
  • Russian Twists: This exercise adds a twist (pun intended) to your core training, working your obliques and promoting rotational strength. It’s a great way to prepare your core for those unexpected twists and turns on the running trail.
  • Crunches: The classic core exercise targets your rectus abdominis and brings the burn to your midsection. It’s an excellent choice for building that coveted “six-pack.”
  • Kettlebell Swings: For those looking to add some firepower to their core routine, kettlebell swings offer a dynamic and explosive movement that activates your core muscles while also incorporating full-body engagement.
  • Pilates: If you’re seeking a holistic approach to core strength, Pilates can be a game-changer. Its focus on controlled movements and core activation aligns perfectly with the needs of a runner.


Your core muscles are the unsung heroes of your running journey. They provide stability, enhance efficiency, and protect you from injuries. Neglecting them can lead to compromised performance and discomfort.

So, the next time you lace up your running shoes, remember that your core is your secret weapon for success on the trails. Incorporate core-strengthening exercises into your routine, and you’ll experience the difference in your running form and endurance. Here’s to strong cores and powerful runs!

Run Stronger: Mastering Flexor Hallucis Brevis Exercises for Optimal Foot Health

Curious about the role that your flexor hallucis brevis play during running? Then you’ve come to the right place.

While logging the miles, your feet are not just hitting the ground; they also absorb shocks, stabilize your gait, and propel you forward.

Within this footwork, there lies a hidden gem– the flexor hallucis brevis.

Now, it’s not a muscle that grabs headlines, but for us runners, it’s a crucial one.

In today’s post, I’m diving deep into the ins and outs of flexor hallucis brevis. I’m going to walk you through everything from its anatomy and functions to why keeping it strong matters, and how to do just that.

Sounds like a good idea?

Let’s get to it.

Anatomy of the Flexor Hallucis Brevis

The flexor hallucis brevis is a tiny but mighty muscle that plays a crucial role in foot stability and propelling you forward during your runs. Essential for every runner.

Hidden away in the sole of your foot, the FHB lies beneath the arch.

The FHB is unique in its formation. It’s like a Y-shaped mechanism with its base nestled in your foot and the two branches reaching out to the base of your big toe. This bifurcation makes it especially effective in its function.

Primarily, this muscle is all about flexing the big toe. It works like a mini pulley system, helping to curl your toe downwards. This movement is crucial for balance and stability, whether you’re standing still, walking, or in full stride during a run.

Here’s the exact breakdown of the functions of this muscle during running:

  • Toe-Off Power: The FHB flexes the big toe at the MTP joint, providing that essential push that propels you forward. Imagine a spring coiled under your foot, ready to release energy with each step.
  • Arch Support: Beyond toe flexion, the FHB plays a key role in supporting the medial longitudinal arch of your foot. This ensures even weight distribution and effective shock absorption – a crucial aspect for any runner hitting the pavement.

Downside of Weakness

Last summer, while training for a half marathon, I learned the hard way what happens when the FHB isn’t given its due respect.

A weak FHB can lead to overpronation, shin splints, and even knee pain. Think of it like a domino effect – when one piece falls, the rest follow.

Here’s a rundown of symptoms that could point to issues with your flexor hallucis brevis (FHB) muscle:

  • Pain in the Big Toe: A clear indicator of potential FHB issues is pain around the big toe. If toe flexion, like when pushing off the ground during a run, triggers discomfort, pay attention.
  • Stiffness or Restricted Movement: Experiencing stiffness or a limited range of motion in your big toe? It’s a sign that something might be off with your FHB. It may feel like your toe isn’t as nimble or cooperative as it should be.
  • Toe Weakness: A decrease in toe strength, especially noticeable during curling or flexing motions, is a red flag. This might show up as a lack of push-off power or control during running.
  • Swelling or Tenderness: Swelling, tenderness, or inflammation around the big toe or the ball of your foot can also indicate issues with the FHB.

The FHB’s Link to Other Foot Issues

Here two conditions often linked to FHB dysfunction:

  • Plantar Fasciitis: A weak or dysfunctional FHB can strain the plantar fascia, the thick tissue band at the bottom of your foot. This added stress can lead to plantar fasciitis, characterized by sharp pain in the heel or arch area.
  • Metatarsalgia: This condition involves pain in the ball of your foot. Since the FHB supports the foot’s arch and helps distribute weight, any weakness in this muscle can result in excessive pressure on the metatarsals, causing discomfort or pain.

Knowing When to Get Medical Help for Foot Issues

As a runner, it’s key to recognize when foot discomfort or pain is more than just a minor nuisance. If you experience any of the following symptoms, seek medical help.

  1. Persistent Pain: If you’re suffering from pain that doesn’t ease up with rest, ice, or over-the-counter pain relievers, don’t ignore it. Persistent pain is a clear signal that something might be amiss.
  2. Impact on Daily Activities: When your foot pain starts to interfere with your day-to-day life or disrupts your running routine, it’s time to get it checked.
  3. Visible Changes or Severe Swelling: Notice any distinct changes in the appearance of your foot, like deformities, or if you’re experiencing severe swelling, book a doctor visit. Visible physical changes can indicate serious issues.
  4. Lack of Improvement with Home Remedies: Tried the RICE method and other home treatments without any relief? A sports medicine professional or a podiatrist can provide a more specialized treatment plan.

Strengthening Exercises for Flexor Hallucis Brevis

I hate to sound cliché but tuning up your flexor hallucis brevis (FHB) is like giving your running performance a serious boost.

Here are some targeted exercises that specifically strengthen this vital muscle:

  • Toe gripping: Take off your shoes and socks and spread out a towel or some objects on the floor. Use your toes to grip and pick up these items, exercising the muscles responsible for toe flexion and grip strength.
  • Resistance band exercises: Wrap a resistance band around your toes and gently pull against it, creating resistance as you flex and extend your hallux. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles that control the movement of your big toe, giving it the power it needs to handle the impact of your every step.
  • Toe walks: Challenge your hallux by walking on your tiptoes, focusing on lifting and pushing off from your big toe with each step. This exercise not only strengthens the muscles of the foot but also encourages proper toe-off mechanics, enhancing your running and walking performance.
  • Marble Pickups: Place a few marbles on the floor. Using only your toes, pick them up one by one and place them into a bowl. This not only strengthens the flexor hallucis brevis but also improves dexterity.
  • Towel Scrunches: Lay a small towel flat on the floor and place your foot on one end. Use your toes to scrunch the towel towards you, then straighten it out again.

Flexibility and Mobility Work

For runners, the flexibility and mobility of toes and feet aren’t just beneficial—they’re essential. These qualities ensure a smoother, more efficient, and injury-free running experience.

Another you can do to improve the function of your FHB is to work on its flexibility and mobility. This, in turn, should help you keep your training smoother, more efficient, and more comfortable.

Not convinced? Let me share with you two reasons why flexibility matters:

  • Adaptability to Terrain: Flexible and mobile feet adjust better to varying terrains and running styles, making you a more versatile runner.
  • Injury Prevention: A study in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy found that limited ankle dorsiflexion, which relates to foot flexibility, increases the risk of lower limb injuries.

Sold out? Great. Now let’s a look at a few effective stretching exercises:

  • Big Toe Stretch: Targeting the flexor hallucis brevis and the plantar fascia, this stretch is simple yet effective. Sit with your legs extended and use a towel or band to gently pull your big toe towards you. According to research in the journal Physical Therapy in Sport, stretching exercises like these can significantly improve flexibility.
  • Toe Extensions: While seated, place your feet flat on the floor. Lift and extend your toes, holding for a few seconds before releasing. This exercise not only enhances toe mobility but also strengthens the muscles in your feet, as supported by findings in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Research.
  • Foot Massage with Ball or Roller: Regular self-massage using a ball or roller can maintain flexibility and ease muscle tightness. A study published in the Journal of Sports Rehabilitation highlights the benefits of massage in improving flexibility and reducing muscle stiffness.

The Conclusion:

So, there you have it—the story of the unsung hero, the flexor hallucis brevis, and its vital role in your running journey. Don’t underestimate the power of this tiny muscle.

By giving it the attention it deserves through strengthening exercises and flexibility work, you’ll enhance your running performance and reduce the risk of injuries.

So, lace up those shoes, hit the pavement, and let your FHB shine in every stride.

Happy running!

Run Smarter, Not Harder: Top Tips for a More Comfortable Running Experience

Ready to make your running experience less challenging and more enjoyable?

You’re in the right place!

While running is a fantastic way to stay fit and have fun, it’s not uncommon to encounter aches and pains, particularly as you increase your mileage.

The impact of running can lead to discomfort in your ankles, knees, hips, and lower back, making even the most dedicated runners hesitate to lace up their shoes.

The good news is that there are several steps you can take to alleviate these issues and enhance your overall running experience.

By avoiding common training mistakes, refining your running technique, and addressing any imbalances or weaknesses, you can find relief and make running a more enjoyable endeavor.

Here are some strategies to help you make running less challenging and more fun:

Invest in the Right Warm-up

Making your running experience less challenging can be as simple as incorporating a proper warm-up routine before your runs. A well-executed warm-up serves as a signal to your body that it’s time for some intense exercise.

It accomplishes several key goals, such as elevating your heart rate, increasing core body temperature, and loosening up your muscles. Not only does this make those initial miles feel more manageable, but it also helps reduce the risk of injury.

To get the most out of your warm-up, begin each run with a 5-minute light jog. Follow this with dynamic exercises like squats, high knees, exaggerated marches, inchworms, and lunges for another 5 minutes.

This combination of jogging and dynamic movements prepares your body for the upcoming run and sets a positive tone for your workout.

Take A lot of Brisk Walking Breaks

When you’re just starting your running journey, it’s crucial to set realistic expectations. Don’t aim to compete with experienced runners right from the beginning; it’s a recipe for disappointment and potential injury.

If you’re new to running, attempting to cover long distances right away is unlikely to end well.

Instead, opt for a smarter approach by adding walking breaks into your runs. Begin with a pattern of two to three minutes of jogging followed by three minutes of walking.

Stick to a comfortable pace that doesn’t leave you gasping for breath. Remember, the goal is to build a solid foundation, not to push yourself to the brink of exhaustion.

Even if you end up walking for the entire workout, you’re still making progress. You’re burning calories, building your fitness base, and, most importantly, forming the habit of exercise.

As your fitness improves, gradually increase the duration of your running intervals while reducing the time you spend walking. With time and persistence, you’ll find yourself running for 30 to 45 minutes without the need for frequent breaks.

It’s all about gradual progress and building your running capacity at a pace that suits you. The details will fall into place over time.

Here’s what makes a good running pace.

Stop the Chafing

Chafing is a common issue for many runners, causing discomfort and irritation, especially in areas like the thighs and nipples. The culprit here is friction – when your skin repeatedly rubs against itself or your clothing during a sweaty workout.

The good news is that preventing chafing doesn’t require a degree in rocket science. You can invest in products like Body Glide, which creates a protective barrier on your skin to reduce the friction that leads to chafing.

Apply this product generously to areas prone to chafing, such as the inner thighs, nipples, armpits, and anywhere else you’ve experienced discomfort during your runs.

Another smart strategy is to wear leggings or compression gear. These snug-fitting garments minimize skin-to-skin or skin-to-clothing contact, effectively preventing chafing.

Get The Right Socks

Blisters can be a runner’s worst nightmare, capable of stopping your training in its tracks, no matter how determined you are to keep going. Blisters typically form due to friction, often caused by your shoes and socks rubbing against your feet and toes.

Multiple factors can contribute to the development of blisters, including wearing improper shoes, having foot abnormalities, or running downhill. Moisture and heat can exacerbate the problem.

To prevent blisters, it’s crucial to choose the right socks. Opt for synthetic, non-cotton socks, such as wicking poly-blend socks. These types of socks help manage moisture and reduce the friction that leads to blisters.

Additionally, consider using products like Body Glide between your toes or in blister-prone areas to further reduce friction and discomfort. Another wise choice is to invest in compression running socks, which can provide added support and protection to your feet during long runs.

Get The Right Shoes

Are you experiencing discomfort while running? If so, it might be because you’re wearing the wrong shoes. The correct running shoes can make your runs significantly more comfortable and reduce the risk of injuries. They can also make your training more enjoyable.

To find the right pair of running shoes, it’s essential to visit a running specialty store. The staff at these stores are trained to assess your running style and biomechanics. They can help you choose a pair of shoes that are perfectly suited to your unique needs and preferences.

With the proper footwear, you’ll experience greater comfort and support during your runs, allowing you to focus on your goals without worrying about discomfort or injury.

Keep Track of your Shoe Mileage

Wearing the right running shoes is crucial, but it’s equally important to know when to replace them. Even the best shoes have a limited lifespan, especially when used regularly.

The mileage at which you should replace your running shoes can vary based on factors like your weight, training frequency, and the type of terrain you run on. However, as a general guideline, consider getting new shoes after you’ve covered approximately 400 to 500 miles in them.

To keep track of your shoe mileage, you can use a training journal or take advantage of apps like MapMyRun, which allow you to monitor the distance you’ve covered with a specific pair after each run. This practice ensures that you always have supportive, comfortable shoes that make your runs less difficult and more enjoyable.

You should try this beginner running plan.

Listen & Adjust

Don’t underestimate the importance of rest and recovery. Running continuously without adequate rest can lead to burnout and injuries. Embrace recovery days, especially during intense training periods or when you’re not getting enough sleep.

Here are a few tips to help improve your recovery game:

  • Quality Over Quantity: Focus on the quality of your training rather than the quantity. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to overuse injuries. Pay attention to how your body responds and adapt your training accordingly.
  • Prioritize Sleep: Sleep is essential for recovery. It’s during sleep that your body repairs tissues builds muscles, and adapts to the demands of running. Ensure you’re getting enough quality sleep to support your running routine.
  • Spacing Workouts: Plan your workouts throughout the week with adequate rest days in between. This spacing allows your body to recover and reduces the overall difficulty of your runs.
  • Recovery Practices: Incorporate recovery practices like restorative yoga, foam rolling, and regular sports massages into your routine. These can help speed up the recovery process and keep your body in top condition.

From Warm-Up to Cool Down: A 50-Minute Pyramid Treadmill Workout

Have you explored the world of pyramid workouts yet? Think of it as building your fitness empire, one layer at a time, with each level bringing you closer to the peak of your physical abilities. Pyramid workouts are your fitness journey, guiding you toward improved cardiovascular health and stamina.

I vividly remember my first pyramid workout on a treadmill. It felt like embarking on an exciting expedition, with each increase in speed or incline pushing me further into the depths of my endurance. And the results? Absolutely exhilarating.

So, what’s the buzz about pyramid workouts? Research indicates that interval training, the core of pyramid workouts, significantly enhances cardiovascular health and improves both aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

In this blog post, I’m thrilled to guide you through an invigorating treadmill routine designed for runners at any level. Whether you’re a novice lacing up your sneakers or a seasoned marathoner, this pyramid workout is your ticket to elevating your running game.


Let’s get ready

The 50-minute Workout Routine

Let’s dive into this workout, starting with a vital warm-up. Think of this as the appetizer before the main course of your treadmill session.

Begin with a 10-minute jog on the treadmill. Aim for a comfortable speed of 4 to 5 mph. At this stage, don’t focus on incline; just concentrate on getting your muscles warm and prepared. I also recommend the Myrtle Routine for warm-up.

Three minutes: 1st interval

Now, it’s time to ramp up the intensity. Increase your treadmill’s speed to a brisk 6.0 mph. Hold this pace for three minutes. Remember, form is key here. Keep your torso upright and your body relaxed from head to toe.

Four minutes: 2nd interval

Ready to push a little harder? Boost your speed to 7 mph and add a new element by setting the incline to three percent. This combination will challenge you for the next four minutes, adding a new layer of intensity to your workout…

Two minutes: Recovery

Now, let’s dial it back a bit. Reduce your pace and enter a two-minute recovery phase. This is your time to breathe easier, hydrate, and mentally prepare for what’s coming next. Use this period to relax and release any built-up tension, setting yourself up for the next interval.

Four minutes: 3rd Interval

It’s time to get back into action. Set your treadmill speed to 7 mph again, and adjust the incline to three percent. You’re going to maintain this steady pace and incline for the next four minutes, pushing through with focus and determination.

Five minutes: 4th Interval

Ready for a bigger challenge? Increase your treadmill speed to 8 mph and raise the incline to five percent. This interval is going to be an exhilarating five-minute journey, taking your workout to new heights of intensity.

Two Minutes: Recovery 

Time to take it down a notch. Slow your pace to a comfortable 4 mph while keeping a mild two percent incline. This keeps your heart rate up, but also allows you some recovery time.

During this brief two-minute pause, focus on regaining your composure. This is the perfect moment to hydrate and breathe deeply. You’ve worked hard, so use this time to prepare mentally and physically for the next segment.

Five minutes: 5th Interval

Pick up the pace once more. Set your speed to a range of 7 to 7.5 mph with a five percent incline. Keep up this robust pace for a solid five minutes, challenging both your stamina and strength..

Four minutes: 6th Interval

You’re maintaining your speed here, but we’re adjusting the incline back to a more manageable three percent. Continue this steady pace for the next four minutes. This interval is about maintaining consistency and building endurance.

Two minutes: Recovery

Again, it’s time to ease off and slow down to 4 mph. Use this two-minute recovery period to regroup and recharge, preparing yourself for the final part of the workout. This is your chance to catch your breath and gear up for the last push..

Four minutes: 7th Interval 

Now’s the time to really amp it up! Accelerate to a lively 8 mph and match it with a three percent incline. This interval is all about testing your boundaries and pushing through. Maintain your concentration and energy – you’re close to finishing strong!

Three minutes: 8th Interval

Keep the speed locked in at that brisk 8 mph. The twist this time is increasing the incline to a robust five percent. This is your final intense interval, and it’s the culmination of all your effort. Dig deep and power through – you’re almost there!

Five minutes: The cool-down 

Finally, transition into your cool-down phase. Reduce your pace to a comfortable 4 mph and flatten the incline. This five-minute period is essential for your body to cool down and for your heart rate to gradually decrease. It’s also a moment for you to reflect on your achievement and relax. Enjoy this gentle jog as a well-deserved wind-down from an intense workout!